A/N: My crazy Hiccstrid-wired brain... lately it relates EVERYTHING I see or hear into some Hiccstrid-scenario. That's what happened here, too. I heard this song and the story started to play out in my mind. So, I hope, you'll like it.

The song is 'I should go' by Levi Kreis, although listening to it now might be a spoiler... xD For we reach that part not until Chapter 18.


Sometimes life just sucked! There were always good days and bad days but this one was just plain crazy.

Astrid tried to relax after she sat down on the last available place, wedged between an old man who seemed to be asleep in his seat and an evenly tired looking woman with a crying toddler on her lap. With a sigh, she threw a look on her phone, the first one in hours. Seven missed calls from various unknown numbers. She deleted them all, plugged in her earphones, turned on the music in her phone and closed her eyes. Reality would catch up to her soon enough, this fifteen-minutes-ride on the bus belonged to her and her alone.

But of course, today things wouldn't be that easy. Only moments after her eyes had shut the day began to play out in her mind all over again.

It had even started the wrong way, determined to be the most dreadful day of her entire life. Instead of being woken up by her phone and Ruelle's soothing voice, Astrid had been startled awake by a loud and painful scream followed by a stream of curses. Being about half an hour too early she had grudgingly decided to get up, not bothering to lay down again for that short amount of time. And in case she should meet her neighbor later in the stairwell, she would give him or her a good punch on the arm for waking her up! In case she found out which one it had been, of course.

Then she got ready for the day and was on her way. It was the day of her latest job interview and she had been quite enthusiastic about it for she really had put her hopes into that one. Personal assistant for one of famous Dragonite Engineering's CEOs, although from what it said in the description it sounded more like test pilot! Getting to use all these cool inventions and gadgets and even getting paid for it! Of course, there were always risks but then life only was fun when one got a scar out of it! And her daily training made her well prepared for this demanding job.

But then there had been this accident on the highway and the traffic jam thereafter. Of course, she had felt sorry for that poor guy who had stood aside from the street and stared dumbfounded at the remains of his fancy car but then he should have been happy to be unharmed. And since his car could not be saved anyway there was no reason to block the entire street, really… The only purpose this event served was to make her late and Mrs. Dragonite, the dragon herself, hadn't been lenient about that, not at all! She hadn't even talked to her and just send her away again, not wanting to even deal with unpunctual people, let alone work with them.

That sentiment stung. Astrid was proud of always being responsible and punctuality was part of that. It hadn't been her fault…

With entirely too much time left and in a very bad mood, she had walked all the way to the diner, where she was to meet her boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend! Astrid reminded herself angrily. It wasn't like she was sad to see him go. Mentally she had broken up with Eret weeks ago and this relationship hadn't been serious to begin with anyway. She had wanted to talk to him sooner but time had gone by... She hadn't bothered herself too much over talking to him, though, since he hadn't found much time to be with her at all during the last weeks. Of course, by now she knew why…

She had arrived two hours early at the diner only to find him making out with another girl at the parking lot. She hadn't even bothered talking to him then, had just turned around and walked away. She didn't care whether he had waited for her later. She had blocked his number and had muted her phone just in case, not wanting to ever be reminded of him again. Yes, their relationship had been over anyway but she at least had been faithful until it was official. Not that there had been any occasion to be unfaithful, though…

After that, she had wandered aimlessly through the shopping arcade, bought a slice of pizza for lunch and looked at all these beautiful things she still wasn't able to afford.

Then it had begun to rain and Astrid had cursed her luck for she'd left her jacket at the dragon's lair as Dragonite Engineering was called on the streets. Now, she knew why… This woman with her irritable temper was well worth being called a dragon. And her eyes… there was something ancient in those eyes, entirely opposite from her rather youthful face. Indeed, the nickname dragon was well chosen.

Astrid had thought about going back to get her jacket but had decided against it. The hour-long hike would have been enough to soak her entirely which would have defied the purpose and as far as she knew the bus connection, wouldn't be much faster, either.

So she had waited for the bus to drive her home which was, of course, delayed. There had been a roof at the bus station so she wasn't completely soaked now. But it had leaked and the drizzle had done the rest.

Astrid was tired, cold, disappointed and wet and all she wanted now was to go home…

Suddenly someone brushed against her leg and she threw her eyes open, ready to break the groper's arm. He had chosen the wrong day to mess with her!

Directly in front of her stood a man, his back toward her and his leg brushing against her's as he tried to give way for an elderly women „Here, take my seat" the man said and while the old lady thanked him for his kindness Astrid noted the unusual pattern on his leather jacket, dangling right before her eyes. Scales? Who would engrave scales into leather…

The old lady then had trouble climbing the steps that led up to the back bench as well so the man helped here there, too.

„Too kind, young man." the old lady said and patted his cheek.

„No problem" he replied, embarrassed. „I get off in a few minutes anyway."

Astrid slouched down, trying to hide in a non-existent hole. She could have offered her own seat. That would have been so much easier for the old lady and she would have to get off in a few minutes, too. But the truth was, Astrid was not in the mood to be kind. Not today!

She sighed again and tried to concentrate on the music some more before she would have to get up.

When the bus reached her station then she wiggled herself through the tight gangway and, due to an probably accidental shove, stumbled out and down to the street. She surely would have landed in a muddy puddle, making this day perfect indeed, if not for the arm that came from nowhere and caught her right before she landed.

Great! She thought to herself unnerved. Now I'm even a damsel in distress!

„Thanks." She murmured embarrassed and got up again without looking. She had already recognized the scale pattern on her savior's arm.

„You're welcome." He murmured right back and turned to walk away as soon as she was safely on her feet again. Astrid stood there, slightly baffled, as she looked after him. She was, in fact, quite used to men, any men, flirting with her on any occasion. Having one miss a chance like this was almost offensive. But maybe she wasn't his type. Or he wasn't into girls at all. Not that she cared…

With a shrug she went her way, following scale-jacket in fact, as he seemed to have the same way Astrid did. Without intending to do so, her eyes clung to his tall form as he made his way through the crowd. This was a rather small neighborhood and she had lived here since she was born so, at last, she recognized everyone who lived nearby and although she hadn't seen his face she was sure that-

-he didn't live in her freaking house!

Astrid stared at his back while he stopped in front of the building her apartment was in and fumbled for his keys. She knew every single person living in that house and he was not one of them. Unless…

The Ingermans had moved out a while ago and their apartment had been empty ever since. Could scale-jacket be the new inhabitant? Curiously Astrid stepped closer until she stood right behind him to catch a glimpse of the name written in a clean handwriting next to the button beneath her's.

Then she froze.