Angel: Hi guys! This is the last season…and only with 20 episodes. Cry…D': But, hopefully I can make this last story of the series as exciting as the episodes are…I've already been told some spoilers for this season, but I'd rather not spoil it for anyone else. I loved the new intro, too, love how it doesn't include Casey XD. But if you guys want to see some spoilers if you don't care, there's promos currently on Youtube. And it took me a WEEK to find this episode online, let alone a link that works, and the next episode's script is already out along with the episode, so I might update tomorrow if I have enough time.
KS: *dances happily with Lukie on her hands* Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! In your face, in your face, in your face! *squeals* Finally Shredder died! Now I can finally sleep calmly, knowing that Shredder is no longer a threat! We still need to deal with Kavaxas, though... you know, the Lord of the Demodragons voiced by Mark Hamill, old Luke Skywalker... I fangirled like crazy when I figured that! Raph, finally someone agrees with me and swears, high-five! Oh, wait, you have three... high-three! *high-threes Raph* Since when does Jewel have Amy's ice powers? For all I know, only super strength and super speed... meh. *shrugs* And, isn't this the first time ANYONE in the whole series called Mikey 'Michel'? Ah, whatever.
nina14j: (my BFFFF)*cheering in Spanish*
nina14j: Hm?
Cool it...
nina14j: *whispers to my ear*
Okay, I can do that... Donnie, nina says that she's your fan, ships Apriltello and, more like fangirl love, feels a maternal love to you or something... She can't tell you herself, she doesn't speak English.
nina14j: *hugs Donnie and kisses his cheek for then telling him something in Spanish*
She says she's proud of all of you four, Donnie mostly for doing efforts for making retro mutagen and stopping Super Shredder... We'll both wait for the fifth story in excitement!
nina14j: Booyakasha!
That's all she'll say for today. *chuckles*
Angel: This is…surprisingly long. *chuckles* But I think we can manage. Okay, I'm happy that Shredder is dead too, he deserved it for what he did to everyone. And as I've said, not a Star Wars fan. And Jewel's had ice powers ever since I let her into the story, read the profile XD and when Donnie said that…I felt kinda awkward since that's my last name in real life…but it's pronounced differently.
Donnie: It's nice to have a fan who loves me like a fan and not in a romantic way, since I'm dating April…*rubs cheek*
April: That kiss was the last one…right?
Donnie: April, you know I love you.
Angel: Aww!
Donnie: Shut up! And it wasn't just me, if it wasn't for Lia, Shredder wouldn't be dead.
Bajy: My review didn't get through so I'm doing a new one. Making this brief: things I didn't like at all (my own opinion so please don't be mad at me): Koan (again still hate him) and the spiritual plane thing (I have my own reasons) to me its nothing but nonsense. Things I was not expecting: Amy's new powers & om-nom talking properly. Hope magic was not involved because I hate magic (again my own opinion) This was crazy, epic and mind blowing and at the end it was touching. ..what a way to end season 4, I wonder what will happen next time in season 5? We'll just have to wait and see…
Angel: Bajy…this is like the fourth time you felt you had the need to tell me about Koan and magic stuff. I understand, my memory can be faulty, but I still remember that piece of information. Can you please stop mentioning it for my sake XD you get tired of reading it…and I had been planning for Amy to get those powers for months now, I just never had the right time. And no, it wasn't magic.
Om Nom: It's part of my nature!
Angel: …I can totally see him being voiced by whoever does Cat Bug XD
JBF007: This was crazy and awesome
Angel: thank you!
MPN: OMG! I am so stunned at the moment. I-I'm gonna— *screams really really loudly* I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT! THIS BECAME MLB! *SCREAM* *SQUEAL* *cries in throat pain*
Angel: How did this become Miraculous Ladybug? I didn't even use the same transformation sequence XD
Pokemonjkl: WOW I didn't see that one coming and am sad that Master Splinter is gone! But this chapter is EPIC! I can wait for the season 5! fantastic work Angelxoxo8.
Angel: Thank you, but I assure you, there are other writers that write better than me. I'm not that well known on this site XD
Astronema2345: Hey I wonder if you can put me in the next season of your story.
Angel: I don't think I'll accept any more OCs. I already have so much to keep track of. Amy, Ann, Lily, Jamie, Koan, Kevin, Jewel, and Angle. I don't want to have to burden myself with so much plot and background for another character, especially since it takes me a day to write one episode.
