A/N: It's been so long since I uploaded anything, thought I'd start off with a nice little crossover. The OC in this story is based off a very good friend of mine who gave me the idea to do this in the first place, so I hope everyone enjoys and reviews are welcomed as well.


Star City, City Hall

Star City isn't exactly the place people would want to go to visit. With constant terrorist attacks and vigilantism prominent, Star City is always in a state of rush.

Oliver Queen, Mayor of Star City, pondered this thought as he sat at his desk. It was already pass 10pm and he was not looking to leave anytime soon. There was a knock on the door and his baby sister, Thea Queen, entered the room.

"Working late again, Ollie?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, just making a couple of revisions…but," Oliver places the papers on his desk and looks up at his baby sister, "what's up?"

"The mayor of New Orleans just arrived. He said it was pretty urgent, but it's late. Should I tell him to see you tomorrow?" Thea offered.

"No, I wasn't planning on leaving yet anyway. Send him in please." Oliver insisted.

"Alright, I'm leaving for the night. I'll tell the receptionist to bring you some coffee because you look like you could use a pot." Thea joked.

"Thanks Speedy." Oliver smiled, Thea returning it.

Thea walks out and tells the mayor of New Orleans walk in, Oliver stands to greet him.

"Mayor Landrich." Oliver states as he places his hand out toward the New Orleans mayor.

"Mayor Queen, call me Mitch." Mitch says as he shakes Oliver's hand.

"Please," Oliver says as he gestured him toward the chair in front of his desk, "Coffee?"

"No, thank you. I also want to thank you for seeing me in such short notice." Mitch told Oliver.

"When we talked on the phone, it sounded pretty urgent. For you to come all this way to speak with me in person, this must be really urgent."

"Yes. I came here to warn you Mr. Queen." Mitch told Oliver, Oliver giving him a look of concern, "I have reason to believe that a local serial killer has made a home here in Star City."

"A serial killer?" Oliver asked.

"Yes. Not much is known about this person besides she's a female." Mitch stated.

"How did she manage to escape the city limits?" Oliver asked.

"We don't know, but what we do know is that this person is extremely dangerous and should be handled with extreme caution."

"I'll make sure to inform SCPD on-"

"No," Mitch interrupted, "I'm sorry, but this woman has single-handedly immobilized squads of our finest policemen."

"Immobilized as in?"

"Killed them, Mr. Queen." Mitch leaned forward in his chair toward Oliver, who now had a very concerned look on his face, "I wanted your permission to operate in your city so I can bring her in."

Oliver stands up from his seat and turns to gaze out at the city, he takes a moment to think about his request. With everything else going on in this city, Vigilante, Prometheus, bringing in more artillery from another state could panic the people of Star City.

Oliver turns to Mitch and gives him his answer, "With all due respect Mayor Landrich, if this threat is in my city, I should be the one to bring her in so that there are minimal casualties. And if she is as dangerous as you say, that's all the more reason."

Mayor Landrich gives him a shocked expression, "So there is no changing your mind?"

Oliver shakes his head, "You'll find that the people of Star City are more than capable of handling these kinds of things."

Mayor Landrich gets up from his seat and fixes his suit jacket,

"Mr. Queen, what you're dealing with is something that you have never dealt with before. I don't even think your 'Star City vigilante' can comprehend this situation, but as this is your city I will leave this to you. Thank you for your time."

Mayor Landrich shakes Oliver's hand, "I'll send any available information on her tomorrow morning, good luck." Oliver agrees and watches as Mayor Landrich walks out of his office.

Outside of City Hall, a couple of security guards walk Mayor Landrich to his limo. Once inside, he takes his phone out of his pocket and makes a call,

"He took the bait, he's just as gullible as you remembered."

"Of course he did, come back to New Orleans and await further orders."

The call ends and the limo rides off. In the distance, there is a figure watching as the vehicle drives away.