Welcome back for a 3rd time guys! Thank you if you've stuck around till now, you're the reason I keep writing tthese awesome characters!

My Wife and Kids - Chapter 1: Perfect

"Hey, is this a good time to tell you that I've never actually changed a diaper in my life?" Beca said slowly with a fake smile as she toyed with her fingers.

Chloe was kneeling on the floor, baby Xander lying down in front of her on a blanket as she was about to change him. She slowly turned her head to see her wife over her shoulder who was just staring at her from the couch.

This was the first day home with Xander and Beca's nerves were very clear.

"Are you serious?" The redhead asked in amusement. "How could you have gone 26 years of your life without once changing a diaper?"

"Uhm...Because I'm one of the youngest in my family? You've got nephews, cousins, a daughter. You've done this shit before." Beca laughed nervously.

"Come here, I'll show you." Chloe could only chuckle at her wife as she moved over a little so her wife could sit in front of their son instead.

"Hey little dude." Beca greeted her son with a baby voice, leaning down to kiss his head before grabbing her glasses off the table.

"This should be amusing." Hailee commented as she was sprawled out on the couch, phone in hand.

Beca playfully glared at her step-daughter.

"Okay babe, first of all, here." Chloe didn't even let Beca turn back around before she was handing her something.

Beca looked down at her hand and saw a little bottle of hand sanitizer. She glanced at the older woman who was watching her as she squeezed some of the sanitizer on her hands. "He's just looking at me, I can tell he's already judging." The brunette joked as she looked down at the baby.

"He's judging how long you're taking to get him out of a wet diaper." Chloe teased, rolling her eyes.

"Let's do this shit." After Beca's hands had finally dried, she rolled up her sleeves dramatically making her wife laugh.

"Okay so you're gonna first want to get a fresh diaper and place it underneath him so it's easier once you get rid of the dirty one." Chloe explained, handing her the new diaper she had already gotten out.

"Riiight." Beca said slowly.

"Beca, it's not brain surgery, you'll be fine."

"It's not? It feels like it." The 26 year old scoffed, making her wife smack her arm.

The brunette furrowed her brow in concentration as she gently took Xander's legs and lifted him up a little but before she placed the diaper down, Chloe stopped her.

"That's the wrong way."

"Fuck sake." Beca muttered to herself, turning it the right way before setting the baby back down on top of it. She turned to her wife.

"Go for it, I'll keep you right." Chloe encouraged.

"Don't worry Xander, mommy's got this." The 26 year old gave her son a salute and a wink.

The redhead bit back a laugh, her wife was such a playful goof when it came to kids and it was so endearing.

Beca pulled on the tabs before coming to a stop. "What if he pees on me?"

"He won't pee on you." Chloe reassured with a giggle as she rubbed her eye.

The younger woman continued the task at hand as she wiped Xander with a baby wipe before sliding the dirty diaper from underneath him and handing it to her wife to dispose of.

As Chloe disappeared off into the kitchen, Beca fastened the new diaper, looking pretty proud of herself as she sat back up. "We did it!" She said excitedly to the baby as she picked up the hand sanitizer again.

"Told you it wasn't hard." The 31 year said as she came back into the room, getting back down onto the floor beside her wife.

"We did it!" Beca repeated as she scooped her son up and triumphantly held him up in the air. She pulled him close to her chest for a cuddle as she turned to her wife, immediately furrowing her brow and tilting her head to the side.

"What?" Chloe asked in concern.

"What's wrong with your eye?" The brunette asked, gently placing Xander back down on his blanket so she could get a closer look.

The redhead rubbed her right eye once again as it began to itch.

"It's all red." Beca placed one hand on the back of Chloe's neck and the other one on her face underneath her eye, using two fingers to gently pull down on her cheek a little to see more of her eyeball. "I think you should go to the eye doctor, It looks pretty sore."

"It's fine." The redhead quickly said, moving her head away from her wife's hand.

