Ruby's eyes slowly opened, silver orbs staring at the slightly blurry ceiling. Slowly, she turned to her side only to find nothing but the yellow mane covering her sister's face. But judging by the faint snoring she heard, she knew that the blonde was still not awake yet. The sunlight came into her room, telling her that it was morning, probably.

She closed her eyes again, attempting to lose contact with reality. After all, it was a Saturday, waking up so early would be considered a crime amongst students.

But, even after a while, she still couldn't escape the consciousness. Disappointed, the brunette sits on her bed, rubbing her eyes. Afterwards, she climbed down what Weiss considered a death trap, careful to not make any sound.

All of her attention was immediately given to the sleeping beauty that was her partner, feeling a blush forming on her cheeks by the mere sight of it.

Her small stature made her look so fragile like glass. Her skin blended with the colour of the morning sun made her appear as if she was glowing. Her hair was let loose, appearing as if it were smooth like silk.

'She looks just like a princess,' Ruby thought, accompanied by an unheard chuckle coming from her mouth.

But, realising it would be creepy to keep staring at her partner, Ruby decided to turn around, only to be met with the sight of another one of her teammates being awake. More precisely, the faunus girl was grabbing her notebook and writing tools and putting it in her purse.

'Is Blake going crazy?' Ruby asked herself, remembering that there was no classes left on a Saturday.

But she internally shrugged as she thought, 'Well, I guess school does that to you.'

"Blake?" The brunette asked, grabbing said girl's attention.

"Yeah?" The older girl replied.

"It's Saturday," Ruby simply mentioned, thinking that it must be enough for her friend to snap out of whatever state she was in.

"I know," clearly, she was wrong for thinking that.

The brunette decided to ask another simple question, "Um… Okay? Mind telling me what you're doing?"

Blake halted briefly, looking at her other teammates which were still in the realm of slumber carefully, as if she was about to tell her a secret.

"If anyone asks, just tell them I have an extra class with Professor Port," she told the brunette.

But that answer certainly didn't satisfy Ruby, so she asked another question, "But then, where are you going?"

While walking towards the door, the faunus simply replied, "Writing a note."

"What?" The brunette asked, even more confused than before.

Did Blake really expect her to understand everything just from one short and mysterious sentence? The older girl turned around to face her, understanding her confusion.

She seemed to be too deep in thought, so she simply answered, "To fix everything," and closed the door, leaving Ruby with two of her sleeping teammates.

Having nothing else to do, since it was a weekday, Ruby grabbed one of the novels she borrowed from the library. Realising what she just did, the brunette muttered, "I really am becoming a bookworm…"

So, she sat down on a chair and started reading. After a few pages, she saw a movement coming from the heiress's bed. Shortly afterwards, Weiss sat up in her bed, her pose was straight and perfect. She looked around the room and her eyes met Ruby's.

"Good morning Weiss!" The brunette says cheerfully.

"Morning," the white haired girl mumbled, barely heard by the other girl.

Weiss blinked a few times, still looking at the younger girl, "Since when did you like reading?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

'Since I started falling in love with you,' Ruby thought, although outside, she replied, "A few weeks ago…"

The heiress asked another question, "What is it about?"

Ruby replied a bit uncomfortably, "Well, it's about this girl who's a ninja, and she met this guy who's also a ninja, but they were enemies so they had to fight each other."

She intentionally hid the cover of the book by tilting it in an angle which Weiss couldn't see it. She also left the part where the book was actually an adult rated love story that kids her age shouldn't probably be reading…

And also the fact that she borrowed it from Blake.

Weiss nodded slowly as she got out of her bed to make herself a cup of coffee. Meanwhile, the younger girl continued reading her book.

After taking a sip of her drink, Weiss commented, "I didn't know you enjoyed literature."

Hearing that the brunette laughed, afterwards she answered, "Yeah, I used to read fairy tales. But now I'm starting to read… Ergh… Thicker books," she struggled to explain, not knowing the actual term for it.

Weiss's lips formed a small smile. A small gesture that sent a deep blush towards the young girl.

Suddenly, they both heard a yawn coming from the other side of the room. The blonde sat up, rubbed her eyes, and stood up from her bed ungraciously, unlike her certain white-haired teammate. Her lilac eyes met two pair of eyes. One was silver. It was big, bright, full of curiosity and concern. The other was blue. It was intelligent, cold, calculative and observant.

Both of their jaws dropped slightly when they didn't hear her usual cheerful 'Good morning!', Ruby understood why her sister was that way, but Weiss didn't.

