Now then, a few ground rules.

1. This is exempt from the plot and if you have any complaints, shove it and stop reading.

2. I'm not used to writing 'lemons', smut, etc. so don't expect the same level of writing you might expect after reading my normal content.

3. Have fun reading and keep any reviews you might post clean. by that i just mean no excessively vulgar descriptions of disgusting sex acts you wished made it in here and regret me not including or the like.

other than that... enjoy.

The door to Nick's apartment clicked and swung open to reveal a giggling bunny and frustrated fox entering in haphazardly.

"Stop that, you're gonna rip it and draw attention to yourself," chastised the laughing bunny.

"Ugh," groaned the red fox. "Not like anyone will see anyways if that happened. Why did you have to grab such a small shirt anyways? I had plenty of those…"

"Ah ah ah!" Judy stopped him. "It was all I could find on short notice, and it was yours at some point. You just got… big…" Her eyes raked over Nick, who comically covered himself with his paws.

"Hey… my eyes are up here," Nick said with a raised eyebrow. Judy seemed to ignore him as she admired the lean and muscular form pulling his black t-shirt taut. She grabbed it from his Go-bag duffel in the cruiser, so it should have fit him well, but apparently, he was still putting on bulk.

The rabbit turned and padded away silently to the kitchen, dropping off the bag of groceries she was carrying on the counter.

Nick proceeded to slip into his room and fight with the snug top to get it off before Judy could protest.

He felt a paw on his back and turned to see Judy had snuck up behind him and eyed him with hungry eyes.

"Trying to wiggle out of that thing?" she said with no small degree of saucy humor. Nick rolled his eyes and having had enough of the offending garment, gave Judy a half-lidded stare, and sank his claws into the fabric. He twisted his paws into the shirt and ripped it from his chest, letting out a relieving sigh.

"Oh, thank goodness," Nick breathed. "That thing was starting to disrupt my ability to breathe." He walked over to his closet to pull out a larger blue shirt to throw on. Once his head made it through the neck hole, he could see the bunny frozen in place, staring at where he just was a few seconds ago.

"Hello," Nick beckoned, waving a paw in Judy's face. "Fox got your tongue?"

The rabbit's ears fell over her face as Nick could see the red blush bleeding through her fur. Nick couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

"Oh, come on," he chided her. "Don't tell me that made you lose your voice."

"Shut up," she seethed from behind her ears, her paws wringing them as an eye peeked between them to give him a melted stare.

Something primal snapped and Nick felt a rush of something he hadn't felt before. It was like his blood was running hot and setting every muscle in his body on edge. Far be it from the first time he wanted to pin Judy down, this was not exactly stronger, just different. It was like something driving him to… oh no.

Nick's ears pinned down to the back of his head while he vacated the room quickly, leaving a confused and still embarrassed rabbit, to head to the bathroom. He frantically opened drawers and tore open the vanity cabinet doors.

"Where is it… where is it!?" Nick hissed to no one in particular. He hunched over the sink and turned it on to splash his muzzle with cold water, calming him a little.

Judy stuck her head in and tilted her head in confusion. Nick jumped upon seeing her enter.

"Whoa there… what's wrong?" the rabbit gently inquired.

"I'm uh… trying to find something," the fox mumbled. "It's a fox thing…." He silently begged that Judy wouldn't ask anything concerning his newfound issue.

"Really?" she asked incredulously, not seeming to take that explanation as reasonable enough.

"Yes, really," the fox assured in a rush. "Now I know you're probably tired so I suggest you get home and get to sleep."

"I'm staying here to look after you. Bogo did give you a couple days to recover. And besides, I'm supposed to watch out for you."

Nick smiled nervously and chuckled a little.

"Yeah that's a bad bad idea. Really bad idea. I suggest a trip home," Nicks attempts at snark falling short with the frantic tone he was doing his best to avoid using.

"Ok," Judy rolled her eyes, "What's wrong? Got fleas?" Nick barked a knee jerk reaction laugh nervously, drawing an even more disconcerting stare from the rabbit.

"No. Not that," conceded Nick. "I'm looking for… medication that I really need."

"You have a condition? I wasn't aware of that." Nick was inwardly facepawing at how innocent her reaction was.

