And here we are-the end of "Tara Story". Thank you to all who have read, reviewed, and enjoyed this story! Special thanks to "Goof", "DD", and all of the guests who have left such encouraging reviews. I have been working on "Tara Story" for two or three months now. It was my first "Sue Thomas: F B Eye" fan fiction and I have absolutely loved writing and sharing it with you! If you liked this story, please share it with friends or family who you think would enjoy reading it. Follow me or check my profile often so that you can read my other stories.
Now, please enjoy and God bless!
Tara was at her desk before any one else. She looked around the room. It had changed slightly during the three years since she had first joined the bureau. Some members had left. Susan had moved to a different team and the current rotor was Lucy. Joe had been forced to leave the FBI after some issues and Shep had been killed while on a case. Myles, Bobby, Jack, and D were still there however, and Tara was now fully comfortable with all of them. They knew enough of her story to know that she had some struggles to overcome. She had eventually shared that she was a victim of domestic and sexual abuse. They respected her privacy, never pushing for more information than she was comfortable sharing, and they made her feel safe whenever she was with them. Tara was forever thankful to them.
The office slowly filled. Tara bantered with the others as they arrived. Jack and Bobby, between discussing a big game from the night before, consulted with her about some information on a case. Myles came in, proudly announcing the latest art title that he had added to his collection.
"It's called Midnight Sunlight," Myles announced.
"The title doesn't even make sense. It must be confusing," Jack said.
"It is an artistic title," Myles defended his painting. "I would not expect you to understand it, but all the finest art critics are raving about it."
"That proves how many crazy people are in the world," mentioned Bobby. Tara looked up, expecting fireworks. Before anything interesting developed D entered. Tara immediately tried to look busy at her desk while simultaneously keeping one eye on D.
I hope that he understands. If not, this is going to be embarrassing.
D went over to his desk and sorted through some files while greeting the team members.
"Good morning, Tara."
"Good morning, D."
"What's this?" Tara heard D mumble to himself as he picked up the card that she had put onto his desk. She pretended to be extremely absorbed with her computer screen. D opened the card and started reading it. At the end he was blinking fast and seemed to be suspiciously as close to crying as Tara had ever seen him. He rubbed his hand over his face and smiled a bit.
Tara's heart was pounding. Is that a good sign?
D looked up and seemed about to say something to her. Tara felt her throat tighten.
Just then a phone rang at D's desk. He shrugged helplessly at Tara and answered it. In a few seconds he was alert and ready for action.
New details on a case, Tara guessed.
D hung up. "Details on the Rainstone Company case," he announced triumphantly. "Gather round, kids."
When he said "kids", D winked at Tara. She smiled and winked back. He had understood the card and the message behind it.
Tara joined the others near the case board. She glanced around the semicircle. There they were-refined Myles, carefree Bobby, romantic Lucy, charming Jack, and fatherly D.
My family. The thought made Tara feel warm and happy. This family had helped her grow in a way that her other one could not. It was an unconventional form of family but that was exactly what it was.
Looking around her FBI family Tara recalled what she had written in the card for D.
"Dear D,
I just wanted to say thank you for the influence that you have been in my life. You know my past and you have helped me overcome so many of my problems.
When I joined the FBI nearly three years ago I did not expect to gain a new family but that is exactly what happened. You have become such an important part of my life. My biological father does not deserve the title of "father" as he was the one ruined my trust in men. My uncle rescued me and he and my aunt did their best to help and support me. However, it was not until I came here that I was truly able to make steps forward and begin to heal. You (and Donna!) have helped me so much in that process. In that way, you have become my FBI dad. I just wanted to thank you.
Happy Father's Day.
The past was in the past-it affected her but it did not have to define her. She had proven that to others and, most importantly, to herself. Life and the future were bright. With the amazing people in her life there was no way that it could be anything but.
I am blessed.
The End