The 26 year old sighed heavily. Chloe hated the eye doctor and Beca could never understand why. It took the brunette all her effort just to get her wife to go when she needed to go for an eye test. "Babe you need to go, it might be an infection." She said softly, rubbing her wife's leg.

Chloe just whined at the younger woman.

Beca bit back a laugh as she watched the redhead repeatedly blink her right eye. "What if I call them up and make an appointment for tomorrow morning and if your eye clears up then we don't have to go." She explained, tucking Chloe's hair behind her ear.

The redhead sighed heavily. "Fine."

"What's wrong?" Beca whined groggily as her wife continued to toss and turn in bed beside her.

"My fucking eye." The redhead grumbled in frustration, sitting up to adjust her pillow slightly before throwing her head back down onto it. "Where are you going?" She asked as she watched her wife climb out of bed and head into their bathroom.

Beca didn't answer her though, instead returning with a damp washcloth in her hand. "C'mere." She climbed back into bed, kneeling next to her wife as she motioned for the woman to sit up a little.

Chloe couldn't help but allow a small smile to play on her lips, loving whenever Beca's considerate and caring nature came out.

The brunette held the washcloth against Chloe's eye as she gently pushed the woman to lie down again. "How's that?" She asked, taking her hand away.

"Better." The 31 year old sighed, finally getting some relief from her irritating eye. "Thanks, honey." She whispered, blindly reaching over to stroke her wife's arm.

"No problem, just try and get some sleep." And just as Beca was also going to settle back down, Xander's cry began to ring through the baby monitor.

The couple just lay there silently for a moment, staring up at the ceiling.

"I'll get him." Beca finally said before getting up once again to go tend to their son. She heard her wife thanking her as she left their bedroom and walked down the hall. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" She said softly as she walked over to the crib.

He continued to cry and Beca gently picked him up, holding him close to her chest. "Don't cry little dude, mommy's here." She soothed before checking his diaper. "Aw sweetheart what's wrong?" She frowned after realising his diaper was still clean. The woman kissed her son's head as she gently rocked him but it was no use. "When in doubt, get Chloe." Beca said to herself before returning to her bedroom with a distraught Xander in her arms. "Babe, he won't stop." The brunette sighed in defeat.

"Did you check his diaper?" Chloe asked as she sat up, taking the washcloth away from her eye before holding her arms out for her son.

The younger woman nodded as she placed the baby in her wife's arms now that the woman was sat up properly.

"Why's my baby boy so grumpy?" The redhead asked in a baby voice. "You hungry? Is that what's up? Beca, can you unclip this for me, please?" She motioned with her head down at the nursing bra she was wearing.

"Yeah." The 26 year old climbed up onto the bed, shuffling towards her wife before unclipping the strap of her bra and pulling the cup down. "Damn your boobs are huge."

"My classy wife, everybody." Chloe rolled her eyes with a giggle.

Beca smirked at her wife before glancing at her son who stopped crying after realising he was about to be fed. "Looks like he was just hungry." She chuckled as Xander immediately latched on.

"Mhm." The older woman hummed as she softly stroked her son's head.

"Hey Xander, those are only on loan to you till you stop breastfeeding, any other time, they're mine." Beca joked, pointing her thumb to herself.

"I think you'll find that my boobs are mine." Chloe scoffed playfully.

The 26 year old laughed as she moved so she was sitting beside her wife, wrapping her arm around the woman as she looked down at her son. "You're perfect." She whispered.

"He is, isn't he?" Chloe cooed.

"Obviously he is but I was talking about you." The brunette just stared at her wife as the redhead slowly turned her head.

The older woman gazed into the brunette's eyes as that beautiful smile of her's spread across her face. She didn't even bother questioning what randomly made Beca say that, she just continued to gaze lovingly at her wife.

"Chloe, what's up?" Emily asked in concern as soon as her and Stacie came over that morning. The two women had offered to take Hailee to her soccer practice while Beca dragged Chloe to the eye doctor.

