Chapter 4: Yang Xiao Long

There were few sensations in life as exhilarating for Yang Xiao Long as racing down the darkened streets of Downtown Vale. The blonde-haired beauty couldn't help but grin as the wind whipped past her in a furious gust while she wove in and out of what little traffic was out at this time of night. The mischievous grin on the blonde's face spread as she heard the angered honks, mostly drowned out by the roar of her motorcycle, of those she passed by in a blur of unbridled speed. However, tonight was more than just a simple joy ride for the cocksure Duelist. No, tonight she was on a mission and as she made another hairpin turn her stunning lavender eyes lit up upon viewing her destination.

Coming to a screeching halt on the side of the road, Yang eyed the seedy building that supposedly housed one of Vale's most renowned clubs. The grumpy looking bouncer at the front door and the pounding music spilling out of the building were pretty dead giveaways that she made it to the right place.

Owned by a man named Hei Xiong, the club didn't really have a name so most just called it by the owner's nickname, Junior's. However, it wasn't the club itself that had caught Yang's attention. The man who ran it was supposedly quite the information broker, with ties to just about everything in Vale both legal and otherwise. And tonight, she had questions that needed answering and she would get them one way or another.

"Yep, this looks like the place" Yang thought, letting her bike idle for a few more moments before turning it off. Out of the corner of her eye she could already see the bouncer glaring at her, no doubt ready to turn her away the moment she came up to him. "That's cool buddy, I don't really need your permission. Let's see duel disk, check and deck, check alright we're set!" Yang couldn't help but chuckle at the bouncer's reaction as she took off her helmet and goggles. Letting her voluminous golden hair cascade down, she could swear the guy's jaw almost hit the pavement.

Securing her headgear to the side of her bike, Yang made a beeline straight for the front door to the club. Doing a quick mental check Yang made sure she looked her best, it was always good to make a solid first impression after all. Her hair was flowing just the way she liked it, her jacket was fastened to show off her… assets perfectly, her skirt blew softly in the cool night air showing off just enough leg to make any warm-blooded man, or woman, lose focus. But of course, the most important part of her ensemble was the deck of cards secured to the golden bracelet on her left wrist. As she closed in on the bouncer, who seemed to regain at least some of his composure, Yang could feel the burning desire emanating from her deck.

"Give it time boys, I bet I'll need you at some point tonight" Yang's soothing mental voice seemed to calm her deck, if only a little. Though, that didn't mean the fiery urge to start a fight had gone away. Her dad always told her she needed to exercise more control over her Duel Monsters but that just wasn't her style. Going with the flow was way more fun and her deck seemed to think the same way, it was what made them such an awesome team.

"Nice bike you got there, girl" the gruff bouncer muttered, clearly doing his best to look tough and intimidating.

"Thanks, I made her myself. She's a beauty, isn't she?" Yang grinned cheerily, making her way past the bouncer. Unfortunately, her progress was quickly impeded by the burly man's large arm. Glancing up at the bouncer's face, Yang quirked an eyebrow as if she was wondering what the guy was doing. She had been hoping that her looks and a little well-placed bravado would have been enough to get her through without any problems, it had worked in the past after all. But it seemed that this meathead was just a tad smarter than the rest.

"Something I can help you with?" Yang flashed her brightest smile, mostly to keep the bouncer's attention on her face and not her hands that were discreetly sliding behind her back.

Nice try kid, let's see some ID first" the bouncer grunted rolling his eyes underneath his expensive red sunglasses. He had seen and dealt with countless underage kids trying to get into places they shouldn't over the years and though Yang cut quite a stunning figure it was nothing he hadn't seen before.

"Right see the problem is I don't really have it on me right now, I left it with one of my friends" Yang chuckled running a hand through her golden hair.

"Uh huh, right and where is this friend of yours?" The bouncer quirked his brow at her rather lame excuse, it was an old one he hadn't heard in quite some time.

"Oh, he's right behind you. Hey Switchitter let him have it!" The bouncer was barely able to turn around in time to see the bright red boxing glove before it slammed into his face. The hardened bouncer dropped like a sack of bricks from the surprise punch, his three hundred lien glasses shattering into an irreparable mess of glass and twisted framework.

Glancing down at the prone man Yang gave his body a quick prod with her foot to see if he was still alive. After a few more prodding kicks, the man let out a pained groan before going still once more. "Jeez you nearly knocked his teeth in!" Yang laughed, looking up at her partner in crime, specifically assault and battery.

Battlin' Boxer Switchitter slowly scratched the back of his head abashedly in response making Yang laugh even harder. Somehow the thought of cybernetically enhanced boxers acting bashful was more than a little amusing to the fiery Duelist. "Come on you big lug, help me get him out of sight before someone comes by" Yang said bending down to grab the bouncer by his arms while Switchitter grabbed his legs.

The two quickly made their way to the side of building with the unconscious man in tow. Coming to a halt by a graffiti riddled dumpster, the pair dropped the bouncer to the ground rather unceremoniously so Yang could crack open the lid. Glancing inside Yang quickly pulled her head back at the awful smell rising from the mound of trash and rats. Turning to face her Duel Monster, Yang gestured to the unconscious man with a quick nod of her head. "You want to do the honors?" She asked, holding the lid of the dumpster open for him.

Battlin' Boxer Switchitter let out a raspy grunt that Yang could only guess was a laugh as he leaned down and picked the burly bouncer up. The guy must have been over two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle and the white hooded boxer still managed to lift him like he was nothing. With a small grunt Switchitter launched the unconscious man into the air only to have him land perfectly into the open dumpster lid and onto a pile of trash that let out a gag inducing squelch upon impact.

"Goal!" Yang cheered as Switchitter bowed to his audience of one. "Come on, let's head inside and get what we came for" Yang nudged her Duel Monster playfully with her elbow before leaving the dingy alley behind. Just as Yang exited the filthy alley, Switchitter collapsed into a form of pure energy that raced back into the deck on her wrist, vanishing as quickly as he appeared. Yang continued her walk towards the front entrance to Junior's andonce more she could practically feel the rest of her deck seething with barely contained energy. However, this time it felt like they were giving Switchitter a round of congratulatory high fives. Her Battlin' Boxers were a quirky bunch for sure, good natured at heart but with an insatiable desire to punch… well just about anything within arm's reach. It was one of the many things about them they shared with their Duelist, that and a somewhat overprotective bearing for her younger sister.

Walking through the now guard-less front doors, Yang made a straight line for the pumping music that grew louder and louder with each step forward. Glancing around Yang could see other patrons hanging out just outside of the main club. Some shot her questioning looks but most went about their business without so much as a tilt of their head.

Up ahead a pair of large doors slid open automatically, revealing the bustling club at the center of the building. One look at the dance floor and Yang's eyes lit up with excitement. She had found her way into clubs and bars in the past but most of those had been dives, none of them even held a candle to what she was seeing now. A massive dancefloor stretched out in front of the golden-haired Duelist, packed to the limit with easily a hundred dancing and gyrating bodies.

Beginning her descent down the large staircase leading from the entrance Yang's eyes danced across the club with barely contained excitement. Flashing lights from the rotating overhead projector system cast the club in a continuous stream of changing colours. There were glass pillars that constantly displayed shifting images that faded in and out of them scattered around the dancefloor. And the music was pumping out with a beat that sent a steady energizing pulse through her body. Clearly no expense had been spared when building this place.

"Damn, I could have a really good time here… but got to focus, find this Junior guy, get the info I want… then party!" Making her way through the club and avoiding the other patrons, Yang kept her eyes peeled for the man she was looking for. After only a few minutes of searching Yang's eyes lit up once more upon spotting her quarry. She had only seen a single picture of the guy but there was no mistaking the burly owner of the club. If the black vest and red tie weren't a dead giveaway, the man's thick beard sure as hell was.

Changing her course, Yang began making her way towards her target, keeping her eyes trained on him. He seemed to be talking with another man in a white suit with a bowler hat and a cane, however the pair seemed to finish whatever conversation they were having and the white suited man left taking several of Junior's security staff with him.

Sidling up to the bar beside the club owner Yang waited patiently for him to turn to face her. "Oh, he already knows I'm here, so how you gonna act buddy?" Yang thought to herself. She knew of the man's reputation, tight lipped and unwilling to talk unless you could back it up with lien or something else that caught his interest. After a few relatively quiet moments, the bearded bar owner waved off the two women to his left before finally shooting Yang a quick glance out of the corner of his eye. "Alright, guess it's show time!" Yang thought to herself.

Turning to the bartender working the counter, Yang gave him a quick smile noting how the man to her left was slowly rising back up. "Strawberry sunrise, no ice" Yang told the bartender using her smoothest voice to get his attention, but it felt like she was forgetting something. "Oh! And one of those little umbrellas!" Yang added shattering the cool and calm persona she was trying to set up, but damn it those umbrellas were necessary! Drinks just weren't complete without one.

"Aren't you a little young to be in this club, blondie?" Hei Xiong asked, smirking as he towered over the buxom Duelist. Her little outburst seemed to have caught his attention, which was absolutely part of the plan.

Turning to face the man, Yang had to crane her head just a bit to lock her lavender eyes with his grey ones. "Aren't you a little old to have a name like Junior?" Yang's retort was out of her mouth before she could stop herself but luckily Junior seemed to take it in stride, though his eyes did narrow suspiciously.

"So, you know who I am. You got a name, sweetheart?" Junior asked, resting his hand on the counter seemingly at ease with the blonde-haired beauty in front of him. Yang on the other hand was not quite as composed as her outward appearance would have you believe.

"Sweetheart!? Oh, buddy you are gonna get it once I get what I want out of you!" Instead of the angered outburst Yang wanted to unleash on the bearded bar owner, the young Duelist decided to keep up her smooth persona to keep the man at ease.

