
This is an One shot, inspired by the song: Running home to you - Grant Gustin.

All the rights of the music lyrics go to the respective authors

Everything between double quotes " "; it's dialogue

This story will happen, 5 years after –A, Wayne and Charlotte are dead, no AD, all the story happen in Rosewood…

No one better for the Job

(Knock, knock)

Emily opened the front door and a gasp of surprise was the only thing that could come out from her mouth….

Alison. – "Hi Em…"

Emily gulped. – "Ali… w-w-what are you doing here?"

Alison. – "Well, I met your mom at the church last night and she told me that you were giving her a visit here in Rosewood, so…."

Both girls stood there in the frame of the door, Emily zoned out as she wasn't expecting to see Alison, she really was trying to avoid any kind of contact with anyone, that's why she came back without notice. Alison looked at the lost look of Emily, looking at her, she knew that her visit wasn't expected and maybe even unpleasant for the brunette, but Alison didn't care, she took enough courage to pass by and look for Emily and she wasn't going to just leave without knowing what brought the brunette in Rosewood again…

Alison. – "So are you gonna let me in or what?"

Emily looked down and replied. – "I… I'm not up to receive any visit… there is a reason I didn't say to Toby or you that I was coming…"

Alison crossed her arms and bitted her internal lip with a little of frustration and she just glanced at the brunette.

Emily said as she felt herself being dragged out of her house. – "Ali! What are you doing?!"

Alison. – "Well, if I can't come in, you're gonna come out!"

Emily liberated her arm from Alison and both girls stood up, face to face in the middle of the street…

Emily. – "Ali, you can't drag me wherever and whenever you want! I don't want to talk with you, ok!"

Alison felt hurt by the last sentence of the brunette and Emily felt bad seeing the pain that she caused, reflected on the facial expression of the blonde.

Emily. – "That went wrong…" (Sighs) "What I wanted to say it's that I'm not into talking with anyone ok… not just you…"

Alison took a deep breath and replied. – "Ok, so we will not talk… least just take some drinks… it's 'happy hour' in one new bar in Rosewood… I don't wanna go alone so come with me…"

Emily was avoiding eye-contact as the blonde was repeating "Please" over and over…

Emily sighed. – "I-I…" (She put her hands on the pockets of her pant and said ashamed looking down) "I can't… I don't have money to expend in drinks… sorry…"

Alison. – "It will be my treat…"

Emily sighed and Alison cupped Emily's face with her hands, forcing her to see her; Emily gulped seeing so close the blue eyes of the blonde…

Alison smirked. – "You can't tell 'NO' to me, Em…"

Emily chuckled under the declaration of the blonde; Alison was right, even after becoming an adult, after so many years apart, without being really close, in front of those blue eyes, she was once again the sweet shy Emily who will take the requests of the Queen Bee as a command to follow. One part of the brunette hated that Alison continued having so much power over her, but she couldn't fight it; she had tried it, but it was helpless…

Emily sighed. – "Fine…"

Alison smirked with a big smile and both girls got into Alison's car and went to the bar. Then next day, Emily woke up with a huge hangover, she was opening her eyes and she jumped on the bed when she noticed that she wasn't in her home; she slowly turned her head towards the blonde that was on the frame of the room, looking at her, very amused. Emily looked down to herself and blushed seeing that she was only wearing her bra, no t-shirt, she used the sheets to covert herself and Alison laughed amused seeing the brunette; the blonde approached and sat on bed, offering a cup of coffee….

Emily took the coffee and said. – "Thanks… mmm… why… mmm…"

Alison smirked. – "Why are you with hangover on my guest room without a t-shirt?"

Emily drank from the cup and nodded, avoiding eye-contact. Alison chuckled a little looking at Emily expression, Emily was trying to figure out what happened…

Alison. – "Do you remember anything of last night?"

Emily sighed. – "The last thing that I remember it's when you challenge me to see who could drink more and you ordered some shots of tequila…"

Alison smirked. – "Well, I think that it's evident, who won that challenge…" (Chuckles) "You were too drunken so I thought that you wouldn't want to be seen by your mom like that and I brought you to my home; about the t-shirt, you threw up a little when we arrived and you took it off as it smelled as vomit…" (Little laughs) "Really, I thought that you tolerated more the alcohol…"

Emily sighed. – "I have been trying to quit on drinking…"

Alison sighed, feeling guilty; she looked down to her own coffee….

Alison. – "I know… sorry, I didn't know it before…"

Emily took a deep breath and replied. – "Well, now you know… so you should find another companion for your 'happy hours'…"

Alison took her time, staring at Emily, the brunette felt the gaze on her and looked at Alison, raised an eye brown…

Emily. – "What?!"

Alison. – "You're not doing it…"

Emily. – "What?! What are you talking about?"

Alison. – "Selling your eggs, you're not gonna do it…"

Emily. – "How…?"

Alison took a deep breath and said. – "Well, it looks like it's true what people say about 'drunken people talking the truth'…."

Emily rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair…

Emily. – "What did I tell you last night?"

Alison. – "Everything…"

Emily. – "Everything?! Can you be more specific?!"