Yang's eyes scanned over the empty bed besides her. The bed that belonged to a certain cat faunus. Even from a short distance the brunette could already tell that she was debating on whether or not she should ask her teammates about her partner's whereabouts.

Ruby decided to save everyone's time as she said, "Blake's having an extra class with Professor Port."

But, she immediately regret her decision when her eyes met with her sister's unusually angry eyes. But even though she was angry, her eyes were still lilac, not red.

She never seen her sister like this before.

"Who cares…" she replied bitterly.

Yang was always so happy and friendly, so looking at the sight and hearing what she said already made the young girl flinched in fear. Thankfully, the blonde didn't notice it, but Weiss certainly did.

When Ruby looked back at her partner, she saw anger boiling beneath those cold eyes. "Weiss," she says, grabbing the heiress's attention. The brunette merely shook her head with no need of saying a word, telling her not to engage in a fight with her sister.

'Not right now. Not while Yang's like this,' Ruby silently told her.

The heiress seemed to be pondering her next move. She wanted to scowl the blonde for treating her sister that way, but the young girl didn't want her to. Eventually, she gave into Ruby's plead, burying her anger deep out of sight.

They watched as the unusually angry blonde read the message from her scroll, took a quick shower, and left the room. Once Ruby was certain that her sister was out of the view, she let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"Thanks Weiss," the brunette says, giving her partner a small and genuine smile.

In return, the heiress frowned in confusion, "Why are you thanking me?" She asked.

The brunette, slightly taken aback by her question, replied awkwardly, "Because you… Did that for me?"

The heiress sighed and said, "Do you actually believe I'm going to let her treat you that way? She's your sister! Her job is supposed to look after you. Just like how Winter looked after me."

She stopped for a while, "Plus, you're my partner… I'm supposed to look after you too," she continued, her voice dropping in volume.

The brunette's cheeks turned red. Her jaws dropped. And her eyes widened. She didn't even care that the heiress used the term 'partner' instead of anything else, she was just touched to know that her crush did care about her.

"You… Care about me?" Ruby asked, looking down in shyness.

The heiress poked the girl's forehead, frowning as she says, "Of course I do, you dolt!"

Without even giving the brunette a chance to reply, Weiss continued, "Just because we got off from the wrong foot that day, doesn't mean I don't like you."

"Weiss…" The younger girl could only say.

'I tried so hard to forget that I love you, but you're making this difficult,' the brunette thought, smiling while she did so.

They continued to look into each other's eyes, Ruby noticed that there was a slight red hue on her cheeks as well. Suddenly, the brunette started to laugh.

"It's really hard not to see you as a princess, Weiss," she says after she stopped laughing, not even bothering to care that she just said that to the girl of her dreams.

'If only I was your knight in shining armour,' the brunette thought, still managing to smile.

Afterwards, the heiress started to laugh as well. And to the young girl, it was the most enchanting thing that she had ever laid her eyes upon. Looking at the desk that belonged to the heiress, Ruby saw a small blue flower, the flower she knew was given by someone who cared about Weiss as well.

She knew that the girl could never be together with her, but she was okay with it.

'I may not be your knight in shining armour, but you'll always be my princess,' she thought to herself, her smile never leaving her face.

While walking towards her destination, Yang checked her scroll for the fifth time. More specifically, she checked the message that was sent from an unknown number.

Meet me at the park.

- Sun

That was the entirety at the message. Even from the first time looking at it, the blonde knew that there was something off about that message. Not only did it come from an unknown number, but she knew for sure that Sun would never use periods when texting.

'But, then again, what kind of jokester would try to prank me by telling me to go there?' The blonde asked herself, believing that it was more obvious if Sun truly was the one who texted her.

'Maybe he was just worried,' she thought as she arrived to the place, her anxiety and rage fighting inside herself, debating on what she should do when she finally met him.

The park was just as lively and peaceful as she remembered it, with the only difference being the mood that she was in and the reason why she came. She hoped that the boy wouldn't be in the park, and someone did pull a prank on her.

But, after only a few seconds of scanning the area, she could already spot his familiar blond hair.

Sun was sitting on the bench, right under a large tree. He seemed to be thinking about something. She looked at him for a few moments, her feet were still. She felt her pained heart beating faster than it was before, and her hands shaking.

'Get ahold of yourself, Xiao Long! Remember the things he said to you!' She shouted at herself, trying to make her hands stop trembling as she took a deep breath to calm herself.

