***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***


"Seems a waste to spend money on a hotel room when nobody is using it." Sanji remarked, trudging up onto the roof of the hotel, seeing all of us sitting around on the roof, and pursing his lips, "Where's Luffy?"

"He's over there." I answered, jerking my head towards the roof where he was sitting, lifting my head up, holding Ace's Vivre Card in my hands, and putting it back into my hat, "I guess we're not feeling very happy at the moment."

"Isn't that Ace's Vivre Card?" Shadow asked, sitting on my shoulder (she's in her Fennec Fox form), whispering at me, and glancing at the Vivre Card in confusion, "Why does it look like it's shrinking?"

"That's because it is shrinking." I murmured, sighing sadly, and scrunching my eyebrows together in concern.

"Didn't you say…" Shadow began, widening her eyes in shock, whispering, and darting her eyes at me.

"Yup." I nodded, staring back at Shadow with a serious expression, and pursing my lips into a straight line, "You can't tell the others. They have enough to worry about. I'm going to tell them…just not right now."

"Fine." Shadow scowled slightly, speaking faintly as she jumped onto Sanji's shoulder, and throwing me a pointed look, "You better, otherwise I'll tell them if you won't."

"Any luck on Robin?" Chopper inquired, glowering over at Sanji, furrowing his eyebrows together in unease, and standing by the hotel roof-railing.

"No, she hasn't come back yet." Sanji informed, shaking his head sadly, lighting up his cigarette, and staring at the sky with apprehension, "She never said anything to me about leaving."

"That's….concerning." Shadow admitted, pursing her lips together, and scrunching her eyebrows together in disquiet, "You don't think something bad happened to her, do you?"

"GUYS! IT'S ICEBERG!" Nami wheezed, barging onto the roof, putting her hands to her knees, and gazing at us with panic, "LAST NIGHT…HE WAS SHOT!"

"Somebody shot Ice-Pops?" Luffy repeated, widening his eyes, landing in front of her, and frowning slightly, "I thought everybody respected him…"

"Who's Iceberg?" Zoro questioned, sitting on the ground, and opening one of his eyes.

"He's the Mayor of Water 7 and the owner of the Galley-Law shipbuilding company." I informed, getting up, and frowning slightly, "Didn't those shipbuilders say those Government people were bugging Iceberg? Maybe they shot him."

Both Nami and I had changed clothes after everything that happened last night.

She was wearing a dark-purple tank-top with the number 3 written in white. She had a white skirt with her blue-heeled sandals.

I was wearing a black tank-top with a bright-blue vest over it. For my pants, I was wearing black-stretch pants with skull designs on it. On my feet were my favorite black-leather, steel-toed boots and I had on my normal accessories.

"He sounds important." Chopper guessed, turning towards us, and scrunching his eyebrows together.

"He is. Without Ice-Pops, there would be no Water 7." Luffy stated, narrowing his eyes, and rushing off, "I'm gonna check on him."

"WAIT!" Nami called, rushing after Luffy, and jumping into the Yagura, "I'm coming too."

"Let's go look for Robin, Chopper." Sanji suggested, smiling down at Chopper, and darting his eyes towards Zoro, "You coming, Cactus-Head?"

"SHUT-UP, DARTBOARD BROWS!" Zoro bickered, barring his teeth, a large tick-mark appeared on his forehead, and sitting against the railing, "I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH THE LIKES OF YOU!"

"We need to look for Robin or did you forget, Sanji?" Shadow intoned, stepping in between them (she's in her blonde-girl form), rolling her eyes, and heading out the door with Chopper and Sanji right behind her (she was pulling Sanji's ear), "We'll meet back up here if anything happens."

"Sounds good." I grinned, standing up, turning towards Zoro, and holding my green-dragon blade in my hands, "Up for a sparring match?"

"You know it." Zoro smirked, standing up, unsheathing his swords, charging at me, and swinging one of the swords at me, "Did you have Ace's Vivre Card out earlier?"

"Yeah." I nodded, blocking his sword with mine, and furrowing my eyebrows in puzzlement, "Why do you ask?"

