
Kirik was on the ground, Bat-cuffs tight around his wrists and ankles. He glared at the sidekick, who was huddled in a ball less than five feet away and smirking at him. Don't look so smug, Boy Wonder, we're not done yet. Next time there won't be any traitorous henchmen or heroic Batman. It'll be me and you, far away from here in a place that nobody will ever be able to find. I will break you, Robin, even if it takes the rest of my lifeā€¦.


P.S. Thanks for reading and commenting; you guys are awesome and it's been a great run! I'm taking a break for an undetermined amount of time but I'm not vanishing from the face of the earth. :) I'll be back with two new stories ("Growing Pains" and an untitled one) and a sequel to this one because I was just informed that Kirik has escaped from Arkham ("If At First You Don't Succeed..."). So, keep an eye out for me - only if you want to, of course. ;-) Thanks again!