Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead or its characters if I did we would have a Bethyl baby in canon!


~ Authors Note ~

Time for Hershel to be informed that his daughter has been keeping a pretty big secret. How will he react?

I loved writing this chapter! Lol.

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter Ten

- More Than Okay -

"What….?" Carol paused in shock giving Daryl a chance for his stalled brain to restart. He lifted a finger to his lips before looking down at Beth as she nuzzled into the warm skin of his chest making his heart skip. He looked back at a shocked Carol and tipped his head in the direction of the hallway beyond. Carol swallowed and nodded before dazedly making her way outside giving Daryl a moment to compose himself before facing her. He had no idea how she was going to react and it was twisting up his stomach something fierce.

He looked back down at a deeply asleep Beth and couldn't stop himself from softly smiling at her form cuddled up to him keeping him warm. Remembering the night before Daryl threaded his fingers through her golden hair and swallowed; he was unable to formulate his thoughts on everything that had happened between them in such a short amount of time. All he knew was how he felt and he felt lighter than he ever had before. He thought it was funny feeling like this for the first time when the dead were taking over the world but he supposed that was what it would take to bring him – a worthless redneck asshole – this love and happiness – a miracle or a re-ordering of the natural universe.

He settled Beth from his chest to the cushions of the couch as gently as he could before standing up and stretching out the kinks and aches in his stiff body. He looked down at her peaceful youthful face for a moment and couldn't believe that she had declared herself his. How had he gotten so lucky? He knew he certainly didn't deserve it.

He thought it best not to keep Carol waiting so he quickly threw his shirt back on before making his way out to the hallway where he saw her leaning against the dented cement wall with her arms crossed over her chest. He leant against the wall opposite her and rooted in his pockets for a smoke, suddenly needing the slight nicotine high it gave. After lighting and taking a much needed drag he exhaled the smoke away from Carol before looking at her questioning but patient face.

"So how long has that been going on?" Carol asked him and Daryl couldn't read her tone or face and he wasn't sure whether Carol knew what she was feeling herself.

"Not long, nearly two weeks." Daryl shrugged before taking another drag, grateful to have something to do with his hands.

"I gotta say… I'm surprised. How…?"

"Beth she…." He chuckled, "Girl knew what she wanted and… I couldn't say no. Didn't wanna say no," he amended.

"Its serious?" Carol asked, and he hoped he wasn't imagining the softening of her features.

"Mmhhmm." He nodded.

"Does Hershel know?" she asked him and he knew she already knew the answer before he responded a bit guiltily.

"Nah, but we decided last night that we're gonna tell him."

"Good." Carol nodded unfolding her arms before Daryl noticed her face form into the look she often held while teasing him and he braced himself for her comment. "You're lucky it wasn't Hershel who found you two snuggled up together. I doubt you'd be alive right now if he had," she chuckled at his face which had paled slightly at that scary thought.

"Christ," he groaned.

"Who else knows?"

"Rick 'n Michonne," he admitted leaving out the fact that they had seen them together too but from the look on Carol's face she had guessed that already.

"She make you happy?" Carol asked.

"Yeah," Daryl replied with a soft smile before he looked down at his boots, "Can't really wrap my mind around it but… she wants to be with me and I wanna make her happy." Daryl glanced up at a smiling Carol before looking away and taking another drag from the smoke.

"Well I'm happy for you both. As long as I don't have to listen to you two rut like rabbits, Glenn and Maggie is enough," Carol said and laughed at Daryl's expression.

"We haven't…" Daryl shook his head as his ears turned red in embarrassment. "Christ."

Carol laughed as she took a step towards him and hit his arm playfully. "You better tell Hershel soon or by the rate your going everyone will know before he does," she said before chuckling and walking away from him. "Breakfast is nearly ready, wake Beth up and come get some," she told him over her shoulder before disappearing around the corner.

Daryl shook his head, he felt relieved that she had reacted so well, he couldn't believe his luck that everyone who had figured it out had not shot him for corrupting sweet Beth Greene. He chuckled as he walked back into the library to wake his girl, they would never believe that she was the one that had done the corrupting.

