AN: So, this is an AU and it's a side project, but there will be a couple characters that I'm using from my other series. Enjoy!

Nico could tell that something was eating away at Will. After living together for the past five or six years, he had come to be familiar with the passing moods of his boyfriend. Most of the time, Will's quieter moods and sulkiness could be attributed to losing a patient.

But on a beautiful day like today, with the sun shining brightly on them as they sat in a cheerful park with ice cream…

Nico frowned at Will, "What?"

Will looked at him, startled, "Huh?"

Nico growled slightly, "You've hardly touched your ice cream and you've been way too quiet for the past week. Maybe longer. I've been having to hold all of the conversations, and half the time you aren't even listening. I've said some pretty wild stuff and you didn't even bat an eye. What's going on?"

Will sighed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so…"

"Distant, passive, worrying?"

"Let's stick with distant. I guess I've just had some things on my mind." Will ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair.

"Like?" Nico pressed, finally just tossing out his ice cream cone. He couldn't finish it. He was finally getting answers.

Will looked uncomfortable, "It's just…it's nothing. Really."

Nico felt his jaw drop. He couldn't believe Will had just said that. His Will had just avoided something, which meant it was really important. And Nico hated when Will kept important things from him. Will just lied to him.

"Seriously Nico, it's not important."

Nico's mouth shut with a click as his teeth hit each other. "Home, now. You're in trouble."

Will groaned, "Nico."

"Now, Will." Nico clenched his teeth, and gripped Will's wrist. He pulled the taller boy after him, despite protests from Will and amused looks from passersby. He pulled him all the way to their house in their nice quiet neighborhood, unlocked the door and dragged Will into the living room. He propelled his boyfriend onto the couch and then stood there with his arms crossed.

"First off, we don't lie to each other. Never." Nico started angrily, "Secondly, you've been worrying me for over a week with what you're calling nothing, but you aren't acting like yourself so it must be something. And I swear if you haven't told me what it is within the next five minutes I'm going to come at you with my sword and you'll wish you could die."

Will shifted slightly, his gaze dropping to the floor, "I was just thinking about what I wanted when I was younger."

Nico scowled, "Okay…and?"

Will glanced up quickly, just enough for Nico to be able to tell that he was embarrassed and worried.

"And…I don't know. I guess I still want some of the things. But, they aren't exactly possible." Will mumbled.

Nico's concern grew, "Why?"

Will rubbed his face with his hands, "Because…I…" He sighed.

"You what, Will?" Nico heard his own voice break, desperate to find out what was bothering the person he loved most.

Will finally looked up at Nico, his face sad. Heart-wrenchingly sad. And he just barely said, "I wanted to have kids."

Nico flinched, "Oh." It wasn't that he was against having kids. He wasn't. But with Nico's record (stupid monsters), it wasn't like they could adopt or foster any kids. And they weren't like the gods: gender did matter when it came to giving birth. Nico would never forget those awkward health classes. More than that, Will's dream was obviously from before he fell for Nico, and that reminder that Will was a little Bi was not a welcome one in Nico's mind.

Will had his head in his hands, his elbows on his knees, eerily quiet.

Nico swallowed and sat down beside Will, "That's…"

"Not possible. I know." Will said again.

Nico's mind raced, trying to find a solution.

That's when he remembered something Cassie had said during their Iris Message a couple days ago.

"What about a surrogate?" Nico said softly, hugging himself since Will wasn't doing so.

"Right, because those are so easy to find. Plus they do background checks, how would we explain your record?"

Nico shifted, "If we can get the person I'm thinking of, we could just tell the truth."

Will sat up and looked at Nico in confusion, "Who were you thinking of?"

"Her name is Megara, she's a daughter of Eileithyia. Cassie was telling me that she's a midwife, but that she's also a surrogate. I could ask Cassie for her number to set up a meeting." Nico offered. He was worried that he was getting Will's hopes up, but it didn't hurt to try asking her, did it?

Will frowned at the floor, "I don't know…"

"Look, I'm supposed to go visit Cassie tomorrow anyway. She's on bed rest and is desperate for company. I'll ask about Megara and find out more, and if Cassie thinks that Megara would do it, then I'll text you and you can let me know if you at least want to ask." Nico wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's chest.

Will's arms went around Nico, "Alright."

Nico gave a squeeze, hoping that he hadn't just set them both up for disappointment.