Maybe we're not supposed to be happy, maybe gratitude has nothing to do with joy. Maybe being grateful means recognizing what you have for what it is, appreciating small victories. Admiring the struggle it takes simply to be human. Maybe we're thankful for the familiar things we know. And maybe we're thankful for the things we'll never know. At the end of the day, the fact that we have the courage to still be standing is reason enough to celebrate. - Grey's Anatomy

The shift was silent.

A peaceful quiet shift, well that doesn't happen often during shifts. When they do happen, the people of house fifty-one, do not take it for granted. They have dinner early, maybe watch a tv show or two and are in bed (maybe not sleeping, but relaxing) around nine pm.

Matt Casey stretches, getting up from his single extra long twin bed and walking out of his quarters. He knows time has passed slowly on his twenty-four shift, but he was okay with it. It means no fire, no one in danger. He let's out a soft smiles hearing his team, his family letting out soft snores. He makes his way to the kitchen and looks up to the clock on the wall, it states that it is a little before one am. He grabs a chocolate chip cookie from the box a member from the neighborhood dropped off. He grabs a cup from the clean side of the sink, filling it with water.

He let's out a soft sigh, enjoying the peace and quiet. He leans against the counter, sipping his water. The quiet is quickly replaced by the alarm, calling everyone to a car crash about six blocks away from the fire house. Everyone moves quickly.

A little less five minutes later, firehouse 51 was at the scene.

Casey is the first out of the truck.

"What do we got?" Chief Wallace Boden asked, walking up to Casey as this cold spring night.

Casey sighs, he just got done yelling orders to the men on his truck. "I think we are going to need another am…"

It was Kelly Severide who heard the sharp cry. The scene was loud, with many people yelling back and forth and tools making sounds. He raises his voice, so he could be heard by everyone, "Everyone! Quiet!" He repeats himself once more and the scene quiets down as the cries become louder.

It was a faint cry for help.

Severide is the first to move towards the cry. He doesn't seem to notice everyone move to look around him. The sound come from behind a dumpster, twenty feet away from one of the cars. Severide slips off his jacket, putting it gently on the victim. He yells, "I found her! We need a bus!"

The victim opens her eyes, moving her head slowly to look at the man before her. "Kelly…" She whispers.

The firefighters eyes go wide. He knew that voice. "Shit." He whispers. "Shit, shit, shit.'s going to be okay. We are going to get you help. It's going to be okay."

"CASEY!" The man yells desperately. Both Casey and Bodin run his way, followed by Gabriela Dawson and Sylvie Brett behind them. "It's Erin…" He grabs the woman's hand who lays deathly white on the ground, both Gabby and Sylvie quickly start working. "It's Erin. We have call Voight."

Boden looks at the woman then back to his firefighter. "I'll call. Casey get back to the scene."

Kelly speaks up, "I'm going to the hospital with her." It was stated as fact, Boden nods.

Gabby speaks slowly, "It's going to be okay, Erin. Brett, let's get moving."

- Spoken Softly. -

Sergeant Hank Voight never could sleep in a quiet house. Throughout the years, the Voight household was always somewhat noisy. He does now leave the tv on either in the living room or his bedroom to let himself most of the night.

He fell asleep to a some crime show on the ID channel around midnight. The day before was filled with heartbreak as they caught a case of a child who was shot in a cross fire. They caught the killer. It wasn't until 9:30 pm when they found out that the arresting officer had a hit for half a million dollars on her.

Hank shoots up when his cellphone rings on the first ring. "Hello…" He reaches over to the lamp on his nightstand, switching it on.

"Hey, Hank." The voice on the other side on the phone call sounds up. "Sorry to call you so early. We arrived on a scene of a car's Erin, Hank." Boden says, he waits for the sergeant to say something but when he doesn't he keeps talking. "She's heading to Med. Will Halstead is on duty, waiting for Erin. Kelly Severide said he will wait until you or someone from the teams arrives."

Hank lets out a shakey breath. "You said Med?"


"Thank you…" Hank hangs up the phone. He quickly gets out of bed, changing clothes quickly, grabbing his keys, phone and whatever else he may need.

He sends a quick text to Alvin Olinsky to meet him at Med, ASAP.

- Spoken Softly. -

Doctor Will Halstead, Doctor Connor Rhodes and April Sexton were waiting for Ambulance 61. The ambulance was 75 seconds out. Rhodes looks to Halstead, "Are you going to be okay to work on this case? I hear it's Erin…your brothers…"

Will looks to the man who is questioning him. "I'll be fine. We would should worry about Voight and Jay if they come around."

Connor nods. He understands.

Ambulance 61 rushes in, paramedic runs in with Kelly Severide and Erin Lindsay. Severide was on top of Erin, performing CPR. "How long has she been down?" Will asks, as they bring her in Baghdad trauma room.

"Two minutes!" Kelly yells. He looks over to the Chicago Med doctors desperate. Though Kelly and Erin haven't been in a romantic relationship for awhile, but he stilled cared for the other one. Erin was one of the best people Kelly has ever meet.

- Spoken Softly. -

"She's coding!" Connor screams. "Put the paddles to 350!"

It was at the moment, Olinsky pulls Voight away from the room that holds his adoptive daughter. "Hank…" He says in a soft careful tone. "You don't want to see this…"

"Is she okay?" Hank fights against his close friends arms.

Alvin can see the tears swell up in Hank's eyes. He knows the pain, he just went through this himself two months ago. "Let's go outside. Hal...Will come find us when they have anything. Let's go outside...breath."

Hank nods, allowing the other man lead him outside. "Call the team in. I want to find out what the fuck happened…"

"On it…" The other man promises.