A/N: Hello everyone. I couldn't resist and wrote a small fluffy Shamy fanfiction based on a drawing from rgbcn from last October, I was so inspired when I saw the drawing and I had an idea in my head, which you can read below :). Rgbcn will post tomorrow a drawing related to the story.
Thank you so much Regina for the new version of this drawing. It means a lot to me. Also thank you for the daily drawings, the live sessions, the kind words and all the joy you bring us every day. This story is for you!
A huge thanks to my Beta darzyfitz. I couldn't believe when I ask her to be my Beta and she said yes. Thank you for helping me with my first story. I'm feeling really honored.
It's my first fanfiction ever and English is not my first language.
Please enjoy it and tell me what you think!
"What shitty weather." Mumbled Penny, as she entered the foyer. She rolled her eyes when she looked through the entrance door window, seeing the heavy rain storm.
She shook out her umbrella and some rain drops landed on her face and jacket, and with a shift of her arm she wiped the drops from her face. Her shoes were soaking wet and squeaked on every step as she climbed the stairs up to the 4th floor, with a big green umbrella and a trail of food in her hands. As she reached the 3rd floor as she heard a voice.
Amy´s voice. Amy´s very loud and angry voice. Penny couldn't see what was happening, but if Amy's tone was any indication, it must not be good. She tried not to eavesdrop, but Amy's yelling was making it difficult.
"Sheldon, I can't understand you! This is so ridiculous. We are living together, we share a bed and a toothbrush holder. We even sleep together. Why can't you try it? For me?" Amy begged.
Back upstairs, Amy paced back and forth in their apartment in a huff. During her speech, her angry green eyes looked Sheldon up and down as she came to stand in front of him. He sat on the blue couch with a comic in his hand, lowering the book and gazing at Amy in confusion as she glared at him with hurt shining in her eyes.
"Why are you getting so upset about such a silly thing?" He asked her innocently, hurting her even more.
Amy bristled at his lack of understanding for her feelings.
"Sheldon…why can't you hold my hand or give me a small kiss in public or when we are with our friends? We've been a couple for more than 6 years and we should try such things. Or better you should try this!" She said in annoyance.
Sheldon opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when Amy starts to once again admonish him.
"I know you don't like it very much, but this can't be the only reason. You never say you love me or give me even a peck in front of our friends. And today, it hurt a lot at the lunch when you ignored me. I could see that you wanted to kiss me, Sheldon. So why did you take a step back?" Amy asked, her voice softening in fear for what he'd say.
Sheldon frowned. How could he make her understand?
"But Amy, it's weird to kiss in public with all of those gawkers watching us. It's just… just...I don't like it." Sheldon whispered. "I said I loved you in front of our friends, but you didn't hear it."
His voice was small, but Amy overheard anyway.
"I need some fresh air!" She said, clearly upset even with Sheldon's explanation.
Sheldon still looked confused at her outburst as she turned around and without so much as a goodbye, walks through the door before slamming it with a loud bang. It took him a moment to realize that she actually left, before he jumped up and opened the door in a panic.
"But Amy, please come back. You forgot your purse and your jacket." He yelped to her retreating form, afraid to go after her and afraid not to. He still didn't understand why she was getting so upset about this.
Penny was still standing in between the 3rd and 4th floors, frozen to the spot as she listened to her friends fighting. Amy stomped down the stairs angrily, not even watching where she was going which was surprising for her.
"Ames, what's going on?" Penny asked with concern, finally unfreezing from her stupor.
Amy glared at her friend.
"Nothing, Penny! I'm not in the mood to talk about it yet." She said grumpily, nearly crashing into her as she zoomed past her down the stairs.
Penny turned around, trying to stop her.
"Amy! Please tell me, why are you so angry?"
Amy didn't stop her momentum as she was now rounding the 2nd floor landing.
"I said, not yet!" Amy screamed, in a rush to get out of the building. One tear streamed down her cheek and she wiped it away angrily, grateful Penny couldn't see it. She heard her blond friend's concerned voice filter down to her from where she stood upstairs.
"Amy, a big storm is coming. It's raining badly already. You have nothing with you." Penny said with concern.
Amy shook her head in annoyance.
"Yes, I realize that." She said, but in her mood she didn't understand Penny last words. The only thing she could hear was her pounding heartbeat and the thoughts inside her head.
"The only boyfriend I've ever had in my life, and he doesn't want to show me any affection. Argh! It´s so frustrating and it hurts so much." She mumbled to herself in agony as she stormed out of the building and into the rain.
"Oh no." She thought in resignation, upon realizing how bad the weather actually was. "This is not my day. First the drug addicted monkeys at work, next the weird situation with Sheldon in the cafeteria, and now this."
She looked up to the sky as the heavy raindrops began to fall on her.