"It got smaller, didn't it?" Zoro observed, narrowing his eyes slightly, and striking his sword again.

"Observant as ever, I see." I praised, widening my eyes, losing my grip on my blade slightly, and smiling sadly, "Don't tell the others. They have enough to worry about. They're gonna need to focus on what's to come and if they find out about this, it'll only shift their focus. I'm going to tell them, just not now."

"I won't tell them." Zoro assured, blocking my sword, and glancing at me briefly with softness (like how an older brother worries about their little sister), "Make sure that you don't lose your focus either."

"I'll be careful." I smiled, swinging my blade down at Zoro, and dodging his sword.


At Impel Down

"Why did you come back, Colby?" Ace rasped, lifting his head up when he heard footsteps stop at his cell, and glaring at Colby with annoyance.

"What the…" Colby trailed off, widening his eyes in horror upon seeing the state Ace is in, and calling to a guard, "Why hasn't this prisoner's wounds been treated? And he looks like he hasn't eaten in a week."

"Convicts' don't get medical treatment or food and water." the guard smirked evilly, shuffling towards the cell, bringing his javelin past the cell bars, and jabbing Ace in the side, "Pieces of shit like him don't get to be treated like human-beings."

I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I'M HEARING! Colby thought, watching the guard in disbelief, grinding his teeth, and freezing on the spot.

"Ever single guard here are just like that asshole." Ace spat, speaking quietly, and keeping his head down, "I can't complain. Level seven is nice compared to the other levels in this shit-hole."

"What are you talking about?" Colby questioned, his eyes widening bigger, and snapping his head towards Ace with apprehension.

"You have no clue how messed-up the Marines are, do you?" Ace noted, gazing over at Colby, and speaking expressionlessly, "This hell-hole has 6 levels. I'm in level 6. They put the pirates who they deem the most dangerous down here. The 1st level is called the Crimson Hell. It's where pirates who aren't a threat go to. The guards chase the convicts around a forest of blades. The 2nd level is the Wild Beast Hell. It's where pirates that have bounties over fifteen-thousand are sent to. The convicts on that level are chased by wild animals that will kill them. The 3rd level is the Starvation Hell. Pirates with bounties over fifty-thousand are sent there. As the name states, the prisoners' don't get any food or water. Basically, they're left to starve to death. The 4th level is the Blazing Hell. They torture prisoners here and keep prisoners here to burn to death. The 5th Level is called Freezing Hell. They keep pirates that have bounties over one-hundred-thousand berries. The prisoner's from that level either are frozen to death or lose body parts from frostbite. Lastly, we have Level 6. It's called Eternal Hell. They put people who they deem the most dangerous down here. The criminals sentenced to this level are either waiting for death row or a life-sentence."

"THE MARINES ARE ACTUALLY OK WITH THIS?!" Colby sputtered, widening his eyes in horror, and dark lines appeared on his face.

"These dirtbags aren't the heroes they make themselves out to be." Ace sneered, clenching his hands into fists, and glaring at the ground, "You seem like you're an honest one though…"

"I joined the Marines to make this world a better place. I want to take down the people who are actually the bad guys. Not people like you, Luffy, and Ivy." Colby confessed, narrowing his eyes in sadness, and clenching his hands into fists, "This isn't what the Marines are supposed to be about."

"Luffy and Ivy are good people, but I'm not." Ace spoke faintly, the light behind his eyes dimming, and lowering his head, "The world is better off without me in it."

"THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Colby hissed, glaring at Ace, and determination flashed into his eyes, "I've decided. I'm going to help you."

"DON'T BE STUPID!" Ace scolded, snapping his head up at Colby, and scowling deeply, "I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP NOR DO I NEED IT!"

"Luffy taught me if you truly want something, you just have to go for it." Colby retold, getting off his chair, and walking away, "I made up my mind to help you and that's what I'm going to do."


At Iceberg's House

"How is he doctor?" Kalifa sniffed, holding a handkerchief up to her nose, and wiping the tears from her face.

