Mage: Hey guys/gals you have no idea how happy it makes me to see that people like this story I love all the reviews I'm getting thank so much.

Description: Dumbledore new Harry wouldn't be safe with the Dursley's so he decided to send Harry to his Great aunt Dorthy Zbornack in hopes that she will give him a life filled with love.

Warning: Possible Yaoi/gay slash.

Disclaimer: I don't own Golden Girls or Harry Potter

Mage: Hey guys I just want to say how happy I am to see how popular this story has gotten I have had this idea for over a year finally grew the guts to post I and I am so happy I did.

Chapter four

A few weeks later find Harry and the girls at King's Cross Station. The girls were a mess, not wanting their boy to leave but understood that he needed to.

"Oh, Aunt Blanche, I'll be fine; it's Hogwarts, one of the safest places to practice magic," said Harry, trying to soothe the crying southern bell.

"Oh honey, I know, but I'm gonna miss you. Who will I take shopping with me?" asked Blanche, wiping her eyes.

"That's what you'll miss about having him around?!" shouted Dorothy.

"Well you guys got tired of going with me, and Rose doesn't know what to wear," said Blanche.

"I do too," insisted Rose.

"Oh honey please, just look at what you're wearing," said Blanche.

The conversation went downhill from there as the girls began to bicker among themselves. Sophia managed to slip away with Harry to give him some advice.

"Alright kid, I know you're still a little sore with me over what happened with Victor and his Grandma," said Sophia, seeing Harry become a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah a little; I can see why you did that to his Grandma, but why do you have to keep me from talking to him?" asked Harry.

"I'm sorry, kid, but that isn't what this is about. I want you to know that you shouldn't judge people by their name or actions in the past," explained Sophia.

"How can you say that?" asked Harry, getting a little annoyed at his Grandma.

"Now I know that makes me sound like a hypocrite, but it's how I was raised, just take my advice, okay kid?" asked Sophia.

"Okay, Grandma," said Harry, but they were interrupted by the sound of the whistle going off. "I gotta go; love you."

Soon Harry took off towards the train with his trunk. After settling down in one of the compartments, he looked out the window and waved goodbye to his family who were waving and crying.

Soon after the train left the station, Harry took out one of his books, but when he opened it, he saw that it was hollowed out and filled with letters.

Dear Harry,

How are you doing, my friend? I have managed to arrive to Dumstrung safely and settled into my dorm.

I truly have missed talking with you; hopefully now that I am here, I will be able to send more letters.

Sincerely, Victor

P.S. the runes on the back have some books inside; I think you will like them and hopefully they make up for missing your birthday.

Turning the paper over, Harry found the runes and swiped over them, causing three books to appear.

:A Beginners Guide to Neutral Magic:

:A Step By Step Guide to Being A Medi-Witch or Wizard:

:History of Dumstrung School of Magic:

Harry was ecstatic with the books he had received. After putting his letters back in their hidden case, he set the Dumstrung history and the Step by Step Guide to Medi Magic in his trunk. After relaxing in his seat, he opened his book and began to read and enjoy the silence around him while his owl Hedwig slipped out of her cage and perched herself on her master's knee and relaxed as well.

Just as he was getting to a chapter on defensive spells there was a knock on the compartment door. Before he could even mutter a 'come in,' the person opened his compartment door and sat on the seat across from him.

Leveling a glare at the rude boy, Harry asked, "Um, can I help you?"

"No thanks," said the boy.

Harry only looked at the boy, and the only thought that came to mind was 'wow that's kind of rude.'

"Um okay, I'm Harry," said Harry, figuring he should at least introduce himself.

As aunt Blanche always said, 'it's better to be civil than rude, but trash them when you're in private'; not one of her better lessons but what could you do?

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley. Hey, did you hear that Harry Potter was coming this year?" asked Ron, "I'm going to find him and the two of us are going to be best mates and go on loads of adventures."

"Hm, really now, and how can you be so sure?" asked Harry.