"Sort of," he tried to explain. "It's more like…. A seasonal allergy…"

"But I thought you didn't have any allergies," came the instant reply of the thoughtful rabbit. "I know because you have bragged about that on a few select occasions."

Nick couldn't keep his paw from dragging over his snout in exasperation as Judy stared, waiting for a real explanation. His mind was muddled now and he couldn't think his way out of this. With a resounding sigh and sulking expression, he leaned on the bathroom counter and looked at Judy.

"Do you know much about winter involving foxes?" Nick asked in a murmured tone.

"Well sure," Judy replied with a shrug. "You get a thicker coat, a little antsy, and those I heard about in Bunnyburrow usually became reclusive for a couple weeks. I can't say I really looked that much into it. Fox biology lessons weren't really included in my education. Why?"

Nick growled slight at the lack of understanding happening here.

"It's mating season for me…" Nick finally squeezed out, lowering his head onto the sink and covering his eyes with his paws.

"Oh," was Judy's simple reply. Her tone struck with a realization of his behavior. "So… right now…?"

"I'm fighting with certain leanings that include you."

"And this medication does what?" Judy asked.

"It," Nick tried to come up with the right words, "keeps everything in check. And with my… primal condition… I'm feeling it pretty strongly."

Judy adopted a look that unnerved Nick when he deigned to peek at her again from beneath his paws. He couldn't figure it out but nothing about the small grey rabbit said she was apprehensive around him at this point.

She took a step forward, whereas Nick took one back.

"So, what you're saying," the rabbit doe started in a hushed tone that tickled at a part of Nick's psyche, "is that my fox boyfriend, whose primal senses have been ramped up to eleven, is experiencing something that is making it hard for him to resist preying on this bunny?" Her slow steps were followed by Nick backing slowly into the shower door, he was fighting a blood boiling urge to pin her at this moment but quite the internal mental struggle was keeping him locked in a stalemate on how to proceed.

"I… yes…" Nick revealed, his eyes becoming predatory slits as his claws dug into the counter of the sink. His back finally bumped the door of the shower, drawing a look of slight fear from Nick as he looked back. He wasn't necessarily scared of Judy, maybe how calmly she was taking this, sure, but it was his potential future actions he was scared of. He hadn't had to deal with having someone to spend mating season with, so such feelings were simply medicated into a minimal standard of existence. Now, it was like the last ten years of repressed and neglected urges were surfacing and amplified by his current state. He felt like mental restraints he placed on himself to deal with the world were being tested to the utmost limit and all he wanted was to release said restraints and indulge in letting this tsunami of primal instinct roll over everything.

"I don't see a problem here," Judy told him, sliding a paw under his shirt and running her fingers up the scruff of his chest. A throaty growl escaped him as he shook his head, tilting it back and letting out a resulting, ragged sigh.

When he looked back down to Judy, the world was blurry. It was like a dark circle was pulling at the edges of his vision. He looked to the side to see the bathroom mirror reflecting his state. Wide green eyes with shivering slits greeted his stare. He looked back at the increasingly sultry stare of the rabbit, her eyes glowing with a need that he had never seen in her before. His nose twitched as he took in her scent, intoxicating him beyond all reason. It tore through his mind like a poisonous cloud and threatened to rot him from the inside out.

"Judy," he breathed, "I don't think you understand…" the grey doe leaned in and lifted his shirt a bit and buried her nose in his belly, inhaling deeply and cutting his resistant statement short. He drew in a labored breath and fought against all primal instinct to keep from grabbing at her too hastily. Her own scent spiked in 'tone' and a bittersweet element permeated the air around Nick, his chest rising and falling more rapidly now.

"What I don't understand," Judy mumbled into his fur, "is your need to treat me like I'll break. I'm not fine china." Her other paw gravitated up towards Nick's snout, whereas she pulled it down to her head. Kissing his nose gently, the rabbit dug her claws into his chest fur, enjoying the guttural sound emanating from his maw. As if to add to his already straining control, Judy gave his nose a slow and gentle lick, sending shivers coursing through his body and set his fur on end, fluffing under the pressure of Judy's paw. She noticed the reaction and stood on her toes to reach his ear.

She whispered with a honey sweet tone, "On the other paw… I might not mind being broken."

Before he could possibly think through a proper reaction, his body acted by gripping the bunny by the hips and digging in his extended claws, drawing forth a whimpering gasp from Judy. His jaws opened to nip at her ears playfully, making the tiptoeing rabbit shiver and try falling back on her heels.