BPP: Loved it! That Amy and Leo scene was so heart warming! I LOVED Amy's super form. Hated the black cat costume. But that's because I absolutely, without a doubt, HATE cats! But that's for another time. Anyway, loved it, can't wait for Season 5, and liked Jewel's scene where she joins their team. A little weak, but not bad.
Angel: Thank you so much! And it took me a while to think of the super form outfit and how she would transform.
Amy: I think Leo liked my costume the most. *winks at him*
Leo: *blushes* Only because it highlights your beauty. *smirks*
Amy: *smacks him playfully* Stop flattering meee.
Angel: If you have any ideas besides the lines Miley gave me, I'd be glad to hear them Alyssa.
Clare: A little shocked that Amy almost died but this was all in all epic. Great job
Angel: Thank you… *blushes at all the praise*
Kate: Yay I just seen some spoilers and Usagi is coming he looks really cool. I loved Amy's outfits they were so gorgeous. WOOOO AMY YOU GO GIRL. Awwww Jewel your good now. Now you are beautiful inside and out but one thing DONT TOUCH LEO...OR OM NOM. *hugs Om Nom protectively and kisses head* HEHEHEHHEH ok v I can't wait for the new chapter.
Angel: Usagi looks great, can't wait to see who voices him.
Amy: *blushes* Thank you Kate…
Jewel: Om Nom I won't promise…but no promises on Lion Boy. *winks*
Leo: O.o
Om Nom: *smiles and touches head* Momma will protect me!
Jeanette: I just had a new idea for the next I meet the turtles 5 if you write that is that something is wrong with Amy is that she has been having weird nightmares with fire and the demons and that she has strange markings on her hands and that she been hearing a voice and that the gang heard her scream NO and check what happened and that her weird markings are gone and that she has to hide them and it all happened in the new episode.
Angel: Um…the demons couldn't be sensed by April, so how could they do this to Amy if she's indestructible AND cannot be affected by a demon anyway?
Fluffy: *squeals* I loved this episode it left me shook. Im so proud of all the turtles *kisses all turtles on head* They were so, how Casey puts it WICKED AND METAL. *high fives all the girls* all of you girls were fantabulous (fantastic and fabulous) Kavaxas won't stand a chance against the turtles... Hopefully _. Byeeeeeee
Leo: *blushes in embarrassment* Thank you…
Raph: *tries not to blush*
Donnie: *blushes and twiddles foot*
Mikey: *smiles with a blush*
Amy, Ann, April, and Lily: *warn* Hey…
Turtles: We still love you!
Ebony: I love the chapters. I can't wait for the season 5 story to come in
Angel: Thank you. Now that responding is finally done…I own nothing but my OCs.
Scroll of the Demodragon
Leo and Jewel breathe deeply as they stare at each other. It's been a few months since Shredder had been destroyed. Koan told us everything about him. You see, his parents knew Splinter in their time as old friends of Splinter. The Kraang considered making a symbiose parasite merge of the D.N.A by testing his healing factor by dumping him in vat full of toxic-poison which changed his orange hair to dark crimson and his blue eyes to yellow and his fairy skin to white milk and soon Koan went insane. He scratched at his cell's walls so violently, soon a mixed of pure rage and madness erupted Koan. When Koan attacked some drones, the other Kraang put him in a straitjacket and tightened it whenever Koan acted out, contorting his limbs horribly. However, Koan gnawed through it, so the doctors locked Koan's head in a cage and locked him in a dark basement cell, where he grew to hate anything evil things or Kraang, and would cower and laugh madly whenever approached. Soon he finally unlocked magic of his demon side he broke free and his memories of his true parents was restored. He then burned the hidden base and brutally defeat the Kraang, he even gave Kraang subprime his damaged eye and he freed other prisoners who were mutated. He escaped through a portal to Japan and even he heard rumors about the turtles and more, including me. He teleported to New York to see and learn about the turtles. Koan trained hard to see what he can do and he wondered if he can be like the others. He went far away to train for about 3 months all alone before he discovered he's not alive but not just dead, undead as he remembered as a bit of age 4 of his parents, they sealed his memories until it was broken.