"Heh, yes, Junior, I've got several" Yang cooed running her finger along the man's freshly pressed vest. Unfortunately for both Junior and her cover, the club owner's line about her being a 'sweetheart' was still rattling around in her head and that had Yang practically seeing red. "But, instead of sweetheart…" Yang purred, running her finger ever lower down the man's chest. Yang could feel her deck's downright giddy excitement at what she had planned, there was no way this wouldn't start a fight. "…You can just call me sir!" Yang demanded with a wicked grin as her hand grabbed hold of Junior's most prized possessions. The outright squawk of pain was like music to the blonde-haired beauty's ears.

"Alright got to work fast, time to get down to business" Yang thought, spotting Junior's men closing in on them from across the room. Whipping out her scroll, Yang flicked it open to the picture she had saved on it before holding it up for the whimpering club owner to see. "People say you know everything. Tell me where I can find her and I'll let you go!" Yang demanded, applying more and more pressure to her captives with each passing second. In the back of her mind Yang couldn't help but laugh at how turned around her dad's self-defence lessons had turned out. "Well technically I am using them on a boy so I mean I get half points for it."

"I've never seen her before! I swear!" Junior squeaked, trying his best to keep his composure while the girl in front of him applied more and more pressure.

"Excuse me!?" Yang growled back, twisting her wrist to the left and shooting Junior's pained voice up a few dozen octaves.

"I swear, sir!" Junior gasped hoping his men would get here sooner rather than later. Luckily for the captive club owner his wish was granted as his men finally rushed up to where they stood. They already had their weapons drawn and were glaring at the pair, ready to jump in at a moment's notice.

Glancing to the left at the assembled thugs, Yang decided to change tactics. If there was one thing a man prized more than the goods between their legs, it was their egos, although some would say those were one and the same. "Hmm, looks like we have a bit of an audience" Yang hummed playfully, keeping her pressure on Junior until he finally relented. He had to know something, he was her last lead and if she couldn't get anything out of him then Yang would be forced back to square one.

Seeing the thugs take a few tentative steps closer to her, Yang applied a bit more pressure to Junior earning another pained squeak from the burly man. "This must be kinda embarrassing for you, huh? Awkward…" Yang teased playfully, this whole situation was a powder keg ready to blow at any second, she needed to get what she came here for.

"Listen! Blondie, Sir!" Junior panted, trying to remain as calm as he could in front of his boys. "If you want to make it out of this club alive, I suggest you let me go. Now!" the bearded bar owner groaned, his voice a raspy mess.

"Looks like negotiations are over then" Yang sighed to herself and reluctantly released her hold on Junior's dangly bits. From the duel disk on her wrist Yang could practically hear the collective cheering coming from her deck. They had waited all night for this.

The moment Yang let go of Junior, the man let out a long gasp of relief upon finally being free of the Duelist's vicelike grip. Turning away from her, Junior began walking away towards his men, pulling out his designer shades from the inside of his vest. "You'll pay for that" the club owner grunted slipping on his glasses, if he had still been facing the daunting woman behind him he may have noticed the flash of red through her piercing lavender eyes.

"Oh, Junior, I was just playing with you, don't be so sensitive!" Yang called back to the retreating man, sliding up beside him with a sly grin across her face. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Junior's men had not taken their eyes off her. Sliding both arms behind her back to keep her wrists out of sight and to more properly display her… assets, Yang sped up to get in front of Junior.

"Come on, let's kiss and make up, ok?" Yang asked sweetly while her deck started to vibrate in her duel disk. That was the sign! It was go time and Yang's Battlin' Boxers couldn't have been happier.

"Uhhh…. Ok…" Junior muttered uncertainly, he hadn't been able to predict one thing this girl had done tonight and this was just the icing on the cake.

Leaning forward, Yang puckered her lips, inviting Junior to close the distance between them. Starting off slowly at first the man leaned in as well trying to spot if she had any further tricks up her sleeve. However, everything seemed fine to him. Her eyes were closed, he had his men surrounding him, there was a bright light emanating from behind her back… wait.

Without warning, Junior was suddenly hurled into the air by a ferocious punch that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Spiralling across the length of his own club, the large man smashed clean through one of the glass pillars surrounding the dance floor, shattering it with a deafening crash that could still be heard over the sound of the pumping music. Landing in a heap against the bar, Junior's blurry vision could only just make out the blonde-haired duelist and her monster before an errant bottle came crashing down on his head.

"Wow, he got some distance! Nice one Counterpunch" Yang grinned, giving her monster a playful fist bump even as Junior's men closed in around them. Spinning around to face their opponents, Battlin' Boxer Counterpunch brought his crescent shaped armguard up just in time to block an incoming sword strike before firing back with a vicious left hook that wobbled the attacker. Ducking underneath her blue clad boxer's arm, Yang finished the off-balance sword wielder with a tremendous haymaker that left the club thug facedown on the dance floor.

After watching Yang and her Duel Monster dispatch both Junior and the first guard, the rest of the club goers began running for the exits. Clearly, they were the smart ones because Junior's men foolishly chose to stay behind. Whether that was out of loyalty or just plain stupidity really didn't matter, this fight was on.

"Come and get it boys!" Yang called out with arms spread wide inviting the armed guards to come at her and her monster. Rushing forward Junior's men charged both Yang and Counterpunch, armed with swords and fire axes and looking to take the pair down. Leaping forward the lead thug lashed out with an axe strike only to have it glance off Counterpunch's head protection. Firing back with his namesake, Counterpunch floored the thug with a crisp hook that left the man with a very broken jaw.

Behind the Duel Monster Yang activated her duel disk with a mischievous grin, Ember Celica extended from its bracelet form, covering both her forearms with its heavy metallic form. The device extended just in time to block and incoming sword strike from her left. Shrugging off the hit, Yang unleashed a barrage of heavy punches that left the thug utterly stunned before spinning around to avoid another axe wielder.

Blocking another attack with her right arm, Yang countered with a spinning backfist that, when paired with her heavy gauntlets sent the man crashing to the floor in a heap. No sooner had that guard slammed into the floor than two more took his place. The first thug went high going for a downward axe strike while the second attacked low with his sword looking to take the blonde brawler out at the knees. Jumping upwards with a wicked grin, Yang brought both her gauntlets up to block the first attack while simultaneously using her jump to avoid the second. Throwing the first thug off balance with her block, Yang countered with a vicious hook that sent the man reeling. While his partner was stunned from the attack, the sword wielder chose this time to attack the blonde from behind only to run face first into half of a circular shield.

"You wanted to come out and play too?" Yang teased Battlin' Boxer Veil as he spun around, clipping the dazed thug in the back of his head with the heavy shield on his muscular arm. Turning to face his Duelist the red padded boxer gave a quick nod of his head before slamming his shields together in a show of bravado and force that gave the thugs around them second thoughts. Together Yang, Veil and Counterpunch made short work of Junior's men, taking them down with a flurry of punches that left them in pained shambles on the ground.

Suddenly a barrage of bullets tore their way up the dance floor heading straight for both Yang and her Duel Monsters. Luckily for them, Veil had been prepared for such an attack and quickly leapt into action. Slamming his shielded arms together, Veil formed a large circular shield between Yang and the gunman.

"Nice one, Veil!" Yang grinned, clapping the defensive monster on the back in appreciation as bullets pinged harmlessly off his steadfast shields. Looking up into the DJ booth where the gunman was stationed Yang scowled at the bear-headed DJ. "So, you want to play rough, huh? Well two can play at that" She grinned drawing a card from the top of her deck. "Oh, this'll do. Hey Counterpunch, get over here!" Yang called to her other monster who immediately began making his way to her.

Holding up the card she had just drawn, Yang gave Veil a quick nudge to prepare him for what would come next. "I activate Rush Recklessly! Go get him Counterpunch!" Yang cheered as the boxer heading her way was suddenly engulfed in a seething red aura. Counterpunch's speed nearly doubled as the spell took effect and after using Veil's shields as a step ladder, launched himself at the gun toting DJ.

By then the DJ had finally reloaded his weapon but before he could even begin to raise it for another burst, Counterpunch's speeding fist slammed into his bear head. Spinning around Counterpunch caught the DJ with his crescent arm guard and hurled him back onto the dance floor. Slamming head first into the floor, the DJ's bear head went flying off to the side upon impact leaving the man to skid along until he came to a halt at the feet of the twins Yang had spotted earlier.

"Melanie, who is this girl?" the one in red asked walking up to the now unconscious DJ. Looking over to them, Yang's eyes narrowed as Battlin' Boxer Veil got into position to intercept anything with his shields. Counterpunch had already hopped down from the DJ's booth and was on his way back to his team.

"I don't know, Miltia, but we should teach her a lesson" the white clad twin drawled nonchalantly.

Slowly realisation dawned on Yang, she knew there was something familiar about the twins, but she was so focused on Junior that she pushed them off to the back of her mind. They were the Malachite twins! Melanie and Miltiades Malachite had torn up Vale's regional Duel circuit for years and had quite the reputation for being one of the toughest tag teams in the kingdom. However, they had gone underground some time ago without any warning, looking around Yang realised that Junior must have offered the pair quite a hefty sum to drag them out of the pro Dueling circuit.

"Ladies, take her out and you get all the vacation time you could ever want!" Junior shouted from behind the twins. He still looked wobbly and even from this distance, Yang could see the look of fear plastered all over his face, clearly, he had not expected an actual Duelist to come looking for him tonight.

"You got it boss" Miltia drawled activating the crimson duel disk on wrist.

"So, you girls actually want to do this?" Yang asked, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. She had been expecting a fight but an actual duel against two pros, well how could she say no?

"You heard the boss, all the vacation we could want" Melanie snickered, triggering her own ivory duel disk with a flourish. "Oh, sis after this let's go to Mistral, I hear it's so nice this time of year" the white clad twin grinned as both Battlin' Boxers Veil and Counterpunch returned to Yang's deck.

"Don't get cocky ladies, I can hang with just about anyone" Yang smirked at the twins who seemed far too confident for their own good. Raising her duel disk into position Yang watched her device automatically shuffle her deck for her, a fun little feature she had installed herself. "So, guess we're doing two on one, kinda seems unfair, you sure you don't want to wait for a few more guys?" Yang laughed at the unimpressed looks the twins shot her.