"Cause he's a Potter and will want to be aligned with one of the best light side families in England which is mine," said Ron, his chest puffing out in pride.

"Maybe he would prefer to be neutral," countered Harry, giving the boy a glare.

"Who's stupid enough to go neutral when you could be on the side of Dumbledore and Harry Potter?" said Ron, looking confused. "I bet you're one of those snotty pure bloods who only cares about themselves and hates muggle born; I can't believe I'm sharing a compartment with a filthy Death eater," said Ron before storming out.

"Well that was rude," said Harry, directing his statement towards Hedwig who was glaring at the door.

The boy and his owl sat in silence for a few minutes while Harry read his book. But they were interrupted again however by a girl with frizzy hair knocking on their door before entering.

'Well at least she knocked.'

"Can I help you?" asked Harry.

"Yes, have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one," said the girl.

"No sorry, but there is a summoning charm that could find him," said Harry. "But you might need to find a fourth year to help you; they might know it."

"Wait if it's a fourth year spell, how do you know it?" questioned the girl.

"Oh, my Aunt uses it a lot," said Harry.

"Oh well that is quit interesting , So are you a pure blood then?," asked the girl.

"No I'm what MACUSA, the American Ministry calls a pure half blood." said Harry, looking up from his book.

"Wow your from America, and how is it different from a half blood?"

"my mom was from a long line of pure blood squibs/ and witchs who then married a muggle making her a half blood" said Harry.

"Then when she married my dad who was a pure blood, i was technically a half blood, having muggle blood but sticl more magic then muggle making me a pure half blood."

The girl just looked at him funny then left with out another word.

'hm,how strange' thought Harry

The rest of the trip was silent for Harry; the only sound was of him turning page after page in his book, but he was interrupted by the old lady who pushed the trolley.

"Do you have anything for owls?" asked Harry, looking at the selection.

"I'm afraid not, dear," she said, with a small frown. "But you could have it try an ice mouse; some of the students' cats like them."

"Oh okay, um I'll have some Glacial Snow Flakes and some Chocolate Frogs please, oh, and one ice mouse."

"Coming right up, dear. That will be two sickles and three knuts," said the Lady.

"Here you go, ma'am," said Harry.

'What a sweet boy,' thought the woman.

After unwrapping an iced mouse and watching Hedwig dive after it, Harry was pleasantly surprised to see her eat it.

"You just ate it so it wouldn't go to waste, didn't you?" said Harry, looking at the owl who only gave him a side look before putting her head under her wing.

"Uh huh, that's what I figured," said Harry, "Silly owl."

The rest of the trip went soundly, with Harry pulling on his robes, When the train halted to a stop, Harry was looking around the platform to see many more first years gathering around a giant of a man.

"Fi'st years! Over 'ere! Fi'st years! Follow me!", Hagrid nodded, "Watch yeh step!", he added.

Boats filled the water, and off into the distance you could see a castle sitting high on a mountain. All the windows showing with bright lights coming from them.

"No more'n four to a boat! Yeh all get yeh fi'st sight of Hogwarts soon.", Hagrid ordered.

As Harry got in he helped 2 other students into the boat the bushy haired girl from earlier, and a blond haired boy who seemed rather nervous.

Harry lost his breath in awe as the boats rounded a corner and there stood Hogwarts Castle in all it's glory.

Soon enough the boats soon came up the cliff, Hagrid called out, "Heads down!".

Staying ducked, the boats moved them through a curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the side of the castle. They were carried along a dark tunnel that, Harry guesses, was under the castle. Soon enough they came to area of pebbles and rocks and the boats stopped.

As the boats landed the Grounds keeper Hagrid spoke up gaining everyone attentions.

"eh their, aint that's yer toad?" asked Hagrid pointing to the toad on the ground.

"Trevor!", Neville cried, swiping the toad quickly and holding it close.

Hagrid nodded, and moved over to a set of heavy doors. "Everyone 'ere? Still got your toad? Alrighty then..", he raised a gigantic fist and knocked of the doors

The doors swung open almost at once, to reveal a stern woman with black hair, wearing dark coloured robes. She eyed them carefully, before nodding.