"He was shot in the front 2 times and 3 times in the back…" the doctor listed, leaning over Iceberg, and taking Iceberg's vitals, "Shooting someone, let alone that many times is horrible."

"According to the police, the locks weren't tampered with." Lulu recalled, sitting down on a chair, and crossing his arms against his chest, "There wasn't any signs that anybody used the keys to get in either."

"The officers said they didn't find any evidence except for a creepy looking mask." Kaku added, sitting on the chair beside Lulu, and tilting his head down.

"Sounds like Paulie is causing a ruckus again." Hitori guessed, hearing a commotion outside, and watching as Paulie barged into the hallway.

"GET OUT OF HERE, YOU LOUSY RATS!" Paulie roared, barring his teeth at the newspaper people, and racing towards Iceberg's room, "WHERE IS HE?!"


At The Franky Family House

WHAT THE HELL? WHO DESTORYED OUR HOUSE?! Franky thought, staring at the destroyed Franky House, standing in front of the wreckage with a look of disbelief on his face, and smirking darkly when he realized who destroyed the house, Of course. That stupid Straw Hat.

"BIG BRO!" a random Franky Family member coughed, lying in the dirt, seeing Franky standing there, and reaching out his hand towards Franky, "THE STRAW HATS…THEY WEREN'T NORMAL!"

"I figured it was them." Franky confessed, trekking over to the guy, helping him up, and frowning in concern at him, "Are you guys all right?"

"It's more our pride that's bruised than anything else." another Franky Family Member wheezed, getting up, and bending his head down in shame, "We're so ashamed that we let you down, Big Bro."

"It's not any of your fault. It's mine. I should've done more research on them." Franky dismissed, clenching his hands into fists, and a pissed aura seeping out of him, "Where are those Assholes?"

"They checked into a hotel in the city." Zambai told, glancing at the others, and not looking Franky in the eye, "There's something else that you should know…"

"Spit it out already." Franky ordered, narrowing his eyes at Zambai, and pushing down his sunglasses.

"It's Iceberg…" Kairiki gulped, beads of sweat appearing on his face, and speaking in a rush, "He was shot last night. They're blaming the Straw Hats for it."

WHAT? THEY SHOT ICE-FOR-BRAINS?! Franky thought, widening his eyes in shock, stomping towards the city, and a super-pissed expression appeared on his face, "LET'S GO, MOZU, KIWI! THOSE STRAW HATS ARE DEAD!"

"Coming, Big Bro." Mozu and Kiwi called, rushing after Franky, and heading towards the city.


At the Train Station (Kokoro and Chimney)

"GRANNY! GRANNY!" Chimney cheered, standing outside, and trying not to fly-away, "THIS IS FUN! COME TRY IT!"

The wind…it's getting colder and the waves are becoming rough. No doubt about, Aqua Laguna is heading our way. Kokoro thought, shutting the train office, locking the door, and calling towards Chimney, "Chimney. Gimbe. Let's go. Aqua Laguna is coming."

"Right." Chimney nodded, grabbing Gimbe, and shuffling towards the sea-train.


To Sanji, Chopper, and Shadow

"We searched all the bookstores in the city. None of the store owners saw Robin." Shadow huffed, crossing her arms against her chest, and looking uneasy, "What else does Robin like?"

"Ancient ruins." Chopper suggested, turning into his walk-point form, and glancing up at us.

"True, she does like ancient ruins, but there aren't any here." Sanji agreed, standing beside Chopper, and frowning in thought, "Is there anything else she likes?"

"Ancient ruins." Chopper repeated, staring innocently up at us, and standing beside Sanji.

"I ALREADY SAID THERE WEREN'T ANY ANCIENT RUINS SO QUIT SAYING THAT!" Sanji chided, barring his teeth at Chopper, his eyes turning white, and glancing at Shadow, "She and Ivy like gardening don't they, Shadow?"

"Yeah, we can tr…" Shadow nodded, trailing off when she felt something off about the weather, and sniffing the air, "The air…it's gotten colder."

"Now that you mention it, the air does feel different than before." Chopper concurred, sniffing the air, and looking unsettled, "The only time the weather changes like this is when there's a…"

"Big storm." Chopper and Shadow finished, talking in sync, and turning their heads towards a loud speaker.