"Alright, alright let's get this show going!" Yang continued flashing the pair a playful wink. Closing her eyes for a moment Yang sent a charge of her Aura through Ember Celica igniting the Dust crystals within. With a blinding flash of fire, a hard-light crescent erupted from the side of Ember Celica forming a fiery corona around her arm.

"Ready? Duel!" The three Duelists shouted in unison to begin the match.

Yang Xiao Long: 8000LP

Melanie Malachite: 4000LP

Miltia Malachite: 4000LP

"Guess I'm going first then" Yang grinned, eagerly drawing five cards from the top of her deck. One quick glance was all Yang needed to put her first play into action. "I'll begin by summoning Fire Trooper (Level 3 Fire Warrior ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000) to the field in attack mode!" Yang declared slapping her card down on the fiery surface of her duel disk. Leaping from Yang's arm in a blazing torrent, Fire Trooper's armoured form touched down on the dance floor wreathed in a sweltering inferno and grinning sadistically at Yang's adversaries.

"He might not look like much but his effect more than makes up for it" Yang explained giving her monster a quick nod. Suddenly the flames flowing around Fire Trooper exploded outwards in a blinding conflagration that the Malachite Twins had to shield their eyes from. "When Fire Trooper hits the field, I can tribute him to deal one thousand points of damage to my opponent!" Yang shouted over the roaring inferno that was once Fire Trooper. Pointing towards the red clad twin Yang gave her command. "Fire Trooper, light her up!"

Reacting to his Duelist's command, Fire Trooper's fiery form flared aggressively and launched himself towards Miltia. With little time to react, the red clad twin could only bring her arms up to shield herself from the racing flames. "Miltia!" Melanie cried out as the roaring flames engulfed her sister.

Fire Trooper's conflagration dissipated just as quickly as it formed revealing the singed twin at the center. "You're gonna… pay for that!" Miltia coughed, smoke streaming out of her open mouth in a dark plume. Looking down at her duel disk Miltia's face contorted in a scowl seeing the hit her life points had taken before her turn could even start.

Miltia Malachite: 3000LP

"Maybe, but I'm gonna make you both work for it" Yang winked earning a red flush from both sisters. Grinning at her handiwork, Yang looked back to her hand, formulating her next move. "Alright, as long as they don't one shot me on their turns I should be set." Looking back up to her opponents but more specifically the man behind them, Yang slapped her next card down with a mischievous grin. "I end my turn with one face-down and I'll pass things off to you ladies."

"Let me go first, sis" Miltia demanded passing her twin a quick nod that she received back immediately. Drawing a card from the top of her deck the red clad twin smirked at what she had in her hand and how foolishly Yang had been in setting up her field. It was clear that whatever that face-down card was it would keep the blonde-haired woman safe, luckily Miltia had just the play to get around it.

"I'll start by activating the effect of Lunalight Black Sheep from my hand!" Miltia declared slipping the card into her graveyard. "By sending it to the graveyard I can add a Polymerization from my deck to my hand" Miltia explained as her duel disk spat out the desired card for her.

"Next I'll summon Lunalight White Rabbit (Level 2 Dark Beast-Warrior ATK: 800 DEF: 800) to my field in attack mode!" Miltia declared calling forth her monster. The white skinned woman touched down in front of her summoner in swirl of white fabric that flowed from the large bunny-like hat she wore.

"When White Rabbit is summoned to the field I can special summon a Lunalight monster in my graveyard, so here comes Lunalight Black Sheep (Level 2 Dark Beast-Warrior ATK: 100 DEF: 600) in defense mode!" Twirling her massive hammer over her head Lunalight White Rabbit slammed it into the ground opening up a swirling portal. Leaping from this fissure Lunalight Black Sheep leapt forth bowing to his partner before both humanoids turned to face Yang.

"Not much to look at" Yang smirked at the relatively weak monsters the woman had summoned to the field.

"Who said I'm done? I activate the second effect of Lunalight White Rabbit! I can return spells and traps on your side of the field to your hand equal to the number of other Lunalights I control" Miltia informed nodding towards her hammer toting monster who eagerly slammed the instrument into the floor once more. Unlike the first time this hammer strike did not open a portal, instead it kicked up a massive burst of wind that literally blew Yang's face-down card back to her hand.

"Clever move" Yang shrugged as if she wasn't completely defenseless now.

"I'll show you clever! I activate Polymerization!" Miltia declared holding the fusion spell up where it sparked to life. Just as she brought the card down onto her duel disk, both Lunalight Black Sheep and White Rabbit leapt into the air. "Using Lunalight Black Sheep and Lunalight White Rabbit I fusion summon Lunalight Cat Dancer (Level 7 Dark Beast-Warrior ATK: 2400 DEF: 2000) to the field!" The two monsters merged together in a blinding flash of light that faded to reveal a stunning woman in a flowing dress bearing twin daggers. Like the other Lunalight monsters, Cat Dancer also wore a crescent shaped mask that covered both eyes and her flowing red hair was even longer than Yang's.

"Since Lunalight Black Sheep was used as a fusion material I can activate his effect to return another Lunalight monster from my graveyard to my hand, so I'll add back Lunalight White Rabbit" Miltia said pulling the hammer wielding monster from her graveyard. Yang couldn't help but be impressed with her move, with just two monsters Miltia wiped away her defenses and summoned a pretty powerful monster, no wonder they were both top Duelists.

"I'll follow that by equipping Lunalight Cat Dancer with the spell Vicious Claw!" Miltia exclaimed placing another spell onto her side of the field. Holding her arm into the air, Lunalight Cat Dancer winced as a metallic gauntlet latched itself to her forearm before extending three intimidating serrated claws. "As long as she's equipped with this card Cat Dancer's attack is increased by three hundred!" True to her words a dark mist began to swirl around Cat Dancer's arm and the Duel Monster felt her strength swell due to this new equipment.

Lunalight Cat Dancer's ATK: 2700

"Now go Lunalight Cat Dancer, attack her directly!" Miltia commanded, pointing at Yang with a scowl. Drawing forth one of the daggers at her hips, Cat Dancer threw the harsh weapon towards her opponent with a smirk. The dagger spun through the air glancing off of Yang's shoulder eliciting a pained gasp from the Duelist before it twirled back to Miltia's monster who was charging a sphere of pure energy.

Looking down at Ember Celica's display, Yang's eyebrows knitted in confusion at the numbers being displayed to her. "What the…" she muttered unsure of what had happened.

Yang Xiao Long: 7900LP

"Whenever I declare an attack with Lunalight Cat Dancer, she first deals one hundred damage to you. Now Cat Dancer, hit her with Full Moon Cresta!" Miltia shouted and her monster eagerly obliged, unleashing a blast of energy that exploded against Yang, blasting a sizable chunk out of the dance floor and sending dirt and debris everywhere.

"Amateur" Miltia scoffed at her opponent's apparent lack of skill. However, when all she got as a response was a mirthful laugh the red clad twin's smug smile quickly twisted into a disgruntled frown.

"Nice shot, but you didn't actually think I'd just leave myself unguarded?" Yang's voice emanated from the swirling smoke only to step forward with Battlin' Boxer Veil (Level 4 Fire Warrior ATK: 0 DEF: 1800) standing at her side. Leaning on her monster's shoulder Yang rapped her knuckles against the monster's thick shields, the sound echoing throughout the whole club.

"Whenever I take battle damage I can special summon Veil and regain all the life points I just lost" Yang explained while Battlin' Boxer brought his shields up as he shifted to a defensive position.

"Not bad" Melanie mused from beside her now fuming sister and drawing a card from the top of her deck to begin her turn. "However, eighteen hundred defense points won't be enough to stop us. I activate my own Polymerization!" Melanie exclaimed holding up a fusion spell of her own. "Using the Blade Skater and Etoile Cyber in my hand I Fusion Summon Cyber Blader (Level 7 Earth Warrior ATK: 2100 DEF: 800) to the field!" Melanie exclaimed.

Behind the white clad twin, her two monsters appeared side by side before leaping into the air. Meeting together the two monsters combined in a flash of light and in their place now stood a towering figure. This new arrival's navy hair flowed down past her knees, her red visor reflected the spinning lights shining down from above and the razor-sharp skates on her feet glinted dangerously as they dug into the hard dance floor.

"Go Cyber Blader destroy Battlin' Boxer Veil!" Upon her summoner's command, Cyber Blader lunged forward in a blur. Skating across the dance floor, the lithe warrior closed in on her target with a stunning pirouette before lashing out with a bladed kick that cut clean through Veil's shields and into the monster behind them. Stumbling backwards, Battlin' Boxer Veil's arms went limp at his sides before he came apart at the waist. The bifurcated boxer quickly dissolved into a mass of crimson light just as Cyber Blader leisurely skated back to Melanie's side where she waited for Yang's retaliation.

"Defenceless again it seems" Melanie smirked before plucking a fresh card from her hand. "I'll end my turn with a face-down, your move blondie" Melanie said placing the card into her duel disk which appeared behind Cyber Blader. The skillful monster had now taken to performing a relaxed figure eight as if just to taunt Yang.

"Heh, you think I'm defenceless, that's cute" Yang chuckled drawing a fresh card from her deck. Taking a quick look at her newest resource had Yang's eyes were alight with possibilities. "Never count out a Xiao Long, I normal summon Battlin' Boxer Switchitter! (Level 4 Fire Warrior ATK: 1500 DEF: 1400)

Emerging from a burst of roaring fire Switchitter leapt from Yang's duel disk. Taking up position beside his summoner, the white hooded boxer unleashed a flurry of jabs towards their opponents, his hands a blur of fiery motion. "And he's not alone because when I summon Switchitter to the field I can revive a Battlin' Boxer from my graveyard at the same time so come on back Battlin' Boxer Veil!" Slamming his gloved fists together, Switchitter formed an intense sphere of heat that Veil emerged from, forming up alongside his comrade.