A couple hours later Beth was sat in the common room with everyone, having lunch. Daryl was at the next table over and when she looked up at him he quickly winked at her making her smile and look away.

After he had woken her up and informed her that Carol had seen them cuddled together on the coach but that she seemed fine with it, they had talked and decided to tell her dad as soon as possible. Beth had then told him she thought it best to speak alone with him to tell him and he had agreed after she had reassured him that everything would be okay.

She really did believe that everything would turn out for the best but that didn't stop the little fear and doubt to bloom inside her. What if her dad reacted in a way she didn't expect, what if he demanded she stay away from Daryl? Beth knew her dad loved and greatly respected Daryl and that he would never do that to them but that fear was still there.

She wanted to talk to her dad alone not because she was afraid of how he would react in front of Daryl but she felt it was the right way to do it. He was her father and she wanted to sit with him and tell him how she felt and with Daryl there it might mess up what she needed to say if she was worried about him the whole time she tried to be honest with her dad.

Beth looked at him sitting next to her before looking over at Daryl and silently informing him that she wanted to talk with her dad now. She watched Daryl swallow before nodding slightly and looking over at a watching Rick.

"Daddy, can I talk to you in private please?" Beth asked and she could feel several pair of eyes looking at her curiously.

"Of course doodlebug, shall we go outside? I'd like some air and it's a nice day today," he said after a slight hesitation at her odd request.

She nodded her agreement and as she stood she looked down next to her to see her sister watching them with a frown on her face. Beth's heart began to hammer in her chest as she left the table behind her dad and as she passed Daryl she gave him a soft reassuring smile.

Beth kept a careful eye on her dad when he limped as they made their way out the door and through the gated entrance into the paved court that held some picnic tables. Her dad sat at a table far enough away from some of the prison residents eating outside so that they could talk without ears listening and Beth followed suit and sat across the wooden table from him.

"Is everything okay Beth?" her dad asked her with a curious and slightly worried tone.

"Yes daddy. It's actually more than okay, that's what I wanted to speak to you about," she said as she wrung her hands beneath the table before stopping herself and placing them on the wood in view.


Beth looked up at the bright blue sky and squinted from the glare of the blazing sun as it beat down on her as she gathered her courage. "I… I wanted to tell you that I've been seeing someone," she said and tried to calm her racing heart as she looked at him. When she saw her dad frown in confusion she chided and reminded herself she was an adult and was perfectly capable of having an adult conversation with her father. "I'm in love with someone," she clarified and her dad's brows raised in surprise at her statement.

"In love…," he repeated.

"Yes, and we've kept it just between ourselves because… well because people may have gotten the wrong idea," she admitted.

"I don't understand Bethy."

"I'm sorry daddy I'm just nervous about telling you because this is really important to me and the person I love is not someone you'd expect but he loves me too and–"

"Beth slow down sweetie," her dad took her hands in his and chuckled at her making her sigh and smile at him gratefully.

"Sorry," she laughed before taking a breath.

"I can see this is important to you, and I'm sure you have a good reason for keeping it a secret. You're a good girl Beth and I'm not surprised that this boy loves you too." He smiled and squeezed her hands. "Now tell me who this boy is so I can give him a talking too." He winked making her laugh.

"That's the thing daddy, he's not a boy," she said and watched her dad raise his brows in surprise once more.

"A girl? But I thought you said he…?"

"What? No! Not a girl," she laughed before explaining. "A man, daddy. He's an older man."

Her dad stilled completely and she swallowed as she watched him frown at her as what she said fully dawned on him. "What older man Beth?" he asked in a stern voice.

She licked her lips and looked into her dad's increasingly worried looking eyes before speaking, "Daryl. I've been seeing Daryl," she stated.

Her dad blinked as he processed what she told him and Beth bit her lip as she waited for his reaction. "You and Daryl?" he asked her as if not understanding.

"Yes. I know your probably confused about how, but we've gotten close recently and he makes me happy," she smiled as she thought about how he made her feel.

