By: AndiKaneUnderwood
Of few things was Milo Murphy certain.
1.) Anything that could go wrong would go wrong. At least around him it would.
2.) Melissa and Zach would always be there for him no matter how bad Murphy's Law got and they would always bandage him up afterwards (if his injuries didn't require the hospital).
3.) Migraines sucked.
As he lay in bed with his head killing him and body aching with his eyes watering because of pain, ears ringing with the white noise he heard, and his thought drifting towards the sweet relief of sleep, he felt grateful that his mother had the foresight to put the waste basket next to his bed (on the pulley system for quicker access), and leave the lights out with the heavy duty, fireproof/blackout curtains drawn over his window.
Diogee, laying at his knees loyally, not even getting up to eat (using the bathroom wasn't a problem because of this), and the cool compress on his forehead helped him feel twenty times better, but he wished he could've gone to school today.
Seeing Zach and Melissa would make him feel a million times better.
Hickory brown eyes slid clothes as sleep dragged his hands down his mind.
His last conscious thought was of his hope for his two best friends to drop by after school. Or at least a phone call.
"Hey, Melissa." Zach greeted the ginger teen as he entered the classroom.
"Hey, Zach. No Milo today?" Melissa asked, noticing the lack of peppy brunette chattering away behind the African-American boy.
"I waited until the bus nearly drove away, but no. He didn't show. Any messages? Did he get hurt?" Zach returned, setting his backpack down in Milo's seat.
"Nope, nothing all morning. Maybe he's sick." The ginger thought about that, touching the tip of her pointer finger to the desk repeatedly.
"Does that ever happen? I mean, sick and Milo Murphy have never gone together." Zach replied.
"Oh, yeah, it's happened before. Murphy's Law usually gives him a break too; it's another one of the mysteries of the law. Like the way it seems to reflect his moods." Melissa smiled brightly. "We'll go check on him after school."
Zach nodded, "Sounds like a plan."
Milo didn't know how long it was before he was once again awoken.
This time, however, it was not by Diogee getting up and shifting positions or his mother's rustling clothing as she closed the door after checking up on him.
This time, it was his father, replacing the heated compress on his forehead with a cold one, as well as placing another one on the back of his neck.
"Dad?" He murmured, and then whimpered because a) the compress was doing wonders to sooth the pain in his body, and b) talking really hurt.
"Hey, Kiddo." Martin Murphy whispered back, voice as low as he could possible get it.
Milo smiled; eyes slipping back closed as his father took the heated cloths and left the darkened room. He already felt better.
Melissa knocked on the door, knowing it wouldn't break or come off the hinges. Not while Milo was sick.
Milo's mother answered it, looking relieved. "Hello, Melissa, Zach. Thank goodness, I was beginning to wonder. He's in his room, but please be quiet. He's got a migraine." She waved them in. "Martin was just in there, he's asleep."
"Where is Mr. Murphy?" Zach whispered to Melissa as they went down the hall to Milo's room.
"Whenever Milo's sick, Mr. Murphy camps out in the tree house. Murphy's Law may give Milo a break, but it's still full force for Mr. Murphy." Melissa replied, voice low.
"Oh." Zach said, coming to a stop in from of Milo's bedroom door.
"Okay. It's important for you to remember that Milo is not a normal kid, and neither are his migraines. He absolutely cannot have any lights on, that makes him throw up, making the migraine worse. He's also extremely sensitive to sound, that'll also make the migraine worse, so keep your voice low." Melissa instructed one hand on the door knob and the other on her hip.
Zach nodded in affirmative and Melissa opened the door just enough for the pair to slip past and enter the room.
Once the door was shut with a soft click, Melissa slowly and carefully approached the bed. "Milo?" She asked. "Milo?" She drew out the vowels in his name.
"Lissa?" Milo slurred after a moment, his eyes fluttering open.
Melissa smiled. "Hey, Milo. How ya feeling?" She asked, lifting herself up the ladder and leaning with her forearms on the board.
"Tired." Milo replied simply. "Zach-?" He asked, then Melissa was right there with the bucket Zach had seen on a pulley system and Milo was emptying the contents of his stomach into the waste basket.
"He's here Milo." Melissa told him once he'd worn himself out and was lying back again.
Diogee got up and moved so he lay against Milo's chest as Melissa sat in the space between Milo's led and the wall. Zach climbed up and took the space Melissa had formerly occupied, easily sliding into his role as Milo's brother.
"Hey, buddy." He grinned, watching a tired smile spread across Milo's face.
Melissa and Zach stayed with Milo until well into the night, only leaving when Mrs. Murphy came in to tell them their parents wanted them home.
Milo had long since fallen asleep with a smile on his face. After all, Murphy's Law hadn't bothered him (he still couldn't figure that out), Melissa and Zach had stayed over (he couldn't be more grateful), and his migraine had started to dissipate. He'd be fine by the morning.
Best sick day of his life.