I do not own Naruto and if I did Itachi, and Mikoto wouldn't have died

"Naruto" -normal speech

'Stupid idiots' - normal thoughts

"Oi gaki listen to me" -Powerful being speech

'stupid ningen'-Powerful being Thoughts

*thunder* -action

Kage bunshin no jutsu -Techniques

"Yo baka" Beings translation/speech

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A/N: Note This. Is. Fiction. Here I am God, and I can decide how each character acts or behaves.
Challenge from Zanark Sathanus.

I wont be able to update as frequently. I will return to normal updating in May.

*story start*

"Here we are Kaguya. It's just you and me. It took everything I had to get here." Naruto told the deranged Goddess as blood coated the entirety of his right.

"It was all in vain. Everyone here has died following you, and their losses have been for naught. Asura, do not be like your brother. This is your final warning, do not die in vain." Kaguya offered him as he stared down at a blood soaked cloak.

"I can't give up. If you get past me you'll... you'll destroy them all, won't you? Everyone hopes. Everyones dreams. Vanquished in an instant. But I WON'T let you do that!" Naruto yelled as he clenched his bloody fist.
"Oh? How will you stop me Asura? Even if you have both halves of Hagaromo's power, it won't be enough. It took my children three days of constant fighting to beat me. This has going on for one week, and you haven't won." Kaguya told him as a golden fire with black flames coating parts.

"Right now, everyone on the battlefield... I can feel their hearts beating as on. And we have ONE goal. To defeat YOU!" Naruto screamed as violet pupils with nine tomoe rotating violently around them.

"Tell me how? Your leaders are gone. Konoha lies in ashes, and your battalion lay around you." Kaguya inqured as various ghostly apparitions appeared behind him

"Because we are standing with him." a spectral brunette told her as Spiky ginger who had her hair tied into a spiked ponytail agreed with her.

"She's right. You may have the tailed beasts inside of you, but it won't be enough." The Red haired female agreed as a column of sand circled around Naruto to make a jaded armour set.

"As troublesome as it is, they're right. If you won, then I wouldn't be able to rest." A pineapple haired teen in a green vest added as the shadows stabbed through Kaguya's body, and pinned her to her spot.

"I am still mad that you have manipulated my family for generations." a ravenette stated bitterly as skeletal hands engulfed in blue lion shaped fire that was supplied by a lavender haired spectre pinned the furious Goddess.

"It still won't be enough. " Kaguya bluffed as she desperately struggled against the shinobi's binding while Naruto went through dozens, borderline hundreds of handseals.

"But this will be. Kinjutsu:Futago no tentai jisatsu kōgeki(Twin celestial Suicide attack)" Naruto yelled as a blinding gold fire began to inclose around the two fighter, and golden flames tore through both of their stomaches.

"YOU- You fool. You are willing to sacrifice your life to prolong a broken system?" Kaguya asked as the fires started to pull their flaming bodies towards each other.

"I-it's not broken. It just needed to be fixed. W-with the thought that you possibly returning, everyone unites under a single flag. After removing your lineage, no one will have to worry about you. The Uchiha have been vanquished, and so have we. I'll make sure of it." Naruto stated as pupils morphed into a nine bladed shuriken.

"I-idiot. You've killed both of us!" Kaguya yelled as she attempted to use her Amenominaka while Naruto activated the Kamui ability.

Using two dimensional warping powers in tandem with a suicidal technique used to exterminate deity level beings doesn't end well.
"This is it for us. Ne, Mina. Sayōnara." Naruto told the remaining survivors, as the fabric of reality tore open and consumed the two fighters. The only evidence that they stood there was a dried patch of blood, and two spiralling markings in place of them.

"YOU FOOL!" Kaguya screamed at him as they flew past countless isolated 'bubbles' and the golden fire burned their bodies while the ashes orbited around them. Remaining roughly a metre from either of them.

"If this is the price for removing you from the Elemental nations, I'm willing to pay it." Naruto told the irate goddess as a cloaked figure floated towards to inflamed duo.

"This isn't the cost of using the technique." the raven winged figure corrected them as they brandished a massive scythe, which was radiating Killer intent and glowed with purple flames.

"Then what is?" Naruto questioned the blood coloured redhead, as her spectral hand thrust itself through their guts and pulled out two glowing energy sources. One was gold and crimson, with nine markings spiralling clockwise. The other one was ivory white and deep red, with ten spiralling makings spinning counter clockwise.

"What have you done mortal?!" Kaguya demanded as the winged figure slammed it's scythes handle into her face. The fires stopped crawling along their bodies, and was drawn into the mysterious figures cloak.

"Watch your tone Mortal. You're eons to young to take that tone with me. Anyway... This isn't the price of the technique. The price of using it is much worse. Whoever has used the ability, their lives have become entangled. No longer do they exist as two people, but a single being. Trapped together in a single body." the scythe wielder informed them as she cleaved through them with her purple flamed coated weapon.

"I-It burns!" Naruto screamed as the two started to melt together. The surrounding ashes fused to the now singular entity. They had crimson, chest length hair that was tied into a single braid. They had lavender coloured eyes with hints of blue, and nine distinct marking in each. The fusion had two ivory horns and an Jade tomoe necklace.

"Who ... who am I?" the composite figure asked as the cloaked being removed their hood, exposing her purple eyes, and ivory skin.

