Disclaimer: I don't own The Walking Dead or its characters, but if I did there would be a lot more hanky panky going on, lmao hanky panky.

Chapter One

- A Need to Soothe -

As Beth lay in her bed having just awoken she could hear Daryl in the cell above her own tossing and turning, the mattress squeaking its protest at him trying to find sleep but unable to achieve it … again.

He sounded so restless, and after the week he'd gone through she was surprised he hadn't just passed out from tiredness. Although, with Daryl it shouldn't be that surprising to her since he never seemed to sleep well or for long. She felt for him, he worked so hard while never asking for anything in return, and with Rick having stepped down and the new group that had just arrived bringing with them many more mouths to feed – a group Daryl had saved and brought here to safety – he'd been pushing himself even harder than before.

He was just so selfless and hard-working. Beth hated to see him so wound up and run down all at the same time. All she wanted was to get him to relax; he deserved it so much for everything that he did for them. And although he had them as his family he never really let anyone fully in and she couldn't help but wonder if he got lonely sometimes, she definitely did.

Beth had always been the type to notice the small things others didn't, and even though she knew everyone appreciated and saw what Daryl did for them, she didn't think they ever thought beyond that. How lonely it must be to have no one to really open up to or hold at night, and she kind of understood it since she didn't either.

She was the most honest with her diary out of everyone, pouring out her feelings and desires onto its pages, but it was an inanimate object at the end of the day and it didn't help the loneliness she felt threatening to eat her alive sometimes.

Beth heard more squeaking and groaning from his cot above and if it was anyone else she'd think he had a woman up there but that wasn't Daryl either, well at least she didn't think so. Even though he was pretty close to Carol, Beth was sure that they were just friends. They had a bond they shared together but they both had too many walls built up between them that she couldn't see them having heart to hearts every other day.

She had wondered if maybe Daryl was gay but it didn't seem like it, he just didn't seem all that interested in anything sexual. All he did was make sure everyone was safe and fed, and Beth thought he deserved more but who was she to do anything and what could she do? She was only little Beth Greene the babysitter and he was Daryl Dixon.

Maybe if I sing he might fall asleep?

No, she knew he wasn't the type to fall asleep to a lullaby like little Judith. And for all she knew he hated her singing; it wasn't like they chatted and caught up with each other regularly. They had only ever been really alone together once, when he came to tell her of Zach's death two months prior, and there were only a couple friendly greetings or him asking her if she needed anything on a run since then.

She heard a sigh of frustration from above and suddenly Beth found herself sitting up and walking to her cell door to stare up the metal stairs of the cell block in contemplation. She had always liked helping people and that need was now surging through her like a cracked dams rushing waves filling a dry riverbed. It was screaming at her to go up there and help him relax so he could sleep, but the thought of going into Daryl's cell was nerve wracking.

They were alone in the cell block at the moment which wasn't unusual this time in the morning. The sun was just beginning to shine its warm rays into the block, expelling the morning chill and everyone was off doing their jobs either at the fences, the garden – where they grew their vegetables and kept their livestock – or manning the guard towers. Judith was spending the morning with Rick but Beth was so used to waking up at the crack of dawn that her inner alarm clock didn't let her have a lie in when she could.

She remembered that a run was scheduled this morning. They had to venture out further and further since they had already cleared the supplies in the nearby area causing them to have to leave earlier so as not to get stuck outside the prison overnight, but sometimes it couldn't be helped. Daryl didn't join them on the run this time as he had gone on the last one, plus he had spent all of last night in the guard tower watching over them as they all slept safely in their warm beds.

But now he couldn't find his rest and Beth wanted to do something she just didn't know what. She tried to convince herself to at least go talk to him while hoping he wouldn't bite her head off, she needed to at least try.

Beth eventually made her way up the stairs and around to his cell where she stood staring at the sheet blocking her view to the inside. It was quiet, no squeaking or sighing audible, and she knew that Daryl could tell someone was outside and when she realized this she knew she couldn't hide and she wouldn't run so she cleared her throat to announce her presence before speaking.