It wasn't until a while did she finally started taking her steps, walking towards him. Towards the person she trusted. Towards the person she had faith in. Towards the person who shared the same feelings with her about a certain girl. Towards the person who broke her heart.

When he finally noticed her arrival, she saw his mouth opening and closing uncertainly, as if he was debating on whether or not he should say something. She sat down on the bench, making sure to not be too close to him.

Coldly, she asked, "What do you wanna talk about?"

The boy stared at her curiously, then replied, "What do you mean? You were the one who sent me that message, right?"

In return, she looked at him just as curiously as he did at her. She simply picked up her scroll and showed him the evidence. When he looked at that message, he frowned. Afterwards, he picked up his scroll and showed her something. A message.

Meet me at the park.

- Yang

She shook her head in denial, "That's not me," she says worriedly.

Calmly, he replied, "Neither was that me," pointing towards her scroll.

"But then…" She trailed off, her lilac eyes widening as she connected all of the dots.

'Using periods, unknown number… Going to class on a Saturday…' She thought, having no reason to suspect anybody else.

The blonde sighed in defeat, "Blake…" she says.

The boy repeated her word in agreement, "Blake."

They stayed in silence. Yang could see that the boy wanted to say something, but he was still finding the right words. While she herself was waiting as patiently as her mood allowed her to be.

Eventually, he did say two words.

"I'm sorry."

The blonde couldn't help but asked, "For what?" Her tone was bitter, but he accepted it nonetheless, knowing that he deserved every part of the punishment that was about to be thrown at him.

For a while, he didn't say anything. At first, she was about to leave, finding this conversation to be pointless. But she realised that she had to stay and listen to him. Eventually, he did say something, and that something was far from what she'd expected.

"…For falling in love with you."

She could hear the loud pumping of her own heart, suddenly the outside world seem to be non existent to her, and all that she could see, hear, and feel was Sun. She looked deeply in his eyes, they seemed to be filled lots of emotions. But those emotions weren't what she usually saw in him.

His blue orbs used to reflect his happiness, care, enjoyment, and even his bits of child-like wonder that she always found endearing.

But now, it was filled with regret, sorrow, and self-loathing. Emotions that she desperately wanted to erase from him.

Her mind suddenly had forgotten all of the previous wrath that she endured. All she cared about now was Sun.

She wanted to say something, anything, but no words would come out of her mouth. So she could only listen. His voice was low, raspy, full of grief and longing, it made her want to do nothing but hug him.

"I'm sorry for saying all those things yesterday… I know you can never forgive me… I don't want you too."

She couldn't believe that last part, but she let him keep talking anyway. She knew it was best that he had to keep going for the both of them.

"I… I care about you, Yang… But, that doesn't mean that you feel the same way about me, which is why I said all those things… I know you love Blake, and I'm okay with that…"

He glanced at her for a moment, before closing his eyes, listening to his heart, and nothing else.

"I just thought that I should tell you this because… Well, it's because Neptune told me that I should listen to my heart, and right now, my heart's telling me that I love you," he didn't care about what Yang would thought about what he said at this point, he just wanted to settle this once and for all.

'And now, it's done,' he stated to himself, knowing that he shouldn't have to be with the blonde anymore.

Now, he already told her his feelings towards her. But, he realised that it didn't matter anymore. Yang was in love with Blake, not him. She wanted to be with her, not him.

Sun sighed deeply. Without even looking at her he stood up, attempting to leave.

'It's done, it's all done,' was his thoughts, repeated over and over again.

He remembered times where he was with the blonde alone together. When they first have a talk at the park. When they had a fake date at this exact location. When they helped Neptune get together with Weiss.

The boy just now realised that those were the times when he truly felt alive. Those were the times that he truly felt like himself.

'It's a shame that I can't-' his thoughts were cut off by the feeling of someone grabbing his wrist.

His hand was being held tight. He had no energy to let himself go. He was already on the verge of tears. He wanted everything to end so he couldn't hurt her any longer.

"… Blake's very lucky to have you," he said, hoping that would get her to let him go.

But unsurprisingly, she didn't. Even after a few agonising seconds her grip didn't grow weaker. It only served to make him even more frustrated than he was before.

"Yang, you're making this hard for the both of us! Just please let me go," He says, his voice was already starting to crack, as well as his patience.

"Idiot…" He heard her say. Her voice was calm and steady, yet it had hurt his already broken heart. Her voice was a whisper, it was barely audible to him. But he heard what she just referred to him as, and he agreed. He knew that he deserved it.

