Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Game of Thrones
Warning!: Living!Horcrux!Tom!, Smart!Harry!, Obviously AU!
Pairings: undecided at this time
NON-Pairings (under no circumstance will these characters be a couple): Tom x Harry, others to be announced
Chapter 4: Tongue of Snake
Benjen bid the boys to pack up their tent and horses then follow him to a nearby Inn. He rented two rooms for the night, one for himself and the other for the boys to share. The three broke fast in the older man's quarters as Harry and Tom began to spin their tale.
Tom, or Marvolo as he introduced himself, was the son of a foreign lord. The man, Thomas Peverell, was well known in court circles for being cruel to both allies and enemies, which is why his son was sent to live with his younger brother. Harry's father, James Peverell, was named as the Lord's little brother, and the next to take the mantel until Tom (now Marvolo) turned seventeen. One of Lord Peverell's many enemies (because Peverell was Harry and Tom's common ancestry) had assassinated the family and they had no idea of any survivors. Harry, who Marvolo (Tom) introduced as Harek, also went out on a limb and explained the only reason their escape was successful was due to his grandpa's familiar.
It took a few minutes before Harek (Harry) figured out how to summon Fawkes through the bond that was created. Benjen was suitably startled, to say the least. His family was known in ancient times to bond with wolves and the Targaryions with dragons, but a flaming immortal bird was more than a bit ridiculous.
Once he got over his shock, Benjen recalled offering to take the boys to the Wall where they could become men of the Night's Watch. Needless to say, both boys refused. He didn't seem too surprised at this and made them a different offer instead. He offered to have his brother take them in as wards. Eddard Stark was a man of his word, a man who trusted family above all else. He would take in the boys if Benjen asked him too.
After much deliberation, the boys revealed their answer the next morning when Benjen brought them breakfast. Marvolo wanted to know more about the lands they had traveled to, and Harek wanted to learn to properly use a sword. The pair agreed it was best to move in with Benjen's lord brother. Oddly enough, Benjen was busy recruiting men for the wall and thus was able to take them to Winterfell in person.
The journey to Winterfell would take two and a half, nearly three, weeks if the group took the King's Road. After another day's rest, the quartet set out. Benjen entertained the boys with tales of his childhood, while Fawkes flew overhead, though the children seemed more interested to hear of the battles his family fought in. Perhaps it was the way the Stark's viewed family, or maybe their brutality in protecting those they loved, but Harek found a kinship growing the more Benjen spoke. Even Marvolo was reminded of the close-knit Slytherins from his time.
It was during their travels that Harek accidentally revealed his skill with magic (having not noticed the Ranger sneaking up behind him while he was magically repairing one of the skins). After several minutes of oddly worded prayers, Benjen finally decided to sit and listen to a proper explanation. Marvolo spun an enchanting tale of his family's rise to power and how magic was their key. By the end, Benjen was convinced it was magic haters who murdered the family and thus understood the boys' wish for secrecy.
"You're taking the existence of Magic rather well, Benjen." Marvolo (for he was glad to cast off his muggle father's name now that he had a proper chance) spoke with caution as the group remounted their horses. It had been another long day of travel, with them only stopping long enough to rest briefly and eat on the go. It was the boys' first hard ride, and even if they weren't going full speed they weren't properly resting themselves or their horses. According to Benjen there had had Wildling spotting in the area, which was reason enough to make haste and be cautious.
"Not so well as you think," the man gave a weary laugh before starting back off down the trail at a half trot. "I guess you could say the Wall teaches you to except things without much fight." He shouted that last bit as to be heard over the hammering of hooves.
The journey to Winterfell passed quickly with Benjen leading the way, he made sure they got just enough rest to keep them going, but never as much as they wanted. Marvolo began to think he wanted them as pathetic looking as possible when they arrived at the northern castle. With that thought in mind, he couldn't quite find it in himself to complain about the brutal pace, and Harek he found was not one to complain at all.