Nick gripped her rear tightly and pulled her against him, tugging at an ear in his mouth. Judy had no ability to properly react at this point. It was like her body was lit on fire and all she could do was fall into the heat and hope she wouldn't get burned. Stretching her legs out as her ears were tugged in the fanged snout of her primal mate, she tried to touch the floor once more, only to have her toes curl an inch above the surface as Nick turned his snout to grip the other ear in his fangs and yanked lightly with both ears within his control.

For the first time that night, Judy couldn't restrain the sound of a moan escaping her lips. It came out broken and stuttered, the pitch rising and falling with each twinging nerve being touched in her body.

"Nick…" the grey bunny breathed, her voice as soft as her fur.

The red fox slid his paws from her rump to grip the underside of her thighs, letting her legs straddle his hips. He could feel the slight breeze coming from the shivering tail, apparently showing her latent pleasure in his ministrations. Feeling a little more confident in himself, Nick slid a paw up her back and put the other on her tail, dragging an almost pained gasp from the rabbit.

Nick stopped moving for a second and let her ears fall from his mouth, looking down to the shuddering grey mass hanging off of him.

"Don't… you… dare stop," Judy hazily commanded between throaty breaths. Her face buried deep into Nick's chest as he instantly squeezed her tail with renewed fervor. His fingers moved about the plush puff of dense fur, enjoying how different her small but adorable tail felt to his own. Speaking of which, Nick was vaguely aware of his tail swishing happily behind him, thumping against the shower door on occasion.

One of Nicks errant digits raked too close to the base of Judy's vibrating tail and her head arched back with a startled cry, eyes glazed over and teary. Despite the confusing signals that had the fox wondering whether she was enjoying this or secretly uncomfortable, his primal side was liking this display of submissiveness. A deep rumbling purr came from the rabbit as her ears flopped heavily down her back and Nick had enough civil sense to give her a gently pet down said ears and along her back. The purr increased in volume as the fox continued to gently run his paw over her head, ears, and back.

Finally letting his instincts run loose a bit, Nick decided to take the impromptu event to a new venue. With the bunny wrapped around his hips in a most alluring fashion, he walked her out of the bathroom and made his way down the short hallway.

Taking advantage of his otherwise engaged mental focus, Judy took this opportunity to kiss the scruff on his neck with multiple tender kisses, her buck teeth scrapping lightly with each peck. Nick couldn't make it effectively to the bedroom and lifted the rabbit easily, pinning her to the wall and tilting his muzzle to interlock with Judy's lips, taking her breath away in two ways. Once when pressed to the wall and twice when kissing her with such energy that she could almost feel him pulling at the bubbling heat within her.

Her legs swayed beneath her, trying find purchase on any surface to brace herself. When she couldn't, she felt a surge of arousal at the sheer dominant power Nick was exuding by pinning her to the wall like this. Her paws gripped at the arm anchoring her to the wall, her mind reveling in the feel of how solid his arm felt bracing her like this. His other paw slid lower, lifting her shirt slightly to run itself over her belly. She felt a twinge of embarrassment at whether she would be attractive in such a respect but such errant thoughts were washed away when his tongue found its way into her small mouth, invading and fighting her smaller tongue with such ferocity that she knew she couldn't hope to match him. Her mind was far too muddled to focus on any task other than kneejerk reactions to his actions.

When Nick finally gave her reprieve enough to separate his muzzle from hers, Judy ended up gasping and panting heavily, a few stray moans bleeding from her voice as she bit her lower lip. Everything that happened was starting to accumulate within her body and incur quite the heated reaction. Her legs pressed together as a blush permeated her ears and cheeks, knowing that her body was really enjoying this far more than she could have hoped to prepare herself mentally for.

The red fox allowed her a few seconds before setting her down and leaning in to lick her nose, face, ears, and neck. At first, she tried to turn away and press her paws to his chest to push him away. A reflexive and dominant growl burst from his body quicker than he could attempt to stifle it and Judy squeaked slightly, subjecting herself to the unconventional means of affection she secretly found sweet.