I learned more about myself being the 'Chosen One' from Om Nom as well. His race picks out one human they deem is worthy due to their bravery, kindness, and selflessness, which is where I came in. I can use my super form whenever I want, but I couldn't transform without Om Nom, which meant I had to take him everywhere, not that I minded since nothing has happened for the past few months.
I frown as Leo and Jewel start to spar with each other. Ever since Jewel came into the picture, Leo never spent time with me anymore. He was always training Jewel. I narrow my eyes. I accepted that she's part of the group, but I sensed that she still liked Leo. She still called him Lion Boy, for one. She was a model, so of course she's prettier than me. And everyone seems to like her singing better since they always paid attention to her whenever she sings.
"You're really coming through on your training," Leo praises to Jewel, "It took Ames a week to learn that, but you did it in two days!"
I mock him as I move my hand and shake my head. I huff and cross my arms. She has everything I don't have…
"Aww, yeah!" Mikey exclaims as he comes in with a box of VHS tapes. "VHS tape mission accomplished." Donnie is sitting next to April on his laptop while April is eating noodles. Raph and Casey were out in the sewers.
"Check it out. I found them in the basement of this video store that went out business," Mikey explains as he sits down, "The last video tape store in the whole city, dude."
Leo looks through for a bit before gasping sharply. I smirk knowingly. I knew that look.
"Yes! Holy geek-out, wingnut. This is so awesome. Mikey, pizza is on me tonight. Get whatever you want," Leo says in excitement and I giggle.
Mikey beams, "Booyakasha-na-na-na-na!" he cheers, dancing.
"Um, what are you fan-boying so hard over, Leo?" April asks curiously.
"Mikey managed to track down all these old super rare VHS tapes of Space Heroes: The Next Generation. The official sequel to the original Space Heroes!" Leo explains and I squeal happily. I could never find the sequel to Space Heroes, they were always sold out. I've been trying to find that for years!
"Jewel, come watch with me!" Leo exclaims to my disappointment as he drags her to the TV. She smiles and sits next to him, turning to look at me. We stare at each other intensely as she smirks, turning back to the TV. I growl and clench my fists. I don't hate her, but I still don't like her. And I could tell she felt the same way about me.
"These are from the early 90's, but most of the tapes were put in a landfill because the show was deemed too disturbing for kids," Donnie points out and Leo puts in the tape. I hear the music coming on and I try to watch, but Leo and Jewel are blocking the way. I frown deeply at this and pick up Om Nom, taking him to the kitchen for a snack. He notices I haven't said a word.
"Momma, why are you sad?" he asks and I sigh.
"I'm not sad," I murmur as I rummage through the cabinets.
"Are you jealous?" he questions and my eyes widen as I turn to him.
"Whaaat? No," I deny immediately as I take out some candy.
"But-" I pour in the candy and his eyes shine, scarfing it down. I sigh in relief, since I knew that would distract him. I walk back into the living room area.
"Yes! So awesome!" Leo cheers, holding Jewel's hand in the air. April and Donnie blink at this, glancing at me, but I ignore them.
"Eh, it's no Crognard," Mikey comments.
"This is just as lame as the first Space Heroes," Donnie replies.
"Lame? It's making my eyeballs melt with joy. I love this cartoon!" Leo fan-boys, giving a wide smile. I chuckle a bit as I shake my head at him.
"Ah," we hear and we turn to the entrance to see Raph, Ann, Casey, Lily, Jamie, and Koan injured.
"What the heck happened?" April asks as we run up to them.
"Princess Peach!" Mikey exclaims as he runs over to Lily, helping her up.
"We were on our way back from patrolling the city, when we found this crazy robed cultist-looking gut about to perform what looked like a sacrifice-" Raph starts to explain, but Casey interrupts.
"So Casey Jones and his team gave chase," he brags.
"YOUR team?" Raph asks angrily.
"I'd rather eat slime," Ann deadpans.
"I'd rather jump off a cliff," Jamie says, rolling her eyes. Lily crosses her arms and fumes at Casey while Koan gives him an angry look.
"We tried to corner the robed dude, but he escaped at the last second," Casey finishes.
"Escaped?" Raph protests, glaring at Casey. "Clearly they kicked our butts to Queens, but whatever."
"What the heck were they?" Leo questions.