"Now that I have two level four monsters on my field I can build the overlay network!" Yang exclaimed holding her duel disk into the air. The fiery corona that made up her dueling surface erupted into a torrent of fire that formed a swirling vortex above the assembled duelists. Both Battlin' Boxers Veil and Switchitter reformed into concentrated crimson energy that raced upwards into the swirling conflagration. "By overlaying Battlin' Boxers Veil and Switchitter I Xyz Summon Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke (Rank 4 Fire Warrior ATK: 2200 DEF: 2000) to the field in attack mode!" Yang's declaration came with a thunderous crash that shook the entire club as her monster slammed down into the glass floor, sending shards and shrapnel in all directions.

Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke towered over his predecessors, a hulking mass of muscle and ferocity bound in heavy iron chains and restrained by a thick wooden yoke that was clasped around his right arm and neck. Letting loose and earth shattering roar Lead Yoke leveled his fiery red eyes upon the Malachite Twins and their monsters.

"Alright let's knock their socks off Lead Yoke! Attack Cyber Blader with Burning Knuckle!" Yang exclaimed thrusting her fist towards Melanie's Fusion Monster. With another tremendous roar the hulking pugilist rushed forward, his left arm ablaze with crimson fire. Melanie's Cyber Blader barely had enough time to raise her guard before the titanic punch connected sparking a massive explosion that nearly engulfed half the dance floor.

"Yeah! Nice hit buddy!" Yang grinned, giving her restrained Xyz Monster a fist bump as he took his place at her side once more.

"Don't think you're done with me just yet" came Melanie's distinct accent from behind the curtain of raging fire left in Lead Yoke's wake. Suddenly the flames began to spin around into a swirling tornado until they dispersed and in their place stood Cyber Blader, bruised and singed but very much still in this game.

"Like I said, not done yet" Melanie smirked while Cyber Blader brushed herself off. "My Cyber Blader's effects unlock depending on how many monsters you control, since you only have one she can't be destroyed in battle" the white clad twin explained as she and her monster stood ready for their counterattack.

"Yeah, but you still take the damage" Yang smirked giving her opponent a playful wink. True enough, though it was minimalistic Melanie had indeed taken her first bit of damage that game.

Melanie Malachite: 3900LP

"Guess we got nothing better to do, I set one card face-down and end my turn, take it away red" Yang grinned, inserting a card into the spell and trap receiver on her duel disk.

Turning her attention onto Miltia, Yang gave the red twin a playful smirk that somehow managed to put the girl on edge. She had watched that entire confrontation between her sister and the blonde-haired Duelist in anticipation. There was more to this girl than just long hair, big boobs and bad jokes… this one was dangerous.

"My move!" Miltia said, drawing a fresh card from her duel disk to signal the beginning of her turn. Passing a quick glance at her hand, Miltia's lips turned up at her lack of options. Seemingly without any better options, Miltia sighed before signalling to get Lunalight Cat Dancer's attention. "Cat Dancer attack that fugly thing with Full Moon Cresta!" Just as before Lunalight Cat Dancer reached behind her back to produce one of her daggers before hurling it in a curve towards Yang. Ready for the Fusion Monster's effect this time, Yang brought Ember Celica up to block the blade but still felt it chip away at her Aura and Life Points, much to Lead Yoke's fury.

Yang Xiao Long: 7800LP

Using the small effect damage as a distraction to close distance, Lunalight Cat Dancer leapt into the air before unleashing another blinding burst of silver energy towards Lead Yoke, who intuitively brought his guard up against the incoming blast. Cat Dancer's attack slammed into Lead Yoke with tremendous force driving the hulking boxer back, however no matter how much power Cat Dancer put into the attack, Lead Yoke stood his ground.

"It's gonna take a whole lot more than that to bring down Lead Yoke, ladies" Yang smirked leaning against her monster's side. "But got to thank you for triggering his effect" Yang remarked slyly before a deafening crack rang out through the club. Turning their attention back to Lead Yoke, both Malachite Sisters' eyes widened in shock as one of the Xyz Monster's overlay units disappeared into the bindings holding his head in place.

"Whenever Lead Yoke's going to be destroyed I can detach one of his Xyz Materials to negate his destruction…" Suddenly with an earth shattering roar the bindings holding Lead Yoke's head in place splintered and burst forth sending shrapnel towards Miltia and Melanie, luckily for the pair, their Duel Monsters were able to quickly step in and protect them. "Also, whenever Lead Yoke loses an Xyz material his attack goes up by eight hundred" With another loud shout Lead Yoke's muscles seemed to bulge significantly now that he was, at least partially, free from his restraints.

Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke's ATK: 3000

"Whatever, I still did some damage to you" Miltia fired back, gritting her teeth at the blonde's Xyz Monster.

Yang Xiao Long: 7300LP

"You sure did, thanks for reminding me!" Yang laughed, thrusting her hand into the air. "Looks like you just activated my trap card! Go Attack and Receive!" Upon the Yang's declaration, her set card flipped over to reveal itself forming a sphere of fierce scarlet energy. "Whenever I take damage I can activate this card and dish back seven hundred!" Yang grinned before pointing straight at Miltia. "Fire away!" Yang commanded with glee as the sphere of energy shot forward blasting the red clad duelist back. Luckily for her, Cat Dancer was ready and caught her before she hit the ground, the Fusion Monster's normally mischievous grin turned into an angered scowl at the attack on her summoner.

Miltia Malachite: 2300LP

Getting back to her feet slowly with the help of her monster, Miltia grimaced at the heavy shot to her Aura and Life Points. This latest attack only confirmed her earlier suspicions, whoever this Blondie was, she was extremely dangerous. She willingly let herself be attacked twice now and both times she only came back stronger than before and set herself into a better position. "I set a face-down… Your move sis" Miltia muttered, placing a new card onto the field and giving her sister a quick nod. The brief eye contact the pair shared told each other everything they needed to know, they needed to turn this duel around and soon.

Drawing a card from her deck to start her turn Melanie cocked her hip the side as she weighed her options. With no other choices available to her she silently set the card she drew face-down into her duel disk before waving for Yang to begin her turn.

"Really? Set one and pass? Kinda disappointing but that's the luck of the draw I guess" Yang shrugged, drawing a card from her own deck and leaving a trail of fire in her wake. "Nice, alright let's get to work Lead Yoke" Yang grinned turning her attention back to Miltia and her Lunalight Cat Dancer.

"Think again, I activate Taunt!" Melanie shouted, triggering the card she had just set on her prior turn. The trap in question flipped itself over before dissolving into a mist that enshrouded Melanie's Cyber Blader, who casually raised her arm to beckon Lead Yoke to come at her. "During the turn I activate Taunt your monsters can only attack my Cyber Blader" Melanie explained, getting a surprised look from Yang before it passed, turning into a knowing smile.

"So, putting yourself on the line to protect your sis? You know, I can dig that" Yang's smile this time was not the cocksure arrogance the twins were now used to but instead something far warmer and more sincere, something they weren't expecting from the blonde bruiser. Turning to give Lead Yoke a look, Yang nodded towards the waiting Cyber Blader, her mischievous smirk returned for the time being. "I mean, it would be rude not to, right?" She asked, getting a low grumble from the hulking boxer in return. "Alright, go get her!" Yang chuckled and without a moment's hesitation the battle-hardened boxer charged forward in a burst of raw power.

"You must be like really dumb if you think I didn't plan for that. Go Half Counter!" Melanie exclaimed revealing her second face-down card. "Half Counter boosts my Cyber Blader by half of your Lead Yoke's original attack" the white clad twin smirked as her trap leached the excess energy flowing off of Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke and enshrouded her Cyber Blader in a blinding aura of blue light.

"What? Couldn't afford a full counter?" Yang teased as her monster continued his charge.

Cyber Blader's ATK: 3200

Continuing with his ferocious charge Lead Yoke unleashed a brutal flaming punch towards the visor wearing skater, who only smirked as his monstrous fist closed in on her. Fueled by her summoner's support, Cyber Blader effortlessly ducked under the massive punch and struck back with a precision counter kick that caught Lead Yoke square in the face, opening a gash along the hulking boxer's chiselled jaw… and breaking the final shackle keeping his power in check.

The triumphant look on Cyber Blader's face was quickly wiped away as Lead Yoke's full strength was unleashed. Roaring at the top of his lungs and now completely free from his restraints, Lead Yoke's muscle's bulged outwards dangerously and a swirling aura of crimson power enshrouded the enraged Duel Monster. Both Cyber Blader and Cat Dancer moved into defensive positions to protect their Duelists from the swirling power and flying glass kicked up from the dancefloor.

Standing proud behind her enraged pugilist, Yang couldn't hide the Cheshire grin spreading across her face as her monster reached his full power. Lead Yoke perfectly exemplified not only the overall theme of her deck but also her views on life. It didn't matter how often you get knocked down, you just have to pick yourself back up and become stronger from the experience. Glancing down at her life points, Yang couldn't care less how much of a hit they took, Lead Yoke was now at full power and there was little else that mattered.

Yang Xiao Long: 7100LP

Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke's ATK: 3800

Taking a thunderous step forward, Lead Yoke's shining crimson eyes flashed dangerously from behind the iron mask encasing his head. Seeing her Xyz Monster's willingness to continue, Yang quickly moved up beside the enraged boxer and placed a placating hand on the towering figure's arm.

"Easy there, big guy. You already got your chance to attack, they're up next" Yang said calmly, trying to sooth her Battlin' Boxer's raging fury, or at the very least temper it... for the moment. Turning her attention back to her opponents, Yang smirked at the pair of disgruntled looks they were giving her. It was clear they had not expected such resistance from the buxom blonde and it was beginning to show on their worried faces.

"Well ladies you've done a good job so far but Lead Yoke's just itching for a fight now so I'd be careful if I were you" Yang commented slyly. Taking a fresh card from her hand Yang quickly placed it on the fiery surface of her duel disk which flared in response to the action. "Since I still haven't normal summoned this turn I think I'll do so right now. I call forth Battlin' Boxer Headgeared (Level 4 Fire Warrior ATK: 1000 DEF: 1800) to the field in attack position!" Yang's declaration came with it yet another fiery explosion. And from those swirling flames emerged her monster. Clad in little more than a black pair of training shorts and crimson training helmet, the ebony skinned boxer unleashed a fury of punches before taking his position beside Lead Yoke.

