Chapter 19 - Worst day ever

Gabi's Pov

October 2. I did not want to wake up. It was one of the only days i wanted to stay in bed curled up. Today was the anniversary of my dad's death. As much as i miss him everyday - this day every year always hurt more. I still relive that day as if it was yesterday. Me and Troy had being going out for 2 months. It was actually our 2 month anniversary. So the day went from being special to one of the worst days of my life...


I climbed into the passenger seat of troy's white but rusty truck that him and his dad had been fixing up over summer.

"Thank you" i said after leaning over and kissing his cheek. His face immediately blushed.

"So was everything okay? The film and the, the food?" he asked stuttering a little. Although he was east high's star player, he was sweet, and different (in a good way) he wasn't as cocky as he was at school.

"It was perfect" i said making his smile get 10 time bigger.

"So it was a good 2 month anniversary?" he questioned starting the engine

"The best. hopefully many more to come" i smiled while he nodded. Starting the ignition.

I opened my purse to retrieve my phone. It had being turned off since the cinema and by the time we got to the restaurant i guess i had forgot to turn it back on. Plus less distractions meant more time to focus on us.

My phone screen vibrated and lit up brightly.

8 missed calls from 'mom'

"Oh my god, i have 8 missed calls from my mom!" i said in panic while dialing my moms phone

"I'm sure everything is fine" troy said giving me a look of reassurance glancing over from keeping his eye on the road.

No answer.

"She isn't answering her phone troy. What if something is wrong!" i almost cried out

"Gabs - you don't know that, are we past curfew?" " he said giving my leg a slight squeeze.

"No, no it isn't that. I can feel it"

"Okay, Gabi i'm going to try and get you home as fast as i can, alright although i'm sure everythings fine"

As we got closer to my house, the car journey was mainly quiet, just the different songs coming on from the radio and the continuation of my phone dialing my mom but the darkness of the night was filled with blue glows and flashes.

"Stop the car." i asked as i was frantically trying looking around figuring out what's happening. Troy glanced over and looked unsure but ignored my request.

"Stop the car" i asked louder but my voice was filled with a slight sob, my mom should have answered right?


Troy slowed down and started to pulled over but before he did i had already took my seatbelt off and opened the door. I just ran. I didn't know how i could. I knew something was wrong. I felt weak. I heard troy calling my name as i got closer to the blue glows of the ambulance with on going neighbours looking upset and looking at me sympathetically. Why would they be looking at me like that?

I slowed down at the sight of the paramedics putting a stretcher with a body bag in the ambulance . Who was it. Then i realised my front door was wide open and paramedics were entering and leaving my house.

This can't be happening. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't feel anything. My legs weakened as i began to collapse. Troy, from nowhere grabbed me and held me tight. I just clenched his shirt and cried. I don't think i could have ran to my house at this point. I just felt hopeless.

Troy continued to hold me while my eyes managed to dry up allowing my eyes to focus on the scene before me. I saw her. I saw my mom crying.

"Mija!" my mom called as she saw me. Her voice cracking.

Troy relieved his tight grip from me as I started to run to my mom.

"What - what happened?!" I asked crying into her shoulder

"He had a heart attack Mija," she said in between sobs of her own trying to console me as well

That night troy stayed me and he has been there for me ever since

I felt a slight kiss on my forehead and opened my eyes to look straight into troy's ocean blue eyes. I lifted my hand up to move a piece of troy's hair back as i gave him a small smile.

"I don't have to go to practise today. We can stay in bed, eat ice cream and watch films all day" he said rubbing my sides. What did i do to deserve him.

"No, today is just like any other day. You go to practise. I'll go to school. Just like a normal day, because it is a normal day" i said smiling.

"Are you sure?" he questioned looking concerned while putting his hand through his hair

"Yeah can't be moping around all day - need to stay busy so tomorrow comes quicker" i said blowing air out deeply while escaping troy's grip to climb out of bed. Wiping my eyes to remove any tears which were growing in my eyelids so troy never saw.

"Alrighty then... coffee?" troy questioned walking towards the door. I just nodded fastly while grinning

"It's going to cost you though" he said looking back at me through the door frame. I just gave him a confused look

He tapped the side of his cheek and i couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Fine you win" i said walking up to him. I stood on my tippy toes and leaned in to kiss his cheek just for him to turn his head so our lips connected.