Alison. – "Everything…. That how after your Dad's dead, you got depressed, starting drinking a lot, being in parties, don't carrying for anything… that you dropped Pepperdine and that Pigskin left you…"

Emily. – "Her name is Paige…"

Alison rolled her eyes. – "Well, that PAIGE broke up with you… and that you lost all the money that your Dad let you for college…" (Emily gulped, looking down and Alison continued talking) "And that you're here in Rosewood, because in Philly, you found a clinic to sell your eggs and that's why you're here…"

Emily didn't say anything she just looked down, to her cup of coffee…

Alison. – "You're not gonna do it, selling your eggs, I don't allow it…"

Emily looked up to the blonde and said with a higher tone. – "You don't allow ME?! You're no one to tell me what to do or judge ME!"

Alison. – "I'm not judging you Em… I would never judge you… but I'm not letting you doing it…"

Emily said upset. – "Well, you can't stop me!"

Alison. – "Your mom doesn't know that you dropped school, neither about the money, she still believes that you graduated from Pepperdine and that you're working in an institute of something that I don't remember…"

Emily raised an eye brow and asked. – "So what?!"

Alison. – "So, if you try to sell your eggs, I'm gonna confess to your mom all the truth…"

Emily. – "Are you blackmailing me?!"

Alison.- "Yes… I'm…."

Emily bitted her inter lips and shook her head, looking upset. Alison walked away for a moment and brought the clean t-shirt of the brunette…

Alison. – "Here, it's clean…"

Emily didn't say thanks; she just took it and put it on and crawled out of bed; starting to walk away towards the door…

Alison. – "You rocked bottom Em, let me help you…"

Emily. – "I don't need your help! I don't want it! Neither your pity!"

Alison. – "Do you really think that it's pity?!"

Emily sighed and left the room; she walked away, leaving the cup on a table and when she opened the front door of the DiLaurentis house; the brunette stopped as Alison said something to her…

Alison. – "I've a proposition for you! You will win the double of what you might win selling your eggs…"

Emily took a deep breath and closed the door, without leaving; she turned and faced Alison with arms crossed…

Emily. – "I'm not doing anything illegal for you! Never again!"

Alison laughed and approached. – "It's not illegal… I promise…"

Emily was thinking, Alison approached and she softly touched Emily's arms that were crossed, they looked at each other into the eyes…

Alison. – "It's a good job and I really think that there is no one else better than you for that job…"

Emily showed a little smile appeared on her face under the compliment, Alison smiled too…

Emily sighed. – "What is the job?"

Alison smiled. – "I thought about it all night and it hit me, some kind of revelation…" (Big smile) "But, let's talk about it during lunch… ok?"

Emily sighed and nodded; both girls left the house and went to the Apple Rose Grille to eat something.

Some days after, in a bakery; Emily was rolling her eyes, sitting beside Alison, with a lot of samples of cakes in the table in front of them…

Emily sighed. – "I can't believe that I'm doing this…"

Alison. – "You shouldn't complain… you're gonna get good money from it and maybe something more…"

Emily rolled her eyes and put her elbows on the table as she leaned her face over her hands…

Alison said as she approached a spoon fill with a cake towards Emily's mouth. – "So this has chocolate frosty… say 'aahh'…"

Emily turned her head in Alison's direction, she raised an eye brow and Alison mimicked her, after a moment of gaze fights, the blonde won and the brunette opened her mouth and tasted the cake…

Alison smiled. – "So… what do you think? Do you like it?"

Emily sighed. – "It's ok…"

Alison. – "Ok…? So it's not the 'one' then…"

Emily sighed. – "I really don't know what you're expecting from me, to say! Why don't you just tell me what I have to say and let's get over this!"

Alison. – "Hey! You're here to work ok! So we're not gonna leave until 'WE' find the cake for the wedding!"

The blonde huffed and said as she continued tasting samples. – "Eat! And tell me what you think of them… try this time to use more words than just 'Ok'…"

Emily rolled her eyes and did as requested; she was tasting samples of cakes and looking by the corner of her eyes towards Alison, who was doing the same…

Emily mumbled. – "So…"

Alison. – "So…?"

Emily. – "So why do you ask me to do this? Don't you've a planner wedding or a fiancée to do this?!"

Alison replied without looking Emily into the eyes, she just continued looking to the cakes and taking notes each time that she tasted a different sample…

Alison. – "I don't have a planner wedding; I've never liked people telling me what to do…"

Emily laughed. – "Yeah I know…"

Alison looked by the corner of her eye the laugh of Emily and she laughed too.

Alison. – "Exactly, you know me better than anyone else; so who better than you for the job; you know what I like, what I dislike, what is my taste…"

Emily smiled under Alison's comment; it was true, for the last days that they've been hanging out together, and even if they've not been in touch for the last 5 years, Emily continued knowing Alison even better than herself.