At first it tickled a bit but soon enough, Judy found herself in the throes of a heated pant as Nick bathed her in loving licks. When he knelt down and lifted her shirt to lick her belly, the bunny renewed her embarrassed efforts to push Nick away from her. He wasn't having it. His predatory gaze locked onto her own eyes and his paws gripped her wrists to pin them to the wall as he licked her belly more slowly. It was as if he was trying to show her that he was the dominant one, and she couldn't find any real reason to dislike that line of thought. As much as it embarrassed her to have her fox attending to parts of her that she didn't hold in the highest realms of boastful confidence, she liked… no loved how interested he was in her body.

He suddenly pulled away, letting Judy catch her breath as he picked her up in his arms princess style. Her gaze drifted up to Nick's emerald eyes, feeling the overflowing energy pouring forth from the hungry gaze he gave her in kind. Her nose twitched when she saw his tongue flick out for a second and slide over his muzzle slowly. In the short span of time it took him to carry Judy to his bedroom, she took in how strong and sturdy he felt.

While lacking the obvious outward display of musculature that larger predators were known for when they had a proper diet, Judy could absolutely feel the lean and solid muscles that ran the length of his arms and chest. She couldn't feel any safer in his arms than she did in that moment, wrapped in the arms of a predator whom once hunted her kind thousands of years ago. She grinned internally at the irony.

Upon entering the bedroom, Nick tossed the bundled-up form of the rabbit onto the bed, her surprised squeak echoing in the larger room. She perked up her ears and shifted herself up to look for Nick, who wasn't anywhere she could see.

A fluffy tail flicked playfully into view from below the edge of the bed as he must have gotten down on all fours. With baited breath, Judy watched his tail, mesmerized. The fox jumped up to the bed with astounding grace and circled his prey, sniffing the air hungrily. Judy backed away slightly as he came back around to her legs and tried to position himself over her. As she pushed herself away in nervous embarrassment, Nick snapped at one of her splayed out legs, making sure not to use too much force as his muzzle closed around a shin.

Both of her paws clapped to her mouth as a whining moan she wasn't prepared for vented noisily out of her. The rabbit's other leg twitched involuntarily as her foot thumped the air happily. Her mind was a swirling torrent of thoughts and emotions, with the present level of how much she was loving being treated like this at the forefront of the storm. She wasn't sure if she should be this twisted in this aspect but felt that it was a concern for later.

Nick pulled her back and released her to position himself over her, growling with a mixture of playfully and dominantly. Before Judy could eek out a struggled reply, he took her ears in a paw and pinned them above the doe's head, clamping his jaw around her neck. A familiar scream, on a lower degree than the one she let loose in the museum, left her small mouth. Nick almost let go in concern but his eyes found hers. He was unsure what to make of the glazed gaze that met his. Her eyelids fluttered and paws gripped bundles of the sheets as her legs and feet thrashed around in jerking spasms. Every couple seconds, her thighs pulled together and a heated, humid moan left her.

To test whether he could push it further, he squeezed his jaws slightly tighter, licking her neck. As a result, her back arched under him and a series of squeaks and whines escaped Judy's parted mouth.

Releasing her neck, Nick surveyed the possible damage and found he only left some bite marks and no actual punctures. Her watery stare never left him as her body still twitched and jerked slightly.

"Did you just…" Nick softly inquired, stretching out a paw to rest on Judy's own. She turned her head into the bed and nodded.

"I… I still… It's still happening," she tearfully and embarrassingly admitted, her shivering body a clear indicator that an orgasm was still racking her body.

A gentle smile broke out on the fox's face.

"I haven't even gotten to anything that should have done that."

"Shut up," she gasped. "I can't help it. I've never… AH!"

Nick had pressed his paws on her legs to spread them with surprising force, nipping playfully at her thighs alternatively before pressing his nose against her belly.

"Stop… I'm still…. No…" she breathed in broken gasps with a heaving chest.

"Still what?" Nick asked in a teasing and low voice.

The rabbit looked at him with a mixture of frustration and longing, underplayed with a growing sense of embarrassment.

When she didn't answer, the fox clamped his muzzle around her body between her legs. Her eyes bugged out as her back arched and a series of restrained moans slipped out of her as her body betrayed her by being so overcome with pleasure, coupled with her recent oversensitivity, that she came once more.

Her paws released the sheets and covered her face as she tossed her head from side to side and whimpered in the fanged vice of Nick's mouth. He relished in the most appealing noises reaching his flicking ears as Judy slowly lost control of her voice and muscles.