Sun chuckled hollowly, "That's me," he says.

She let go of his wrist, surprising him. He glanced over to her for a second, wondering if it meant that she accepted his actions. But, he still wasn't sure. So he stood still, facing anywhere but the girl.

"Idiot," she repeated, her voice growing louder and more out of control.

No matter how scared he was, he needed to face her so he could be punished for what he did. So, slowly, he turned around to face his everything. She was looking down, her bangs not allowing him to see her face.

But, he didn't need to see her face to know what she was feeling.

"You think you can say all of those things and just go?" She asked, her voice still as calm as it terrifyingly was before.

"…No," he replied, closing his blue eyes, both metaphorically and literally.

"Do you really think that after all this time we hang out together, I can just hate you like that?" The blonde asked again, her tone was rising and her voice was growing louder.

"Yes…" He replied honestly.

'Who couldn't?' He asked himself, knowing what he said to her was far beyond unforgivable, and she should hate him.

"Idiot!" The girl repeated one more time. This time, she screamed. This time, it drove him out of his self-hating train of thoughts. This time, she finally looked at him.

Her lilac eyes were filled not with what he'd expected. It wasn't filled with hatred, wrath, nor pain. It was filled with care, warmth, and endearment.

"Do you think that, after all this time, all I care about is Blake?!" She asked, widening his eyes by what she was implying.

Afterwards, she asked one more question. The question that made him happy, more than anything else in the world. The question that he himself had been asking ever since he realised he was in love with her, but didn't want to admit to himself.

She asked the question that answered his.

"Do you think that… I… I don't love you too?"

His eyes sparkled with hope. Finally, what he'd been dreaming of came true. Finally, they could be together. His lips unconsciously formed a wide smile in which made her smile as well.

'But… We can't,' he thought, his smile starting to fall flat. Something which the girl didn't miss.

"Yang… I, no…" He says, taking one step back in his sudden distress.

"Sun?" She asked, confused and worried for him.

"This, this can't be happening, it shouldn't!" He stated, the hope in his eyes fading.

Before she could respond, he continued, "All of our efforts will go to waste! This will all be pointless! Our plan will fail…"

Having nothing else to say, the girl sputtered, "So what!?" Surprising him once more, shutting his mouth.

Realising she had the opportunity to speak, Yang quickly says, "So what if our efforts go to waste? What if it was all pointless? At least we have each other, right?"

"But… You've done so much… You've been in love with Blake for so long," he says, growing more and more desperate.

"Yes, but now I'm in love with you, Sun," she replied confidently.

"Yang, how could you be in love with someone like me? I'm not good enough for you!" He says, angry towards himself and angry for her to fall in love with him.

"That's a lie and you know it!" Yang quickly added, angry towards him as well. Angry because he hated himself. Angry because he couldn't see himself the way she sees him.

He doubtfully says, "…Yang, I-"

"Shut up! It's my turn to talk now!" She cut him off, tired of seeing the boy hating himself so much. Tired of the way he thought he was worthless.

"I love you, you idiot!" Yang exclaimed with no hesitation. She saw the way he looked at her for a brief moment, and how he seemed to want to believe her words.

"I love you more than I can possibly love her!" She continued, desperately wanting him to believe her.

"I love how your tail always wraps itself onto you whenever you're scared. I love how your voice gets squeaky whenever you're nervous. I love how much you love kids!… I love everything about you Sun…" She explained, knowing that he must've believed her after all she said.

And he almost did, almost. She saw the way his hands formed a fist at every word she says. Almost as if it was wrong to fall in love with him. It confused her. It saddened her. So much so that it made her ask, "Sun… Do you really want me to be with Blake instead of you?"

She was even more shocked to hear his answer.

"If that's what makes you happy…" His voice was dangerously low and small, it was almost as quiet as a whisper.

Frustrated, the girl says what comes into her mind, without thinking things through. "Well, too bad!" She says, surprising them both with the tone she used.

"If you want me to be happy, then you should just ask me to be your girlfriend!" She didn't realise what she'd said to him. But once she did, she was horrified and scared. Scared that he would hate himself even more. Scared that he would hate her.

But what he did was far from her expectations, far better.

Sun started laughing. It started off as a small chuckle at first, but then it grew more and more and eventually, he started laughing loudly. Yang couldn't help herself. Soon enough she started laughing as well. They both didn't stop for a long time. They both didn't know what they were even laughing for. But they didn't care.

"I can't believe this is happening," he says in between laughs.

"This is all just, too much," she says, continuing his words.