"Great thing about Headgeared is that when he's normal summoned to the field I can send one Battlin' Boxer monster from my deck to the graveyard" Yang explained as her duel disk ejected a card for her that she eagerly sent to the graveyard. Across from the cocksure blonde both Melanie and Miltia grimaced at this latest play, no Duelist would send a monster straight to the graveyard for no reason, clearly Yang was setting up for her next turn in some way.

It was then that the twins noticed the blinding light emanating from the area on Ember Celica that served as Yang's graveyard. Picking up on the twin's shared apprehension, Yang decided to simply go ahead and explain to move her own turn along. "Since the monster I sent to the grave was Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw, his effect activates and allows me to add back another Battlin' Boxer from the grave to my hand" Yang smirked as she retrieved one of her fallen monsters.

"Well guess that's it for me, take it away Red!" Yang grinned once more inviting her opponents to come at her with everything they had. The tremendous crash of Lead Yoke's enlarged fists slamming together echoed his summoner's sentiments.

Drawing a card from her deck to signal the beginning of her turn, Miltia grimaced at the lack of opportunities it presented her with but also at her prospects. While Yang hadn't set any spells or traps face-down she did leave a relatively weak Headgeared seemingly unprotected. Past experience in this Duel had shown her what walking into one of Xiao Long's wide-open fields could net her and this was no different. However, there wasn't much else to do, as risky as going on the offensive was, playing defensively against the explosive Duelist could be disastrous.

"Lunalight Cat Dancer, attack Headgeared with Full Moon Cresta!" Miltia commanded and just as before Cat Dancer obeyed with a mischievous smile on her stunning features. Leaping into the air Cat Dancer arced one of her daggers just over Lead Yoke's shoulder where it just glanced off the blonde's thigh much to her monster's outrage.

Yang Xiao Long: 7000LP

Using the cover of her effect, Cat Dancer unleashed a fully charged blast of silver energy straight towards the distracted helmeted boxer. Quickly raising his guard at the last moment, Headgeared took the full brunt of Cat Dancer's attack head on, kicking up a massive explosion of glass and metal. Cat Dancer expertly touched down beside her summoner with the grace of her namesake, and a serene smile at yet another of the blonde Duelist's vanquished monsters.

That smile quickly changed to utter shock as the smoke and debris cleared to reveal Battlin' Boxer Headgeared, singed and heavily bruised but still very much alive. "How is he still alive?!" Miltia exclaimed as Headgeared worked the kinks out of his neck and gave his arms a good shake.

"Simple, Headgeared has more than one effect. When I summon him, he allows me to send a monster to the graveyard but he also has the effect that while he's on the field in attack mode he can't be destroyed by battle once per turn" Yang explained smugly despite the hit to her life points.

Yang Xiao Long: 5300LP

Gritting her teeth together, Miltia waved off the last of her turn now that her attack had been concluded. She had managed to chip away a decent chunk of the blonde's life points and that would just have to be enough. She could only hope that her sister could succeed where she had come up short.

Melanie on the other hand had been watching her sister's turn play out with baited breath. In a way she was glad that her sister's attack had ultimately failed, since Headgeared had survived her sister's attack that meant that Yang's field still contained two monsters and so unlocked her own monster's second effect.

Drawing a new card from the top of her deck Melanie's eyes lit up at the possibilities and immediately put her play into action. "I activate Forbidden Chalice!" The white clad twin exclaimed, activating the quick-play spell with a quick flick of her wrist. Before Yang even had the chance to ask what this newest card did she was cut off by the enrage howl of Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke as an ornate silver chalice poured a seething clear liquid over his brow. Thrashing about violently, Lead Yoke scratched and tore at the places where the strange liquid came into contact with his muscled flesh.

"What are you doing to him?!" Yang hissed in barely contained rage as her monster continued to wither under the effects of the twin's spell.

"Forbidden Chalice is a spell that increases the attack of a monster on the field by four-hundred..." Melanie explained over the howls of Yang's monster. Yang just looked on in confusion as her monster continued to roar, if this spell increased his power why would it cause him to scream like this? The answer to that question came from the white clad twin with a soft chuckle. "Forbidden Chalice also negates the effects of the monster targeted" Melanie explained much to Yang's shock. With his effects negated, the four hundred point increase didn't matter because Lead Yoke would lose the sixteen hundred he gained through his effect.

Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke's ATK: 2600

"Cyber Blader, finish him off" Melanie commanded and her visor wearing warrior nodded in excitement dashing forward to attack the hulking boxer.

"But Lead Yoke's still stronger?" Yang gasped, unable to understand the reason for the seemingly fruitless attack.

"Think again, remember my Cyber Blader gains effects depending on the number of monsters you control. When you have one she can't be destroyed by battle but when there's two... her attack is doubled" Melanie grinned as her Cyber Blader closed in on the now vulnerable boxer.

Cyber Blader's ATK: 4200

Performing a masterful butterfly jump, Cyber Blader lashed out at Lead Yoke with a furious bladed kick. The impact of the Fusion Monster's attack kicked up a fierce shockwave that forced even Yang to raise her guard against. Landing with just as much grace as her initial jump, Cyber Blader touched down on the shattered dance floor just moments before Lead Yoke's head, which slammed against the floor with a dull thud. The now headless behemoth teetered for a few seconds before dissolving away into nothingness leaving Yang behind to take the first real hit to her life points and Aura during this match.

Yang Xiao Long: 3700LP

Snapping her head up to glare at the twins, Yang could feel her own rage bubbling just under the surface, waiting to be unleashed. "You did good, Lead Yoke" Yang muttered as she slid her defeated Xyz Monster into the graveyard. Glancing down at her hand she could see the small tongues of flame arcing from her skin, her semblance had begun to kick in energizing not only her but also her deck. She could feel them calling out for vengeance and she'd be damned if she didn't give them what they wanted.

Staring down Melanie and her Cyber Blader, Yang knew that if she was going to win this then the white clad twin had to fall first. And since she now only controlled one monster Cyber Blader's immense attack reverted back to its original value, but that also meant she gained battle immunity. That mattered very little though as Yang had ways of getting around even the hardiest of defensive lines.

Cyber Blader's ATK: 2100

Closing her eyes as she focused on her deck, Yang felt her Aura pulse in sync with her deck, the small tongues of flames simmering across the surface of her skin ignited into a flaring inferno as she drew the top card of her deck. Wreathed in the flames of her own semblance Yang called upon the monster she had brought back from the graveyard on her previous turn. "I normal summon Battlin' Boxer Switchitter!" Once more the white hooded cybernetic boxer leapt from the swirling flames wreathed around his summoner, this time however his once golden eyes were now a deep crimson, matching Yang's own.

"Since Switchitter was summoned to the field he revives another Battlin' Boxer, so come back Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw! (Level 4 Fire Warrior ATK: 2000 DEF: 0)" Emerging from the sphere of fire generated from Switchitter was a beastly green giant of pure muscle. Letting out an enraged roar Glassjaw slammed his fists together in a rage and his eyes flashed from purple to red, his gaze never wavering from his opponents.

"Now using Battlin' Boxers Glassjaw, Headgeared and Switchitter I build the overlay network!" Yang shouted as the flames of her semblance roared upwards before swirling into a fiery vortex. Yang's assembled monsters condensed into blinding red energy that raced upwards into the vortex which began to swell upon the sudden influx of power. "Prize fighter from beyond the stars, come forth and unleash your fiery might! Light 'em up Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus! (Rank 4 Fire Warrior ATK: 2500 DEF: 1600)" Upon Yang's declaration the swirling mass of fire exploded outward in a blinding flash and a flaming mass rocketed down to the dance floor.

Slamming into the already shattered glass and metal floor with a tremendous crash, the figure, cloaked in fire, stepped out of the crater it formed from the impact. Standing almost a full head taller than Lead Yolk, Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus cast an intimidating shadow upon the ruined dancefloor. Cloaked in metallic armour of navy and yellow the towering figure unleashed a lightning fast combo to test his own power, it had been so long since Yang faced anyone worthy of fighting him after all. While Lead Yoke may have represented the raw power and ferocity of her deck, Star Cestus was the clean precision of a professional boxer.

"An over one hundred monster!" Miltia gasped, looking upon the armoured warrior in bewilderment. It was common knowledge that there were supposed to be only one hundred Number monsters created. However, what most did not know was that there were seven over one hundred Xyz Monsters that had been unleashed across Remnant. Completely unique with only one copy of each in existence, these cards were only gifted to a select few. Apparently, the brash blonde across from the twins was one of those select Duelists.

"You haven't seen anything yet! Now I activate Xyz Treasure Ticket!" Yang declared holding up the card she had just pulled during her draw phase. "With this I can target a Rank 4 or lower Xyz monster and draw cards from my deck equal to his Rank!" Yang declared as a blinding golden light was released from the card and raced to the deck on her wrist.

"But that's four cards!" Miltia exclaimed in utter disbelief.

"Oh, good you can count" Yang grinned as her deck released four new cards that she was more than eager to snatch up, bringing her hand total to six.

"I'll start things off with Tremendous Fire!" Yang shouted, holding up yet another spell card. Unlike the previous one, instead of a golden light, a raging inferno erupted from the card engulfing the blonde-haired Duelist. For a moment both sisters looked on in confusion as to why Yang was seemingly harming herself until the swirling inferno raced forward as if it had a mind of its own. Realising all too late what the conflagration was doing, Miltia was ill prepared for when the roaring inferno engulfed her.

"Miltia!" Melanie cried out as the red clad enforcer's aura strained under the ungodly heat. While already somewhat worn down from the duel her Aura still tried desperately to repel the damage as the fire swirled around her. Finally, when it seemed like she couldn't hold on any longer the spell generated inferno exploded outwards revealing a panting and heavily burnt Malachite sister.