"Um, Daryl? Could I come in?" Beth held her breath while waiting for his reply.

"Sure." He sounded hesitant and unsure – probably trying to figure out what she wanted since she had never come to his cell before.

She pushed the blanket aside and entered the dim cell timidly, and after letting the blanket fall closed to block out the sunlight she was still completely clueless as to what she was going to do or say.

Daryl's crossbow and knife were beside his cot right next to his shoes and leather vest, all within his arm's reach. Beth still hadn't looked at him but she could see him watching her out of the corner of her eye. When she finally looked at him he was lying stretched out on the bed, his arms folded behind his head causing his muscles to bulge but she forced her eyes away from them. She had caught herself staring at them a couple times and she wasn't going to let herself now, not while he had his eyes trained on her which were incredibly blue. She had discovered that when she hugged him in her cell that night but she pushed those thoughts away for now.

"Can't sleep?" she asked him as she stood there in the middle of his cell twisting her fingers around the hem of her pyjama top nervously. His eyes which always looked at you with complete focus – as if studying your mind and inner thoughts – made her fidget. He didn't answer making her feel awkward in coming here but then she remembered why she had come here in the first place; she wanted to help him. Beth didn't want him to feel as if he had to be tough all the time and be so selfless when he deserved to be looked after whether he wanted it or not.

The reminder settled her nerves and forced her to close the distance between them and sit herself down next to his hip while facing him. His eyes widened a little and a boost of confidence shot through her at the nervous glint she saw flicker in his eyes.

"I can hear you tossing and turning up here but you've worked so hard all week, how are you still awake?" she asked him curiously.

"What's it to you?" He didn't say it in a mean way, but as if he really didn't understand why she would care about him being unable to sleep.

Beth shrugged her shoulders while trying to think of how to answer him. "You deserve some rest Daryl, you do so much for us," she stated simply. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable by saying she wanted to take care of him and soothe him to sleep or something. "You should take a day off." She smiled at him.

Daryl scoffed. "Ain't any days off nowadays Greene."

She acknowledged that with a small nod. "Well if anyone deserves one it's you. You're pushing yourself harder than usual lately."

"Got more people to feed n' keep safe, don't gotta choice." Daryl shrugged and started biting the side of his thumb as she'd seen him do whenever he seemed to be thinking or feeling unsure.

"Of course you have a choice Daryl, you could pack up and leave here if you wanted to. Everyone knows you could survive out there alone but you stay here working yourself to the bone to keep all of us fed and safe while asking for nothing in return," she stated as he watched her in that way he did but he was no longer chewing his thumb.

"Why're y' here Beth?" Hearing him say her name had her heart beating faster and she didn't know why, it was just her name. But it did something and she realized she couldn't ever remember him saying her first name before, it was always Greene or girl or blondie, which she really didn't mind at all.

Beth looked down and away at his honest question unsure what to say in answer as she wasn't totally sure herself. She took in a breath and looked back at him seeing the question in his eyes but she had to look away from his intense stare again as she stuttered out her response. "I … I wanted to … to help you sleep." She peeked up at him to see him furrowing his brow as if confused again. "You deserve some rest. You deserve to …" She halted as she found the words hard to shape into what she needed to say. Her next words rushed out of her, forcing her to stop her stuttering and her cheeks heated up at what she blurted. "I want to look after you Daryl."

His eyes widened at her statement before narrowing. "I don't need no lookin' after girl. I ain't one of the kids wantin' to get tucked in." Daryl's tone was defensive, his body suddenly stiffening and he had his eyes focused on her, not looking away from her widening gaze at his angry words.

"I didn't mean to imply you were a kid or that you needed tucking in Daryl. Just..." Beth didn't know how to finish; she was afraid she had messed it all up with her honesty and made things worse.

"Just what?" His voice was rough and demanding, whipping out of him and making her flinch which caused his eyes to soften in apology.

"Just … I like to help people and I don't do much around here like you do and I noticed you struggling to sleep all week and I just really want to help. If I can help you feel better or something, I know I will too and I guess I need that. I need to feel useful and I care about you, if you'll let me I want to help if I can," she rambled out with pinking cheeks at how honest she had been with him, even more honest than she was with herself it seemed.