"Ignore her, she's just pissed at me because I didn't let her put makeup on." Beca rolled her eyes, glancing over her shoulder at her wife who was still pouting, brow furrowed and arms folded across her chest.

"Cheer up, you'll be fine." Stacie chuckled as she came up behind the couch Chloe was sitting on and placed her hands on her shoulders.

Everyone knew about Chloe's weird thing about the eye doctor so of course they were all trying to put her at ease.

"Jesse got the little one?" Beca wondered as she got Xander dressed again after she changed his diaper.

"Yeah. Daddy's little girl." Stacie playfully rolled her eyes.

"Ready!" Hailee announced as she walked into the living room with her soccer kit on before tossing her hair forward so she could tie it up.

"Aw look how cute he looks in his little jersey." Emily cooed as she scooped up her nephew into her arms, admiring the little soccer jersey he had on that Beca bought him before he was born.

"He's got it on oh my god." Hailee gasped as she lifted her head, sliding across the floor in her socks to Emily's side.

"Hailee you say you're ready but you don't have any shoes on." Chloe finally spoke up, trying not to laugh at her daughter who just looked down at her feet.

"Oh yeah I know, they're over there." The 12 year old shrugged and pointed across the room at a pair of sneakers and her soccer boots.

"Get them on lil weirdo or you'll be late." Stacie playfully nudged the girl as she walked past her, reading the time on her watch.

"I'm going, I'm going." Hailee walked over and slipped her feet into her sneakers before picking up her soccer boots to change into when she got there.

"Right we'll be back later, good luck with your appointment, Chloe." Emily chuckled as she handed her nephew back to her step-sister.

"Thanks." The redhead mumbled.

"Hey you see that blonde kid? Number 10 on the boys team?" Emily asked Stacie, nodding over to the side of the pitch the boys were training on.

Stacie pulled her sunglasses back down from the top of her head so she could look over without the sun blinding her. "Yeah, what about him?"

"Hailee has a little crush on him, it's adorable." The younger woman grinned as she watched Hailee continued to steal glances over at the boy.

"Awww we should hook them up." The 26 year old cooed as she turned to the other woman excitedly.

"Stacie, they're 12." Emily deadpanned.

"Not like that, I meant like them going out to see a movie together or something. It's sweet that she's got her first crush." Stacie explained with a shrug.

"He's looking over again." Ellie smirked as she slyly glanced over her best friend's shoulder at Daniel.

"What? Oh my god." Hailee out as she turned around before quickly spinning back after she made eye contact with him.

"Why don't you just talk to him more? He obviously wants to talk to you." Ellie let out an exasperated sigh at the shorter girl.

"Everytime he does talk to me, I just turn into a stuttering mess." Hailee whined.

Later on in the training session, the girls and boys were merged for certain drills. The strikers were set on penalty at one of the goals and it just so happened Daniel was a striker on the boys team.

Hailee was trying her best not to fuck up in front of her crush as she placed the ball down on the spot. She glanced over at Emily and Stacie who were entertaining themselves with one of the spare balls, passing it back in forth together as they chatted and laughed.

With ease, the 12 year old tucked the ball away nicely into the bottom corner before turning around to join the back of the line.

"Nice one, Hailee." Daniel smiled, holding out his hand for a high five as the girl approached the end of the line.

The brunette's stomach flipped at the sound of him saying her name. "Thanks Daniel." She smiled, internally freaking out inside as she joined the back of the line.

"Uh I actually prefer Dan or Danny."

Hailee lifted her head as she unexpectedly heard the boy's voice again. He had actually slipped out of his place in line to go behind her. Oh my god.

"Oh yeah?" Hailee asked, repeatedly telling herself to chill out and be confident in her head. She turned around so she could face him. That adorable lopsided grin and those pretty blue eyes of his made the girl feel all giddy inside.

"Yeah." Daniel nodded. "I've seen you play, you're really good."