"Tis Professor McGonagall.", Hagrid stated, nodding towards her.

"Follow me.", she ordered, turning around to walk forward.

As the students followed her Harry couldn't help but look at everythiing around him from the moving portraits and the high cieling's, Harry was awe struck by the castles beauty.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I am Professor McGonagall. The start-of-term banquet is about to begin, however before you take your seat you will be sorted into your house." said Minerva.

"While you are at Hogwarts, your house shall be like a second family. You will eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with your house. You will attend classes with your house. You will spend your free time inside of your house common room.", she said, "The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While at Hogwarts, you will earn house points to aim for the House Cup. For any rule breaking, you will loose points.", she finished.

"The Sorting Ceremony will start in a few moments, so I suggest you smarten yourselves up.", she stated, eyes glancing towards the redhead and Neville. She huffed slightly, "Please wait patiently.", she said before leaving the chamber through two doors that she closed behind her.

I heard the Potter's are attending this year.", said the red haired boy from earlier.

"Not like it matters to you.", sneered a voice.

Harry turned to see a pale-blond haired boy making his way over

"Handy down clothes, freckles, and red hair. Outta say you're a Weasley.", the boy sneered,before noticing Harry,

"Name is Draco Malfoy, pleasure.", he said.

"Harry Zbornak" said Harry,

"hm, I'm not familiar with that name," said Draco, before walking off to join to dumb looking boys.

when McGonagall strode back into the chamber, "Everyone follow me.", she ordered, opening the doors wider for the first years to follow.

She walked right into the large great hall, and Harry found himself staring at the ceiling.

"I read in Hogwarts: A History that ceiling is charmed to look like the sky.", Hermione Granger whispered from behind him.

There sitting on a chair, was a old, patched, dirty hat.

Harry noticed that everyone was now directing their attention to the hat. He put his attention in hat as well, waiting for something to happen.

That's when a seam opened open in the hat, and it began to sing.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
your top hats sleek and tall,
for I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat and I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see,
so try me on and I will tell you where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; you might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuff is are true and unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) for I'm a Thinking Cap!"

"When I call your names, sit on the stool and put on the hat.", McGonagall ordered.

"Abott, Hannah!"

A pink-faced girl with blond pig-tails moved out of the line of first years, sat on the stood, and put on the hat.


One table burst into applause, and she moved over to said table.

"Hope I don't get sorted into Slytherin. You-Know-Who was one, and Slytherin always produces the worst wizards.", Ron muttered.

Alex shifted slightly, as the rest of the students got sorted.

"Brocklehurt, Mandy!"


"Brown, Lavender!"


"Bulstrode, Millicent!"


It continued on. Hermione Granger got sorted in Gryffindor, as did Neville. Draco Malfoy got into Slytherin, and many more got sorted into houses. Until eventually, McGonagall finally came down to 'Potter'.

"Potter, Harry!"

"Did she say Potter?"

"The Harry Potter?!"

Harry moved forward, knowing that the whole hall was watching his every move, as he made his way up to the stool.

'hm oh my well while this isn't going to be be very hard, while you have the brains of a Ravenclaw, the bravery of a Gryffindor, and the ambition of a Slytherin to get the job done your loyalty and desire to work hard out shines' said the hat

'oh um thank you' thought Harry.

'Your quit welcome' said the hat.

"Better Be HufflePuff!" shouted the hat.

With those words the table decked out in black and yellow stood and cheered.

He sat at the end of the table, and watched as the rest of the first years were sorted.

"Hi I'm Hannnah." said the blond girl with pig tail, from earlier.

"Hi Hannah, I'm Harry" said Harry, introducing herself.

After dinner and the school song, Dumbledore explained the rules to them which included staying away from the third floor corridor and to stay out of the forbidden forest, and set them off on their way.

Mage: Wow, just Wow I am stunned with how popular this story is and I just want to thank each and every one of you that had left a review or liked and followed this story.