Chaos Theory

Metroburg Maximum Security Prison

It's a normal day at Metroburg Maximum Security Prison, the inmates are released from their cells in the morning, they eat their breakfast, take part in the daily activities and are then placed into their anti-power chambers at night while also wearing a power-blocking cuff.

The clock strikes midnight, the lights in the prison flicker on and off until the power goes out altogether. The security officers run around frantically trying to figure out the root of the problem while dealing with the yelling inmates. With the power out indefinitely, this activates the prison emergency system which will automatically releases all inmates from their anti-power chambers in the next 30 minutes.


A female hooded figure no taller than 5'3 casually walks inside Metroburg Maximum Security Prison because she can since nothing is working at the moment. As she senses the power starting to go back on, she fixates her eyes on a light nearby her and the prison stays dark with no chance of the power returning while she is in the building. As she travels through all the levels in the prison. She finally reaches the top to an anti-power chamber that holds the most notorious villain to ever wreak havoc: Dark Mayhem.

Dark Mayhem, still weak from having lost his powers to Max and Phoebe Thunderman is strapped in a chair with no way to break free. He is then approached by the hooded figure who easily opens the chamber.

"Dark Mayhem, Master, I have come to free you." The girl says with great praise.

"For what reason do you want to free me?" Dark Mayhem asks with great apprehension.

"I want to help you get your powers back. With your powers back, we can help bring Metroburg and the world to its knees."

"That's impossible! My powers are in an orb, Thundergirl and traitor Max Thunderman placed it somewhere in Metroburg!

The girl persuades him one more time. "Come with me Master and I'll tell you how I can help."

After a few minutes, Dark Mayhem finally agrees. The girl shoots electric sparks from her hand to inactivate the metal straps on Dark Mayhem. She helps him up and walks him out of the chamber. A few seconds later, the power weirdly finds its way back on.

Dark Mayhem starts to panic and looks at the girl. "Look what you did! How are we supposed to get out of here?"

"Don't worry, just walk and everything will be fine." The girl says confidently.

Dark Mayhem finally realizes what she is talking about. As the officers run around to check the cameras and to see if everybody is in their chambers, they phase through the girl and Dark Mayhem as if nobody was there. *She can control electricity and phase through solid objects* Dark Mayhem thinks to himself *She can be a great asset*

Once they finally make it outside the prison, Dark Mayhem asks, "Ok girl, I see what you can do, now tell me how you can help me get my powers back!"

The girl gives him a dark smirk. "You see, that's the thing, Max Thunderman is an old friend of mine. With some manipulation and persuasion, I can get what I want. You can get what you want. On top of that, I might just get my evil best friend back..."