Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling.
ATLA belongs to Bryke.
I have decided to rewrite and edit this story from the ground up. While the premise has remained the same, there might be some small changes as I am looking at this story through fresh eyes.
The Great Hall grew silent as soon as Professor Longbottom called Scorpius Malfoy up to be sorted. Everyone wanted to know where the son of an ex-Death Eater would be sorted. After some deliberation, the Sorting Hat cried out GRYFFINDOR! Everyone was stunned. Scorpius was the first Malfoy in centuries not sorted into Slytherin, and the Hogwarts students did not know what to think about that.
It seemed that the Sorting Hat was full of surprises that night for Albus Potter was sorted into Hufflepuff, much to the chagrin of his brother James and the rest of his Weasley cousins. Albus Severus Potter became the first Potter to be sorted into a house other than Gryffindor.
Everyone watched anxiously as Rose Weasley made her way up to the Sorting Hat. A low murmur could be heard in the background as everyone whispered about the previous shocking sortings of Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter. It was of great surprise to some, and not so much for others, that Rose Nymphadora Weasley became the first Weasley to ever be sorted into Ravenclaw.
A New Era had begun.
2 years later…
Minerva McGonagall sighed wearily. Today had been the day that the last and youngest of the current Weasley/Potter generation had been sorted. Hugo, to no one's surprise, had been sorted into Gryffindor with the rest of the Weasley cousins, Albus and Rose excluded. The REAL surprise had come with the sorting of young Lily Luna Potter. The Sorting Hat had barely touched her head before yelling out SLYTHERIN! to the Great Hall.
What happened next was no surprise. The Slytherin table was silent with shock, but the rest of the house tables began protesting loudly and angrily. McGonagall could still hear the angry shouts of James and Fred that the Sorting Hat had been rigged in the recesses of her mind. The students' reactions had only exacerbated Lily's own feelings as she began to cry on top of the stool. The sorting had to be stopped so that Professor Longbottom could console and then escort Lily to her new table.
"These past three years have been crazy. First Albus and Rose were sorted into Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, and now Lily is a Snake!" Neville said as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
"Neville, you know as well as I do that there is nothing wrong with Slytherin house these days," McGonagall said warningly.
"I know Minerva. I'm just nervous about Harry's reaction to his daughter being in Slytherin. I know he said he'd be ok if Albus was sorted into Slytherin, but it may be a different story with Lily. She is the youngest in the family, and she is Harry's Princess. And, Lily is more sensitive than both Albus and James combined. Did you know that I had to almost physically drag Lily away from her siblings and cousins so that she could go and sleep in her dorm? It was both horrible and heartbreaking. Not to mention that both James and Fred were glaring at me while I was escorting Lily out of the Gryffindor common room. I really need to watch my back where those two are concerned," Neville said shakily. It had been an emotionally high-strung night for everyone.
"I'm sure Harry will be fine. You know how he is. Besides, it is not your job to tell Harry of Lily's sorting. It will be Horace who will send out the Congratulations letters to the parents this evening as he is the Head of Slytherin house," Minerva replied only to be interrupted by a loud snore from Sybil Trelawney, who had consumed too much alcohol at the Opening Feast. Minerva just rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Neville was about to reply when a sudden movement startled him. Sybil Trelawney suddenly sat up with glazed over eyes and started to speak in a loud and reverberating voice.
A Malfoy, two Potters, and a Weasley,
To Different Houses all four shall be,
With powers equal to the Founder's before,
A destiny and quest lies before these four,
To right the wrongs that occurred in the past,
And make sure an ancient evil lies still at last,
To Ravenclaw a power both strong and swift,
To Gryffindor a power so passionate it cannot be missed,
To Slytherin a power that shakes the ground,
To Hufflepuff a power that can be found all-around,
Together these four will let goodness reign,
Divided, then with blood the ground shall stain.
As soon as she finished speaking, Sybil Trelawney fell back to sleep. Minerva and Neville exchanged shocked glances.
"Was that a—" Neville began uncertainly.
"Yes, indeed it was Mr. Longbottom," McGonagall said with a grave look on her face.
As soon as Trelawney had finished speaking, a new orb appeared in the Hall of Prophecies, deep inside the Department of Mysteries.
Syb. T—Lily L. Potter, Rose N. Weasley, Scorpius H. Malfoy, and Albus S. Potter v. Ancient Evil
A man dressed in Unspeakable robes smirked as soon as the new orb appeared on the shelves. Finally, what his liege had been waiting for all these years had finally occurred.
This will have elements of bending similar to that in ATLA.