"This is an announcement from the Water 7 weather department. Aqua Laguna has been sighted heading this way." a voice from the loudspeaker spoke, "Remain calm and evacuate immediately."

"Aqua Laguna?" Sanji echoed, frowning slightly in confusion, and turning towards a person that was walking past him, "Excuse me, but what was that announcement about?"

"I forgot. You're tourists, so you wouldn't know." the man smiled, stopping, turning towards Sanji, and explaining, "Aqua Laguna is a huge storm that comes around this time every year. It floods the whole city in water."

"Thank you." Shadow thanked, bowing at the guy, and turning towards Sanji and Chopper, "We really need to find Robin before Aqua Laguna hits."

"I'M COMING, ROBIN-CHAWN!" Sanji cooed, doing his noodle dance as he ran, his eyes going into his heart-mode, barring his teeth at Chopper when Chopper ran in front of him, a large-tick mark appeared on his face, running beside Chopper, and competing with him, "OI! DON'T GET IN FRONT OF ME, CHOPPER!"

"I WANT TO FIND ROBIN TOO!" Chopper bickered, barring his teeth at Sanji, and competing with him.

"I'M GOING TO FIND ROBIN-SWAN 1ST, BLUE-NOSE! SO BACK OFF!" Sanji bantered, barring his teeth at Chopper, and running beside Chopper.

"AT LEAST I'M NOT A PERVERT!" Chopper bickered, barring his teeth at Sanji, a large tick-mark appeared on his head, and running beside Sanji.

"IT'S CALLED CHIVARY, YOU FURRBALL!" Sanji defended, barring his teeth, the tick-mark growing bigger, and running next to Chopper, "IF SHOWING MY LOVE TO WOMEN EVERYWHERE MAKES ME A PERVERT THEN SO BE IT!"

How stupid. Shadow thought, a large sweatdrop appeared on her forehead, running behind them, and watching the scene in front of her with deadpanned-eyes, It doesn't matter which one of us finds Robin, just as long as we find her.


In Iceberg's Office

"Iceberg has regain consciousness." Kalifa informed, shuffling out of Iceberg's room, and smiling at the people in the lobby, "He's allowed to have visitors now."

"THAT'S GREAT!" Lulu cheered, grinning widely, racing into the room, and smiling at Iceberg, "ICEBERG, YOU'RE ALIVE!"

"Well, as you can see, I'm alive." Iceberg chuckled weakly, laying down in his bed, and smiling at everyone, "I'm sorry for making everyone worry."

"We're just glad you're ok." Paulie grinned, stepping into the room, and gazing at Iceberg with happiness, "Don't worry about the shipyard, we'll handle it until you get better. You just rest."

"There were two people in the room last night. The one who shot me was a big man. He was wearing a cape and a mask so I don't know who he was. The other one was a woman with black hair and piercing blue eyes." Iceberg recalled, petting his mouse, and frowning, "There's no mistaken it. It was Nico Robin."

"But that means…" Kaku began, widening his eyes, and narrowing his eyes, "It was the Straw Hat Rascal who ordered you killed."

That scrawny kid didn't seem like the type to kill someone Paulie thought, glaring, and storming out of the office.


To Nami and Luffy

"What did you hit me for, Nami?" Luffy whined, rubbing his head with his hand, pouting, and sitting in the Yagura.

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU GOT MY CLOTHES WET, YOU JERK!" Nami seethed, barring her teeth, a large-tick mark appeared on her forehead, and scrunching her eyebrows together when she saw the crowd of people surround Iceberg's office, "With all these people wanting to visit Iceberg, I doubt we'll be able to see him."

"If we want to find out what happened, we need to talk to him." Luffy declared, getting out of the Yagura, tilting his head sideways in confusion when he heard music, and pursing his lips, "Why is there music?"

"STRAW HAT! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" a voice raged.

"This music…Don't tell me…" a random Water 7 Citizen uttered, going pale, and hearing the music, "FRANKY'S HERE!"