"I knew you were going to do that" I added playfully smacking his arm

"Oww" he joked

I walked into the bathroom and immediately turned the shower on trying to hide the sounds of my sobs. I'm trying to keep strong but with my mom moving around the state on business, i won't get to see her and i know she is hurting as much as me and i can't have troy worrying about me even more than he does because i can't stop him going to practise. God. this day just needs to get out the way,

Crying in front of a mirror is not the best way to start the day but i know my dad wouldn't want me to cry too much, he would want me to live my days to the fullest. Okay. stop crying. Although it is hard - you will get through this. I repeated in my mind taking deep breathes.

"Today is going to be okay" I whispered before undressing for the shower I should be in.

Troy's Pov

I know she was hurting. But i don't want to push her into revealing her emotions to me. This day was hard enough. I just need her to know i'm there for her - which hopefully she does.

"Heads up" i heard a voice and looked up to see a basketball come at me. My athletic reflexes caught the ball and looked over at chad grinning. Taylor walked out of their room right behind chad and playfully slapped his arm.

"I'm gonna have to ban basketballs from the bedroom," Taylor said rolling her eyes

I smiled while pouring the coffee.

Taylor walked into the kitchen and grabbed some coffee. "How is she?" referring to gabi.

"Hiding her feelings but she's been strong, as always" i said. Taylor nodded.

I took Gabi's coffee into our room and placed it next to her makeup. She was getting dressed but her eyes were bloodshot. She had been crying. It really hurt to see her upset and not be able to do anything but even though the years go by, it seems to affect her worse each year. I walked up behind her and put my arounds around her neck resting my chin on her head. She grabbed my arms and breathed in deeply.

"You know I love you right?" she said

"Yeah, i know" i whispered gently kissing the top of her head. Gabi turned around and put her arms around my waist bringing me into a hug while she rested her head against my chest.

"TROYYY!" i heard chad call my name and i broke the hug. Gabi looked confused and gabbed my shirt from the side table to wear temporarily to see what chad wanted.

I walked to chad questioningly. "What?!" i asked. A little bit annoyed for breaking up the moment between me and gabs.

"We are having a rematch with the Clippers," he said rolling his eyes

"What?" me, Gabi and Taylor said at once.

"Why?" I questioned

"Not sure. Coach just put it on the team's group chat saying he will speak more details in practice. But the match will be in a few days" i just stood there looking confused. Then realising that daniel west had said:

"Great game man" i offered my hand out for a handshake and got rejected but was greeted with a sly look

"Don't get too cocky bolton. You may have made a good first impression but i'll make sure it's your last. I've waited for this opportunity and i'm going to take it - don't need some baby aged rookie to get in my way" he said picking up his bag and walking past me - making sure his shoulder hit mineā€¦

Oh god. This match will be tough with him having a grudge against me.

Gabi's Pov

Today had gone just as expected. Crap. i had just finished a 2 hour lecture. I just wanted to get home to everyone so my thoughts aren't as loud. I couldn't concentrate in my lecture at all. Walking out of my lecture room - i started walking across campus on the way to the apartment. I just had memories hit me one after another of my dad in my class and now. Like the ] time i told him troy had asked me on a date.

"Mom, Dad. i have something to tell you" i said smiling walking into the living room where they were watching tv. My dad turned the volume down from the football he was watching.

"So you know troy, the guy that was at the ski lodge, and at school in my form. Well i really like him and he asked me out on a date". There was silence. My dad looked unsure about his little girl been the age intrested in boys. But after what felt like eternity of silence. My mom smiled "i'm so happy for you mija. He seems like a very nice boy. What do you think Nick?" she asked my dad

"Well as long as he treats my little girl with the utmost respect she deserves then he is fine but just forewarn him that i own a shotgun" he smiled and joked. I hope.

My memory was short lived as I was faced back to reality. I had walked into someone. Great.

"I'm so so sorry" i apologised and immediately started picking up their bag. I looked up while lifting the bag to see the devil itself. What was she doing here. It was Natasha.

Hey guys sorry for the late delay in uploading. I've started a new term of school and was already bombarded with homework, projects, you name it. I've got it basically. Anyway what did you think of this chapter? Did anyone expect to see natasha again?