Chapter 2 - Intrusion

Once Eddie received his coffee from Tia, he lightly began sipping and closed his eyes to enjoy the taste and think.

He knew he couldn't stay in the café for very long, for Mater was nearly finished with his drink and would be leaving soon. And since Eddie had never been in Radiator Springs, he didn't know anyone's usual schedule.

He needed to do some snooping, digging, and most importantly—waiting.

So, the black Range Rover L322 snuck out of the café and made his way up onto the roof of a building across the street, hiding safely out of view to observe the townsfolk. Eddie was smart and patient enough to know that if he were to succeed, he had to be as diligent as possible.

"Hey, Mister?"

Eddie didn't even flinch, but his heart skipped a beat since he wasn't expecting anyone to call him out. He checked his right rearview mirror, and in the reflection was a young adult 1995 USA Land Rover Defender with bright yellow paint and brown eyes. She quirked a curious brow at him.

"What do you want?" Eddie inquired grimly and went back to scanning over the town in front of him.

"Well…y-you're in my spot," she informed.

"What? Your spot?"

"Uh, yeah…not to be rude."

"Not at all. But what is this spot for, anyway? What do you use it for?"

"It's just a place for me to get away from my problems in reality, to help me think, relax, cope, et cetera."

"Indeed." Eddie finally turned and looked at her directly, only returning her kind smile with a dry expression. He had no interest in this girl, after all.

"What were you doing up here?"

Eddie was pulled from his thoughts when she spoke again, and he blinked a few times before gathering his thoughts.

"Just…enjoying the view. I've just arrived in town to retire."

"Really? So, this is the first time you've been here?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"Well—to tell you the truth, this is the first time I've been back here in a long time, so I'm a little unfamiliar with this place too," the Land Rover Defender giggled while rolling her eyes.

"Is that so? What caused you to come back?" Eddie questioned with curiosity.

"I moved here to try out my uncle's boot camp, but I'm also pretty excited to see a really old friend of mine…I haven't spoken to him in a while." He couldn't help but notice the embarrassment in her tone, as well as the faint red tint in her fenders.

"Well, there's nothing like seeing beloved friends and family again," Eddie chimed with a soft smile.

"Yeah, that's true," she agreed, her smile growing fainter, "Well, I guess I could skip one night away from this peaceful rooftop. I should learn to grow up anyway."

Eddie couldn't help but sense a feeling of regret when she turned to leave, but he was very reluctant to want her to stay. So, he said nothing as she slowly drove down the exit ramp without another word.

Sarge was up and at 'em at six in the morning, before the sun had even began to rise, to ensure the group of city cars training at his boot camp would actually be getting some decent training.

He always started his class' day with a ten mile drive around Willie's Butte. He watched and scolded to make sure they kept up high speed needed to drive up on the rise.

But there was one particular student of his that was late this morning; he would have to be sure to set her straight when she did arrive.

"Sorry I'm late, Uncle Sarge!"

"That's SARGE to you, Soldier! Now, what's yer excuse for bein' late this time, huh?!"

A yellow 1995 USA Land Rover Defender came huffing up to the war veteran, and she received a very cold glare from her uncle.

"My apologies, Sir! I overslept!" she replied once she caught her breath, and she immediately stood up straight and raised her voice.

"That's still no excuse! Consider this your final warning; next time, you're givin' me fifty laps around Willie's Butte! Ya got that?!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Now, get out there, and gimme ten laps like the rest of your peers!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Wait a minute, Soldier!"

"What is it?"

"It's good ta see you again, Dani." The said Land Rover smirked at her usually loud uncle, who made an exception this time for his favorite niece.

"Right, back at cha, Uncle Sarge," Dani chuckled before driving down the rise and out onto Willie's Butte to begin her ten miles.

A few hours into the same day, Mater was just taking a catnap in the shed of his junkyard, when he was suddenly rudely awakened by a loud clank of metal. The old tow truck went to investigate the noise, but he didn't know he would find a surprise guest at the main entrance of his yard.