"I can't… Nick… it's too much… let me… let me breathe… please," Judy belted out between panting moans.

The red fox thought about showing her mercy until his tongue inadvertently felt a permeating warmth spreading in her leggings. His tongue flicked out to lick the source of this warmth, making the rabbit hiss and tense up. Her thighs snapped closed around Nicks head, pulling him further in and pressing his explorative tongue into the mound between her legs. The quivering sex of the rabbit was apparently leaving a very sizable wet spot on her leggings and Nick was left with no choice but to taste it, not that he was complaining. It wasn't that sweet nectar he had heard about, but her reaction towards his tongue distracted him from any opinion he may have cared to have about the taste.

"Nick… Nick…" the grey rabbit sighed between heaving breaths.

The fox released her from his jaws and worked his mouth open and shut to get a certain feeling back to the stretched muscles.

The shivering rabbit looked at him and struggled to pull herself up, grabbing his muzzle with a trembling paw and clumsily kissing him from a kneeling position. Nick was too lost in his own desire to think straight and let Judy do as she pleased while her thick scent permeated his senses with increasing intensity. Her tiny tongue found its way into his mouth, playing over his fangs as she pressed it curiously over the tip of each fang she could find.

It comforted Nick, as well as setting his heart on fire, to see how interested his little bunny was in his predatory attributes. Instead of fearing him, she seemed to harbor this subconscious submissive nature to him that pleased him beyond his current capability for rational thought.

Her fumbling paws found purchase on his shirt as she attempted to pull it off of Nick with small whines. Their mouths parted with a wet pop and Nick could almost see the fog of her next heated breath escaping the potentially over-heated bunny.

The fox decided to help her get her way and pulled the newly don shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Judy nearly tackled him as best her body could attempt, with her legs still trembling. She ended up pushing Nick back on his haunches, burying her face in his creamy colored chest fur. Her tongue flicked out and started giving affectionate rakes across his chest in a manner similar to what he did earlier to Judy. While the act itself was beyond adorable and drove Nick's already crumbling restraint to the brink of sanity, it more or less tickled with how small her tongue was compared to the fox that was nearly twice her height.

A thought crossed his mind and he became a little apprehensive. Their anatomical difference was quite vast, even considering they were both classified as small mammals. While Judy was barely over half his height, her weight was likely only a third of his. That wasn't including whatever scale one could use to figure out how to compare their respective sexual organs.

Judy seemed to be either innocent to such concerns or uncaring in any respect. At least he thought so, until her paw gravitated down to the sizable bulge in his pants, her small paw running over it slowly, drawing a low throaty growl from Nick. Her head snapped to look down as she seemed to suddenly be aware of the issue he had just pondered.

To be honest, Judy had made attempts at 'researching' this potential outcome. It including watching videos of a questionable nature online when she found the time. She was partially mentally prepared for this end, but what she didn't account for, was the variation in size from the stuff she investigated. What she looked up was apparently within the range of average. If what she felt in her paw was any indication… Nick wasn't part of that range. In fact, it shook her previous determination from earlier when she so boldly enticed her fox to give in to the desires she knew was figuratively clawing their way from his mind.

Noticing her shaken nature, Nick gave her a kind stare and put a paw on her cheek, caressing it slightly.

"You know… if you can't… we can…"

"I am NOT waiting," Judy interrupted the red fox sternly, her resolve reaffirming itself in the steely glow of her violet eyes. With those eyes locked onto his brilliant emerald eyes with predatory slits, her paws blindly undid his belt buckle and slowly pulled the strip from his pants. She roped the faux leather strip around the back of his head and pulled him in for a quick make-out kiss for a few seconds before letting go of the belt.

Her paws rubbed the bulge gently, making Nick press his chin to his own chest and close his eyes as a pleasant sigh came from his slightly parted maw. Judy smiled at the pleasure of being able to induce this kind of reaction in her fox. Feeling a bit more confident now, the rabbit unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down slowly. Nick let out a low whine as he felt a pressure he wasn't even aware was hindering him leave suddenly. Judy made a low purring noise as she spied the tip of his erection peeking above the waistband of his boxers. Her nose wiggled as his thick scent washed over her. The latent scent of the violets she remarked upon before took a backseat to the musk that now overflowed from the primal fox.