"Not as good as you." The brunette scoffed, her eyes glancing everywhere but his.

"Oh come on, you're awesome." He chuckled.

"Thanks." Hailee said quietly, shyly looking down at her feet.

Before she knew it, it was Hailee's turn to take a penalty again. This time she wasn't as focused as before, her mind clouded by her conversation with Daniel. When she kicked the ball she slipped, making her twist her ankle awkwardly.

"You okay?" Daniel crouched down beside her as everyone else in line just laughed.

Hailee shook her head gingerly, grinding her teeth. "My ankle." She whined.

"Coach!" The boy called across the pitch, grabbing the woman's attention. "Here, let me help you up." He tossed her arm over his shoulder and gently pulled her up to her feet, allowing her to put most of her weight on him.

"Emily! Stacie!" Hailee managed to call out before wincing in pain once she put pressure on her foot.

The two women spun around, immediately making their way over after seeing that Hailee was obviously in pain.

"Hailee, what happened?" Coach Fisher asked in concern.

"She slipped and hurt her ankle." Daniel explained just as Emily and Stacie arrived.

"You're as accident prone as Beca." Emily joked, placing her hand on the girl's cheek in attempt to get her to crack a smile.

"Dan, do you want to run inside and get an ice pack please?" Coach asked and the boy nodded, removing his arm from Hailee's waist with a sympathetic smile. "Go take a seat on the bench Hailee, Daniel will be back in a second with some ice for you."

Hailee nodded slipping one arm around Emily's waist and the other around Stacie's. Since the two women are like 10ft tall, Hailee couldn't exactly drape her arms over their shoulders like she could do to Daniel.

"Who's the boyfriend, Haiz?" Stacie teased as they slowly walked over to the bench, Hailee limping as she did so.

"Shut up." The girl couldn't help but chuckle at the 26 year old beside her as she looked down at the grass, biting her lip.

"Let's take a look." Stacie said as she gently lifted Hailee's leg and placed her foot in her lap.

"Ugh why did I have to make a fool of myself in front of him?" The 12 year old whined, covering her face with her hands.

Stacie just smiled, shaking her head as she untied Hailee's boot and slowly took it off.

"Don't worry about it, Benji used to not be able to even form a sentence in front of me and I still went out with him." Emily laughed, pulling the hair tie out of Hailee's now loose ponytail before tying it back up again.

Daniel quickly returned with the ice pack and when he jogged up, he handed it to Stacie.

"Thanks buddy " The 26 year old smiled at the 12 year old.

"Hope you feel better, Hailee. I'll see you in school?"

"Thanks and yeah, see you." The girl smiled at the boy and he gave her a wave before running back onto the pitch.

Emily and Stacie just smirked at each other.

"Hey I tell you what. Why don't I go speak to your coach and take you home early but we can stop off for ice cream on the way?" Stacie suggested and the girl's face lit up.

"Your mom and Beca should be home by now anyway." Emily added.

"You guys are awesome." The 12 year old grinned.

"Oh we know." The eldest woman winked. "Here hold that on your ankle and I'll go talk to your coach." She got up and placed Hailee's ankle on the bench as she got up and walked away.

"Alright blinky, let's get those eye drops in." Beca said, making her wife groan loudly.

Turns out Chloe only had a minor eye infection and was given eye drops to clear it up.

"Lie back." The brunette instructed and the redhead reluctantly did so, narrowing her eyes at her wife who was knelt at the side of the couch with the drops in her hand. "Open your eye" Beca leaned over her wife and counted down from 3 but as soon as she squeezed the bottle, Chloe jerked her head out of the way. "What're you doing?!" She exclaimed.

"I don't want them in." The redhead cringed.

"Chloe, you're not 5. Come on just let me give you them." Beca sighed as she turned her wife's head back and gently opened her eye.

As soon as Beca was about to squeeze the bottle again, Chloe freaked out again.

"Nope, nope, nope." She rolled off the couch, knocking Beca out of the way as she did so before trying to crawl away.