"Wow, you actually stood up to that, I'm impressed" Yang chuckled from across the dance floor, leaned up against the side of Star Cestus. Noticing the enraged looks of her opponents, Yang flashed them the spell she had just activated with a confident smirk. "Tremendous Fire, a personal favourite of mine, deals five hundred damage to me, but one thousand to you" her grin spread at the shocked look on their faces, few duelists were willing to deal damage to themselves just to bring down their opponents, but for Yang that was the core of her playstyle.

Yang Xiao Long: 3200LP

Miltia Malachite: 1300LP

Without waiting for her opponents to respond Yang revealed yet another spell card, this one she secured into the side of her duel disk. "I activate the equip spell Salamandra!" Yang declared holding her duel disk into the air where yet another jet of fire erupted from the device. This time however, the roaring fire snaked upwards before forming a fiery dragon that raced towards Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus, enshrouding the armoured warrior in a blazing inferno.

"Salamandra is an equip spell that boosts the attack of a Fire monster by seven hundred points" Yang explained as the fires surrounding Star Cestus flared in response to her. "But I'm not done there, I also activate the spell Berserk Scales!" Yang declared holding up yet another spell she had drawn thanks to Xyz Treasure Ticket.

This time a blood red mist flowed from the revealed card before creeping up Star Cestus' armoured body. In a matter of seconds, the menacing Xyz Monster's already well toned muscles expanded in size and he let out a spine-tingling roar that seemed to shake the entire club. "Berserk Scales increases a monster's attack by one thousand but prevents that monster from attacking directly that turn" Yang grinned as Star Cestus once more slammed his fist together in anticipation.

Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus' ATK: 4200

"Alright Star Cestus, attack Cyber Blader with Blazing Knuckle!" Yang commanded thrusting her own fist towards Cyber Blader, who immediately dropped into a defensive stance. The fires of Salamandra roared to life and encased Star Cestus' hand forming the head of a fiery dragon while the mist like effects of Berserk Scales nearly doubled the size of the pugilist's already impressive musculature.

"Idiot, your monster may be strong but mine still can't be destroyed by battle, so long as you control one card!" Melanie exclaimed. She would still take significant damage but her monster would survive setting herself up for her counter attack next turn.

"Oh, that's right I almost forgot" Yang laughed slapping herself on the forehead playfully. "Guess I better activate Number 105's effect then, go Perfect Counter!" Upon Yang's declaration one of the three overlay units orbiting around Star Cestus darted towards the powerful Xyz Monster, disappearing into his armoured chest. A sudden burst of flame erupted from Star Cestus which quickly swept over Cyber Blader, leaving the stunning Fusion Monster scorched all over her elegant body.

Dashing forward Star Cestus closed the distance between himself and Cyber Blader in the blink of an eye. Now almost eye to visor with his fusion adversary Star Cestus unleashed a furious barrage of punches with terrifying accuracy and brutality. Each impacted generated a small explosion as the armoured warrior's knuckles pummelled Cyber Blader until Star Cestus reared back and unleashed a devastating haymaker that punched a hole clean through the red-haired warrior.

"But how!?" Melanie stammered in disbelief as her monster faded from existence before her very eyes.

"Perfect Counter" Yang grinned as Star Cestus turned his back on the defeated skater as her body dissolved into nothingness. "When Star Cestus battles I can detach an Xyz material and negate the effects of his opponent" Yang shrugged at the shocked look on Melanie's face as she picked herself off the ground, the force of Star Cestus' assault having slammed her to the ground.

Melanie Malachite: 1800LP

Slowly staggering to her feet, Melanie brought her duel disk to bare, ready to begin her own turn and get back at her blonde-haired opponent. However, the white clad enforcer's thoughts of vengeance were cut off by a blinding circle of light appearing underneath her. Staring in shock at the intense light, Melanie's head whipped up to look directly at a smirking Yang who had one more spell card in her hand, which was giving off the same glow as the light at her feet.

"Flaming Knockout, a quick-play spell that activates only after one of my Battlin' Boxer's destroys a monster of yours, it takes your monster's attack and dishes it back to you as damage" Yang's grin only grew wider as the realisation sunk into both twins. "Adios" Yang said, giving Melanie a quick two finger solute as the light at her feet reached critical mass.

"Sis!" Miltia cried out just as the intense light exploded in a ball of fire and force. With only a fraction of a second to react, Melanie had almost no time to prepare herself or her aura and so the force of Flaming Knockout propelled the startled enforcer back with vicious force, slamming her clean through one of the glass pillars scattered around the dancefloor, littering the already cluttered floor with tiny shards of glass.

Melanie Malachite: 0LP

The smug grin on Yang's face slipped away upon seeing the damage she had caused. The buxom brawler hadn't expected the blast to be as forceful as it was, nor had she expected the Malachite sister to be thrown back so violently by the surprise attack. Sharing a glance with Number 105, the pair gave a silent nod to each other just as Miltia snapped her head away from the unconscious form of her sister to the pair.

"End your damn turn so I can end you!" she snarled, preparing to draw a card to begin her turn. There was a fire in the red clad sister's emerald eyes that even Yang was surprised by. The bond between the two sisters seemed to run incredibly deep, something Yang could more than appreciate.

"Alright, I set one card face-down and end my turn" Yang sighed, placing one more card down before glancing up at Star Cestus who let out a pained groan as the red mist of Berserk Scales faded away. "During the end phase Berserk Scales wears off and reduces the attack of the monster effected by it by two thousand" Yang explained as Number 105 fell to a knee, his strength seemingly stripped from him by his summoner's spell.

Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus' ATK: 1200

The scowl on Miltia's face only deepened as she looked at the weakened pugilist before her. Star Cestus' chest was heaving heavily from the exertion Berserk Scales seemed to had taken on his body. The spell may have given him a quick boost of power but the after effects seemed to have left the powerful Xyz Monster with nothing left to fight back with.

"Look at what you did to Star Cestus!" Miltia shouted as she drew the top card of her deck to start her turn. "You're going to pay for what you've done to my sister and your Monster" Miltia growled and getting a nod of affirmation from Lunalight Cat Dancer at her side. The whole time Yang merely stood there, silently watching her opponent as small tongues of flame continued to rise from her body. This ferocity was unexpected but in a way, it gave Yang a new bit of respect for the enraged Malachite though it hardly mattered, this game was already over.

"I activate Twin Twister!" Miltia exclaimed slamming down the quick-play spell onto her duel disk. "By discarding a card from my hand, I can destroy up two spells or traps on the field, so I send Lunalight White Rabbit from my hand to destroy Salamandra and your face-down!" Just as the red clad enforcer slid the cost for Twin Twister into her duel disk's graveyard a pair of howling cyclones erupted from the card's surface enveloping both Yang's equip spell and her face-down, blowing them away into nothingness.

Keeping her look of resolve despite this apparent setback, Yang slipped both cards into her own graveyard without a word. Keeping an eye on her lone and now seemingly defenseless monster, Yang could only watch as the flames of Salamandra disappeared weakening Star Cestus even further.

Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus' ATK: 500

"Now I normal summon Lunalight Blue Cat (Level 4 Dark Beast-Warrior ATK: 1600 DEF: 1200) in attack position!" Miltia exclaimed as her blue cat warrior leapt from the surface of her card. Touching down the masked feline woman's claws extended outwards towards the weakened boxer who barely raised his head in acknowledgement.

"Next I activate Fusion Substitute!" Miltia exclaimed, holding up a new spell that unleashed a swirling vortex that began to draw in both Cat Dancer and Blue Cat. "I can use this card to fusion summon any monster, using monsters on the field as material" Miltia shouted over the roar of the vortex raging just over her head.

The two forms of Lunalights Cat Dancer and Blue Cat were finally drawn into the swirling vortex generated from Fusion Substitute where it flashed dangerously before condensing in on itself. Rising above the Duelists' heads the swirling vortex continued to condense in on itself until it was a single shining point of light. Graceful hunter, I call upon you to hunt down my enemies, I summon Lunalight Panther Dancer! (Level 8 Dark Beast-Warrior ATK: 2800 DEF: 2500)

Upon Miltia's command, the single shining point expanded into a bright orb that cast down a beam of moonlight searing everything it touched. From within this shining light a figure began to materialize, starting as a vague shadow before solidifying into a more tangible form.

While Cat Dancer represented beauty and grace, Lunalight Panther Dancer was pure predatory nature. Her long dress flowed across her body revealing just enough of her mocha skin to entice those that would look upon her and keep their eyes off the razor-sharp blades clasped to each arm. Lunalight Panther Dancer let out a shrill cry, extending her blade like claws in a show of force that actually managed to catch Number 105's attention, unlike her Blue Cat predecessor.

Taking the last card in her hand, Miltia slammed it into her duel disk with a snarl. "I activate the spell Luna Light Perfume, which allows me to revive one of my Lunalight monsters, so come back Lunalight Blue Cat!" Miltia exclaimed, as a bottle of dark purple liquid appeared before her. From the top of the bottle a thick purple mist began to spew forth into a dense cloud and from within that cloud the form of Blue Cat materialized slowly before them, taking up position beside Panther Dancer.

"When Lunalight Blue Cat is special summoned to the field I can target one Lunalight monster I control and double its attack, so I choose Panther Dancer!" Miltia commanded, pointing towards the towering fusion monster. In response Blue Cat clapped her clawed hands together, forming yet another sphere of concentrated moonlight that she promptly hurled towards her counterpart. The orb of light infused itself into Panther Dancer's dark skin and a seductive smirk spread across her face from under her dark green bangs. Suddenly the fierce warrior let out a ferocious roar as her entire body was enshrouded in a dark aura.

Lunalight Panther Dancer's ATK: 5600

"Go Panther Dancer, attack Star Cestus and end her!" Miltia shouted her face contorted in anger. She needed to end this duel as quickly as possible, Melanie still hadn't woken up and with every second that ticked by Miltia's anxiety over her wellbeing grew exponentially. "Attack with Claws of Bast!" Miltia exclaimed and Panther Dancer immediately obeyed, leaping onto the rotating light system just over their heads.