The brunette got lost on her thoughts; she was thinking in her actual situation; assisting Alison to prepare her wedding. When Alison proposed the job to Emily, at first, it was shocker news to find out that Alison was getting married with someone but then Emily thought that they've not been close the last 5 years, and after the dead of Cece on the mental institute, Emily could see how lonely the blonde stood in Rosewood. Jason and her father were not into the picture and the only reason of the blonde for staying in Rosewood died with Charlotte; but even after Cece's dead; Alison stood in Rosewood, grieving the death of her sister, alone, focusing only on her work as an English teacher in Rosewood school. So, Emily thought that it was normal that Alison was trying to move on and make a family with someone; it bugged her a little the idea of Alison marrying someone, but in the end, who was her to judge or to say anything…

Emily. – "So… who is the groom? It's from here or…."

Alison teased. – "You know the person that I'm planning to marry…"

Emily looked confused. – "Really?! Who?!"

Alison smirked. – "I'm not telling you, not yet…"

Emily pouted, making a serious look, trying to figure it out, who was the person that was going to marry Alison…

Alison smirked. – "Oh Em… you look so adorable when you're confused, trying to decrypt a puzzle…"

Emily rolled her eyes and resumed her eating of cakes with a grumpy face; Alison just laughed amused by Emily's behavior.

Emily said with a bitter tone. – "So, why he's not here?! With you doing this! The groom should do this with you 'the bride'! Not me!"

Alison. – "Because like 'the bride', I choose what is better for me… and I choose you…"

Emily blushed and gulped, she felt something fluttering on her stomach, thinking of what Alison just said. The brunette stared towards Alison and the blonde turned her head on Emily's direction when she felt the gaze of Emily on her; both were looking into the eyes and Alison could see a mix of emotions on Emily's brown eyes…

Emily. – "You choose me?"

Alison smiled. – "I told you… there's no one else better for the job…"

Emily smiled but then the smile fainted from her face when the thought of this mysterious 'groom' came to her mind; she shook her head, trying to don't overthink on it and she took a spoon fill of one cake and without thinking, she said…

Emily smiled. – "Oh! This tastes really good!"

Alison smiled. – "Really?! You finally found one that you like?!" (She took a spoon of the same cake and said with a smile) "It's good… Ok then, this is the one!"

Emily sighed. – "Finally!"

Alison. – "Hey! It's not my fault that until now, you found something that you really like…"

Emily questioned. – "But why do you care what I like? It's your wedding, not mine…"

Alison glanced. – "Don't argue with me! I ask your assistance for something!"

Emily waved her hands up and said. – "Fine! Just don't act all bridzilla with me ok!"

Alison rolled her eyes and then they informed to the barker what cake was selected. They continued hanging out, looking for floral arrangements, menus of food, dances classes; without expecting it or wishing for it; Emily felt how those old feelings were re-emerging on her; practicing a slow dance with Alison, seeing the blonde smiling, hearing Alison's laugh… all the time that they were expending together was producing butterflies fluttering on Emily's stomach; the brunette knew what was the meaning of those butterflies, what old feelings were re-emerging on her, and Emily hated it, feeling like this again; the brunette asked herself if Alison was doing this on purpose, trying to hurt her and ran over her feelings all over again like in high school but looking at the blonde; she wasn't acting mean with Emily, yes, sometimes Alison was all bitchy, Queen Bee when Emily trigger it with a sarcastic comment or when Emily teased her; but beside those moments, Alison was really nice, warm, kind; something that was completely new for Emily and the brunette loved discovering this new side of the blonde.

Alison had no clue of Emily's butterflies for her; so the only answer for Emily, it was that fate was playing a really bad joke on her or maybe it was karma for losing all the money that her Dad left for her. In any case, Emily was conflicted with her own feelings; she was all over again falling in love with her 1st love, and once again, she was gonna to be crushed by the blonde as very soon Alison was gonna say 'Yes' to someone else, someone that according with the blonde, it's the best person in the world, it was torture for Emily to think of who was this mysterious 'groom' because Alison didn't give her the name or show a picture or anything.

As the days were coming, Emily found herself more reluctant to continue with the job, it was becoming painful for her to plan Alison's wedding; so the brunette decided to stop this situation and one night, she went to Alison's house, determined to give her resignation to Alison; she was repeating on her mind over and over what to say but the words got out of her mind for a moment when she found herself in front of the blonde who was sitting on the stairs of her front porch, looking up to the stars…

Alison looked Emily into the eyes and asked. – "Emily? What are you…"

Emily interrupted her and said. – "I can't!"

Alison. – "You can't what?"

Emily gulped and closed her fists tight, trying to find strength to continue…

Emily. – "I quit on being your assistant and help you planning this wedding, I can't…"

Alison smirked. – "Nonsense, it's almost all done… you can't quit now!"

Emily took a deep breath. – "I'm sorry but I can't…"

Alison interrupted and said. – "It's already paid, your tuition fees on Hollis College…"

Emily. – "What?!"

Alison. – "You said that you were going to use the money to finish school so I already pay your 1st year on Hollis; once you decide what courses you want to do, I will pay for your books"

Emily ran a hand through her hair and said. – "Why did you do that?!"

Alison. – "I was covering my bases… lately you've been reluctant to participate on the activities; so I did see it coming, you trying to quit…"

Emily. – "So what?! Once again you do as you please and stick me on a situation that I don't like!"