The ride was intense in its unpleasantness. Marvolo had bruises in places he didn't even know could bruise, Harek's body had become numb to the pain a few leagues back, and even Fawkes had grown weary from the long journey. A great relief filled the males when Winterfell finally came in sight. All tall dark structures made of stone and surrounded by high walls and evergreen trees. It vaguely resembled Hogwarts, though on a much smaller scale.
Fawkes flashed away, having been warned the humans might react unfavorably without a proper warning. Harek was sad to see his companion go, but there was a dull hum in the back of his mind now that represented the link the two had formed. If the boy so wished, he could easily tug on the link now and call Fawkes to return to his side. That alone gave the younger boy comfort as the trio of humans enter the outer walls of the northern fortress.
Benjen hollered something the boys couldn't understand, but they were too exhausted to understand their own thoughts so it wasn't really a surprise. A contingent of men in dark cloaks approached the trio, their leader held up his hand and offered it to Benjen.
"Welcome home, brother." The man was tall of stature, his shoulders broad, and his frame coiled with untapped power. His hair was the same dark brown nearly black color of Benjen's except instead of falling to his shoulders in a tangle of curls, it fell just below it in neatly kept waves. The same brilliantly bright grey eyes were set high in his handsome face, and a sense of command leaked from his stature.
"The Wall is home brother, but it is good to see you none the less," Benjen gave a bark of a laugh and swiftly dismounted his black stallion. The brothers swiftly embraced, and Marvolo watched the scene with cool olive green eyes. So this was Lord Stark. At least his jumbled and exhausted mind wasn't as far gone had he thought.
"Good to see you, brother. And who are these young lads? Much too young for the Wall that one is at least." Eddard Stark pointed to the small figure of Harek, perched stone still on his crème colored mare. Benjen gave a nod in the boys' direction.
"Aye, but let the lads rest. We shall discuss in the morn when we've all been fed." Eddard gave his brother a warm smile and lead him into the castle to the family wing.
"Marvolo! Harek! With us!" Benjen called over his shoulder as he began his trek across the yard, following his older brother. A man with a strange robe and shaved head approached the boys with caution.
"Follow me, lads, you'll be staying in the guest wing." Maester Luwin bade the boys to dismount, to which Marvolo quickly slid down the side of his grey mare. Harek didn't so much a twitch, which was odd for the younger boy.
"Harek! Get down!" Marvolo hissed and he stomped over to the younger boy. When he got close enough he recognized the soft rise and fall of the twelve-year-old's chest, even with Harek's eyes half-lidded as they were. "He's fallen asleep," Marvolo's words were barely a whisper, and yet there was no mistaking Luwin had heard him.
"I see, the hard ride must've exhausted the poor boy," Luwin plucked the boy off the top of the mare and handed him over to Marvolo. The fifteen-year-old had fully expected to struggle under the smaller boy's weight, but Harek was still far under tell weight he should've been at.
"He's always been the sickly type," Marvolo muttered as he made to follow the monk into the castle proper. He barely managed to pay attention to the route they took to the boys' shared room, so concerned with how light his companion was. Even for a few months of rough eating in the forest, there was no way Harek should've been that light.
The room in question was easily the size of a classroom, and the hard stone walls merely added to the homely appeal. There was an enormous fur-covered bed taking up the center of the room, easily big enough to fit five grown men comfortably. To one side was a large personal fireplace, already roaring with crimson and orange flames. A writing desk was pushed up against one wall with a stool, a wardrobe and face washing station on the opposite wall. There was no window and the whole room was decorated in various earthy shades, but Marvolo almost felt he had come home. If he closed his eyes he could easily imagine he was still in Hogwarts and this entire experience was nothing more than a bad dream, but when he opened them again he would still have a very weak Harek draped over his back.
"Thank you," Tom knew better than to insult a Lord's servants, and he wanted to get on Lord Stark's good side. If that meant showing some manners to common folk, he was sure he could manage.
"You're welcome, boy," Master Luwin turned down the furs on the bed and helped relieve Marvolo of his burden. "I'll retrieve you both for the breaking of fast come morn. Rest till then." Marvolo gave a quick nod to the monk before approaching the tiny figure of Harek.