"Hey, Star Cestus..." Yang muttered, getting her monster's complete attention despite the enemy preparing to attack him. "... Go easy on her ok, we kinda over did it with her sister" Yang sighed getting a silent nod from the armoured boxer in return.

Looking up towards Panther Dancer still hanging from the lighting system, Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus slowly rose to his feet to face his adversary. With a menacing growl the panther woman extended her claws to nearly twice their length before leaping towards her prey at an unbelievable speed. If this attack connected then not only would Star Cestus be utterly destroyed by the sheer force of the attack but Yang would lose the duel, her own life points being far too low to withstand the difference in attack values.

"Perfect Counter" Yang muttered and once more one of the overlay units orbiting Star Cestus disappeared into the center of his chest in a flash. Just as before, the flames of Perfect Counter rose up but instead of racing forward formed a barrier around Number 105 surrounding him just in time, as Panther Dancer's sword like claws slashed into the solid wall of fire and energy.

"What!?" Miltia exclaimed in disbelief. "How did you stop my attack? Perfect Counter's only suppose to negate my monster's effect?" Miltia demanded as Panther Dancer swiped furiously away at the fiery shield surrounding her Xyz prey.

"You never asked if Perfect Counter did anything else" Yang replied as the sphere of surrounding Star Cestus grew brighter and brighter. "First it negates the effects of my opponent's monster, second it makes Star Cestus immune to being destroyed by battle and third..." suddenly the sphere of energy burst outward, knocking Panther Dancer to the ground to reveal Star Cestus with one arm cocked back. "... You take any damage that I would have from that battle" Yang said and with a snap of her fingers Star Cestus punched forward unleashing all fifty-one hundred points of damage Yang would have taken and throwing it right back Miltia.

Letting her duel disk fall to her side, Miltia could only look on in utter shock at what had happened. It all made sense now, Yang had used Berserk Scales for the express purpose of lowering Star Cestus' own power so that she could maximize the effectiveness of his effect and she had fallen for it, just like every other play the blond brawler had made that game.

Leaping to try and intercept the blast, Panther Dancer let out a cry of worry as it raced past her in a flash. Try as she might, the agile warrior was simply in no position to intercept the blast that impacted just at Miltia's feet. Though it didn't hit her directly, the blast still had enough force behind it to knock the red clad enforcer into the air where she landed heavily on her side, dislocating her shoulder as her aura finally gave out.

Miltia Malachite: 0LP

Yang Xiao Long is Victorious

Without her summoner's aura to sustain her, Lunalight Panther Dancer slowly began to fade away. Placing herself between Yang and her Xyz warrior and her own summoner, Panther Dancer let out a menacing growl as the pair approached the injured sisters. The distrustful glare of the dark-haired warrior slipped away as Star Cestus brought his hand up, offering it to the feline warrior. After a brief moment and a reassuring nod from Star Cestus, Panther Dancer reached out grasping the other duel monster's proffered hand before finally fading away.

"Ugh... sis..." Miltia groaned, holding her arm in a pained grimace. It wasn't until a shadow loomed over her that she cracked an eye open to get an eyeful of a mane of golden locks.

"Hey take it easy, I'm sorry we went so hard there" Yang apologized as she checked Miltia's arm. After a few seconds of poking and prodding Yang leveled her gaze with the red clad enforcer. "I want you to focus your Aura on your arm ok, this is gonna hurt like hell" Yang stated, placing a calming hand on her forearm.

Nodding quickly, Miltia closed her eyes in preparation for what was coming, Yang could already see the crimson lines of her Aura shifting towards her shoulder and without a moment's warning thrust the twin's shoulder back into place with an audible pop. To the woman's credit apart from a pained groan she held on admirably as Yang forced her arm back into position.

"You're gonna wanna put some ice on that when you get the chance" Yang said Just as Star Cestus crouched down to set the still unconscious Melanie beside her sister. Noticing the worried look she gave her twin, Yang placed a reassuring hand on Miltia's newly realigned shoulder. "She's gonna be ok, her Aura blocked most of the glass and metal, she's probably gonna wake up with one hell of a headache though so make sure she gets plenty of water" Yang stated, double checking to make sure Melanie was also ok.

Standing back up, she flashed the still conscious twin a bright smile, her lavender eyes once more alight with that mischievous twinkle. "Great game ladies, we got to do this again some time, now if you'll excuse me I need to go have a chat with your boss" Yang grinned as she cracked her head from side to side before glaring up at the top of the stairs where Junior was now in full retreat, making a mad dash for the door.

"Come on Star Cestus. let's see what he knows" Yang's devious smirk was back in place as both she and her Xyz Monster took off after the fleeing bar owner. Clearing the stairs two at a time Yang reached the double doors that lead to the entrance to the club. When the doors refused to open, Star Cestus lunged forward slamming his armoured shoulder into the heavy doors.

With a thunderous crash, both doors toppled to the ground in a shower of steel and fiber glass, as both duelist and monster sprinted down the now deserted hallway leading to the entrance. Slamming her own shoulder into the club's doors, Yang was blasted by the cold night air of downtown Vale. Looking around Yang tried to spot her quarry only to find the entire street deserted.

"Where the hell did he..." Yang was suddenly cut off by a loud screech as a dark van skidded around the side of the building before taking off down the street. Without waiting a moment longer, Yang raced forward, hopping onto her bike and kicking on the ignition. Bumblebee roared to life, deafening in the otherwise quiet downtown street. Slipping her helmet on and securing Ember Celica into her motorcycle, Yang spun the bike around, ready to take off when a loud crash caught her attention. There, wedged into the doorway to the club was Star Cestus. With only his head and arm being able to make it through the smaller doors, Yang may have found it funny if time wasn't of the essence.

"Come on!" Yang shouted over to her Duel Monster, who just waived her off, insisting she don't lose their target. "Fine, you better catch up though" Yang shouted back as she tore down the streets after the black van. After a few minutes of weaving in and out of the minimal traffic, Yang finally began to gain ground on the van. A part of the cocksure duelist was unsure if Junior was even in the van to begin with but at this point she was committed and wasn't about to give up this chase.

Closing ever so steadily on her target, Yang's eyes lit up in shock when the back of the van flew open, revealing a trio of ugly green monsters, all armed with heavy cannons. "Goblins, are you friggin kidding me!?" Yang hissed as the ugly wart-encrusted warriors leveled their weapons on their pursuer and fired.

"Crap!" Yang yelled as three bursts of green energy raced towards the blonde brawler. Swerving to the side, Yang managed to just barely avoid the blasts only to look back in horror to see the blasts streaming towards a small four door car. However, before the blasts could impact the vehicle and the small family within it, a towering figure touched down at a full sprint in front of the vehicle, batting aside the blasts with a sweep of his armoured form.

"Bout time, what took you so long!?" Yang hollered to Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus as he raced down the paved streets alongside his Duelist. Though on foot, Star Cestus' considerable size, muscled legs and long strides allowed him to keep pace with the two vehicles while taking care not to run other civilians off the road.

Swerving to avoid another blast from the Goblin Attack Force hanging out of the back of the van, Yang grit her teeth under her helmet. This was getting ridiculous, she just wanted a bit of information and these nut cases were shooting up the city trying to get away from her. When Star Cestus had to dive in front of another blast of green energy to protect an unsuspecting hatchback from a goblin themed demise, Yang came to the conclusion that this chase was finally over.

Following the van up an onramp, Yang found both herself and her sprinting boxer on the King's Highway 401, Vale's busiest freeway. Though it was past midnight at this point, the freeway was still packed with cars and Yang found her driving abilities pushed to the limit as she tried to gain ground on the speeding van. Luckily the Goblins seemed to have laid off on the covering fire in favour of gaining distance, dodging traffic was hard enough let alone incoming weapon's fire.

On her right Star Cestus kept at his furious pace taking care to avoid stepping on cars and keeping his piercing red eyes trained on the black van. After a close shave, where Yang nearly drove into the back of a semi, the blonde duelist hissed in annoyance upon catching sight of the van once more. It seemed the goblins had discarded their previous small arms and traded them in for a massive cannon, one that seemed far too big for the limited space in that van.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" Yang shouted in disbelief, as the Buster Rancher unleashed a blinding beam of golden energy. Streaking towards both Duelist and monster, Yang hit the breaks, cutting off her momentum and allowing Star Cestus to leap over her head. With a teeth jarring explosion, Star Cestus intercepted the golden beam, using his last overlay unit in the process to trigger his Perfect Counter ability. Without missing a step Star Cestus raced through the cloud of smoke and debris at a full sprint, his fist now aglow with the combined power of his own ability and the tremendous energy of the Goblin's weapon.

Racing up alongside her prized Xyz Monster, Yang gave him a quick thumb's up of approval as he hopped over another car. "Let 'em have it!" Yang shouted to her duel monster and Star Cestus wasted little time in obeying. Leaping into the air to get a better view of his target, Star Cestus lined up the shot with the speeding fan perfectly. Taking a brief moment to appreciate the looks of horror and panic on the faces of the goblins hanging out the back, Star Cestus unleashed the stored energy in his fist with a single massive punch. The condensed energy raced forward in the blink of an eye slamming into the back of the van vapouring both the back half of the vehicle and the green skinned hooligans that had occupied that space just a moment before.

Swerving out of control, what was left of the van careened wildly into the hard-light safety barriers lining the freeway. Slamming into the semi-transparent surface with a resounding crash, the maddeningly allusive vehicle finally came to a halt just as Yang pulled up behind the wreck with Star Cestus in tow.

For a moment Yang thought they may have gone to far in trying to slow them down, however those worries were promptly swept aside as the driver's side door creaked open. Stumbling out of the wrecked vehicle with a pained groan and bloody brow, Junior fell to the hard pavement of the freeway holding his hand up to block the headlights from the blonde brawler's bike.

"You know, if you had just played along and told me what you knew then we wouldn't have had to go through all that" Yang sighed, sidling up to the burly bar owner. Pulling out her scroll once more and showing him the blurry picture on it, Yang stared down the injured man with the same piercing red eyes she had when defeating the Malachite twins.