Alison yelled. – "It's not like you give me another option don't you!"

Emily huffed and shook her head with the arms crossed

Alison. – "I already paid my part of the deal, so you should continue with yours…"

Emily just glanced at Alison and left without saying anything else.

The next day, it was supposed to be the search of dresses; they were supposed to meet on a boutique on Philadelphia, Alison was already inside; looking on wedding dresses; she was looking to some dresses and looking at the door constantly, hoping that Emily would show up; after an hour, Alison was with a dress on her hands, looking at it and she took a deep breath with sadness, thinking that Emily would not show up…

Alison sighed with sadness. – "Maybe this will not work…"

The blonde made a little jump when she heard someone talking to her, behind her…

Emily. – "What will not work?"

Alison turned and she could not avoid smiling seeing Emily's face; the brunette replied Alison's smile with a smile too.

Emily raised an eye brow and said. – "So… what will not work?"

Alison didn't reply and she just gave the dress that was on her hands to Emily…

Alison. – "Try this…"

Emily raised an eye brow. – "What?! I'm not the bride! You should be the one tasting on dresses…"

Alison. – "And I will, but I want you to taste some of them for me…"

Emily smirked. – "Really?! Are you making me your doll, putting dresses on me?!"

Alison rolled her eyes. – "Can you just do what I'm asking you to do! Please…"

Emily sighed. – "Fine, let's get over this as soon as possible…"

Both girls were trying some dresses; Emily zipped one dress, she smiled seeing herself on that dress; she was contemplating herself wearing that wedding dress through the mirror of the dressing room…

Emily smiled to herself. – "This should be my dress for my wedding…"

The brunette chuckled fantasizing on her wedding day; walking to the aisle, but the happy thought became sad as she realized that her Dad would not be there to walk with her to the aisle and she felt more sad as she realized that beside her Dad, Alison would not be her bride, she laughed with sadness under the thought that even if she manage to find someone to say 'yes' to her, that person would not be Alison, and that made her really sad.

Alison. – "Em? Are you done? Can I see you?"

Emily cleared the tear on her face and got out of the dressing room; gasps of surprise and a big smile appeared on her face as she found Alison on a beautiful strapless wedding dress…

Alison teased. – "You like what you see?"

Emily replied without thinking. – "I do…"

Alison chuckled and blushed…

Emily. – "Are you blushing?"

Alison nodded. – "Yeah…"

Emily. – "Why? Because I just say that you look great on that dress…"

Alison chuckled. – "Well, in a part yes…"

Emily. – "In a part?"

Alison smiled. – "You said 'I do'… and I liked it… hearing you to say those words to me as you're wearing that wedding dress…" (She blushed more) "I liked it…"

Emily blushed too, and she just avoided eye-contact…

Alison. – "You look really beautiful on that dress…"

Emily looked down at herself and chuckled. – "Yeah… I was thinking that this should be my dress for my wedding… you know if one day I found someone brave enough to say 'yes' to me…" (Chuckles)

Alison. – "Any girl would die for marrying you…"

Emily blushed and looked up. – "Do you really mean it?"

Alison nodded and both girls stared at each other with warm eyes, anyone who could see them, could say that there was love on the air…

A woman vendor. – "You look beautiful together! Wearing those dresses! These are definitely 'the' dresses!"

Emily chuckled and blushed. – "Thanks…" (She said with a little of sadness on her voice) "But I'm not a bride her…"

The vendor looked confused. – "Sorry I thought that…"

Alison cleared her throat and said to the woman. – "Could you take us a picture please…?" (She gave her phone to the woman) "I would like a photo to remember this moment…"

The vendor nodded and before Emily could say something; Alison hugged her from the waist and approached their bodies; Emily blushed and smiled to the picture; after taking the picture, the vendor left the two girls alone, both girls looked at the picture and smiled, with big smiles…

Alison. – "We look good!"

Emily chuckled. – "Yes we do…" (She pulls away a little, and said with a shy voice) "Could you… you know… send me the picture by text…?"

Alison raised an eye brow. – "Why?"

Emily looked down and said with a shy voice. – "Like you say… to remember this moment…"

Alison chuckled and said as she slid her finger on her phone. – "Ok, done…"

Emily looked at phone and smile. – "Thanks…"

The brunette was looking at the picture that Alison just sent her; but she looked up when she felt the gaze of Alison on her; both girls were looking at each other into the eyes…

Alison smiled. – "You will be a lovely gorgeous bride Em…"

Emily blushed and smiled. – "You too…" (A sad gulp) "That dress that you're wearing, that is definitely the dress for you…"

Alison. – "You think so…?"

Emily nodded

Alison teased. – "So do you think that the person that I'm planning on marrying me, would say to me the 'I do' with this dress?"

Emily sighed and contained her tears, imagining Alison and her 'groom' saying the 'I do' to each other, she nodded with watery eyes, speechless, no word could come out of her mouth without revealing how heartbroken she was feeling under the thought of Alison marrying someone else that wasn't her.