"Daryl, and my Bethy," he murmured to himself with a faraway look in his eyes before he started chuckling and shaking his head.

"Daddy?" she asked completely baffled by his reaction. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine sweetheart," he said before chuckling at the look on her face. "It makes sense," he told her with a shrug.

"What does?"

"You and Daryl," he said while he nodded to himself.

"I don't understand." She blinked at him.

"You're so like your mother Bethy, always caring for others. Seeing the good in them and showing them the good inside themselves. I'm not surprised that Daryl loves you, how could he not? I can't believe I never seen it before, it seems so obvious now."

"You're not upset we kept it from you?"

"No sweetheart. Like I said, I'm sure you had a good reason, and with all the busybodies gossiping in this place I don't blame you," he added with a chuckle and a pat to her hand. "You did the mature thing coming and telling me, but why is he not here with you? Afraid I'll shoot him is he?" he chuckled.

Beth, with a huge relieved smile tapped her father's hand in admonishment, "Daddy!" she laughed. She couldn't believe her dad's reaction, even though she had been so sure he wouldn't be angry she hadn't expected him to be quite so for it.

"He wanted to be here but I asked if I could tell you myself, I thought it best. I know he wants to talk with you; apologize for keeping this from you."

"Ah," he said before nodding in understanding.

"Go easy on him daddy, he was so worried about your reaction. I think part of him is just waiting for you to storm in there and shoot him."

"Don't you worry doodlebug, we'll just have a little chat – man to man," he reassured and she nodded. "You best go in and send him out to me, and then I think you should tell Maggie. I think she's the one Daryl needs to be worried about."

Beth nodded and went around to him and hugged him tightly, "Thank you daddy, I love you."

"I love you too doodlebug." He squeezed her and kissed her head. "Now go and tell Daryl to come talk to me."

"Okay," she said as she released him and smiled excitedly before running to the door making her dad chuckle happily.

As she made her way into the common room she couldn't see Daryl anywhere. Most people were finished eating but they sat around chatting with one another and she received a couple amused glance's informing her she still had a huge smile on her face and an excited air about her. She spotted Carol next to Sasha and as she passed through the room Carol nodded her head towards the cell block; silently telling her where Daryl had gone. While she made her way to the stairs she saw Rick leaning against the cell door of Daryl's room and she could hear him reassuring Daryl who Beth imagined was spiraling anxiously.

"It'll be fine Daryl, you're doing it right," Rick said as she ascended the metal stairs.

"I should be there with her, not hiding in this room," Daryl grumbled making Rick chuckle.

"She'll be fine she– ah there she is!" Rick moved from the doorway to let her pass and Daryl shot to his feet to face her. She looked into his worried eyes and smiled happily at him, he frowned before he seemed to sag with relief.

"It went well then?" Rick asked, his face too was smiling.

"Yes, I knew it would but I didn't expect it to go as well as it did," Beth told them both.

"What?" Daryl asked in confusion.

"My dad he… he's happy," she said before laughing. "He said it made sense, the two of us, and that he should've seen it sooner," she informed before she suddenly hugged Daryl tightly.

"He… really?" Daryl stuttered as he hugged her back. He looked to see Rick grinning at him with an 'I told you so' look on his face making Daryl roll his eyes. To say Daryl was surprised was a huge understatement. He also felt immense relief; they were really doing this, this was his life now, and he couldn't believe his luck.

"Come on," Beth said and began pulling him from his cell and down the stairs by his hand. He looked back at a trailing Rick to see him shrug.

"What? Where are–"

"My dad wants to talk with you," she informed him with a smile.

"Now?" Daryl gulped.

"Yes," she laughed before stopping as they reached the bottom of the stairs and turning to face him. "It'll be okay Daryl, I promise," she reassured him.

"What about everyone else?" Rick asked, inclining his head towards the main group in the common area.

"I'll handle it," she nodded and looked at a frowning Daryl.

He didn't want to leave Beth there to try and explain to them that they were together, he could already feel their curious eyes on them. He and Rick didn't usually have Beth as company while they all discussed something and he knew they were gathering attention.