"You, you actually have a thing for me. How crazy is that?" He asked to nobody in particular.

"Well, now you know how I feel," she replied as their laughter started dying down.

Eventually, they stopped laughing. "I'm sorry," Sun apologised, with a reason unknown to the girl.

"Stop apologising, monkey boy! I already forgave you," Yang replied with her wide intoxicating smile.

They continued to stare at each other, time seemed to be non-existent to them. They didn't care how long they stayed in silence. They just did.

For the first time in a long time, Sun felt truly happy. It was one of the rare moments where he didn't have to fake his smile nor laugh.

He was glad. Glad that Yang could be with him. Glad that he could be with Yang. Glad that they could be there for each other.

Being with Yang was never going to be the same as being with Blake. But, that was what made him even more excited.

Yang wasn't only going to be his girlfriend. But she was also his best friend. Well, aside from Neptune anyway. She wasn't only going to be his everything. She was going to support him as well. She was going to trust him. She was going to help him stand up again when he was knocked over. She was going to respect him.

She was going to make him happy.

And he was determined that he could be there for her as well. When she was angry, he was going to calm her down. When she was crying, he was going to turn those tears of sadness into tears of laughter. He was going to trust her, just like how she trusted him. He was going to help her, just like how she would help him.

They were going to trust each other, respect each other, believed in each other, support each other.

They were going to love each other.

"So… Your plan failed," Yang told him.

In response, he chuckled, "Yeah, but I have a new plan now," he responded, raising the girl's eyebrow.

Curiously, she asked, "What?"

Grabbing her hand, closing the distance between them, he spoke, "Being the best for my girlfriend."

In return, her free hand grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his head closer to hers. "Yeah, count me in." She replied, as their lips met each other.

It was the most mesmerising thing he had ever experienced. No other activity could made his heart pumping more than this. Not even fighting grimm, nor the White Fang would ever made him feel this excitement.

It wasn't a long kiss, but that didn't mean it didn't feel short for him.

Yang was the one who broke the kiss. Afterwards, she looked to the bench and asked him, "Hey, was that there before?"

Confused, Sun looked to what she was looking, only to find a piece of paper, a note, laying on the bench.

"No…" he answered suspiciously, grabbing the paper for them to read.

The handwriting was small, organised, and graceful. Yang had seen that handwriting before. It belonged to her partner, Blake. But, instead of informing him, the girl decided to read the letter instead.

To Sun and Yang

I'm sorry I couldn't say these things in person, I'm not very good at directly to people. I hope this letter will be enough for me to tell you both how sorry I am.

And yes, I am in the wrong here. I've caused you so much pain by not confronting my own feelings. I'm sorry. And I know you won't forgive me so quickly, I don't expect you to.

Last night I learned something important about myself. And that is how much I don't deserve you guys. And I also learned that you deserved better. You deserved each other.

So, I texted you both to meet each other at the park, to settle everything. From there, it's up to you guys. You either break up or made up with each other. But I believe in you guys. I believe that your love for each other will be stronger than whatever you felt for me.

So please, don't chase after me anymore. I don't deserve to be with any of you, no matter how much I want to. You guys have each other, and that's what matters most.

From Blake

Both of their eyes remained unblinking as they read the letters written by who was once their everything. They had to read it more than once to actually absorb everything Blake indirectly told them.

Once they were finished, it was Sun who spoke first, "Do you forgive her?"

"Yeah, you?" She replied calmly.

Still looking at the piece of paper filled with ink, the boy said, "Yes, Blake's definitely being too hard on herself."

The girl grinned as she says, "Reminds me of a certain faunus who's too hard on himself a few minutes ago."

"Well, I… Ugh! Fine, you win!" He says, pouting while he did so.

"Aww, did I embarrass you, monkey boy?" She teased, both of them grinning.

Blushing slightly, Sun decided to reply, "No… I just thought you didn't like me, that's all."

"Why the heck did you think that?" Yang asked, chuckling.

He replied hastily, "W-well, it just seems so obvious at first."

Hearing his answer, the girl rolled her eyes. With a red blush on her cheeks, she kissed her now actual boyfriend. It was a quick peck on the lips, but it served to make both of them speechless.

"…Now do you believe me?" She asked shyly, playing with a strand of her hair as she refused to make eye contact.

But the boy grinned and answered faster and more confident than she would've thought, "Yes," making her look up at him again.

As lilac met blue, Sun says, "Do you know what the best thing about our kiss is?"