"Wake up, brat," he murmured to the sickly figure before sighing. He couldn't believe he was allowing the boy's health to affect him like this, but he couldn't stop it. The child had been nothing but compassionate since waking in the northern cave and somehow had already managed to worm his way into the dark wizard's heart.
With a shake of his head, Marvolo allowed himself to inspect the wardrobe and found it severely lacking. All the cupboards were bare, but he supposed it made sense. These people were Muggles after all, and they had no way to prepare for their guests' arrival. After washing his face, Marvolo crawled under the furs next to Harek exhaustion quickly taking over his features. The teen didn't even notice when the child snuggled closer seeking warmth.
Both boys slept deeply and without dreams well into the night and the next morning. If it hadn't been for the overly chipper Maester Luwin waking them when he did, then Marvolo was sure they would've slept all the way to mid-afternoon. Marvolo wanted to be embarrassed to be found sleeping so closely with the other boy, but whenever he looked at the too small child he felt a fierceness fill his chest. For some unexplainable reason, he wanted to protect the boy that had so quickly become important to him.
Harek didn't seem to mind the sleeping arrangements, in fact, his only complaint was being awoken. He had been enjoying what was probably the best sleep in his entire life, and he was reluctant to roast himself from the warm furs.
"Worry not boys, Lord Stark had chosen some proper clothes for you from his sons' stock." Luwin ushered Marvolo over to the face washing basin, which had been refilled at some point while the boys were asleep. "Wash up and dress. The young lord Robert donated these for you, master Marvolo," the Maester thrust a bundle of brown and black clothes into the fifteen-year-old's hands.
Marvolo set the bundle on the edge of the bed and moved to the basin to begin washing his face as the monk turned to Harek. "Luckily young lord Robert kept his smaller years. He intended to gift them to Brandon, but he thought you had more urgent need of them." Luwin thrust a bundle of leather and brown clothes onto Harek's lap and motioned for the boy to get up. "I'll escort you to the hall for breaking of fast, I suggest you hurry."
Grumbling, Harek made his way over to the basin just as Marvolo finished washing his face and hands. The basin wasn't big enough to clean the rest of his body, and the monk was watching them so Marvolo was reluctant to use Magic to remove the rest of the grime.
Marvolo dressed in his new dark brown trousers and a black tunic that came down just to his knees. It was warm enough that he needn't keep his school robes on, but he couldn't transfigure their leather skins into a coat without a distraction.
"Um, I think I made need help," Harek held up the leather trousers at an odd angle. There were so many buckles he didn't know what to make of it. "I've never worn leather trousers before," Luwin sighed and help the boy into the almost too tight pants.
"And what, pray tell, do you normally wear?" Luwin grumbled.
"Normally cotton or wool, warmer that way," Harek finally managed to do up the last buckle, and his glance to the right told him Marvolo was finished fiddling with the wand. Luwin shook his head at the boy before turning to check on the half-grown man behind him.
"You always did get easily cold," Marvolo pretended to rummage through the leather satchel that held both boys' belongings, throwing one of the newly transfigured leather cloaks at Harek. The younger boy slipped it on and went to admire himself in the mirror.
Harek was still much too thin and small for a boy of twelve years, but he had healed a lot in his journey with Marvolo. His once paper-like skin had now darkened to pale cream with a healthy flush. The bags and circles that once marred underneath his eyes were now nonexistent, and Marvolo had even gone so far as to help heal Harek's eyes with Fawkes tears. His emerald eyes had begun to shine with a love of life once more. He was still short, but his weight had gone up and he no longer appeared half starved. The clothes fit him well and even gave wait to Marvolo's words. He looked like a young lord with a history of illness, and he supposed he was.
He wasn't t only one to have changed. Marvolo's complexion had evened from its paper-thin snow-white to the same color as Harek's. He had grown a few inches, making him a full head taller than the younger boy. The olive green shade of Marvolo's eyes had darkened into more of a jade color, nearly three shades lighter than his companion's. His shoulders had broadened just enough to be noticed, most likely from lugging around all those leather skins. His face had lost all baby fat, and his high cheeks and angular jaw had begun to show.