Emily gave the back to Alison and said. – "So I think that this was the last thing to do… right?"

Alison. – "Almost…"

Emily turned again and faced Alison. – "Almost?"(She started to think) "Oh, the invitations! By the way you haven't told me when is…"

Alison. – "Meet me at 7pm, tomorrow…"

Emily looked confused. – "What? For checking designs of invitations?"

Alison. – "There will not be invitation, at least not yet, just meet me at 7pm tomorrow…"

Emily raised an eye brow. – "No invitation? Are you not gonna invite anyone?! So why the hell we've been doing all this!"

Alison. – "Just meet me at 7, tomorrow ok…"

Emily was going to say something else but Alison walked away from her.

The next day, Emily was on her house, sitting on the stairs of her front porch, looking at her watch, trying to make the time to move faster but it was impossible to have such powers; she just sighed deeply and she made a little jump when her mom sat beside her…

Pam. – "So how've you been these days? You've been very busy right?"

Emily nodded. – "Yeah…" (Chuckles) "Planning a wedding is really hard work…"

Pam chuckled. – "Yes, it is… but it's worthy if you do it with the right person…"

Emily. – "The right person…" (She took her time thinking around her mom's words, asking herself if Alison was going to marry the right person for her) "Do you know who is?"

Pam. – "Who is who?"

Emily. – "The person that Alison is marrying… she hasn't told me, I haven't see any picture of Alison with anyone in her house neither on her facebook, Instagram or…."

Pam teased. – "So you've been looking for 'who' she's marrying? Why?"

Emily tried to sound casual as she said. – "Well, I mean, she's Ali, we're friends, childhood friends, I'm just looking for her, it's the right thing to do…"

Pam nodded and chuckled

Emily looked at her mom and asked again. – "So… do you know who is the 'groom'?"

Pam locked her look on Emily and asked. – "I will answer your question if you tell me something before, but you have to be honest at 100% ok…"

Emily nodded. – "Ok…"

Pam took a deep breath and asked. – "Do you love her?"

Emily raised an eye brow. – "Do I love her?! Who?!"

Pam. – "Alison! Are you in love of Alison?!"

Emily blushed terrible and avoided eye contact, looking away, just rubbing her hands and waving her foot, Pam chuckled seeing Emily's reaction and stood up, she was walking inside the house and she stopped walking when Emily talked to her…

Emily. – "Wait!"

Pam looked at Emily and said. – "I do know who this person is, she told me, asking for my blessing…"

Emily looked confused. – "What?! Why?! Why she needs your blessing…"

Pam chuckled. – "Well, that's something between her and me…"

Emily sighed with frustration. – "So… are you telling me who…?"

Pam interrupted her. – "We had a long talk, Alison and me; after a lot of talking and thinking, I gave her my blessing, that's the only thing that I would say to you…"

Emily sighed with frustration, crossing her arms and pouting

Pam. – "You and me, we should talk too… there is a lot of stuffs to talk Emy…"

Emily panicked for a moment, she has been avoiding to have long conversations with her mom because, she hated to be lying to her but she was too ashamed to had a real conversation with her mother, the single thought of spilling the truth was too overwhelmed for her; she was very nervous, sweating, but she calmed down when she felt her mother's hug.

Pam kissed Emily's front-head as she hugged her and said. – "It will be ok Emy, don't worry, it will be ok…"

Emily felt a warm and peaceful feeling inside her; she looked up to her mother's face and both were looking into the eyes with warm eyes…

Pam. – "Let's talk when you come back from talking with Alison ok…"

Emily. – "How do you know that I will see her tonight?"

Pam smirked. – "I told you, Alison and me, we had a long talk…."

Emily gulped hard; scared that the blonde might have told something of what Emily had been trying to hide…

Pam. – "Emy, don't look scared, I just told you that everything will be ok…"

Emily. – "You can't say that… there is some stuff that you don't know…"

Pam smirked. – "Oh I know stuffs; I think that I know more than you…"

Emily looked confused and Pam chuckled…

Pam chuckled. – "She's right; you look very adorable when you looked confused…"

Emily blushed and looked more confused. Pam put another kiss on Emily's front-head and left her alone. Emily was trying to figurate out what her mother was trying to say under the lines, and then her thoughts were cut out when she received a text from Alison, asking her to meet her at the Rosewood school.

At seven o'clock, Emily was parking in front of the school, looking at the old building, brought to her a lot of memories; she was with a confused look, caused by her earlier talk with her mother and by the fact that Alison asked her to meet there at that hour. She started dialing Alison's number and she started to walk towards the locker room when Alison said to her that she was there; Emily was confused, why the blonde was there, once inside the room, Emily showed an uncomfortable facial expression as being there with the blonde, it was bringing back a bad memory that she doesn't like to remember; the day that Alison crushed her heart, rejecting her, telling her that all she was, it was practice for the 'real thing'; the blonde broke Emily's heart in that day without carrying and it was one of the worse memories of the brunette and for her surprise, she wasn't the only one with the same feeling…

Alison was leaning against a locker and said. – "I'm sorry for that day… when I told you that you were only practice… I was cruel with you… I'm sorry… I regret it every day…"

Emily crossed her arms and leaned her body in the lockers too; both girls were face to face, looking into the eyes…

Emily sighed. – "It's ok…"

Alison. – "No, it's not…"

Emily sighed. – "You had already apologized for it before; you don't need to do it again…"

Alison sighed. – "I think that I will always be apologizing with you for that and so many things that I did to you in the past…"

Emily smirked. – "Alison DiLaurentis, the Queen Bee, apologizing… that's new…"

Alison. – "I've changed… I'm not the same… I'm trying to be a better person…"

Emily. – "I know…. These past days I've been discovering these 'new' you…."

