Episode 10, Run Ins

Previously on Teen Wolf Legends With thearrival of Gerard Argent, the situation at Beacon Hills is stirring. Seraphina Argent's proclamation that no one would hunt without her permission leaves many whispering.

Meanwhile, Derek Hale is questioned for his alleged involvement in the attacks by Stiles Stilinski's father, Sheriff Stilinski. Taking Stiles' help to find out what the police has on Derek Hale, Seraphina dials up an old contact.

Aryan Das, a mysterious handsome man with a strangely calming voice walks in as Derek Hale's counsel, whips up lawyer jargon and has Derek out in a matter of minutes. He refuses to divulge any details but informs him he's a practicing lawyer in the nearby town and was hired as his counsel. He refers to the patron as Derek's guardian angel.

Derek Hale pays a visit to Seraphina Argent's house with some new information he'd learnt while being interrogated by the sheriff. Seraphina chastises him for risking his life by coming to see her in such close proximity to dangerous hunters, but he brushes her off. They share a close moment that leaves the both of them quite flustered and Derek thanks her before leaving.

As Derek Hale finally leaves, the silhouette of Victoria Argent shifts in the window, unnoticed by both.

Seraphina Argent gets a call with the strangely calming voice on the other hand. She thanks him and he responds with "No thanks necessary, jaaneman, anything anytime for you."

"I know what you've been up to, sneaking him around at nights"

Seraphina Argent froze in her tracks, her heart rising up in her throat, ready to pop out of her mouth.

"I can-" Seraphina began, turning around, expecting to see the hawk like eyes of Victoria Argent, prying into her head as if trying to read all her thoughts, only it was her much younger, and far less terrifying version: Allison Argent.

Allison stood with her arms crossed, her brows knitted together

"Er..." said Seraphina, wondering what exactly to say.

"Is Scott in on it too? I can't imagine why he wouldn't tell me, though"

"Allison, I don't-"

Allison stopped mid track in the corridor, the small river of people being forced to part around her petite and Seraphina's hunky frame. The bell signalling the end of the period had just rung with all gusto and students were milling around everywhere, trying to get to the next class while finishing conversations. Allison had just caught hold of Seraphina after another boring history lesson and now stood facing her, looking like an exasperated mother.

"I know about you and that Derek Hale"

Seraphina blinked

"You-you do?"

"Yes!" Allison rolled her eyes "I mean, come on, all the nights you don't come home and the weird glances you exchange when you're around each other, the way your whole body just changes, and obviously the night time visits! I mean, you guys aren't being exactly subtle about it!"

"We-we aren't?"

"Not at all. I mean, I don't know what the rules are for you, since you're technically a guest, but if I sneaked Scott home and mum and dad found out, I'd be in so much trouble"

"Um, I think I'd be in trouble too if anyone found out... You won't, uh"

"Tell on you? Come on, girlfriend!" Allison linked her arm through Seraphina's and beginning a short trot "So, this is so exciting, isn't it? I mean, is it serious between you guys? What was your meet cute?"

"Uh" began Seraphina, but Allison interrupted.

"I mean, sure I find him a little bit creepy, but I can see how you're into him"

It appeared, Allison wasn't much concerned for answers, just happy to find a new way to bond with her weird new relative.



There were times when Derek Hale grew sick of the trees, sick of the burnt house he lived in, sick of living in stale, old memories. So, on moonless nights such as these, he often slipped into the town in human form to take a drink and stroll around a bit.

The once famous pub, 'Drinkin Pub' was out of business due to 'Oll Nit's Club' that had opened recently, drawing in teenagers with its bustling atmosphere and bright, fluorescent lights.

On the verge of being shut down, 'Drinkin Pub' had less than scarce patrons, leading to a quiet empty ambience, one that Derek found to be quite comfortable. No curious glances from those who didn't recognise him, no suspicious glances from those few who did.

Derek, his hands stuffed deep inside his pockets to keep them warm, walked home as the sky's darkness descended upon the roads, the streetlights struggling to fight it.

A group of girls, decked in makeup and cheap clubwear giggled as he walked past them, the short blue-eyed blonde eyed him with more than a professional interest.

Immersed in his thoughts, Derek didn't notice the girls, nor did he notice a shadowy figure tailing him.

Derek turned a corner, which was slightly more deserted and darker than the route he'd been walking onto, illuminated with only one streetlight.

A crunching noise underneath his foot drew his gaze down. Just as his eyes fell on the crushed beer can, he heard a noise behind him.

Before Derek could whip his head around, he felt the front of his jacket and hair ruffle as a cold breeze hit him, a familiar scent, a combination of gunpowder, blood and though he'd never tasted them, green chilli, along with a comforting presence filling up the air around him.

Before Derek could register more than the glinting silver nose ring from her sudden appearance in front of him, Seraphina grabbed hold of his collar and slammed him against the brick wall of the alley, her long dark hair, which were surprisingly open accompanied the whiplash and flew on to his face, getting caught in the various folds of his skin and clothes. Derek realised, at that moment, she was the exact same height as him.

Seraphina looked sideways, her hair obscuring Derek's face, and made eye contact with the figure that had, unknown to him, followed Derek into the alley. The figure paused; a look of recognition followed by slight confusion crossing his pale face.

Seraphina turned her head to look back at Derek.