Judy tugged gently at the top of his boxers, dragging them slowly down the twitching, throbbing mass of flesh that seemed to be the source of a scent that made her curious. With his pants still on, she could only reveal so much of the thick, red member teasing her senses. To relieve the anxious atmosphere surrounding the two as Nick gave her a concerned gaze that conflicted with the selfish desire trying to claw its way out, Judy leaned in and gripped the shaft with both paws, barely capable of surrounding its girth. She pulled back and brushed the smooth flesh across her cheek, eyeing the pulsing veins with each subsequent heartbeat that fed it blood.

Her mouth suddenly felt dry as her mind became blank, not knowing how to further please him. A few thoughts did cross her mind but the main issue was overcoming the sudden anxiousness and self-doubt that she could properly please him. She could hear Nick panting as his tongue lolled out to the side, enjoying what she was already doing. Blushing intensely, the rabbit decided to take a note from her previous implication and give in to instinct. It worked for him and made her writhe and moan till she came twice.

The grey doe's mouth opened as her ragged breathing washed over the fox's erection, making him growl lightly as he gripped the sheets, trying to allow her to do as she wished without giving over to being the alpha again.

Judy's small mouth wrapped around the tapered tip of Nick's pulsating member, his hips lifting slightly and pushing into the rabbit's mouth. A slick fluid leaked from the tip, curiosity getting to her for the umpteenth time this morning, she extended her tongue and licked the tip to taste it. Nick's reaction greatly satisfied the bunny as he whimpered at the teasing lick to his sensitive tip and shifted reflexively, accidentally pressing more of himself into Judy's mouth. It was almost too much and she pulled back to give herself some space to breathe through her nose. That didn't really help though. The air entering her nose from that position was so thick with his scent, she doubted she was actually breathing oxygen anymore.

Letting his member pop from her mouth with a string of saliva and precum bridging the gap, the blushing bunny gave his pants an enthusiastic tug and, with his aid, pulled them off to cast them aside. Barely able to sit back on his haunches, Judy crawled on all fours under Nick, who was also on all fours, to eagerly put her open mouth on the twitching member that bounced with each throbbing pulse. Nick was so caught off guard that his legs barely remained steady as his arms gave out and he slid forward, planting his muzzle into the bed. In the process, Judy was forced to take what she estimated was around half of her fox's thick length. Her vision became hazy as she tried to adjust to the size without giving any of it up. A wandering paw made its way to her own quivering sex, her small digits sliding under the leggings and panties to run along the leaking slit. Everything down there was overly wet and heated now.

As a finger made its way into herself, with the other tentatively teasing her clit, she moaned around the thick shaft invading her mouth, making Nick's legs shake more violently as he resisted falling completely. Nick was battling in his own mind over whether he should let Judy continue her clumsy, but exceptionally pleasing, ministrations, or take matters into his own paws and use her mouth for his own selfish, primal desire. As if to try prematurely taking advantage of the internal debate, his hips gave in partially to the primal side, shakily moving back and forth. He could hear the wet, slick sounds of his shaft invading his rabbit's mouth further then leaving, only to try pushing deeper. His ears flicked as he heard the low throaty moans of Judy, her mouth vibrating around him.

He couldn't even gauge what time was anymore as the whole event felt painstakingly slow but he could feel a definitive urge building deep inside him. Realizing what it was, Nick made the painful decision to pull out, not wanting his mate to deal with too much.

Upon leaving her mouth, Nick fell on his side, panting heavily. Judy collapsed on the bed, gasping while keeping herself in a position that looked oddly primal for a rabbit. Her paws were tucked into herself and she looked like a ball of fluff with a wiggling tail.

Once she could breathe calmly again, Judy hastily stripped her clothes off and snuggled into the fox's chest.

"Were you about to…" she mumbled at him.

"Yeah," Nick gasped.

"So, that's what that feeling was," Judy murmured more to herself. Nick perked up as he became inquisitive.

"What do you mean?" he asked in a throaty whisper.

Her ears covered her face once again as she summoned up the courage to explain such a lewd summation of events.

"I… could feel you getting more frantic. It was leaking a lot more too and I could feel your heartbeat in it." She paused to let him react. Nick only nuzzled the top of her head lightly.

