Chapter 11: Return of the Hayden Legend

The drive from Stars Hollow to Boston took a little over two hours. After searching up the address, Rory had placed one phone call. She asked the person on the other end to meet her in the famous Public Garden.

Arriving with Laureen about mid-day, Rory strapped her daughter into the stroller and off they went towards the Garden entrance. At the front gate, Rory stopped.

Just in the distance, leaning against the famous central statue, there he stood: Christopher Hayden, her biological father. Though he had aged, he still had that same leather jacket, that same confident smile and swagger.

But when Christopher came up to embrace his daughter, he stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing Laureen. Rory gave a small smile. "Hi, Chr... Dad."

Christopher didn't speak for a long moment. His smile and confident swagger were gone. Finally, he croaked out, "Yours?"

Already blinking back tears, Rory nodded.


"July 17th of last year."

"The father... is he..." Christopher peered at Rory's hands. "I don't see a ring on your finger..."

The tears now flooded down Rory's cheeks. "It was an accident; he was already engaged to someone else. Then, he got married... He knows, but..."

"He won't help? Or he can't?" As the operative term, can't or won't did not matter. Regardless, Christopher knew this position better than anyone. He sighed. "I'm sorry, Rory."

Rory shook her head. "It's not your fault."

"But isn't it? Parents pass down their behaviors to their children..." Rory took his hand before he could continue.

"I understand what you're trying to say. You don't have to. I forgave you a long time ago."

Christopher now blinked back tears of his own. "What's... what's her name?"

"Lorelai Jean Gilmore," Rory answered proudly. "But we just call her Laureen."

Christopher chuckled. "Again with the Lorelais!" The pair sat on the statue's base, Laureen's stroller between them. Rory unstrapped the infant.

"Would you like to hold her?" she smiled sweetly.

Christopher froze. "I can't," he answered weakly.

"Yes, you can," Rory encouraged, pressing Laureen into his arms. There was a tender silence as Christopher rocked his biological granddaughter. Rory let it hang in the air, enjoying the moment, before finally asking:

"How are Sherry? And Gigi?"

"They're... crazy..." Christopher laughed. "They're great." Another pause. "And... your mom?... Luke?"

Rory smiled. "They're happy."

Christopher sighed. "Good. At least it gives me peace of mind to know Luke will be a better grandfather than me..."

"That's not true!" Rory gasped in shock. She squeezed his hand. "You know how I feel about Luke. I consider him my dad. But... you're my dad, too. I share your blood. And right now... that's enough for me. You are still a part of my family." She let out a long breath. "And, as such, I came to tell you that you can visit Laureen anytime you like. Mom left the door wide open for you to come see me. I intend to do the same for your granddaughter."

Christopher sniffled, trying to wipe away the flowing tears before his daughter could see. "You're... you're too good to me, Rory. I'll come visit; I promise! Thank you. I just... thank you."

Rory smiled, before standing up and holding out her hand. "Want to take a stroll with us?"

Christopher took her hand, and Rory helped him strap Laureen back in. And together, biological father, biological daughter, and biological granddaughter set off into the gardens. Rory felt blessed to know all the people who would be around her - in Stars Hollow and beyond - to help raise Laureen, as they had for her mother Lorelai before her. She was no longer scared, for she had learned a valuable lesson. To raise any child, it did indeed take a village.

Or perhaps, in her case, a Hollow.