"You are still Naruto, Kaguya has just been fused with 'Naruto'. Your punishment for using the forbidden technique isn't over. You are being sent to Earth, a dimension more advanced then yours. You're being sent into a war zone. Earth is a realm that is filled with supernatural. Enjoy." the crimson reaper informed him as the female thrusted the two glowing sphere into his stomach. Which sent him flying into one of the 'bubbles' that radiated draconic, divine, and corrupted energy.

*Unknown location Unknown time*

"It appears you've woken up." a french Canadian voice announced as Naruto opened a single eye and stared at a white canvas roof.

"Where am I?" Naruto asked as he sat up and noticed two adults standing in the tent with him. One had black hair with blond tips in a red medical coat. The other wore standard tan brown military fatigues, a rounded metal helmet with a triple chevron on his sleeve.

"Listen bub. You are in a Canadian military controlled medical tent. Dr. Az managed to fix you up. You had second degree burns, laceration, and blood from your right eye. Luckily, the doc managed to patch you up. It almost seemed supernatural." the soldier-dressed figure told him as he lit a cigar and took a long hit from it.
"Sergeant Howlett, could you refrain from smoking in here. My patient is still recovering from their ailment." Dr. Az reprimanded Sg. Howlett who smothered their cigar on one of the support beams in the tent.

"Where am I?" Naruto repeated his question as they turned to him, and the doctor packed away a glowing card with a set of raven wings on it.

"You are at a English controlled encampment roughly 185km north of Paris, France. Sg. Howlett discovered you 100 metres outside of the camp, covered in the debris of a Sopwith Baby. The wings were imbedded in your back. The fuselage was pinning your legs and trapped you under the burning rubble."Dr. Az stated as a distance loud explosion went off.

"I'm G-going." Naruto told them as he ripped the blood bag out of his arm, and tried to move to the opening of the tent.

"Hold it. We don't know who you are, or where you're from. Name, age, anything." Sg. Howlett stopped him as blood started to seep out of his heavily bandaged chest and stomach.

"N-Naruto Uzu-maki. Ninja of ... nowhere." Naruto tried to tell them as he attempted to pass them again.

"Hold it 'Naruto'. You're wounds aren't fully healed. Also, do you think that we would allow you to wonder around a military compound?" Dr. Az asked as he set Naruto down on the cot.

"Especially so because of tomorrow." Sg. Howlett added as he strapped him to the cot with leather straps.

"What's today?" Naruto questioned as he looked at the cow hide binding strips.

"April 8 1917." the sergeant stated as the two started to exit the tent.

"By the way 'Naruto', an officer will come by to escort you to a holding tent later on." Dr. Az informed him as they left him to his thought in his tent.

'Canadian Military' 'Paris France' Where did they send me?' Naruto thought as he stared at his bindings.

'You haven't realized yet?" a familiar voice questioned him as it echoed inside his head.
'Kurama?! Aren't you a sound for sore ears. Where have you been?' Naruto asked the tailed vulpine.

'...it be better if you saw this yourself.' the tailed beast announced vaguely as Naruto felt a familiar pull into his subconscious dimension.


"Kurama, what's ... wrong?" Naruto's question echoed throughout the darkness with a single tree being the only noticeable object 'til the horizon.

"Up here." Kurama's voice announced a red object landed next to Naruto. It appeared to be a lady with long crimson hair, that was tied in a one high pony tail. Two vulpine ears poking through her red locks, and irritated golden pupils. Small shorts, with a furry golden tipped tail, and a obsidian coloured bra with ruby flames on it. Her general attire was missing a Barrett M82 to complete her look.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked as the redhead sent him a dry look.

"It's me, Kurama. Somehow I got transformed like this when that person merged you with Kaguya." Kurama informed him as she adjusted herself, to try get more comfortable with her form.

"Do you know what the hell is going on? What's 'Canada', 'English' 'or 'April 8 1917'?" Naruto demanded as a pale pink shell opened up, and a snow whit figure descended from the tree.

"I believe I can answer your question." The snowy haired lady announced as Naruto turned towards her. She had a rounded Y stretching from her forehead to her nose, and a triangular marking underneath each of her eyes. Deep silver eyes accentuated the two canine ears sticking out of her frosty white hair. Including an alabaster white cloak with ruby red spirals running along the sides.

"Now I'm even more confused. How did you get into here?" Naruto questioned the secondary tenant in his subconscious realm.

"My name is Ōkami Tsuki. The TRUE Ten tailed wolf, and I know what's going on." Ōkami answered him as her ten silver tails fanned out behind her.

"What's happening? Do you know where we are?" Naruto asked the ten tailed Wolf.

"We were sent to the DxD dimension by The Grim Reaper. It's realm of Deities, Demons and Dragons. Currently, the 'English Empire' is fighting against the 'German' allied 'Canadian' colony is leading an assault against the impenetrable Vimy Ridge. You are currently being moved to a secure location for holding." Ōkami answered his question.

"Why can't my life ever be simple? Most people worry about paying their bills on time, or how their business is doing. I have to worry about genocidal Uchiha, and deity level beings out to kill me." Naruto asked as he drew circles on the bark of the tree, with a small raincloud over his head.

"Wow~. So you're the real Ten tails?" Kurama asked her as she turned away from the saddened hero.