"Human? Robot? Mutant?" I ask.
"Kangaroo men?" Mikey finishes, putting an arm around Leo, who crosses his arms.
"I don't know, but whatever they were, they were faster and way stronger," Raph answers.
"Even by his standards, and that means something," Ann jokes and Raph gives her a playful look.
"My security sensors have been picking up more homeless people in the sewers. At least I thought they were homeless people," Donnie explains in thought.
"If these creatures are performing weird sacrifices, then we need to do something about it," Leo orders.
We stand around in a sewer tunnel as Donnie finishes up with a motion detector. I glance at Jewel, who is awfully too close to Leo for my liking. She sees me looking and she speeds around me, making me wobble to the floor. She snickers as she stops and I glare. "I just upgraded these new motion detectors to track down our robed friends. Now if they're in these sewers within a five-mile radius, we'll find them." Leo takes it from him.
"Sweet. We split up and put these things within five miles of the lair," Leo starts. I was about to say something, but Jewel beats me to it.
"Let's do this, team!" she exclaims and I frown at that. I was gonna say that…Leo and Donnie fist bump.
Leo puts in a motion detector and Mikey skates by, placing one not too far away onto the wall. "Uh-huh. Yeah!" I roll my eyes before I hold my hands out, moving the motion detectors to the walls. Jewel speeds past me, placing motion detectors on the walls.
"Nice one, Jewel," Leo calls out and I narrow my eyes when he turns away. I can't help but feel that Leo pays more attention to Jewel than me…
Leo's T-Phone gives off a noise and he picks it up. "Oh, man. A motion sensor is going off right down that tunnel," he explains and turns to his left. "Come on, guys."
Mikey pops out from the tunnel, "Whoa, dude. Should we call the guys?"
"We can handle this. Let's move," Leo answers and Jewel follows after him. I turn to Mikey and shrug before following after them.
"Uh, sis? You've been kind of quiet lately. Something up?" Mikey says in concern.
"I'm fine," I tell him dismissively. As we walk further, I can hear chittering up ahead. I see a red robe up ahead.
"There he is," Mikey says loudly, but Leo covers his mouth and pulls him backwards. Once he is gone, we step out, our eyes white.
"Move it, Lion Boy," Jewel whispers and I trail behind the others, feeling a little left out. We follow them to an intersection and they climb up a ladder. We follow them and Leo lifts the manhole cover. I couldn't see anything since I was last. We move up to the roof of a penthouse and look down the rooftop window to see more of them climbing into a room with books everywhere. One thing seemed to stand out, though. There's an open scroll in the middle of the room on a podium. They close it and grab it.
"Jewel, freeze the window," Leo whispers and I give a hurt look at that since I was capable of doing it. Why didn't he ask me? Jewel smirks at me for a second before doing as he said. We hear them chanting and we jump down from the window once we broke through the ice.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouts and they turn to us, snarling. "You're not going anywhere with that old paper, dudes!"
Leo pulls out his sword and swings to strike, but the red robed person moves out of the way, making him hit the table. Mikey runs up and punches one, but his fist gets caught in the guy's mouth. He struggles to pull it out and he does, only to have drool hanging from it. "Ew," the guy or creature, whatever it is, grabs him by the face and throws him to the floor. Jewel throws ice at the floor beneath a creature to make him trip, but he jumps over it, kicking her in the stomach. I open my wings and throw snowballs at one, but he slides from every attempt. Leo runs up to a creature who stands in front of a deer statue and slices, but the deer head comes off instead. He gasps as he looks up to see the creature on the ceiling and gets tackled by a deer head held by a creature.
Mikey uses his grappling hook, knocking the scroll out of one of their hands, and it flies out the window. Distracted, Jewel and I kick the creature off Leo, but they dive after the scroll.
"Thanks Jewel," Leo says and my mouth drops open in disbelief. I helped him too and he didn't even notice?!
We look down and Mikey gasps as we see them lying on the floor, not moving. We jump down to them…well, I fly. We look at them hesitantly and Mikey grabs the scroll, but one of the creatures grabs him by the wrist. The others stand up and we scream. They pull Mikey to the ground and start to drag him.
"No!" Leo calls out and they pull him into the darkness. Leo pulls out his sword and we look around as we can hear Mikey screaming. I hear snarling behind me and Leo gets tackled by a creature before he kicks him off. Leo stands back up and turns to Jewel.