Chloe managed to scrambled to her feet and practically run behind the couch before Beca could grab her.

"What the fuck are you doing, weirdo?" Beca tried to ask without laughing as she got back up onto her feet. "Don't come crying to me when your eye falls out." She laughed as she threatened to run around the couch, making Chloe almost make a dash for it.

They heard the front door unlock and in the moment that Chloe turned her head, Beca took the opportunity to climb over the couch and jump onto the woman, wrapping her legs and arms around her in attempt to get her onto the floor.

The redhead squealed as she stumbled, trying to pull away Beca's arms so the woman would get off her.

"What the?..." Emily was the first to walk into the room, carrying Hailee on her back but stopped in her tracks when she caught sight of the two women before her.

"Get off me!" Chloe and Beca were both giggling uncontrollably as they stumbled and swayed around the room.

"Weirdos." Hailee commented as she hopped off of Emily before limping over to go see her little brother who was asleep in his baby carrier.

"Why are we friends with those two?" Stacie asked with a laugh as she pointed at the married couple who were now wrestling each other, Beca trying to pull Chloe to the ground.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Emily asked loudly.

"Trying to get Chloe to take her eye drops." Beca said breathlessly as she finally managed to get her wife on the floor, quickly straddling the struggling woman. "Hold her arms down for me."

"Nooooo!" The older woman whined as Emily and Stacie both came over and pinned Chloe's arms down to the floor.

"It'll be over in 2 seconds babe, I promise." Beca said calmly as she quickly opened Chloe's and dropped the drops in as fast as she could. "There. Takes a fucking army." She smirked, leaning down to kiss her wife on the lips before climbing off of her. "See? It was that bad." She chuckled as she helped Chloe back onto her feet.

The redhead just huffed as she blinked her eye, taking a seat on the couch. "How come you guys are home so early?" She wondered in confusion, resisting the urge to rub her eye.

"Clumsy McGhee slipped and hurt her ankle." Stacie also took a seat on the couch, motioning towards the 12 year old who limped towards her mother.

"Oh my god are you alright, baby? Do you need to get it checked out?" Chloe sat up, holding her arms out to her daughter who sat down on her lap.

"I'm sure it's just a sprain, chill out babe." Beca rolled her eyes before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Yeah, she's fine, right kid?" Emily winked at the girl, playfully nudging her.

A cry interrupted their conversation as Xander stirred.

"Aw look who finally decided to wake up. Don't cry, baby." Chloe said, waiting for Hailee to move off of her lap so she could walk over and pick up her son. She sat down on the floor with him, holding him close, letting him nuzzle into her neck as she soothingly rubbed his back.

"Are your brother and sister still coming down to see him next week?" Stacie wondered as she watched the way Chloe interacted with Xander.

"Yeah." The redhead smiled, excited that James and Ella were coming to finally meet their new nephew.

"Alright kid, put your foot on this." Beca placed a pillow on the table and helped Hailee lift her foot up before covering her ankle in a bag of ice.

"Thanks Beca." Hailee smiled at her step-mother as the woman sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her.

"Speaking of next week. I have a new song coming out Friday." Beca smirked.

"Really?!" Hailee asked in excitement.

Chloe just furrowed her brow at her wife, She normally knew about every new song way before they came out. "I haven't heard it."

"That's cause it's a little secret, you guys will hear it on the radio on Friday." The woman tapped the side of her nose, winking at her wife.

On Friday morning, James and Ella were out driving around in their mother's car. They arrived in LA the night before and were planning to go to their sister's for dinner tonight so they were just currently grabbing a coffee and taking a little drive.

"Hey, isn't that Beca?" James pointed out as they were on their way back to the car, coffee in hand.

Ella shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked over at the other side of the street where Beca was talking to a woman. "Yeah it is." They saw Beca laugh at the blonde woman in front of her and point at her left wrist which was covered by a wrap.