So he acted without thought and said, "Screw it," before he gripped Beth's cheeks and kissed her in front of everyone. Beth melted against him and distantly his brain registered Rick chuckling and the sound of exclamations of surprise from his family. When someone whistled he held up his middle finger to them without stopping the kiss. He heard a few laughs before he ended the kiss to see a flushed heaving Beth looking at him in total astonishment. He would admit he was surprised at his actions but he hadn't wanted to leave Beth there to try and explain and his body had acted without thought, but now he realized he would still be leaving her and now to explain what just happened. He looked at Rick not even needing to voice his request that he help Beth before Rick gave him a nod and a pat on the back.

"Go on, talk to Hershel. We'll handle things on this end, don't worry," Rick reassured with a grin.

Daryl nodded and looked at Beth before walking out of the cell block and through the common room. Maggie tried to stop him with a serious frown on her face and he realized he may have worried about the wrong person wanting to kill him. "Not now Maggie, gotta talk to your pops," he said before passing her and making his way outside.

Beth wrung her hands as she walked into the common room where everyone was looking at her and she watched Daryl leave before facing her sister.

"Beth Louise Greene, what was that?" Maggie asked sternly and Beth winced, she realized she should have sat down with Maggie like she had with her dad and explained the situation.

"Daryl and I have been seeing each other for a little while now," she said not only to her sister but the rest of the room.

Sasha and Tyrese sat next to Carl who had Judith in his arms and was staring at her in astonishment. Bob and Michonne sat at the next table over while Carol stood near the door behind Glenn who stood at Maggie's back. There were a couple more people scattered around the room like Karen, Mika and Lizzie.

"How?" Glenn asked in confusion making Beth smile. "How did you get Daryl…. Daryl…. who growls at you if you even think about touching him, to kiss you?"

"Yes how Beth," Maggie asked and planted her hands on her hips.

"By asking," she said truthfully.

"What?" Glenn said while Maggie blinked.

"I asked him if I could kiss him," Beth clarified.


"Well obviously he said yes." She giggled and a couple other people laughed with her.

"Daddy knows?" Maggie asked.

"Yes I told him earlier. He's seemed really happy." Beth smiled. "He said we made sense."

"Are you two having sex?" Maggie suddenly asked and Mika and Lizzie's dad quickly removed Carl and the other kids – who whined they wanted to stay – from the room while Beth gasped and flushed red.


"I'm only asking because your my little sister and you have to be careful Beth–"

"Oh my God! I know that Maggie I'm not a little kid anymore," Beth moaned in complete mortification.

"Clearly," Maggie said and Beth noticed her little grin letting her know Maggie was teasing her and Beth deflated in relief. "How is he?"

"What do you mean?" Beth asked confused.

"She means in the sack Beth," Michonne explained with a laugh.

"Please don't answer that," Glenn moaned with a quick shake of his head.

"Yes, please don't," Bob added with a chuckle.

"We… we haven't.. oh my God Maggie stop," Beth moaned and rubbed her pink cheeks before laughing.

"Nope, it's my job to tease you. So how big is he? I'm sure some of the women here want to know," Maggie teased.

"Maggie!" This time it was Glenn.

"What? Daryl's hot!"

"No he isn't, he has fleas!" Glenn cried.

"Then so do I," Beth replied with a chuckle.

"And I'm your husband, standing right here," Glenn suddenly stressed making Maggie and the rest of the room laugh.

"Daryl is very hot." Karen nodded giving a thumbs up to a blushing Beth while Tyrese's smile was replaced with an adorable scowl causing Sasha to laugh.

"I have heard some of the women talking about him," Rick admitted with a grin. "You may have a few jealous ladies on your hands Beth."

"Oh my god," she groaned and dropped her head in her hands causing everyone to laugh. "Please don't tease him like this, he'll leave the prison for good just so he doesn't kill any of you," she said while she implored them with her eyes.

"No promises," Sasha replied with a cheeky smile.

Even though she was being teased and her cheeks were flaming red Beth had never felt happier than she did in this moment.