Top of the morning to ya lads and lasses… sorry I'll stop that now. I've received some great feedback for my first chapter and I thank all of you for that. This time I've tried imitating Jack's Irish accent, please tell me what you guys think in the review section. Hope you like it, and without further ado, here is Darkness Falls chapter 2.

Jack's POV

It's been a few weeks since that terrifying exchange with Mark. I've had the cameras and microphones checked, but there isn't anythin' wrong with 'em. The static doesn't appear when I'm editing, neither does he. The jump cuts aren't planned, but they're fucking scary. That face looked like mine, but darker, and that smile gave me chills. I didn't record anythin' like that, that's what's freakin' me out.

I keep 'avin' these weird moments where time has passed, but I don't remember what I was doin'. Recently, before these 'blackouts' as I've been callin' 'em, I get a cold chill up me back, and after 'em I've been covered in my own blood. I really want to tell Mark what's 'appenin', tell 'im I'm scared, but I don't think he'll understand or even believe me. I don't want to overreact or come across as nuts… or more nuts than normal.

*Knock knock*

Oh and somethin' else, whenever I've had time to think, it's there. Knockin'. In me head. Like someone tryin' to get in. I kept thinkin' someone was at the door, but now it's just a constant reminder not to let down my guard. Never to let my mind wander.

*Knock knock*

Me phone buzzed, snappin' me out of the trance. I switch on the phone and smile; my background is Mark, Wade, Ken and I on stage at Pax. That was so fun, even if Mark had rejected me. I shook me head, I'd been over this, it hadn't meant anything. We were both straight… right?

*Knock knock knock*

The message was from Felix, I also noticed a load of missed calls from 'im. Weird… I never reject calls from me mates. I decided to ring 'im.
"Hey Pewds, what's up?"
"Jack! Tack Gud! Why have you been rejecting my calls?"
"Hey calm mate. I dunno why me phone rejected your calls. Sorry, I didn't even know you'd called." I heard a sigh at the other end, then a high pitched laugh. I smiled to meself.
"Jees, thought you had been killed by Anti or somethin'" My smile dropped. The unplanned glitches and the scary version of meself had been given a name. Damn those fangirls. Anti was becomin' a thing, not that it wasn't cool for the fans to have a new darker Jack to play with, but it wasn't me. If it had been planned, then it would be BOSS, but with these new blackouts and jumpcuts "Anti" was becomin' a terrifying concept. I gave a forced laugh to Felix.
"Yeah, well you're still stuck we me."
"Shame" Felix mocked and I laughed "Hey, how is septiplier going?" I froze. My heart fluttered at the idea of septiplier becoming real, but I quickly locked away that thought. I cared about Mark, but it was only respect an' friendship. I mean, he was the reason I was on YouTube now, but nothin' more than that. I felt me face grow warm, but quickly responded to Felix's teasing.
"Fuck off, Felix." I yelled defensively, he just laughed at the other end.
"Still in denial huh, why don't you two fuck already?" He repeated what he had said at the panel. I smiled, Septiplier was dying out now, much to my disappointment, but it was funny to hear the screams when I hugged Mark on stage. I sighed over the phone. "Alright, alright I'll drop it… for now. What are you up to anyway, Jack?" I was about to answer when a chill ran up my back, my eyes widened.

*Knock knock knock… BANG!*

When I came back to my senses my flat was a mess: sofa cushions were all over the floor, my phone had been smashed on the floor, and blobs of blood were on me face and in me hair. I ran to the bathroom, but cried out when I saw writing on the mirror.

"It's me?" I read, voice crackin' as I read the letters scrawled in me own blood, dripping from the mirror.