Alison. – "And?"

Emily raised an eye brow. – "And?"

Alison said with a shy voice, playing with her fingers. – "Do you like this 'new' me?"

Emily chuckled seeing Alison's shy side, it was unusual for the blonde to show that side of her…

Emily nodded. – "Yes I like it a lot…" (She said with a little of sadness on her voice) "He's definitely a lucky guy… whoever you're marrying, he's very lucky…"

Alison chuckled and she continued smiling, lost on her own thoughts. Emily interrupted Alison's thought when she spoke to her…

Emily. – "So, you… we… here…. Why?"

Alison gulped and was doing breathing exercise, trying to calm down her nervous…

Emily raised an eye brow and said. – "Ali?"

Alison took a deep breath and made a mental pray before finding the courage to talk….

Alison glued her blues on Emily and said. – "I would like to change our bad memory… of that day…"

Emily raised an eye brow and said. – "What? What are you saying…?"

Alison didn't reply, she just unbuttoned her blouse and stood only showing her bra; Emily's jaw dropped open as she wasn't expecting nothing of this; Alison turned and gave the back to Emily, she cleared one side of her neck, and left it clear of hair; she inclined a little, showing her naked neck…

Alison. – "Let's erase that memory and changed it for this one… please…."

Emily stood speechless, frozen, unable to move, she wasn't sure of what she should do…

Alison begged as she continued giving the back to Emily. – "Please…"

Emily took a deep breath and she slowly approached to Alison, she roamed her fingers from Alison's arm until the higher of the neck of the blonde, both girls bitted their lips under the delicate touch; Emily grabbed Alison's arms, and slowly leaned on Alison's neck for a kiss; the brunette took her time to breath the intoxicated vanilla aroma of the blonde; it was hypnotizing; she closed her eyes and without putting a lot of thoughts on it, Emily softly leaned her lips on the collar of Alison's neck, it was a soft kiss that melt the hearts of both girls. Emily let her lips glued on Alison's skin, refusing to get apart; she squeezed Alison's arm and kept her eyes closed, afraid that the moment would end in any minute.

Alison whispered with a soft voice. – "Thank you…"

Emily opened her eyes and she slowly pulled away, a tear appeared on Emily's face as she just realized that she was so in love of Alison; that in fact, she has been always in love of the blonde, maybe that was the reason why any other past relation of the brunette hadn't worked out until now. But it was too late, to say or act on her feelings, Alison was going to marry someone very soon and Emily needed to come back down to earth and stop this continue torture of being around Alison and don't be able to love her as she would like to do it…

Emily started to walk away as she said. – "Well, if that's all you wanted, I think that we're done so…."

Alison grabbed Emily's arm and stopped her; Emily turned in Alison's direction and she raised and eye brow and chuckled seeing the blonde trying to put on the blouse with one arm…

Emily smirked. – "You need two arms to put it on…"

Alison. – "I'm not letting off your arm… we're not done! And I will not let you go…."

Emily laughed, amused by Alison's argument and actions…

Emily. – "Stop grabbing my arm and put your blouse on…"

Alison pouted. – "No! You were leaving! And you can't leave because we're not done!"

Emily chuckled and rubbed her front-head. – "I'm not gonna leave ok…"

Alison. – "You promise?"

Emily nodded and Alison hesitated but she acted fast, she let free Emily's arm and quickly put on again her blouse, she was buttoning it when Emily asked…

Emily. – "So what else, it's to be done? I would like to end with this torture as soon as possible…"

Alison gulped hard and repeated with pain. – "Torture…?"

Emily rolled her eyes and sighed. – "Sorry, I just…." (Sighs) "Please, let's end this… you know that I wanted to quit assisting on your wedding and I really don't get how this is linked to your wedding… if you're feeling guilty towards me, you had already apologized so it's ok… so… can we get over whatever it's to be done as soon as possible and get me out of this 'job'?"

Alison chuckled with nervous and sadness. The blonde finished butting her blouse and took a deep breath…

Alison. – "Ok, tonight your work as my assistant wedding planner will end…" (She chuckled with a nervous look) "But to be honest, that was just a task of the job…"

Emily sighed and shook her head. – "Ali what are you saying…? Look, sorry but I'm done working for you ok…"

Alison grabbed Emily's arm and said. – "Please Em… just listen to me…" (Gulp) "No one else is better for this job…"

Emily sighed. – "Ali, I'm sorry but I don't want to…"

Alison interrupted her and said. – "Please, before you say anything else, before you make a decision, just listen to me! Please! It's all I ask…"

Emily locked her brown eyes on the ocean blue eyes of Alison, she noticed fear, excited, love?, a mix of emotions reflected on those blue eyes…

Emily nodded and sighed. – "Ok… so what do you wanna tell me?"