"Jewel, how come you can't sense them?!" he whispers and I growl at that. He did NOT just call me by the wrong name.
"Leo, she doesn't have psychic powers, remember?" I snarl and he smiles sheepishly. "And I can't sense them anyway."
He clashes with a creature before throwing him off. We try to fight them off, but they are too fast. Not even Jewel could fight them off as every time she speeds to one, they disappear. Leo turns around to slice one, but he grabs his sword right before he could hit his head. Leo gasps before they slash him to the wall. Leo ducks from a punch before knocking the creature back.
"Let me go, you creepy ghoul!" we hear and we turn to see Mikey trying to fight them off. "Guys!" Mikey throws the scroll and Leo catches it. A creature tackles him to the floor. Jewel and I try to pull him off before I step back, Om Nom popping out of my purse. I clutch my perfume in my hand before I see Mikey getting pulled in by the creatures from the shadows on the wall.
"Mikey!" Leo yells and before I can transform, one of them takes my perfume bottle!
"Hey!" I exclaim and the creature that is on top of Leo twists his arm, grabbing the scroll. It steps back and the others throw Mikey next to us.
"You okay, little brother?" Leo murmurs as he bends down to him.
"Not really," Mikey whispers. We look up as one of them holds a dumpster with its bare hands and police sirens are coming our way. We manage to escape just before the police arrive and I close the manhole cover.
Mikey finishes up patching his shell in the kitchen and turns to the others. Raph is pulling Leo's arm loose, since it was twisted.
"They caught my blades in their hands like they were plastic toys. It was crazy," Leo explains, rubbing his arm. I put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile. He doesn't do anything…until Jewel puts an arm around him and he smiles! I know it wasn't my imagination this time…it's like I'm invisible.
"You should have called us, man. We could have been back-up," Raph points out.
"Guys, listen up!" Donnie calls out, "This is important. So the penthouse belongs to a wealthy collector of the weird and obscure, mostly magical stuff."
"Sounds like the perfect candidate for I'm the boss of a freaky cult," Mikey comments.
"Or a circus of weird," Lily points out.
"I think this is the scroll they stole: The Scroll of the Demodragon," Donnie explains as he points his mouse to the same scroll that I saw.
"A scroll? Like a magic scroll?" Casey asks as April walks over, "Aww, man, I hate magic." Jewel, Koan, and I raise an eyebrow questioningly at him and he smiles sheepishly.
"Not with you guys," he answers and I scoff.
"It's an ancient evocation said to summon a powerful monster called Kavaxas. Kavaxas belongs to a mythical race of Demodragons believed to reside in the Netherworld. Magicians are rumored to have summoned them for millennia, their efforts always ending in tragedy," Donnie explains. Koan stiffens at the name before his eyes narrow. He clenches his fist and I could tell…that he knows this Kavaxas. Maybe they stumbled on each other somehow? I know Koan has been to the Netherworld before, but how could he know Kavaxas?
"Eh, sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me," Raph replies. Mikey seemed to be thinking of something, and by the look of his face, it seemed to be only something exciting for him.
"Aww yeah, ghoul-busting Mikey to the rescue!" he exclaims and Raph slaps him in the face.
"What'd I tell you about the imagination thing, huh? Focus!" Raph tells him, poking him on the head. Mikey slaps it away and they glance at each other as April stands next to Donnie.
"What have you got, Donnie?" she asks.
"Well, with the new sensors," Mikey crosses his arms and blows a raspberry at Raph as Donnie speaks. Raph rolls his eyes. "I've determined a clear pattern of movement. Right here under the south-east part of Lower Manhattan," a red dot appears on the screen. "And here and here. But they all converge at what appears to be a dead-end at this one place."
"Hmm, you think this is where they live?" April asks.
"Ooo, if they're actually alive," Mikey and Lily sing as they wiggle their fingers. I roll my eyes and walk over to the dojo. I open the door quietly to see Leo and Jewel standing next to each other, in front of Splinter's things. He sighs sadly, missing Splinter so much…I growl as Jewel hugs him in comfort and I press my back against the wall, hugging myself. I feel it's as if Leo and I are growing apart…and he and Jewel are growing closer…how did this happen? Everything was fine…until now…
I open my eyes to see April in front of me.