Both boys possessed midnight black hair, but Marvolo's fell into perfect curls about his head while Harek's appeared in a tangled mass of waves. As the two boys admired their appearance, Luwin could not help but admire their resemblance to Lord Eddard Stark and his younger brother Benjen. It made him wonder on the boys' story. If it weren't for their green eyes, which should've been grey, they could easily pass for the spitting images of Eddard and Benjen in their youth.
"You've grown taller! Not fair! I'm still so short!" Harek grinned at Marvolo to show he meant nothing by it. The older Peverell merely rolled his eyes at the young boy.
"Only way you'll grow is if we get some food into you," At this Marvolo turned his near-jade eyes onto the Maester.
"Yes, I suppose it's time to head to the Hall. Best not keep Lord Stark waiting," Luwin gave a short bow before leading the two boys through a maze of stone walls and dry courtyards. The trek was fairly short and once they arrived it was to a large crowd filling a room maybe half the size of Hogwarts' Great Hall. Benjen sat at the first table on his brother's right hand, and Lord Stark raised his cup to the pair. Luwin quickly ushered the boys to sit before Benjen and Lord Stark, but Marvolo quickly grew tense with his back facing an unnamed crowd.
"Welcome to Winterfell! Benjen has told me much about you," There was both deep concern and a twinkling amusement in Lord Stark's grey eyes when he spoke. Marvolo's gaze snapped to Benjen, who gave a soft nod in return. So the Lord of Winterfell knew of the boys' Magic.
"I'm afraid all he's told us about you are childhood adventures and war stories, Lord Stark," Harek graced the table with one of his softer smiles. Marvolo could practically see the hearts melting of those who saw it. Apparently, the boy's unique brand of Magic did not affect just him.
"I suppose we'll have to remedy that," Lord Stark gave a warm chuckle and motioned for the boys to eat. Marvolo eyed the spread with caution, but Harek merely gave a chipper smile and began to fill his plate. Only after the younger Peverell took a bite of one of his sausages did Marvolo begin to fill his own plate. Harek's portion was nearly half that of everyone else's, so whenever Marvolo saw the boy bite into something he enjoyed he would not so sneakily add more to the child's plate and give him a stern look. Harek was both highly amused and touched at the gesture. To him, it was confirmation that Marvolo was gradually growing to like him.
"Marvolo, Harek, I would like to introduce Lady Catelyn Stark, my wife," Lord Stark gestured to the stunning woman beside him. She reminded Harek of the Weasleys with her flaming red hair and cornflower blue eyes. Her fingers were long and thin, not unlike Marvolo's, and Harek imagined she could play beautiful music if she chose.
"An honor, Lady Stark," Lady Catelyn inclined her head just so. She too had been informed of the boys' past, and more than suspicious of why they'd wish to come to Winterfell. She seemed intent on ignoring it was Benjen's idea in the first place.
"My eldest son, Robert Stark though he prefers Robb," a boy of only thirteen sat on Benjen's right side. He had dark brown hair that turned fire-light red in the sun. His eyes were the same cornflower blue of his mother, though he had already begun to build quite a bit of muscle on him. His shoulders were already broader than Marvolo's, and Harek bet he was a bit taller too. The boy smiled warmly at them, any friend of his uncle Benjen was a friend of his.
"Our eldest daughter, Sansa," Lady Catelyn motioned towards the young girl beside her. Sansa appeared as a nine-year-old copy of her mother; her hair the same brilliant flames and her eyes the most dazzling blue flower. She was tall for a girl but not overly so, and her frame was very slender and lean. Marvolo imagined she would make a stunning woman one day.
"Welcome," Her voice was light and high, matching her smile perfectly. Harek felt a blush creeping up on his face and the older members at the table laughed at his expense.