"I want to help you finish," she stated in the ragged silence.

Nick was ecstatic at the prospect but still stiffened nervously.

"Are you sure…."


"With your mouth?" he asked in a hushed tone, as if speaking louder might ruin the mood.

"No…" without waiting to clarify herself in words, Judy nestled herself lower and pulled Nick's still twitching erection between her thighs, pressing her overheated sex on the shaft. The fox curled around her and gave light thrusts upon feeling the new pleasure rack his body. The wet, slick shaft twitched back against her belly, letting her revel in the warmth flooding out from his organ.

Squeezing her thighs around the thick member, Judy stroked what she could with her paws, hearing Nicks increasingly labored breathing above her.

Summoning up the courage to do what she had been putting off, Judy pulled herself away from Nick and crawled to his muzzle to kiss it.

"I don't know if I can do this myself…" she told him, "but I need you to help me."

Nick's gaze made her already melting body heat up more as he pressed his forehead to her and nod slightly.

As gently as he could trust himself to do, he pushed Judy back and pinned her to the bed, forcing her trembling legs open. He could feel the heat pouring forth from her slit as juices flowed from it nearly profusely. With their size difference, Nick couldn't properly kiss her while trying to guide his shaft to her entrance. He settled for arching himself over her and licking the top of her head and long ears to keep her relaxed. It seemed to be working as the tip of his shaft was able to slip inside her with little resistance.

Once the member decided to throb in pleasure after entering, Judy's sex chose that moment to react by squeezing down like a velvety vice. She released a gasping moan and tossed her head about as feelings of his not so unwelcome invasion overwhelmed her. Nick growled as her body tried to push him out and his primal side took that as a challenge and pushed against the flow, forcing nearly double the length that she had attempted to push out.

Her body betrayed her again as Nick slid out and tried to gently press onward, sending another tense wave of shocks through her body and reflexively making her sex desperately spasm. This time he was prepared and his hips gave a forceful thrust, his rear paws digging into the bed as nearly two thirds of his length made it into her and she let loose a series of panting whimper, whines, and moans. It wasn't necessarily from the length but he had finally pushed past her hymen and bumped against something in the back. It sent a cascading wave of electric shocks through her body as the third orgasm of the night threatened to tear her body apart.

In the throes of this orgasm, her body finally gained enough elasticity for Nick to slide the rest of his length inside Judy, who grabbed tufts of his chest fur and buried her face into him, letting out a broken cry of pleasure. Nick was struggling with his own overwhelming feelings of peaking sexual release. He stopped for a bit to allow his mate to get accommodated, letting the rising swell of pleasure simmer down for the second time that morning.

Not wanting to overwhelm Judy too much, but with his primal side refusing to be denied release once again, his tail swished behind him as his rear paws dug in to the bed and forced his hips forward in short bursts, sliding Judy's smaller body along the bed a few inches until Nick put one paw on her head to keep her still and the other on her waist. A threatening snarl emanated from the dominant fox, giving the rabbit further reason to feel a heated wave of arousal wash over her body.

Her mind was a swirl of excitement, arousal, and apprehension as Nick lost himself in the primal instinct to make her his own. Each growl that coursed through his body rumbled his chest, with Judy's head and paws still pressed against it. She felt her own primal sense of comfort and security overcome her as the mounting feeling inside her peaked again and forced its way out.

Her body's shivering, shaking, and squeezing reactions became the final straw for the fox. He huffed with a few last, powerful thrusts, nipping a floppy ear in his teeth as his hips ground his shaft all the way inside Judy. A new sensation only amplified her orgasmic bliss and renewed it with a vigor that short circuited every last neuron in her brain. Nick's canid knot was expanding inside her as a pulsing spurt of searing hot fluids filled her.

She couldn't comprehend anything anymore, so the trembling bunny merely focused on every feeling that still told her that her existence was grounded in reality. The pressure at her entrance. The throbbing heat that stretched and flexed inside her. Then there was the ever-increasing amount of searing heat that kept pumping itself into her deepest regions. She put a paw down to feel the flow and was surprised, aroused, and slightly scared to realize that the flow was giving her a slight paunch that swelled almost imperceptibly with each throbbing pulsation that pumped more fox seed into her.

"I don't know about you…" Nick rasped with a husky tone, "but I thoroughly enjoyed myself. How are you feeling?"

