DLS here! So ive been fighting with this scene for a bit but I think it's as good as it's gonna get. Here is Vegeta explaining to his family!

Bulma sat at her computer irritably tapping her fingers on the desk, trying to read a business proposal to keep herself busy. On a nearby chair Trunks was sat, not even pretending to be doing anything. A short bit ago Vegeta and Trunks had sensed Goten-chans Ki spike up sharply, likely from some unknown threat, and according to Trunks felt madder then she'd ever been her entire life.

A short, sharp, "Stay!" from Vegeta before he took off, a threat of grounding to keep Trunks from following him and here they were, Bulma trying to distract herself and not worry about yet another threat to their peaceful lives and Trunks barely containing himself from rushing off to his best friends side and staring at nothing, putting all his attention toward reading the Ki's of Father and best friend in the distance.

Trunks suddenly shot into the air startling Bulma "Papa's coming back!" so saying he sped off to await Vegeta at the door. Huffing Bulma gets up and follows her son shoulders tense, wondering just what in HIFL was going on.

She reaches the living room just in time to see Trunks open the door and for Vegeta to walk in with a savage smile on his face.

Throughly creeped out, the demand comes out hot n fast, "Vegeta what the Hell is going on! You blast outta here with barely a word, Trunks says something was wrong with Goten-chan and now your back SMILING?!"

Having grabbed his fathers arm Trunks also makes his demands, "Papa! What happened to Chibi-chan?! I've never felt her so mad before! Not even that time I ate the last dinosaur leg she'd been saving! She didn't speak to me for a whole week cause of that!"

Vegeta chuckles looking down at Trunks, "Goten just had to deal with an interloper. For being so young and running off pure instinct she has started handling herself like a true Saiyan female."

That made zero sense.

Before Bulma could demand clarification, Vegeta continued on, "Trunks I've been slack on some of your Saiyan training, thinking it wouldn't be needed. Now that I know Goten is a proper Saiyan I'll have to start remedial lessons immediately. Can't have you behaving like your Mother when she was younger, dating every living thing in site. Could cause a massacre."

Oh. No. He. Didn't. "Are you calling me a whore!" Bulma roared shoving her face right into Vegeta's, eye twitching.

Vegeta looked shocked before spluttering, "W-what?! No!"

"Oh then just what 'are' you suggesting?!"

"That Trunks can't behave like a human and date without Goten going on a killing spree! Which you Earthlings dislike no matter how deserved!"

"Haaa?! What the hell does Trunks, our 8 year old, dating, have anything to do with Goten-chan; you know the tiny cheerful 7 year old, killing people?!"

"Cause she's a true Saiyan female!"

"What does that MEAN?!"

"Ummmm...what are you two talking about? Mama? Papa?" Trunks have stepped out of the line of fire, had watched his parents yell back and forth and was quiet confused.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out! Your Father makes no sense!"

"Well if you'd let me explain!"

"Fine! Explain why you sound like a lunatic!"

"Lunatic! Why you...!"

"Papa! Please what does Chibi-chan being a true female mean?" Trunks interrupts once again.

Pulling back face flushed, Vegeta turns to Trunks, "A-hem. What it means is.. that well, I thought Kakarotts youngest child was too human to have the proper instincts and mindset of a Saiyan female. Turns out I was...wrong. My guess is that nothing was ever a big enough threat to trigger them. In hindsight I think I might have figured out her clan structure. Remind me I'll need to clarify with her if I'm right. Don't want to make a mistake of thinking someone's in the clan when they haven't been claimed by her."

"Clans? And you keep emphasizing 'female' Saiyan. Are there differences between male and female Saiyans' I mean other then the obvious?" Finally getting some answers Bulma prompts Vegeta to continue.

"Yes. Major differences. From the beginning of Vegetasei's history we Saiyans lived in clans," while speaking Vegeta had had wondered over to the couch before sitting down. Following him Bulma sat beside him fascinated by this new info about Saiyans that wasn't just Vegeta's usual prideful boasts. Trunks sat on the floor staring at his father excited to learn more about the people he would've ruled over, if they where still around that is.