"Whatever." She said sadly, not even caring anymore as she began walking aimlessly, soaked to the bone within moments.
…A few hours earlier in the Caltech Cafeteria.
Raj, Howard, Leonard and Sheldon were sitting at the same table they normally occupied for lunch. It was like any other day; the four men chatting about work and their personal lives alike. Howard said something particular funny about baby Haley when Leonard looked up and noticed that Amy was walking towards their table, her tray in hand.
"Sheldon, Amy is here." Leonard teased, grinning at his best friend. He knew that since Sheldon had moved in with his girlfriend, things had progressed with them in the physical department. While they were still pretty tame in that regard, Leonard knew Sheldon had come a long way.
Sheldon turned his head to watch as his girlfriend approached them, absorbing her fully.
"She looks so hot in her white lab coat. She should wear that at home." Sheldon said happily, prompting his friends to raise their brows.
With a smooth move and a sly grin on his lips, Sheldon stood up to greet her. She smiled at him and lifted her head to give him a small peck on the lips, like she did every day at home. He seemed like he was about to do the same, but then he took a step back and looked uncertainly to his feet before looking back again to his girlfriend.
Amy stood still in her position, lowering her head in confusion at Sheldon's dismissive behavior. He sat back down and clearly expected her to do the same by the way he ushered to the free seat beside him. She sat down beside her boyfriend and began to eat her sandwich, but she had suddenly lost her appetite.
The guys began to chatter again around her, even trying to include her in the conversation. But Amy could only nod and bite her lip as she was sad, angry and injured at Sheldon's actions. It's not like if he kissed her back that the cafeteria occupants would think they were about to engage in coitus right there! It was merely a gentle peck on each other's lips to cheer her up after a long and stressful morning in her lab. But no. He still had this strict policy of no public displays of affection.
Amy loved Sheldon, quirks and all, but sometimes she wished he would cast off some of those quirks and just act like her feelings mattered.
After a tense and silent lunch on her part in which she finished earlier than normal, Amy rose to leave and offered the guys a friendly wave goodbye.
"See you later." She said quietly, picking up her tray.
The guys returned her sentiment with waves of their own.
Sheldon stopped eating mid bite, turning to give his girlfriend a peculiar look.
"Amy, why are you leaving so early? We still have 20 minutes until the lunch break is over." Sheldon pointed out eagerly.
Amy offered her boyfriend a tight lipped smile.
"I…I have a lot of work to do back in my lab. I'd better get back. Sorry, Sheldon. I'll see you later." She said quietly.
Without a word and with glassy eyes Amy went straight back to her lab.
The table fell silent as Sheldon's friends gave each other knowing looks. Sheldon was still watching Amy's retreating form, utterly bewildered.
"Well, that was strange. I wonder what made her leave so soon." Sheldon said, obviously confused.
Raj and Howard dared not say anything, focusing on the remainder of their lunch instead. It was Leonard who spoke up, knowing he had to point out Sheldon's fault to his best friend.
"Buddy, I think she's sad. I think that's why she was so quiet and why she left in such a hurry." Leonard said quietly.
Sheldon took a bit of his sandwich, his brows narrowing.
"Why should she be sad?" Sheldon asked, completely confused.
"I think it's about the kiss." Howard said reasonably, finally speaking up.
Sheldon's face displayed his bafflement.
"Which kiss?"
It was Raj's turn now to pipe in, and he rolled his eyes, ever the romantic.
"The kiss she wanted you to give her when she lifted her face to yours and you refused, you clueless jerk."
Sheldon gasped, his mouth falling open.
"What?" He bellowed in disbelief, certain his friends were wrong.
"That's why she was sad. You basically scorned her after she clearly wanted to kiss you. We saw it. You wanted to kiss her too, but at the last moment you hesitated and took a step back. Why?" Asked Raj, his tone less condescending.
Sheldon stared straight at his friend, his mind trying to formulate an answer.
"I don't like public displays of affection and what everybody thinks when I kiss Amy. It's none of their business anyway." Sheldon said quietly.
Leonard chewed his lip thoughtfully, sitting back and openly regarding his friend.
"Buddy, you never cared before about what other people think, especially about you or Amy. Why should you care now? A little hello peck isn't going to get the gossip mill going." Leonard pointed out reasonably. "Besides, you kiss her at home, don't you?"
Sheldon frowned, his lunch forgotten.
"But it's different at home. No prying eyes or nosy people staring." He said defensively.
Raj raised a brow.
"What is the difference?" Raj asked, as he took a forkful of his salad.
Sheldon shrugged, crossing his arms.
"Well…here, there is an audience. I don't like it when they see me and Amy show each other affection. That's private." He pouted.
Howard rolled his eyes at his friend, shaking his head.
"Sheldon, the woman wasn't asking you to shove the food off of the table and ravish her. She only wanted a little peck."