Beth looked at his eyes finally, seeing him taking in what she said and running it through his head. His fingers ran through the hair on his chin and he moved his head back and forth like he enjoyed the sensation it caused. It caught and held her eyes for a moment before she was snapped back to the present once he replied.

"So how are ya planning on helping me sleep Greene?" Daryl's voice had a curious tilt, like he didn't have a clue what she could do. "Sing me a lullaby?" His tone turned playful – he was teasing her – and she smiled shyly realizing this before shrugging her shoulders.

"I thought of that but I don't think you're the type to fall asleep to a lullaby. I haven't thought of anything," she admitted, and Daryl just shook his head at her like he didn't understand her at all.

But then an idea came to her when he moved his arms down to rest on his chest and winced in obvious discomfort.

"How 'bout a massage?" Beth smiled, delighted she had thought of something to relax him. She was sure he had knots and aches from his hard working ways and she knew what she was doing, she had often massaged her mama's back when her arthritis acted up causing her to lie around in bed all day in pain. Mama used to say her hands were the only thing that could take the pain away, something even the painkillers her doctor gave her couldn't do. And while Beth now knew it wasn't true because she didn't have magic hands, when her mama used to say that it would fill her with such contentment and happiness that she could take all her mama's pain away when she needed it. She wanted to do that for Daryl and maybe he would even fall asleep in the middle like her mama sometimes did.

"What? I ain't wantin' no massage," he scoffed at her.

"Why not? I've given plenty of massages before; I know what I'm doing," she stated confidently.

"You're crazy you know that." Beth smiled a little sheepishly at his words.

"Come on Daryl, a back massage will relax you and I'm sure you have plenty of knots and back aches from lugging that crossbow around, I can help with that."

When he just looked at her giving her no response she continued. "You can leave your shirt and t-shirt on. All ya gotta do is lie on your stomach. Please Daryl, I like helping people. Let me try to help."

Daryl eyes moved around the room in consideration, never looking at her as he did this while she sat there next to him waiting.

"I never had no massage before," he mumbled before his eyes met hers in uncertainty.

She smiled before replying, "Well if you let me you can cross it off your bucket list." Beth giggled softly making him smirk at her.

"Alrigh' girl," he conceded and turned onto his stomach slowly while he rested his head on his forearms. Beth was a little shocked that he gave in to her pleas that she didn't move for a moment. Then his voice cleared her shock.

"Shirts stay on."

It was a statement that she didn't push to change. Daryl had never been like the rest of the men in the prison; uncaring if someone saw them with their shirt off. It was pretty common with living so close and especially during the summer but she had never seen Daryl without his shirt on and she had noticed that he made an effort to keep it that way, she just didn't know why. He was a fit hard working man and she was sure he was toned and muscular underneath his shirt. And she wasn't the only one who thought so; she had often heard some of the woman in the prison whisper about him, what he would be like as a lover and how he would look naked but she had just blushed at overhearing their gossip and went back to work while trying not to think on their words.

Beth lightly rested her hands on each of his shoulder blades causing her to lean over him but the angle wasn't the best, and then he flinched slightly which made her pause. "I'm not pushing you too much, am I?" She was suddenly worried he really didn't want her to do this.

"Nah, you're alrigh' girl, just not used to it." Daryl's voice was soft, a contradiction to the tension tightening his body.

Beth moved her hands softly at first, wanting to accumulate him to someone touching his back, but the angle was all wrong so she knelt on the bed instead and threw her right leg over him while trying to keep her weight off of him with her knees braced on either side of his hips. The only place she was touching him were her hands on his shoulders but he still jumped a little at her repositioning.

"That's better," she whispered as she started to dig her hands harder into his back, trying to find where her attention was needed most. She found a knot to the right of his spine, just next to his shoulder blade and she grinded the heel of her right hand into it to try and loosen it up and her action made him groan into the pillow.

"Your back is so tense, relax Daryl. I'll make it better," she tried to soothe him. She knew the loosening of a knot could be painful, but a good painful as her mama used to say.