"Well, howdy, Mr. Jade!" Mater greeted with his bucktooth smile, as he quickly drove up to the said Range Rover L322, who was trying to play it cool and clean the pile old hubcaps he accidentally knocked over.

"Yes, well…ahem! Good morning, Mater," Eddie returned the greeting with a fake smile, which fooled Mater and kept him noticing the hubcaps he was scooting away with his back tire.

"Can I help ya with somethin', Eddie?"

"Yes, you most certainly can. You seem to know your way around this town, so I wanted to ask if you could give me a little tour, given as how I'm new here and all."

"Well, dadgum! I'd be happy ta give ya a tour of Radiator Springs, Eddie!"

"Thank you, Mater, that is most appreciated."

"Now, why don't we start with this cute little town's most funnest location: Willie's Butte!"

Dani and her fellow peers were now racing around one of Sarge's own tracks out by Willie's Butte, to test their speed and agility, and he continued to keep watching from the sidelines.

"And dis here is Sarge's boot camp, which, as you can see, is currently in progress!" Sarge grunted and quickly turned to find Mater trespassing, along with a black Range Rover L322.

"Mater, what are you doing here?! Unless you're here ta get out there and train, I suggest you both get off the premises!"

"Whoa, calm down, Sarge! We ain't here ta train or distract yer students; I'm just showin' my new friend around town. Sarge, meet Eddie Jade. Eddie, this is Sarge, a war veteran and commander a dis here boot camp," Mater explained casually, and he moved out of the way for Sarge and Eddie to correctly greet each other.

"Pleasure to meet you, Sarge," Eddie informed and saluted with his right windshield wiper at the war veteran.

"Hmm…" Sarge hummed while skimming over the Range Rover with a suspicious squint, "You look familiar."

"I-I do?" Eddie backed up a bit, and his eyes started twitching in terror. He knew that if someone in the army realized who he really was, he was scrap metal.

"Lucky for you, I ain't got time ta solve wasteful mind games," Sarge finally admitted, and turned back around to watch over his students on his track, and poor Eddie sighed in great relief.

"So, um…this is your boot camp, Sarge?" Eddie piped up and joined the war veteran by his side to check out the track himself, and Mater pulled up on Sarge's other side.

"Yes, Sir! Everyday, my students start with a ten mile drive on Willie's Butte, and they end their training with as many laps on this here track until they can't go on anymore!"

Eddie could only shrink back in fear from hearing the harsh training himself, and he especially couldn't take Sarge's threatening tone and stare. But then Sarge suddenly started chuckling, which really threw off the Range Rover.

"I'm just yankin' your chain, Jade! The strength and welfare of my students is always important; I may push 'em to their limit from time to time, but I never push 'em too far."

"Well, aren't you a peachy teacher," Eddie muttered under his breath, but then a yellow blur on the track suddenly caught his attention. He was more than surprised when he saw the same yellow 1995 USA Land Rover Defender racing around the track, and he was also amazed by her speed and agility.

"Who is that?" Eddie piped up.

"Who's what, Jade?" Sarge demanded.

"That yellow Land Rover Defender, who is she?"

"That's Dani Rover, one of my top students."

"Dani Rover," Eddie repeated in a whisper, continuing to keep a very close eye on her. But when she was making a curve just below the rise they were all watching from atop, Dani's eyes suddenly locked with Eddie's.

The two immediately recognized each other, and Dani was subconsciously slowing down, as well as failing to notice the large hummer quickly coming up from behind her.


Dani wasn't quick enough to heed her Uncle Sarge's warning, and there was only a split second for her to check her rearview mirror before the high-speed hummer came smashing inter her rear end!

You guys seemed a lot more interested in this story than I thought you'd be, which really surprises me! Thank you:)

Also, little note: Dani's name is pronounced "Danny" like Danny Phantom.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!