"What?" His girlfriend replied.

"The fact that it can happen again and again, at any time, and any place," he says as he put his hands on her back with no hesitation.

In reply, Yang smiled, putting her hands on his neck and closing the distance between them.

Then, their lips met again. Not for the first time. But not for the last time either.

From afar, a certain amber eyes were watching them with a small smile on her lips. Blake lets out a breath of relief. Relief that this whole ordeal was finally over, and that she was able to fix it.

She looked up at the sky, wondering, 'I wonder who I will truly love...'

Then, she looked back at the two people she used to be in love with.

'At least I know it'll definitely be a blond…' She thought.

For the first time, she didn't feel her heart ache. She didn't feel like she wanted to growl at them for being together.

She knew why she felt that way. It was because she wasn't jealous of them anymore.

Looking at them both, she smiled at how they treated each other. It was far from the way they used to treat her. She used to think it was a bad thing. But now, she learned her lesson.

Love wasn't always about the way you would do everything for a certain someone. It wasn't about the way you saw them as a perfect being.

Their love for her was never real. And her love for them wasn't as well.

Sometimes, love was about familiarity. Sometimes, it was about trust, respect, and faith.

It wasn't something they had for her. And it wasn't something she had for them. But it was one thing that they had for each other.

'I wonder what's gonna happen now,' she asked herself for a brief moment, before shaking her head.

'Whatever's going to happen, I know that I won't run away anymore,' she thought to herself.

Then, slowly and quietly, she walked away from the two blondes. She didn't know what the future held for her, nor for them. But she knew for certain that she wasn't going to hide from her problems anymore.

She saw how hiding had caused pain for others. No, not just others. She saw the way she used to face her problems caused pain to the people she deeply cared about.

So, starting from now on, she wasn't going to run nor hide anymore.

Not because she wanted to get hurt. But because she didn't want others to get hurt.

But right now, she didn't care about the problems she was about to face, whatever that may be. She was just smiling, happy that everything seemed to be going well.

Knowing that Sun and Yang, the two people that she cared deeply, was finally happy, it was enough for her lips to form a smile.

Beta : Pontius Pilot, like always

Author's Note : Wow… So… This story is finally ending… I hope you guys enjoyed it, otherwise these past 2 months of torture have been for nothing.

And yes, if I probably want to and have the time to, I'll probably make a sequel where Blake fell in love with another blond… I wonder who that'll be…

Okay, okay, it's definitely going to be Glynda! Who else could it be?! Hehehe…

But seriously tho, I can't believe there are people out there who actually like my writing! Like, how?! Why!? Whenever I re-read my own work I always thought, "This. Is. Filth."

I'm going to be honest with you guys, I am grateful that you guys followed my story, but writing it… Had been a roller coaster. There were times where I really enjoyed writing this story, but there were also times where I… Prefer to be doing anything else instead of it.

I don't think this story is great, well, I don't even think it's my place to be judging my own story. But, I'm not so sure that it's even a good story… But… That doesn't mean I'm not proud of it.

I learned a lot of things about writing from writing this story, and I'm glad I did. I learned how to be more expressive with my writing, and how to use past tense correctly (Especially since English is not my native language). If you compare the first and the last chapter, you'll actually notice how different it is and how much I've improved in only 2 months. And I'm glad that I did.

I don't want to say that this story is great, because I don't think it's up to me to decide. So, you guys tell me your opinion of this story, I'll gladly hear it.

I personally think that this is… An oddly heartwarming story. There isn't that many fan fictions out there that actually ships Sun and Yang. So, it's already a bit hard to write. Well, it's certainly harder to write than my Bumblebee one shots.

I came up with this idea in like, 3 minutes. I got it when I was caught up in a ship war between Bumblebee and BlackSun. I was so frustrated I thought, "Ugh! If Yang and Sun loves Blake so much, why don't they date each other! They're basically the same person! Only one of them can turn super saiyan!"

This was originally supposed to be a joke, but I ended up making it more serious than I originally planned it to be. But that's okay. I don't think it matters whether this story is good or not, or whether I like it or not.

I think that, in the end, what actually matters is that I actually did write something, even if it turns out to be horrible, and that I did get to finish this story.

I'm proud that I was able to write and finish a story. Even if it's horrible, it's still my creation. Thanks for following, favouriting, and reviewing my work. It means a lot to me.

Also, special thanks to Kerlongsj Evert Orlejov for always reviewing my work, and also to Pontius Pilot for helping me write this story!

And… Finally… Goodbye everyone!