"I sense something's wrong with you…and it has to do with Leo," she explains in concern, putting a hand on my shoulder. I scoff and roll my eyes.
"Did Mikey tell you that or did you have a hunch?" I retort and she smirks.
I sigh and look into the dojo. April glances to where I'm looking and she chuckles a bit.
"Amy, Leo loves you. He's not going to start liking Jewel just because she's on our side," she tells me in assurance, but I knew better.
"April, she's exactly 0.5 feet away from him!" I hiss, gesturing to them. "And he's been ignoring me lately."
"Maybe he just has a lot on his mind," she suggests.
"Yeah, Jewel," I retort before Donnie comes into the dojo. I peek inside to see what he was going to say and April leaves.
"What are what? Uh, who you talking to, Leo?" Donnie questions and he notices his 'companion.' "Jewel? I thought Lia would be in here."
"It was…" Leo turns to nothing. "No one," he answers sadly. "Come on, let's head out." Donnie glances at the picture of him, his brothers, and Splinter as kids and another one with me and them. Leo puts an arm around Jewel as they leave and I slide down the wall in sadness.
"Amelia," I hear and I gasp as I stand up, looking around. My eyes widen as I see Splinter in front of me.
"…M…Master Splinter?" I murmur and he nods at me. "Amelia, like I just told Leonardo, you feel the weight of leading your family, but remember, I will always be with you. And so will Leonardo himself."
I shake my head, "Sensei…Leo and I have…grown apart. I don't know what we're facing, and I feel like something bad is going to happen. How can we lead together if we don't connect together like we used to?"
"Find the light within. It is the only thing that can save you against these creatures of darkness. They are not what they appear to be. You and Leonardo will always be together, even if you two are not in sync," he tells me.
"Then what are they? What am I supposed to do?" I ask, but he's gone. I sigh as I look down at the floor, tears in my eyes.
We sneak around in the sewers, running through a tunnel. We stop at our destination and Donnie looks around.
"Hmm. This is the place where they meet up. Doesn't look suspicious," Donnie tells us.
April and I look around, using our powers.
"Looks can be deceiving, Donnie," I reply.
"I sense something strange close by, but we can't pinpoint it," April explains.
"Maybe we should spread out more. Look around," Leo says as Casey looks down at a tunnel.
"Dudes, we got creepers creeping stage right!" he whispers and we follow the creatures. They chitter as they move forward, in the same place where we fought Xever, Bradford, and those squirrel mutants. We see down below those creatures, chanting in that language again. I wanted a better look, so I fly up and look down at them while the others hide behind. One of them presses onto the wall and it opens up like a secret passageway. I fly inside and the others run behind me, Casey stumbling inside. I roll my eyes.
We walk down these stone stairs, looking around the tunnel. I've never seen this before…and in the sewers? Why? We hear chanting and Leo stops us as it gets louder. He nods and we look down to see a multiple pointed pentagram in red, in the center, on the ground, candles lit. They continue to chant as another robe cultist in black begins to walk up stone stairs, standing above and before the others.
"Whoa," Mikey comments and I just knew that dark energy was involved.
The cultists stop chanting as the leader stops. "Children. Our time is nigh. We finally have the Scroll of the Demodragon in our possession! Now we shall summon a being who will give us all the power we will ever need!" He says before revealing himself.
Tiger Claw.
"Tiger Claw is the cult leader?!" Leo whispers in surprise.
"That stupid cat," Jewel growls.
"Excellent work, my Foot Cultists. You understand the higher truth of our goal. Now I will use the scroll to summon Kavaxas. And with this mystic Seal of the Ancients, I will control him, and be his master," he holds up the scroll and a circular stone in his hands, which must be the seal he was talking about.
"Okay, this is not good," Donnie comments.
"We need a plan of attack," Raph says and Leo looks to see us staring at him…and me. Leo glances from the cultists and us.
"Uh, everyone distract them while Raph and I get that seal," Leo orders.
"Let's do it. I'm ready," Casey says, clutching his hockey stick.
"Me too," April answers, turning to Leo.
"Um, I'm pretty sure these guys are ready too," Mikey says, jerking behind him and we turn to see the cultists. They growl as they crawl towards us.
"Aww, sewer pickles," Raph groans.
