Hi everyone! So I haven't updated in a long time, and I want to apologise. The last chapter was put up while I was doing my mock exams if I remember correctly, right? Welp, now I have my proper exams, starting in TWO DAYS! Holy shit, I am freaking out so much, I have so much revision to do and so many other things to keep up with like concerts I'm doing with the bands I'm in, I've got to get stuff together for Prom and a trip to Belgium for a 4 day tour I'm doing with two of the bands I'm in, and I've got to figure out what to get my form tutor to say thanks for putting up with my form for 5 years (and trust me, I'm actually the most well behaved in my form because everyone else is a damn idiot that doesn't care about their future, except for a few people). So yeah, I have 5 weeks of exams, thankfully with a break in the middle from half term, and I have to plan a lot of stuff for that week too! Jeez, sometimes I surprise myself with how much stuff I can get done in one day. Anyway, this Ghiralink fanfic is gonna be put on a fairly long hiatus. I'm sorry, but I kinda want to focus on Hyruletale and gathering my ideas for the two ROTG fanfics I adopted from DeathtoBarbie0206, which I keep forgetting to work on (sorry!), and I need to write more drafts for chapters to come in this fanfic before I continue. Usually I get closer to the end before I start to type up, but I literally have nothing more than Chapter 7 drafted already. I don't know when I'll be back onto this one, but I will get there eventually. Please don't lose hope that I will update, cos I will. In the meantime, you could try out the first few chapters of Hyruletale and review it, since that helps me a lot! Positive feedback will help me get more determination and motivation for my exams!
Thanks everyone, for supporting me as far as this. I know I don't update regularly cos I'm a lazy piece of garbage who forgets about everything, but I am trying to keep up with everything. After my last exam, though, things should get back on track, wherever the track is, since I have no more school until September! Anyways, thank you so much for being with me this far!