"Last chance, tell me what you know" Yang growled, Star Cestus looming menacingly over her shoulder.

"I already told you..." Junior groaned at the dull ache he was feeling from the crash. His Aura had taken the brunt of the damage and was now doing its best to soothe the tremendous amount of pain his body was feeling. "... I've never seen her before, I meant it, whoa hey!" Junior exclaimed in shock as the angered blonde hoisted the towering club owner up with one hand.

"Quit lying to me, you have to know something, everyone says you know everything there is to know in Vale!" Yang shouted not noticing, her Xyz Monster turn away at some commotion behind her.

"Look, I'm being straight with you. I've never seen her before, maybe she's from Mistral, Atlas or Vacuo" Junior rasped, doing his best to keep a straight face so as not to betray the discomfort he was feeling.

Dragging the bearded man so close that their noses were practically touching Yang grit her teeth as she searched the man's eyes for any trace of deceit. "If you're so positive you don't know anything, why did you run?" Yang growled, this was it her last lead, her last hope and it looked like it was just as fruitless as every single one before it.

"Lady I just watched you demolish my entire club and you chase me down the god damn freeway, why do you think I ran?!" Junior questioned incredulously. True, the blonde-haired duelist couldn't see her own piercing red eyes that set the hairs on the back of Junior's neck to stand on end, but her actions more than made up for that.

Yang held Junior's stare for a solid minute before closing her eyes, letting them revert to their normal lavender state. Taking a few deep breaths Yang lowered the injured information broker down against what was left of his van with a tired sigh. "Sorry I smashed up your club" Yang muttered, all the fight seemingly leaving her tired body all at once.

Taken aback by this sullen demeanour, which seemed so out of place for the cocksure duelist, Junior brought a hand up to scratch the back of his head. "It's fine, I guess. My boys did come after you first" Junior relented, not wanting to bring up the fact that technically she hit him first.

"Still that was a lot of damage I did, plus your van, that won't be cheap" Yang countered looking over Star Cestus' handiwork. The entire back half of the van was a twisted melted wreck that closely resembled a statue she once saw when her dad dragged both herself and her sister to a modern art museum.

"Forget it, I just got a pretty decent pay day. Should cover this and then some" Junior waved off the blonde's concerns, as he began fishing around in his pocket for his own scroll.

"Alright, we cool?" Yang asked, holding out her fist for a friendly fist bump.

For a moment Junior said nothing, merely eyeing Yang's outstretched fist as if coming into contact with it would cause him to explode. After another minute of awkward silence, Junior finally relented returning her fist bump with a tired sigh of his own. "Yeah, we're cool, blondie."

"Sweet!" Yang exclaimed, all the bubbly cheer of her normal countenance returning to her. "Hey, could you do me one favour though?" Yang asked, her bright smile easing the trepidation Junior had been feeling earlier. "Could you give Melanie and Miltia that vacation time you promised them? I know they didn't beat me, but they tried really hard and came pretty close?" Yang asked, hoping to also smooth out her relationship with her new rivals.

"Yeah, I guess I better" Junior allotted, before punching in some numbers into his scroll. "I'm gonna get my boys to come pick me up, alright?" Junior asked, indicating that this part of their conversation was now over.

"You bet!" Yang grinned flashing her new 'friend' a playful thumb's up.

As Junior began bickering with one of his subordinates on the other end of his scroll, Yang turned around to head back to her bike when she was met by the most peculiar scene. Star Cestus, who had at one point been looming ominously over her shoulder was now crouched down beside Bumblebee with his back to her. Closing in on the Xyz Monster Yang quirked an eyebrow as she picked up on a hushed conversation coming from the stooped boxer.

"Uh, something going on here buddy?" Yang asked trying to look over the armoured boxer's significant form. Standing up to his full height upon his summoner's words, Star Cestus slowly turned around, his arms seemingly crossed over his chest. As Star Cestus finally finished turning to face his Duelist, Yang's lavender eyes widened in surprise at what was clutched within his muscled arms.

"Hey Yang!" Ruby greeted with a cheery smile as she hung from Star Cestus' arms. Her red cloak was being blown about all over the place by the wind kicked up from the cars as they passed them by.

"Rubes?! What are you doing here?" Yang questioned, glancing around at the busy freeway. They really needed to get a move on it was well past midnight at this point and their dad was probably going to be pretty peeved that they had been out so late.

"I was sharing some really awesome news with Star Cestus" Ruby grinned as the Xyz Monster hoisted her up onto his armoured shoulder. Yang was a little taken aback by the sheer giddiness of her beloved sister. She had only dropped her off at From Dust Till Dawn around two hours ago. What could have happened to the energetic Duelist to get her whipped up into such an excited mood.

"Really? What's up?" Yang questioned, trying to determine what had her sister practically bouncing on her Xyz Monster's shoulder.

"Nope, first you get to tell me what you've been up to" Ruby grinned, nodding towards the wrecked van and injured bar owner leant up against it. Her silver eyes had that devilish look about them that they usually had when she was trying to pry information from her sister.

"Oh, was just out having some fun. Oh, you'll never guess!" Yang grinned luring Ruby into her own verbal trap. Upon seeing Ruby's questioning stare, Yang's grin only grew wider. "I actually went a round with this pair of really hot twins!" Yang gave a lecherous wink and burst out laughing at the queasy look on Ruby's face.

"Eww, Yang that's gross. I don't want to hear about that!" Ruby whined, fake gagging at her sister's sense of humour. Ruby may have been smarter than most at her age but Yang had known the red hooded Duelist for her entire life. This meant that Yang knew the best ways to steer conversations away from topics she'd rather Ruby not know about.

"Hey it was fun times held by all, although I think they may have some trouble walking in the morning, kind of hard to watch my own strength in those situations" Yang explained while her sister scrunched her eyes together.

"Yang! I said stop being gross or I'll tell dad!" Ruby exclaimed waving her arms back and forth. She would have toppled right off of Star Cestus' shoulder if the Xyz Monster hadn't been prepared and gave her a helping prod to right her balance.

Laughing all the way to her bike, Yang slipped her helmet back on as she settled back onto the seat of her beloved bumblebee. "Fine, fine I won't regale you with my exploits tonight, maybe when you're older" Yang grinned upon seeing the aghast look on her sister's face. That pretty much ensured Ruby wouldn't be asking about tonight's events until... well there was a good chance she would never ask about them, which suited Yang just fine.

"So, what's this big news that's got you all excited?" Yang questioned.

"Well I kind of want to tell you and dad at the same time, if that's ok?" Ruby muttered sheepishly. She was now looking straight at the ground with a shy smile as she ran her finger along the edge of Crescent Rose.

Arching her own eyebrow at her sister's response, Yang relented with a nod of her head. "Sure thing, Rubes" Yang replied before glancing up at Star Cestus. "You going to carry her like that?" Yang questioned and received a determined thumb's up in response. "Are you sure?" Yang pressed leveling a piercing stare on her own Xyz Monster. Letting out an exacerbated sigh, Star Cestus held up a single finger in response which did little to sway Yang's questioning glare.

"Yeah, but after that one time we couldn't find her for nearly three hours" Yang countered causing Star Cestus to scratch the back of his head bashfully in response. "That's right and do you remember how pissed Dad was at us?" Yang pressed, ensuring her monster understood where she was coming from. Their overprotective father was usually a pretty laid-back guy, but when it came to the safety of his daughters he had a tendency to become a little assertive.

"Lay off of him, Yang, I can just hold on it'll be fine" Ruby said from her position on Star Cestus' armoured shoulder.

After a brief moment of thinking, Yang finally caved with a sigh. "Fine you can carry her, but drop her and we're both in for it" Yang commented before kicking on Bumblebee's ignition causing the bike to roar to life once more. "Come on let's get going it's late enough as it is" Yang shouted over the sound of her own bike. Without waiting for a response, Yang quickly merged into the sparse traffic that was on the freeway this late at night with Star Cestus right behind her.

Looking into one of her mirrors, Yang couldn't hide her grin at seeing Ruby cheering at the top of her lungs, using Star Cestus as her trusty steed. Whatever this news was it sure as hell must have been something significant to get her sister so excited. It almost made up for the complete disaster that tonight turned out to be, but not quite.

As the pair sped away, they failed to notice a petit figure standing on the other side of the road. Garbed in a white overcoat and carrying a peculiar parasol. the girl's multi-coloured hair was blown about by the traffic as it passed but her heterochromatic gaze never left the sisters even as they faded out of sight.

She had originally been there to deal with the girl who had given Roman so many issues but upon seeing her blonde-haired sister, the strange girl's objectives changed. There was something about that girl that intrigued her, something she could only discover by getting closer to her. With a small shrug and a mischievous grin, the girl blinked out of existence leaving no trace that she was ever there to begin with.

Author's Notes: Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I've uploaded a proper chapter but I finally found the time to wrap up the trailer chapters for Duel Monsters. Moving forward we'll be heading into the show proper where we'll be expanding more on the story and do a little more world building.

This chapter was surprisingly straightforward and yet I've been having to go back and make changes to the overall story structure and duels I've already written as RWBY actually progresses. But focusing on this chapter obviously we introduce Yang and the Malachite Twins, who I actually want to make better use of in the future, I actually really like them not gonna lie. Fun little fact Yang's deck was the first one I ever built when making thinking up this series. The Battlin' Boxers were literally the perfect archetype for Yang to use and their overall playstyle matches Yang's characterization quite well.

For the duel itself this one came to 11 turns in total and that's generally around how long the duel's I've written so far last any longer and I'd have to split it up into a multi chapter piece. Also, for those wondering yes in the future I will be channelling my Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's and have some instances of Card Games on Motorcycles! with Yang.

For the most part this was a lot of fun to write and I especially enjoyed having a few moments of setup for future chapters that I hope you can catch on to. I'm hoping next chapter won't take me as long to write, there won't be any duels in it mainly because it'll be the introduction to Beacon. In the mean time hope you all have a wonderful day and if you have any questions feel free to hit me up.

Until next time everyone!