Alison smiled. – "I'm telling you… but not here, I already planned a place to tell you this…"

Emily looked confused, she opened her mouth, she was going to say something but she didn't talk as before she could say anything, Alison held her hand, intertwining their fingers and dragging her out of the locker room; they ran through the hallways of the school, Alison was leading and Emily just smiled running behind the blonde, she looked at their hands intertwined and her smile got bigger; she was looking to their hands intertwined that she didn't notice when they arrived to the library of the school, until they stopped moving; Emily looked up and she looked confused but smiling as she found the place, illuminated by candles, there was a path of petals' roses, and Emily noticed it; she slowly followed the path, she chuckled and smiled as she found that the path of petals brought her to the section of the library, when she had her 1st kiss, that 1st kiss that she shared with her 1st love, her 1st kiss with Alison. Emily remembered what Alison was reading, what she said to her that day, she looked for the book and once she found it, she took it from the stand and she smiled reading the tittle of the book 'Great Expectations' on the cover of the book; she was planning to read the phrase that Alison read to her that day but once she opened the book; Emily's jaw dropped open as she found a huge hole on the book, inside the book, in the middle of the hole, there was a rose, a red rose, something was sparkling in the center of the rose, Emily put her fingers on it as she was curious of what was sparkling; her eyes got bigger of surprise when she grabbed a beautiful diamond ring, an one and a half carat diamond with blue sapphires on either side. Between Emily's gasps, Alison looked at her phone and put on music 'Runnin' home to you'; she left the song play on speaker and she slowly approached to Emily as she sang to the brunette…

Alison sang. –

"Can't say how the days will unfold,

Can't change what the future may hold,

But I want you in it, every hour, every minute…"

Emily was with watery eyes and shocker face, her brain was still processing what was happening, she still couldn't believe what it was…

Alison continued singing. –

"This world can race by far too fast,

Hard to see while it's all flying past,

But it's clear now, when you're standing here now,

I'm meant to be wherever you are next to me…"

Alison softly grabbed one hand of Emily and the blonde kneeled on one knee in front of the brunette; she looked up to Emily and continued singing to her as she was caressing Emily's hand…

Alison sang. –

"All I want to do… is come running to you, come running to you…

And all my life I'll promise you… to keep running to you, keep running to you…

And I could see it right from the start, right from the start…

That you would be my light in the dark, my light in the dark…

Oh, you gave me no other choice but to LOVE YOU…"

Emily let a tear fall from her brown eye and an big smile appeared on her face when Alison sang to her 'love you'; Emily started to blush and becoming very red; Alison chuckled seeing the reaction of the brunette and she continued singing…

Alison sang. –

"All I want to do… is come running to you, come running to you…

And all my life I'll promise you… to keep running to you, keep running to you…

And I could see it right from the start, right from the start…

Can't say how the days will unfold,

Can't change what the future may hold,

But I want you in it, every hour, every minute…"

The music played ended and both girls stood frozen, staring at each other, Alison was still kneeled on one knee, she continued grabbing Emily's hand; Alison noticed that Emily looked at the ring and then she took a deep breath and confessed…

Alison. – "It has been always you… the real thing, it has been always been you…"

Emily looked confused and sighed. – "Ali…"

Alison. – "I'm not gonna deny anymore the connection that exists between us…" (Deep breath) "After our drunken night, when you told me everything, I expended all night awake, thinking and I couldn't bear the idea of someone else getting pregnant with your eggs; I can't stand the idea of anyone beside me, having your kids…"

Emily gulped. – "Ali…"

Alison. – "I'm not perfect; I've done terrible things on the past, always keeping my wall up but when it comes to you…" (Sighs) "When it comes to you, I can let my guard down with you and I don't do that with anyone else… you make me vulnerable and it's scary… but even if it's scary, I will not continue running away of this feeling, so…"

(Big pause)

Emily pushed the blonde to continue. – "So…?"

Alison smiled. – "So, I'm asking you to take the job of being my wife… that's the real job that I wanted to offer you from the beginning…"

Emily smiled with a huge grin on her face…

Alison chuckled. – "You gave me here, my 1st true kiss and here I'm asking you to take this job, to be my wife because there's no one else better for the job than you…"

Emily smiled, she blushed and chuckled, looking to the ring, without a reply, Alison shook Emily's hand and the brunette looked at the blonde that was still on one knee, Alison moved her eye brow, asking for a reply with her face and Emily just chuckled seeing the blonde doing it…

Emily teased. – "So what about the 'groom'…?"

Alison smirked. – "I think that it's obvious by now, that there have never been a groom…"

Emily smirked. – "So what? You put me as your assistant to plan in secret our wedding?"