Sheldon had had enough of trying to justify his action to his friends. Standing up, he swiped his tray before glaring at each of his friends.
"Gentlemen." He said haughtily, storming away.
Yet on the way back to his office, he began to see the reasoning in Amy's logic. Perhaps he had overreacted when all Amy wanted was a small show of affection.
Maybe I should try to kiss her next time. A small peck is not the same as what we do on the couch every evening, after all. What could it hurt? He thought to himself.
With a small smile on his lips, Sheldon made his way back to work.
Sheldon came back to the couch after Amy's abrupt departure, in a bit of daze. Moments passed, before he finally came to his senses and bolted back up.
"I need to follow her." He said frantically.
Flinging open his door, he was startled to find Penny standing there in the hall between their two apartments. She looked at him oddly which put him on edge even more.
"What are you doing here?" He ask the blonde Nebraskan, his voice strained.
Penny raised a brow, shooting him an incredulous look.
"Me? I live here. The better question is, why did Amy run away like her life was in danger? She looked very angry. And hurt." Penny said with an accusatory tone.
Sheldon's eyes widened at that.
"What did you do to her?" Penny asked, pointing at him with her umbrella.
Sheldon's face fell at Penny's admonishment.
"Nothing." He sputtered defensively, yet a seed of doubt was beginning to form in his mind.
Penny rolled her eyes.
"Nothing? Well, it didn't look like nothing. It sure looked like something." Penny said dryly.
Sheldon bristled, crossing his arms.
"I might have hurt her feelings earlier." He admitted quietly, pointing out the obvious.
Penny narrowed her eyes.
"How?" She asked simply, her tone letting Sheldon know that she meant business.
Sheldon sighed, thinking back to not only the cafeteria scene, but at what the guy's had said afterwards.
"I…pulled away when she tried to kiss me in front of everyone. I think I made her feel like I was embarrassed of her." Sheldon said, the words making him realize how awful his behavior looked.
Penny pursed her lips, nodding at the same time.
"Huh. Well, now everything is crystal clear." She said matter-of-factly.
Sheldon tilted his head to gaze at her.
"Why is that crystal clear?" He asked, his typical clueless tone shining through.
Penny rolled her eyes again at her friend.
"Sheldon, you need to do something and not nothing." She said seriously, hoping he would finally get the hint.
For once, Sheldon understood Penny's verbal cues.
"Give me your umbrella! I need to find her. She rushed out of here without her jacket or an umbrella." He said, stating the obvious since Penny had seen the state Amy was in when she left.
Penny smiled at Sheldon, handing him her umbrella.
"Here, bring our girl back home." She said kindly.
Sheldon took the green umbrella from her hand, mumbling a hasty "Thanks" before running like a madman down the stairs as fast as his long legs would carry him. Hopefully he could find his Vixen and explain.
The rain hadn't let up as Amy wandered aimlessly, her long hair soaking and obscuring her vision. She knew if she kept going she might get chilled and possibly sick, but she had so much adrenalin that she hadn't realized how far she'd walked until she began to grow tired.
"I need a place to think." Amy mumbled to herself, and her feet knew exactly which place it would be. The small Pasadena Library was one of her favorite places and not much further from where she was. The smell of old and used books was calming and familiar.
Sheldon couldn't believe how heavy the rainstorm was. Pasadena wasn't prone to such violent storms, but it only seemed fitting that it happened right now.
"Oh Amy!" He said aloud, his worry for her growing as he imagined her practically drowning in this downpour. It was all his fault and he had to find her and make things right. He had walked for what seemed like miles already, but there was still no trace of her in any of their usual hangouts. Stopping at an intersection, he looked left and right but had no idea in which direction he should go. A big gust of wind apprehended under Sheldon's umbrella and drew him in the right direction. After a few seconds of holding the umbrella in his grip he saw her.
She was a street over standing at the intersection, totally drenched and with her crossed arms over her chest. His heart sank at how miserable she looked, and his annoyance at her disregard for putting herself in harm's way melted away at the sight of her.
'I should catch her on the next traffic light. I need to go faster'. He thought and started walking at a faster pace once the light changed to red, allowing him to cross.
"Only one crosswalk left and I'm safe. I hope they have something resembling a towel for me." Amy murmured to herself.
She stopped at the traffic light and waited with some other people until the lights turned red. Some of them stared at her because of her soaking wet clothes and the sad expression of her face, and the fact she had no umbrella. Amy began to quiver as the rain suddenly slowed down, granting her a reprieve. She couldn't get any wetter, but it was something. She looked up to the sky to see that the storm was moving on, thankfully. Glancing around her at the rain drenched streets, it was no longer blinding rain she saw but a green umbrella. Amy turned around completely and looked surprised to be staring into Sheldon's ocean blue eyes.