Judy was still trying to get her bearings, with a large pulsating shaft still twitching inside her and keeping her last orgasm from truly finishing.

"I'll… mmm… I'll let you know… ah… when I can …. Haaa… feel again," came her labored reply, slightly muffled by the scruff of Nick's chest fur.

"Oh… right. And I should probably mention… we're stuck together for a while."

"I figured," Judy replied, then whined a little as another pulse resulted in spurting another sizable amount of fox cum into her. Her belly had a noticeable roundness to it now as his orgasm seemed to finally taper off.

"I'm more concerned with how you can fill me this much…." She continued.

"I…" Nick grunted, "think it might have to do with coming close twice. Or maybe it just feels like a lot because you're a lot smaller than a vixen."

"At least you're done…. OH!"

As if to spite her, Nick gave a short thrust and let out a ragged sigh as one last spurt filled his mate.

"You were saying," the fox said with all the snark he could muster.

"D… Dumb fox!" squeaked Judy.

A little over half an hour later of stuttered and half-witted banter, the two of them were finally able to uncouple, much to their relief and subsequent displeasure. Nick got up to go get some water, sticking his snout under the faucet and lapping up as much as he could before needing to properly breathe.

When he came back, Judy was attempting to get out of bed, looking rather confident in herself, until her paws hit the floor and her legs buckled.

The fox was instantly at her side with great concern.

"Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" came the beginning of his frantic questioning, until the rabbit bonked his nose with a paw.

"Relax, Nick," she soothed with a smile. "I'm fine. Just my first time, so I'm a bit… unsteady. Though, honestly, I would assume that I might have had trouble no matter what. You have a lot to deal with down there." Judy instantly blushed as she said that without realizing it, covering her face with her ears for the umpteenth time. She expected a rather snarky reply and physical teasing at her expense but none came. Peeking out from beneath the canopy of her ears, she saw something that melted her heart.

Nick was opening and closing his mouth quickly, looking everywhere except her face, his tail and flittering mess as the complement was obviously something he had no experience with. He also had a paw behind his head, nervously scratching the back and side of his neck as he stuttered and struggled to come up with a reply.

All he could do was mumble a delayed 'thank you' before turning his head away from her gaze. It then hit Judy, with everything that happened to him and his real age revealed… what was his actual romantic life like in the past.

"Was that…," she started, putting a paw on his arm. "was that your first time too?"

A nervous smile tugged awkwardly at his mouth, resulting in a lop-sided smile as he nodded wordlessly.

Judy's gaze turned loving and confident as she looked his still naked form over.

"Gotta say you have some good instincts then," she complemented him, reaching up to pull his muzzle down and give him a deep kiss. Once she released him, she walked around him, heading for the shower to clean herself up and hopefully find a way to lessen the pressure on her belly. Before padding out, she reached back and gave Nick's rear a light back paw pat. He straightened and turned his head as Judy ran a paw over his tail and he flicked it to tickle her nose.

"Sweet cheese and crackers, I love you, Judy," Nick said to her, the rabbit letting out a lovely laugh that warmed his heart.

"I love you too, Scruffy," Judy replied back to him as she shimmied her hips and gave him the same lazy salute he had given her back when he called her a cute meter maid, disappearing behind the door.

Nick stood there in a daze while he heard the water of the shower start up, enjoying the flurry of thoughts racing through h….

"Hey Scruffy? You gonna join me or what?" yelled his mate from the shower.

Nick shook his head and lost whatever thought process he was trying to establish as he rushed through the door and joined his giggling bunny.

Wow that ended up longer than I expected...

I'm gonna stop that sentence right there. No need for me to walk into all those jokes.

Now for all of you twisted individuals who live for this type of turn of events in a fanfiction, hope it satisfied. (No jokes on that phrase please. haha.)

Otherwise, I wanted to create a loving display of Judy and Nick's relationship that wasn't debased to a crude description of awkward bad smut language and demeaning terminology towards one character or the other. Not to say that there aren't any loving displays out there pertaining to this fandom, but the ratio of good versus lazy/bad is pretty unbalanced.

Anywho, I shall keep working on all my new chapters and give you more to look forward to. My plot has some pretty fun stuff ready to blow after having the fuse lit a few chapters ago.

Until next time, It's been a hustle, Sweethearts.