Alison smiled, hearing the words 'our wedding' coming from Emily's lips…

Alison chuckled and nodded. – "I needed an excuse to expend time with you…" (Smirks) "What better way to hanging out than planning our wedding…"

Emily smirked. – "I didn't know that it was 'my' wedding' until now… how fair is that?"

Alison smirked. – "It was fair enough… I did pick everything that you like… the cake, the menu, the music… everything is done at your taste… you just didn't choose the ring but I did choose it thinking on you so…"

Emily chuckled and blushed as she realized that it was right, all that the blonde choose for the wedding was after Emily had said that she liked it…

Alison asked. – "So…? What is your answer…?"

Emily teased. – "You told me once that I can't say 'NO' to you…"

Alison smirked. – "I know… but even then I want to hear you saying it…"

Emily teased. – "Saying what?"

Alison rolled her eyes and stood up; she grabbed the ring from Emily's hand and she put the ring on Emily's finger… Alison smiled seeing the diamond ring on Emily's hand…

Alison smiled. – "Damn, I do have good taste…"

Emily chuckled. – "I haven't said 'Yes'!"

Alison glanced at her and she pulled Emily towards her, until their lips collided, Alison slowly put a hand behind Emily's head to deep the kiss and without hesitation, Emily granted it, when she left Alison's tongue get inside her mouth, it was an intense, passionate kiss that left both girls dizzy after it; a huge grin appeared on Alison's face as she looked at the goofy dizzy face of the brunette…

Alison teased. – "Are you really not telling me 'yes'?"

Emily blushed and said looking Alison into the eyes. – "You know that I can't say 'no' to you…"

Alison brushed her lips on Emily and said. – "So… say it…. I want to hear you saying it…" (She softly kissed her and said) "Please, say it…"

Emily blushed and smiled. – "Yes, I'm marrying you because I can't allow anyone else doing that job beside me…"

Alison smiled and leaned for a kiss, they continued making out for several minutes without stopping.

Two years later, Emily found herself, happily smiling when she woke up and she found her blonde wife tangled on her naked body; she blushed and smiled as all the memories of the last two years were coming to her mind; the wedding, her graduation, her new job at the Rosewood school as a teacher and as a coach of the swimming team; all were happy memories, but what had brought her so much happiness was actually, her marriage, yes, being married with Alison wasn't an easy job but she could say with proud that she was doing an amazing job on it; she raised her hand with her rings, her golden ring of marriage above her diamond ring of engagement; Emily smiling seeing the sparkles coming from both rings…

Emily chuckled. – "I still can't believe it…"

The brunette kissed her rings and then she slowly moved and caressed the head of her sleepy beauty; she slowly started trying to wake up the blonde with kisses but the blonde pouted as she wanted to keep sleeping…

Alison sighed. – "Em… it's Sunday… let me sleep more…"

Emily teased. – "But why sleep when we could do so much more…?" (She bitted Alison's hear)

Alison chuckled. – "I think that last night we did a lot, you've left enough hickeys on all my body as a proof of it…"

Emily chuckled and continued her attack on the blonde; Alison opened her eyes and cupped Emily's face with her hands…

Alison. – "What I can do to make you let me sleep a little more…?"

Emily smiled. – "Grant me something…"

Alison. – "Ok… what?"

Emily bitted her lips and whispered something on Alison's ear, the blonde's eyes got bigger of surprise when she heard Emily request; after whispering on Alison's ear; the brunette pulled away and looked at Alison…

Alison questioned. – "Are you sure about it? I know that we've been talking about it but… do you really think that I would do a good job on it?"

Emily blushed and nodded. – "Yeah… no one else is better for the job than you…" (She kissed Alison's cheek)

Alison chucked and blushed

Emily raised an eye brow and said. – "So…?"

Alison teased. – "So?"

Emily. – "So what do you think?"

Alison smiled and kissed Emily with a lot of love and passion. Emily pulled away when she needed a little of air to breathe….

Emily chuckled. – "I think that it's a 'Yes' but I want to hear you saying it…"

Alison chuckled and resumed the kissing…

Emily pulled away and chuckled. – "I meant it Ali, say it…" (Puppy eyes) "Please"

Alison chuckled and said between kisses. – "I will…" (Kiss) "Love.." (Kiss) "To have a…" (Kiss) "A baby with you…"

Emily smiled. – "Really?"

Alison nodded and smiled. – "Yes, I would love to have a little mermaid…"

Emily chuckled. – "Or maybe a little Queen Bee…"

Alison laughed and shook her head. – "Oh no, a mini version of me no…"

Emily chuckled. – "Oh come on Ali… it would be adorable to have a mini version of you…"

Alison rolled her eyes and said. – "In that case, good luck raising a mini version of me; I can assure you that it would not be easy…"

Emily kissed Alison's cheek and replied. – "I know that it will not be easy, but I think that I can handle two temperamental blondes… I obtained some practice the last two years…" (Smirks) "Who better than me, to raise a mini Queen Bee?"

Alison chuckled. – "Well, it's true that there's no one better for the job than you…"

Emily smiled and kissed her wife, happily, fantasizing her future new job as a mom of a mini Alison because there was no one else better for the job than her.