"I take it she just got another tattoo." James thought aloud as he pointed at the tattoo parlour behind Beca.

"It'll be for Xander probably." Ella said. "Who's that girl though?"

"A fan, maybe?" James shrugged as he climbed into the driver's seat of the car, his sister climbing in beside him.

"James that's no fan, why is Beca getting in her car?" The woman's eyes widened as she pointed at her little sister's wife climbing into another woman's car.

"No way." James whispered as he quickly pulled his seatbelt over himself. "What's that little fucker up to?" He muttered as he started up the car and pulled away from the curb, following the red car in front which Beca and the woman were in.

"What're you doing?" Ella hissed, ducking down in her seat.

"Following her! Dude if she's doing anything shady behind my sister's back, I wanna know about it so I can throttle her."

"Alright you need to calm down. You're probably just taking this the wrong way! She's my sister too but if you go to her accusing her wife of something she might not even be doing, that could fuck things up." The woman said seriously.

James exhaled loudly. "Just let me see where they go." He said and Ella didn't bother trying to stop him.

The pair had been following Beca for about 10 minutes before the car pulled into a driveway of a very beautiful little house.

"She's cheating on her, Ella!" James hissed as they drove straight past the house, knowing that they would be spotted if they hung around.

"Surely she wouldn't cheat on her, they've just had a baby for god sake!"

"I swear to god if she is." The man said through gritted teeth, hitting his hand off the steering wheel in frustration.

Ella pulled out her phone and called her sister. "Don't say a word." She warned her brother as it started to ring.


"Hey Chlo. I just wanted to ask what time you want us over today?" The woman asked her little sister.

"Uh 4 should be fine. Listen El, I'll need to call you back, Xander's crying."

"Beca not there?" She asked quickly before Chloe could end the conversation.

"No she's out getting another tattoo, she'll be home soon though. I really really need to go, I'll call you back." The call ended and Ella just shook her head.

"She only thinks Beca's out for a tattoo." She said quietly.

"Fuck sake." James muttered.

"Babe quick come through! It's about to come on!" Beca called to her wife who was in the kitchen. Her new song was about to come on the radio and she couldn't wait for her wife to hear it.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Chloe chuckled as she took a seat next to her wife on the couch and the silenced, the sound of the radio being the only thing filling the room.

"Up next we have a brand new, yes brand new and exclusive track from Beca Mitchell. Here's 'Perfect.'" The radio presenter said and Beca's smile stretched from ear to ear.

Instead of just letting her listen to it though, Beca turned to her wife and softly sang along.

(Song used: Perfect by Ed Sheeran)

I found a love for me

Darling just dive right in

And follow my lead

Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

Chloe gazed lovingly at her wife and smiled in adoration as the woman softly stroked her cheek with the back of her hand.

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes you're holding mine

As the chorus started, Beca stood up and took her wife with her before wrapping her arms around the woman, slowly dancing her around to room making Chloe giggle.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

For the next line, Beca leaned into Chloe's ear, resting her head against the redhead's as she sang the line a lot quieter than the rest.

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

That hit Chloe hard, she felt a lump form in her throat. It meant a lot because Beca knew how insecure she was at the moment.

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

Beca smiled at Chloe as she sang 'to carry children of our own', placing her hand on the woman's abdomen.

We are still kids, but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be yours too

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

The brunette led the redhead over to the shelf where their framed wedding photo sat and pointed at it as she sang the next line, overwhelming Chloe with emotion.

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

Beca finished the song with her wife's face in her hands, shaking her head as she sang the last few lines with a grin on her face.

"What do you think?" The younger woman asked excitedly, chewing on her bottom lip.

Chloe didn't say anything, instead she just pulled her wife's face towards her's by her neck and kissed her firmly.

Beca sang about not deserving Chloe but damn it's moments like these where Chloe doesn't think she deserves Beca.

Hmm what's Beca doing?...

Let me know what you think and thank you again for sticking by and supporting this story!