Letting out a little gasp of shock at not only to be seeing him but that he'd found her at all, Amy tried to compose herself.
"What are you doing here?" She spat at him, no real venom in her voice but it sounded a lot like pain.
She tried to turn around but Sheldon had another idea. He grabbed her by the waist with his right hand, still holding the umbrella in the left. Sheldon moved the hand that was gripping her waist slowly up her side, to her arm, and finally to Amy's cheek. He cupped her face with his hand while his thumb caressed her cheek. Tightening his grip, he leaned in against her. Amy was as still as a statue as Sheldon gazed intensively into her eyes, ocean blue meeting jade green.
"Amy, I'm sorry. I never wanted you to be sad about a thing what we enjoy. I love kissing you. I do. I just…you know how private I've always been, especially about affection. Old habits die hard, and I guess you just surprised me today when you wanted a kiss in front of everyone. I know that you didn't do it to upset me, but because you love me." He whispered, his thumb stroking her cheekbone tenderly.
Amy looked stunned, staring at her boyfriend in wonder. His tender actions and soft voice touched her greatly.
"Shel…"Amy began, but before she could say anything his lips meet hers. Totally overwhelmed by his actions, Amy tried to move away from him but it was very difficult when he pulled her closer and moved his lips over hers sensually. It was a sweet, chaste kiss but Sheldon knew that he wanted more. Amy deserved more. And oh, it felt so wonderful kissing her out here in the crisp, damp air that he couldn't help his next actions.
'Now or never', he thought bravely, his hand moving from her cheek to clutch the back of her neck as he dragged her totally against him.
Deepening the kiss, his tongue slid over her lower lip to ask her for entrance. She allowed his tongue access and in that moment she slipped her eyes shut and melted against Sheldon's lips. It started out very slow and sweet, but as the seconds went by it heated up to an incredible battle of their tongues as they explored and tasted one another. It was a kiss unlike neither of them had ever shared; full of power, love, passion, and apology.
Breathlessly Amy and Sheldon pulled apart as he leaned his forehead against hers.
Amy giggled, the shock of their public display suddenly making her self-conscious. No one had ever kissed her like that before, especially out in the open. The fact that it was Sheldon made her heart race out of control. Calming down a little, she nuzzled her nose against Sheldon's sweetly.
"Sheldon, we are in public! I can't believe that you did that." She remarked, her voice registering her shock at his total lack of abandon.
Sheldon smiled widely, pulling away a bit so that he could look her properly in the eyes. His eyes were shining brightly with love, passion, and mischief. Amy loved it. He looked like a little boy that got caught doing something naughty.
"I know we're in public! And look, we have an audience. Some of them are shamelessly gawking at us. Isn't it wonderful?" He asked excitedly, crooking a finger in the direction of the small crowd gathered around them watching their tender moment.
Amy shyly turned around to face the people Sheldon had alluded to, offering them all a sheepish smile.
Sheldon looked away from their audience and turned his head back to his Amy, growing serious.
"I´m really sorry about today, Amy. It was not my intention to make you angry or hurt your feelings." He said sincerely.
Amy titled her head, smiling softly at the man she loved. She knew deep down that Sheldon would always be Sheldon. Shy, reserved, and hers. She truly loved him, quirks and all. And she would have patience with him, because she knew how hard he tried for her and much he'd changed for her, too.
"I´m sorry…" She began, but he hushed her with a finger to her soft lips.
"Shh, don't say sorry. It's my fault. Please forgive me. This will never happen again. I promise!" He said lovingly.
Appeased, Amy nodded silently and gazed at Sheldon's sweet face. He smiled down at her before lowering his head and giving Amy a tender kiss on her lips again. It went on and on and Amy began to feel her cheeks heating up from this new side of Sheldon.
After kissing her senseless there on the street for the whole of Pasadena to see, Sheldon pulled back and gazed into her eyes intensively. He hooked his arms around her possessively, green umbrella forgotten on the sidewalk besides them.
"Amy…if it's okay, I would like to get you home and out of these soaking wet clothes." He whispered, his voice dropping an octave.
Amy shivered at his suggestive voice, which had nothing to do with the rain and cold. She cleared her throat, meeting Sheldon's scorching gaze.
"That…that's a good idea, I'm so cold." She squeaked out, suddenly shy at the look he was giving her.
Sheldon leaned in and nuzzled her neck, his lips just inches away from her ear. Amy shivered violently as a thrill run up her spine.
"Well I have the remedy for that, little lady. You need to take a hot shower…with me." He whispered seductively, his hands reaching down to grip her waist.
"Sheldon…" Amy murmured, her hands coming to rest themselves on his strong biceps as Sheldon pulled her flush against him.
Sheldon smirked with pride and arousal then, because his favorite word in the world left Amy's lips at that moment. And it had never sounded sweeter.
The End…