Andy's loss

"Andrea?" Miranda called for her assistant in her typical calm way. The office was already empty. Emily was already home too so Andy hurried over to her office with her notepad.

"What can I do for you Miranda?"

"I will leave in 10 minutes. I want to have Roy waiting downstairs and you will deliver the book later as usual. That's all." Miranda didn't even look up, or looked at Andy otherwise she would have noticed her lovesick grin towards her.

Andy went back to her desk and called Roy and told him to be downstairs in 10 minutes gladly he was already there. When Miranda came out of her office, Andy already had her coat and purse ready. Lately she helped her in her coat and Miranda seemed to enjoy it as did Andy of course. She brushed gently her hands against her neck and lingered a bit more than she should there. Miranda cleared her throat and Andy got out of her dreamy state.

"S...sorry Miranda ...I.." Andy stuttered. But Miranda held up her hand and shushed her.

"I didn't mind." She whispered while she left. Andy grinned again while she looked at Mirandas backside. So she liked it Andy thought.

When she came to the elevator two officers came out. Miranda was confused and instead of leaving she followed the men.

"Excuse me officers, may I help...?"

"We are looking for Ms. Sachs. We got informed she works here and is still in. Where can we find her?"

"Yes she's my assistant, follow me." Miranda started to get scared and also more confused but she would never tell or show anyone.

Andy was sitting at her desk getting the schedule already organized for the next week.

The police men entered the office with Miranda. When Andy looked up she was shocked.

"Omg, Miranda what...?"

"Ms. Sachs we were looking for you." They both took their hats off and looked somewhat sad. Andy's eyes widened and surprisingly Miranda went over and stood next to her desk.

"Ms. Sachs we have to inform you that your parents have been reported dead in Claremore, Cincinnati today. They were involved in a car accident and there was nothing the paramedics could do for them. We extend to you and your family our deepest sympathy in your great loss."

While they did their duty and told Andy what they were here for, she got pale and tears streamed down her face while she slowly sat back down in her chair behind her desk. Miranda raised her hand in front of her mouth in shock. She thanked the officers and told them she would take care of her assistant. They gave her a card where she would be able to call for further informations and left. Miranda dropped her purse and sank down next to Andy who was just looking into space and said nothing.

"Andrea? Talk to me. What can I do?" Andy didn't respond. Miranda held her hands kneeling beside her. She cupped her cheek and made her look into her eyes.

"I am so sorry for your loss darling." Andy gathered herself and stood up while helping Miranda up.

"It's ok, you can go home I will be there with the book in an hour." Miranda was confused and knew she was clearly in shock and not thinking straight.

"The book isn't important right now. Andrea? Did you understand what the two officers said just now?" Miranda stepped closer to the girl and took her elbows in a rough grip while she asked and looked with a deep compassion at her.

Finally Andy broke down and started to sob heavily. Miranda embraced her and let her cry on her shoulder. She soothed her and caressed her hair. She felt so bad for her assistant. They worked over a year together and got somewhat closer. Not friends but closer. She held her tight and Andy did too. After a while she loosened the embrace.

"Sorry Miranda ...I didn't mean loose it around you...I ...I don't know what to say..."

Miranda cut her off. "You don't have to say anything. Andrea, you got some terrible news. I have feelings too. I am a mom and I have had parents and lost them. I will be there for you." Andy looked at her in shock. She would have expected anything out of Miranda but this side was completely new for her. Maybe she lost her hearing and she just imagined these things. But Miranda continued.

"Andrea I would love for you to come with me tonight. I don't want you to be alone, please Andrea." She whispered the last sentence since she never says please to anyone other than her kids maybe. Andrea was stunned and kind of glad. She couldn't be alone tonight. Nate and her split up before Paris a few months ago and due to that and her job she didn't have any friends left other than Doug.

"Let me just make a few calls and then we will leave ok? Do you want me to call someone for you?" Andy thought she was in another world she couldn't believe how uncharacteristic Miranda was behaving. She didn't know how to deal with this situation. Who should she call? She didn't have anymore family. No siblings and no aunts and uncles. Her grandparents died years ago when she was little so she was the only person left in her parents life's.

" Miranda you don't have to..." Miranda shushed her and sealed her lips with her index finger. "No don't start with me, you will come with me, that's all."

Ok, Andy thought, at least Miranda was getting back to normal again. Andy nodded.

"I'll call my friend Doug while you make your calls alright?" Miranda went into her office and informed Roy, made sure the book was delivered electronically and the most important call was the following.

"Bobbsies? Hi it's mommy I just wanted to see if you behave for your dad?"

"We always do mom, are you ok? You sound sad."

"My assistant Andrea got some bad news today her parents passed away and I just needed to hear your voices. I love you so much babies ok?"

"Oh my god mommy that's terrible. How is Andy?"

"She is very sad of course but I will take her to our house tonight."

"So will she be there on Sunday when we come home?"

"I don't know bobbseys she can stay as long as she wants, but I think she has to go to Cincinnati to plan everything, so we will see. Make sure to be good to your dad and I love you. Call me if you need me ok?"

"Ok mom, take care of Andy we love you too mommy."

They hung up and Miranda had tears streaming down her face. When she packed all her things back up she heard Andy sobbing on the phone...