Here was hoping her plan worked.

Daryl couldn't believe Beth Greene was kneeling above him on his cot as he let her massage his back, his back. A place he never let anyone touch or see – even himself – but the plea in her eyes and her kind way had him relenting to her willingly and easily.

When she had shyly entered his cell in her little pajama shorts he had no fucking idea what she wanted. He never thought she'd say she wanted to 'look after him'. But she was so kind and nurturing he shouldn't be surprised that she noticed he couldn't sleep and wanted to help him. Beth tried to look after everyone while making this place a home instead of a just a prison. She was so good with Judith, she never complained about having to look after a baby every day and one that wasn't even her own.

Daryl understood what she meant by wanting to be useful and it making her feel good because he felt like that too. Bringing back meat for everyone to enjoy or going out on a run for supplies made him feel good about himself. He didn't agree with her that all she did was look after Judy like it wasn't as important as the jobs everyone else had therefore making her not as important. Daryl guessed she felt like that more now since Rick had stepped down from leading everyone to spend more time with his kids to heal. Beth wasn't being asked to watch lil' asskicker as much lately and the little girl now slept in Rick's cell instead of Beth's. So he gave in to her, he didn't want her to feel useless because she was anything but. Besides, he'd never been given a massage before and what could it hurt.

Beth's hands were soft at first, just rubbing lightly up and down his back, and while he didn't think that it was going to help him like she thought, he tried to relax into it for her. Soon her hands began increasing the pressure like she was searching for something and then he felt it; a sharp shooting pain that made him groan into the pillow, but it was a relieving kind of pain and a part of him felt he should be embarrassed about the noise that came from his throat but her words sent a warm feeling to settle inside him.

"Your back is so tense, relax Daryl. I'll make it better."

And Beth was making it better; he could feel himself melt into the bed as she dug the heel of her hand into his left shoulder making him hiss and his back arch through the good pain she was making him feel. She moved her hands to his shoulders and started kneading them causing him to turn his face into the pillow to stifle his groan of pleasure. He felt her rest her center on top of his ass as she spread her knees more and he would've shifted her off right then but her weight pressed him down into the mattress and put pressure on his dick which caused his hips to push towards the bed without his permission; unconsciously searching for more friction. To make it worse Beth then found and kneaded a spot that sent a pulsing sweet pain spreading over his back which went right down to his warming belly to fill his hardening dick making it twitch. His belly was burning with need now, and he tried to stay still and just concentrate on his breathing as her small but strong hands moved over him.

This wasn't good, but Daryl knew she had no idea that her actions were causing a fire to flow through his veins. A fire he hadn't felt in so long, and if he turned around to face her now she wouldn't be able to miss the tent his hardening cock would make, so he tried to think of anything that would make him less hard; Merle, his da, the dead fuckers, but nothing worked. All he could feel were her hands soothing his back, taking away the aches he had gotten so used to. He had figured they would always be there and so he had just tried to ignore them all the damn time. And it wasn't helping his situation when she found another spot and preceded to loosen the tight feeling he had there by grinding her hand into him making him growl into the pillow and his cock to throb and grow even more from the pleasure.

"I think that's the last knot you have. Are you feeling more relaxed?" Beth's voice came to him through a haze of pleasurable pain and he just nodded his head, he didn't think he should or could speak.

More relaxed? Is she mental or just that fuckin' naive? He wondered to himself as he felt her shift off him and back into her position with her hip next to his.

This was when he should turn around to lie on his back again but he was still hard and so fucking turned on. He took a deep breath and readied his face as he rolled over still facing away from her while he lifted his right knee to try and block her view of the bulge in his pants as he settled on his back. He caught her eyes and saw her own were nowhere near his lower half making him relax a bit.

He prayed she would leave his cell so he could get up and put his mind to a task that would force him to forget the pleasurable pain sweet Beth Greene had caused him to feel.

~ Author's Note ~

Hope you liked this! There is more to come including some smut hehe 😉

If you have the time or inclination please leave a note of what you thought.

Thanks, until next time!

Edited: 29/April/19