"The easiest way to explain it is that Saiyan clans have the opposite dynamic of lion prides. Our Clans where matriarchal having one lead female. The few other females of the clan where almost always blood related. The balance between genders was very uneven, more often then not 80% male to 20% female. As I've seen here on earth females, even if the ratio is 50/50, are fought over. Not so for Saiyans. Our brain chemistry is very different. Most males of our species do not feel the need to bond with others. There where of course exceptions but for the most part the males found comrades they enjoyed the company of (some not even that) and sought out the greatest challenges. You and your clansmen belonged to the Imperatrix (the female in charge of the clan) and the Imperatrix decided who where allies (clansmen, possibly allied clans) and who where enemies, those we could fight all we wanted."

"Our Women however forged bonds of all kinds. The most common bonds I guess would be family bonds (those in the clan), rivalry, hatred and possibly respect toward other clans. And while the Imperatrix had the say of whom her sisters and daughters of the clan could reproduce with, the highest reason for a Sister of the clan to leave the clan and start her own was bonding with certain males and not wanting to share them with any other women. Essentially stealing the males and normally starting a feud, which was always good fun."

"There where all kinds of nuances and each clan was different due to the taste of the Imperatrix. Even when we were all united together and worked under Freeza the clans still existed. My Father as the strongest male under the strongest Imperatrix was King, but even he answered to his Imperatrix, my Mother whom had enough on her plate her clan and dealing with rival clans. She had no desire to look after the members of other clans. Which is the main reason ruling Vegetasei fell to a Male. The average Imperatrix, he'll most of our females in general do not like caring for those that aren't 'theirs'."

By this point Bulma had curled into Vegeta's side listening with rapt attention as he described this foreign culture. Trunks was by now on his stomach eyes glued on his father.

"This brings me to Goten. This is mostly guesses, as I said every Imperatrix was different, but I believe Goten has made herself a clan consisting of her mother and brother, our family and Piccolo. Looking back, I think she sees Eighteen as a fellow Imperatrix, but a non hostile one. One of those 'you leave my things alone I'll leave your things alone' kinda deals. I'll have to check."

"Within our clan even though she's the youngest she's the strongest of our female members. Gohan and the Harpy are blood relations and are automatically hers. I think she claimed Piccolo because Gohan likes him. We being the only Saiyans left, she claimed us as hers as was her right. Bulma as my life mate and the Harpy both fall under the purview of 'family females, unlikely to challenge' and as such are free from the automatic hostile reaction other females bring about. The Imperatrix keeps a clan together, makes sure all needs are fulfilled and directs us to enemies to fight. In return we follow our Imperatrix and allow her to decide who has the right to pass on their genes, which foreign females are worthy of our attention and joining into the clan."

Vegeta looked Trunks in the eyes, "This means any female that tries to get close to either you or Gohan is going to immediately be seen as a threat. A poacher in essence. One who needs to impress Goten enough to be made a sister of the clan or who will be eliminated immediately. With her partial human heritage, Goten will be difficult to predict. What would impress a full blooded Saiyan most likely won't impress Goten, if Gohan's blunder is anything to go by."

"Gohan's blunder? What happened over there anyway?" Having a bit more background info would hopefully help figure out what was going on in Goten-chan's head. Bulma may not agree with everything about Vegetasei's culture, it sounded like Goten owned them, but this was merely the tip of the iceberg. Bulma knew from her travels that first impressions of foreign cultures where normally so far off base without in depth study into them. To immediately dismiss it as barbaric or inhumane without further exploration would be a great folly. Especially as this was her Vegeta's culture and her child's ancestry.

"Gohan was a fool and had a female classmate of his constantly coming over for training. A foreign female taking up her brothers time was probably bad enough but I'm guessing the little idiot bint was giving off 'I'm interested' pheromones as well 'cause Goten wanted to kill her. My guess, if Gohan doesn't drop the chick like a dinosaur bone with no meat, Goten will kill her to get rid of an unsightly parasite."

Bulma's eyes widened, "You're serious" it was almost a breath.


"Sweet!" Bulma stared at Trunks, bewildered.

"This means Goten will keep all those cooing giggling idiots at school away from me! I mean most can't even throw a punch they're so pathetic."

Vegeta's laughter filled the room, deep from the belly. Bulma started with giggles before working up to full blown laughter herself and Trunks stood there giant smile on his face, proud of his idea to get rid of the vapid idiots.

Finally calming down a soft smile appeared on Vegeta's face, "It'll be nice to have a Imperatrix at the head of the clan again."

Not completely happy with this this but I think it turned out OK. :)