It's a beautiful morning in the middle of autumn. The sky is clear today, the sun's shining bright but the air is still as cold. Pretty leaves falling from it branch, dancing along with the breeze.

This beautiful scenery would most likely tempting people to enjoy the nature. at least that's what's in the young don of Vongola's mind.

While staring longingly at his wide window he sighed heavily. 'What a beautiful day...' He thought. 'Yet I'm stuck here with these... these stupid little things from hell!' he glared at the innocent looking papers, namely paperwork... Ha! Innocent my a**...

He takes a sip on the coffee that Skull gave him earlier. It tasted a bit weird but he can still recognize it as one. Perhaps the daredevil mistaken salt as sugar, but either way he still drinks it out of politeness.

'Geez, when will I ever stop doing this?' The Decimo thought after a while. He's rubbing his forehead for the incoming headache. If only he can burn them all in one go, perhaps his life would be much easier. But thanks to a certain sadistic hitman those papers are made of anti-flames, which annoy the brunet to no end.

"Tch... I can't take it anymore! I'm taking break!" He announced to the empty room.

This is his first year to lead the Vongola, the biggest company in the world and the strongest mafia Famiglia in underworld. so it's an understatement that he still can't adjust himself from the pressure especially the one that those paperwork gave him now that he handle it himself unlike when he's still young don in train.

and so now the young don, who's identified named Sawada Tsunayoshi or Tsunayoshi de Vongola, is trying to make his effort of sneaking out on his own mansion without getting caught by any of his guardians.

But then after some moments he realises that the mansion is empty...

No sounds of destruction anywhere...

if these past days those voices decreasing, today he heard none of it...

It's quiet...

Too quiet...

'Where's everyone?' Tsuna questioned as he purposely walk out of his hideout. Even after standing there like an idiot for couple of minutes no one came to drag him back. In fact no one passed that long hall way.

'This is odd...' Tsuna thought as he began to worrying his families' behalf. Was it an ambush?!

Tsuna running frantically while searching for anyone. He almost going to shout their names but then he stopped his feet abruptly in front of the meeting room where he heard voices. Familiar voices of his family.

Tsuna sighed in relief and thinking on opening the door to join them, but he immediately stop when he heard...

"So, let's just get jump to the point. we are here to discuss about Juudaime..."

'This voice, Hayato? Why does he sound deadly serious? And what did he say? This meeting is about me?' Tsuna thought.

"maybe some of you still haven't known about this, but in the battle that occur last week Juudaime had killed..." Gasps of disbelieve can be heard, including from Tsuna who eavesdropping from behind the door.

'What's this? What is he talking? Why would Hayato tell them that? He had promised me not to tell anyone! Why?' due to his shock, he took some step back. 'I... I shouldn't have heard this, right? I should probably get back to my office' He thought as he tried to filled his mind with happy thoughts so he won't make any bad assumption on what's his best friend said.

But curiosity is overwhelming him, when he also heard his beloved mother's voice, 'wait... shouldn't she be in Japan to get rehabilitation with Tou-san?' He questioned as he decided to hear some more.

"I don't believe it too but he really did it, I saw it with my own eyes. And so we can't deny the fact that he has killed and not just one but many people. And mercilessly at that..." her voice sounds saddened and it pained his heart to hear those coming from his own mother. 'Kaa-san... how could you? You'd promised me...'

The maids and butler starts to mutter some painful words such as 'I can't believe it!' 'and I thought that sir Decimo is a kind man' 'how ruthless' 'to make his own mother see that view' 'poor Nana-sama'...

-and much more...

Tsuna can't stand their words. he take some step backs while covering his mouth so no voice could escape. His chest is twisting painfully and his eyes are teary...

The low whispers began to change into shouts but Tsuna could process on what are they shouting about or even who was shouting because 'why? Why? Why?' is what's in his mind right now.

He felt his heart ache when he heard Gokudera statement before, he's one of the first few people who have faith in him. If he dares say such thing then what's in the others mind?

His heart break when her mother accuses him to kill those kidnappers mercilessly. It's not like he had any other option!

Just then a gunshot echoing from inside, Tsuna hurriedly snapped himself and eavesdropping again, this time he heard Reborn speaks, "You all are noisy..." He said darkly. "If you don't believe on what the guardians said then just die"

Now Tsuna is dumbstruck. His heart officially break when Reborn, his tutor, his own adviser, the one who he trusts worth of his own life, said that...

'Aren't you the one who drag me into this mess Reborn? So why? Why don't you defend me?' tears can be seen falling from his orange sunset eyes. he hurriedly erase them but they don't stop flowing. 'Besides... isn't live in mafia means to be killed or to kill in order to survive? I was trying to save you all back then! So why are you accusing me like this?' he silently cried.

After some moments later he let out a weak-sad chuckle. 'Perhaps they're just tired of me and maybe this entire killing topic was just an excuse to get rid of me... now that makes more sense isn't it?' He thought gloomily after he finally manages to overcome his tears.

Tsuna had it enough. he don't want to think badly about his own family and so before he can hear much more, he decided to entered the room with a bright smile... a bright yet fake smile.

Everyone seems too shocked to see him.

"T-Tsuna! Why are you here?" Yamamoto asked while smiling sheepishly.

By now Tsuna pretends to be surprised too. "I was strolling along because I'm bored but then I find no one anywhere. So I began to look for you guys. I thought there was an ambush or so, I was so worry." Tsuna honestly said. "I'm glad to see you all save!" he chirped. But no one responded to his enthusiasm. They all give him a fake smile. It breaks his heart into pieces at the thought that what he thought before might be true.

But before he can utter any words he felt something cold against his skull. It's Reborn "Can't you see that we're having an important meeting here, Dame-Tsuna? Now move your a** and get back to your office to finish those paperwork." Reborn threatened darkly and with that Tsuna scrambled back to his office.

But as soon he reached his office, instead of doing what he told he slumped himself against the door and cried...

Now he know why ever since that day none of his friends visited him.

He thought they did because they're tired from the battle, but in reality they are tired of him.

He had hopes but after seing their nervous faces he can only come into one conclusion and that's the cause of his tears...