"My second son Brandon, named after our ancestor Brandon the Builder. The first Brandon of House Stark was the one who commissioned the Wall." Robb and Lord Stark grinned when little Brandon ducked his head in embarrassment. The boy was no older than five, and already half of Harek's height (maybe even more). He too had warm auburn hair, though not as pronounced as his mother and sister. His eyes were the same cornflower blue as his older siblings, but his were alight with wonder and mischief. He was a thin and bony child who would probably easily be coherence into going on adventures with his older siblings.
"Bran! I'm Bran!" The little boy grinned at his family's guests, and Harek grinned back at his sheer excitement.
"Call me Harry," Harek and Bran shook hands mock formerly over the bacon, causing Lord Eddard and Benjen to laugh while Lady Catelyn just gave a small smile.
"Our youngest daughter, Arya," Lady Catelyn motioned towards a young girl of seven seated next to Sansa. Little Arya had a long face, like her father and uncle, but she still held a sharper beauty. Given a few years she could easily be considered beautiful but in the way that Amazon warrior queens were beautiful, not the soft glow of a lady that her sister and mother held. Her hair was a deep brown almost black color that hung about her face in a curtain of waves, and her eyes were the same steel grey as her father's.
"I'm afraid our youngest son, Rickon, is asleep with his nursemaid. He was feeling quite ill this morning," Lord Eddard gave a worried smile as he admitted this. "Little Rickon has just turned a year. Favors his mother," Marvolo could easily see the strain and worry when the father spoke of his ill boy. He'd have to consider that. Curing the youngest Stark of his ailment would easily put the Peverells in the Starks' favor.
"What ails the boy?" at Marvolo's question Lord and Lady Stark exchanged a meaningful glance that the Peverell boys couldn't decipher.
"His throat is swollen," Lady Catelyn began, "Just this morning he's lost his voice, and his breathing is getting louder," Her own voice choked on the last bit and water began to gather in her eyes.
"Does he cough?" Marvolo was nearly leaning across the table as he considered what the boy could have.
"Yes, it almost sounds like a dog barking when he does," Maester Luwin interrupted, more than curious of where the boy was going with this line of thought.
"Not a cold then, does it sound wet? Is he fevered?" Harek was catching on to Marvolo's idea, but he only knew potions up through second year and hadn't had much practice. If Marvolo thought he could cure the boy though, Harek had faith.
"Only in his throat, and it sounds more dry than wet." Luwin and Marvolo were seated next to eat other, the meal was long forgotten between introductions and news of the sick Stark.
"Not the flu then, do his beast bones stick out when he breathes in?" Marvolo had an idea of what he was dealing with, he merely needed confirmation.
"Yes!" Lady Catelyn's eyes were alight with a fighting spirit as hope seemed to shine through.
"He's got the Croup then, easily cured," Marvolo gave a proud grin at his deduction. The boy would be right as rain with the aid of a Pepper-Up potion, which was easily one of Marvolo's best.
"Are you sure?" Lord Stark's voice had gone soft.
"We'll have to send Fawkes for some ingredients, but it was one of the first brews our Professor taught us," Marvolo turned to Harek, who he knew had a mental link with the mystical avian
"What will we need?" Harek doubted Fawkes would be able to fetch what was needed, but judging by the offense his familiar took at the thought he agreed.
"Just a standard first-year potions kit, easily gotten off a student from the school," Harek relayed the instructions to Fawkes. His feathery companion warned he wouldn't be able to make a return trip after this little excursion for quite a while. Getting to England was easy. It was returning to Westeros that would inevitably cause a burning day, returning Fawkes into a chick.
"Fawkes said if he makes this trip he won't be able to make another for at least a year," Harek told Marvolo in a hushed voice so only Lord Eddard, Lady Catelyn, and Maester Luwin could overhear.
"Best just empty the Potions Closet then," Marvolo answered just as quietly. The adults exchanged a worried look, not wishing to put much faith in a strange bird. Still, per Benjen the phoenix was highly intelligent and capable of traveling many miles in the wink of an eye.
"He says he should be back by tomorrow afternoon," Harek grinned at the Lord and Lady Stark when he spoke that last bit. His faith in his familiar restored by the avian's faith in its own abilities.