|Chapter 2|

Sam scrolled through the latest news, looking for any new jobs. Nothing interesting or strange seemed to show, but he continued on. Dean quietly walked past him and headed to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and some food. It was early in the morning, and Dean usually wasn't awake at this time.

Dean came back and sat across from Sam, and started eating, not really talking to much until he got some food inside him.

"Uh, Good Morning" Sam mumbled, clearly distracted from what was on his laptop. Dean mumbled a quick morning and continued eating in silence. Most mornings now consisted of this, as they had nothing too stressful to worry about, especially after the whole Demon Dean thing.

Sam kept reading through everything till something caught his eye. It looked like a fairly basic haunting in the middle of L.A. there were some obvious signs that could easily misinterpreted by the public, so Sam decided it'd have to do for now, since there was nothing much else to do. Anyway Dean was always talking about how he wanted to go somewhere like L.A.

"Hey, I think I've found us a job" Sam began "A woman was killed in her apartment with no signs of an attacker, I mean sounds like a spirit right?"

"Yeah I guess...Where is it at?"

"Well I'm feeling nice today and since this sounds like a fairly basic hunt, we could have like a mini vacation" Sam smirked up at Dean, knowing he'd agree to it easily, "It's At L.A." Dean instantly got more interested in it, as this could mean they could go have some fun for a change, instead of moping about inside the bunker.

"Well Sammy, you know my answer" Dean smirked, he got up and started for his room to go clean up and get ready to go.

When they arrived in L.A. Dean tried persuading Sam to stay near the center of the city, where all of the clubs and such were, but it turned out it wasn't very close to where the crime scene was, so they ended up in some run down motel. It wasn't too bad at least, they'd had worse, as in they at least have two, hopefully clean, beds. They didn't really waste much time in the room, and instead quickly got changed into their suits, and head out to the crime scene, fake badges in there pockets.

Dean stepped out of the impala and look at the surroundings. Police were still around, trying to keep the civilians away from the crime scene. A fire escape lead to the floor, where the murder clearly happened. So it might possibly have been a someone, not a something. Sam nudged Dean a bit and pointed across the road. There was a church.

"Your favorite place Dean" Sam joked. Dean just looked at him and walked through the door, without much question from the police outside. They both looked like they belonged there. With a small talk with the officers near the front door to the apartment, and a quick show of their badges, they were allowed inside. They quickly examined the room.

There were no signs of forced entry, and nothing seemed to be stolen or out of place. The victim was sitting on an old armchair, with a clean cut going nearly halfway through her neck. They both grimaced slightly when they saw that, even after all these years of doing this job, some things were still horrible to witness, but not nearly as unbearable as certain other things.

Sam lifted the woman's arm up and examined her wrist's, they had clear bruises showing that she'd been tied down by rope. Same on her ankles. He quietly told this to Dean as well. They were cut short halfway through there discussion, by a woman.

"Hi" She smiled "And who might you two be?"

Sam turned around first and smiled back, trying to stay friendly with them.

"We're from the FBI, here to investigate the murder" He replied, now a lot more serious, "The names Jimmy Page and this is my partner James Hetfield" They both showed the officer there badges and put them back inside their coat pockets. Dean notice a small sign of recognition in the other man, now standing behind the woman, he kept quiet though so Dean thought nothing of it.

"Yes, well my names, Chloe Decker, and this is my..." Chloe paused for a bit, clearly trying to look for the right word "Partner, Lucifer Morningstar" Dean stole a quick glance at Sam, then straight at Lucifer. They both knew there had to be no connection, to the name, but were still slightly shocked at his name. Sam also recognized the surname, it had been mentioned many times through out the bible.

"We no need to stare" Lucifer smiled, almost innocently, until "Take a picture if you must, it'll last longer" Dean looked away first, Sam shortly after, not really knowing what else to say.

"Come on we should probably leave" Dean mutter to Sam. Sam easily agreed with this.

"Right well, we'll be going now, we've got everything we need" Sam spoke, as they both started walking for the door, not really leaving them with a chance to say much else. They could both here the two officer's talking as they were walking. But decided not to listen as it couldn't be to important to what they needed to do.

They both stepped into the impala and closed there doors, sitting there for a bit silently.

"Well that was weird" Dean began.

"Yeah..." Sam answered. That was both a bit awkward and strange at the same time for them both.

They still had a job to do though, so they got back to the apartment to start researching the building and any bad history on the place.

A/N: Another Chapter Yay