"Don't look" she whispered hoarsely "that's Leveque, a hunter"

Despite Seraphina's warning, Derek's immediate instinct was to turn, and he nearly did so but Seraphina, releasing Derek's right collar, clamped a hand on the side of his head to stop him looking sideways. Derek Hale realised that Seraphina wasn't standing on her toes. She didn't need to; she was exactly the same height as him.

Aware of his presence now, Derek tried to reach out with his senses, but found them overwhelmed with her closeness. A brief moment of hesitation later, he found himself willingly submerging in the comfort of her aura. He raised his hands and lightly placed them on the sides of her waist, which like the rest of her body was very tense.

Seraphina, looking at him from the corner of his eye, for a moment, wondered if Leveque would advance. Leveque, it seemed, was contemplating the same.

However, he turned and walked away.

Seraphina relaxed and let out a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding.

"Oh, sorry" she said, letting go of his collar, that too, she hadn't realised she'd been holding.

She took a step back, looking around, everywhere but at Derek, suddenly very conscious.

"I couldn't, I mean if Leveque saw you, it'd complicate things" she said sheepishly.

"It's okay" Derek said, not straightening his jacket and still slightly enamoured.

Seraphina adjusted her hair, attempted to quickly run her fingers through them, but found them way too tangled and settled for simply pushing them behind her ear.

"So, we've got to be more careful" Seraphina said "I underestimated Allison. She confronted me today, turns out, she saw you the other night and came to this-" she snorted "absolutely ridiculous conclusion that you and I- you know" she gesticulated fervently at Derek and then herself in a weird fanning motion.

"You and I...?" prompted Derek gently.

"You know" Seraphina said narrowing her eyes "together or something" she rushed through the last three words.

Seraphina realised her voice had grown high-pitched with each subsequent line. Wow, what are you a sixteen-year-old teenager? the voice in her head said in a firm and calming tone; in his voice. She mentally told herself to pull it together and stood slightly straighter.

"Oh" said Derek "She saw a young man sneaking out of the living quarters of an equally young woman in the dead of the night and came to the conclusion that there're together. How weird"

"I know, right" Seraphina said, earnestly, really glad to hear her voice sounded normal. "We've got to be really careful. The hunters here... They're not so open to the ideas of..." she looked at him.

"Werewolves and humans together?' Derek suggested.

"Yeah, something like that" Seraphina said.

"But you are? How very progressive of you" Derek said raising his eyebrows.

"Traditions, Derek Hale, they're often more progressive than the youth gives them credit for"

Her words made Derek narrow his eyes and as he looked at hers, it dawned on him just how old she was. Her skin wasn't barred down by wrinkles on the surface, but every muscle of hers was tired and aged.

"You know, I still don't understand what exactly you want. You look like a human but aren't one, you associate with hunters, but don't behave like them, and you're definitely not Allison's cousin. You just dodge questions like this is some suspense novel and I'm being set up" Derek said, folding his arms across.

"You're not being set up" said Seraphina dryly. She looked around to check if the street was still deserted "Do you want to have a heart to heart or catch the Alpha?"

Derek didn't answer.

"Look" said Seraphina, taking a step closer to him, in the distance she heard a couple of car horns and ruckus laughter. "Take it back to your place? We shouldn't be seen in public like this, it's dangerous for you"

"And what's it to you?" said Derek, an edge to his voice "why do you care?"

"I just" said Seraphina, her voice raising, a hint of irritation audible "I just do, okay? I don't want you" she looked at him quickly then looked away "anyone hurt. Enough innocent blood has been spilt already." She looked back at him and then continued "look, I'm a hunter. The people here" she looked around her as if she could suddenly see every sleeping bed in town "they're not really hunters. They've strayed from the path. They don't remember our rules, they don't follow our ways. We protect people. I've protected people all my life and that includes you."

A few moments of silence passed as he surveyed her with his lips pursed.

"Okay" he nodded "let's discuss strategy back at my place. Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow" she said.

"Okay, well, see you" he shifted a little out of between Seraphina and the wall and turned to leave.

As long as he'd known her and all their meetings, the farewell was still as awkward as the first.

"Hey" Seraphina called out "I know what I just said, but don't make me your guardian angel"

He turned and walked away with a smile on his face.



Sleep, thought Seraphina as she filled the glass of water, would be a commodity more valuable than gold for her.

Small rays of the morning sunshine trickled through the almost drawn curtains of the Argents' kitchen. Seraphina had learnt from Allison that Gerard was a late sleeper, so in her mission to avoid him forever, Seraphina made sure to do whatever she needed to in the house early in the morning and then make herself scarce.

"I know what you've been up to, sneaking him around at nights"

Seraphina rolled her eyes and turned.

"Allison, we've already had this conv-"

She was cut short as she took in the sight before her. The sharp features of Victoria Argent adorning her effortlessly beautiful figure stood in the doorway.

"Victoria" stuttered Seraphina "I don't know what you're-"

"Look" said Victoria taking a step forward in her direction "Kate and Chris might hero worship you and be too blind to see it, but I do. I know how they do stuff back there, what they preach and the creatures they associate themselves with." she said the word as if it was the filthiest insult "You're certainly not the 'legend' they talk about, the woman covered in blood who saved Gerard, the woman who taught Kate to hunt, you're some lily-livered hunter who isn't up to doing shit. You want to hang out with werewolves, be my guest. But keep them away from my family. I don't care about all this hunter fuckery anymore. I only care about my husband and my daughter. Half breed, you may be, but I swear to god, if my family gets endangered because of you, I'll kill you."