"You couldn't sense them, Red and ice princess?" Casey asks as we pull out our weapons.
"Their minds aren't like human minds," I explain and April nods before we get tackled. They pin us down in front of Tiger Claw.
"My old enemies," he greets us, "Perfect timing. Now you can bare witness."
"The Foot are finished!" Leo yells while struggling against the cultists who hold him. "Why'd you come back, Tiger Claw? So we can beat you again?"
"The Foot is by no means finished," he denies, "Look all around you. We have been reborn. After our last battle, the Foot went underground. And in these very sewers, we discovered a strange race of creatures completely dedicated to the Shredder."
"And who are these freaks?!" Mikey questions.
"Something you couldn't possibly understand," Tiger Claw smirks. "Make them watch," he orders his members who forces everyone on their knees.
"Let us go, Tiger Dude! Or I'll knock all nine lives out of you!" Casey threatens.
Tiger Claw ignores this and proceeds to the altar. "You will bare witness to the summoning of a greater being," he stops at the rising podium. "Kavaxas, the most powerful of all the Demodragons. And his power will soon belong to me."
"Lia," Donnie stammers, trying not to freak out. "Can you freeze us out?"
I push back against the cultists that hold me. "Argh…give me…a second…" I hear Tiger Claw recite the incantation, knowing I had to get us out now.
Just as Tiger Claw is finished, I burst out ice, freezing the cultists that held us, but we get blasted by a powerful flame eruption. I slam into the cavern wall and drop down. My head is ringing, which I easily shake off. My eyes go back to Tiger Claw and a dragon with dark maroon wings, standing on two feet, either eight or nine feet tall, is Kavaxas. He has scales all over his body, yellow slit eyes, and he breathes green fire.
He turns to Tiger Claw. "Mortal! You dare call upon Kavaxas? Lord of the Demodragons, Ruler of the Netherworld?! I will burn you and the rest of these abominations to ash," he threatens and breathes fire at Tiger Claw, but he holds up the seal, using it to deflect the demodragon's attack.
"You will do nothing but obey me," he orders.
Kavaxas backs away in fear, "Ahh! The Seal of the Ancients. You are wiser than I thought, creature. Very well then. What would you have me do, Master?" he bows and Tiger Claw laughs evilly.
"You will destroy the Turtles and their human allies, as a sign of fidelity to the Foot," Tiger Claw tells him. "Make it slow. Make it painful."
"As you command," Kavaxas answers, opening his wings and flying into the air, breathing green fire. Mikey pulls out some pizza.
"Um, I have some spare pizza here for you," he says nervously, "It's an inter-dimensional sign of love." Kavaxas burns it to a crisp. "Man, dragon-dude, you don't have to be such a hot-head."
"Not the pizza!" Lily whines.
"Get him!" Leo shouts and they run up to him, but Kavaxas breathes fire, making them run away. Mikey catches his arm with his nunchuck but he burns it, making Mikey let go of it. He starts to ruthlessly attack my family as I look for my perfume bottle. While he was attacking them, the top of the cavern shakes and pieces break off.
"No, Kavaxas. Attack only the Turtles and their allies. You will obey me," Tiger Claw orders as he holds up the seal from the podium. Kavaxas stops and turns his head to him.
"Yes, Master."
Everyone attacks him, but he smacks them aside with ease. When Leo runs against the wall and tries to strike him with his sword, it breaks off into pieces! I gasp as Leo rolls to the floor and I see my bottle. I kick it up and catch it in my hands.
"Hey demon dragon!" I shout and he turns to me. Om Nom pops out of my bag and I hold out my bottle. "Why don't you attack someone with your own skills?!"
I spin the bottle in my hand and the top opens up. I spin around before stopping, clutching my bottle in my hands. The blue lights come from my heart again and I look down at it before smiling. I spin around again, Om Nom above me. The lights go to his stomach and he burps, my key coming out. I take it from him. "Unleash the power!" I yell, slamming the key into my bottle. I lock it in, blue liquid filling the bottle, and I spray my chest with blue light. I spray it again, spinning the light around myself.
I transform like I did before at Shredder's mansion and I do a 360 spin, landing on the ground. I pick up my skirt and curtsy, ice trailing behind me as my hair flies behind me. Snowflakes form into my eyes as I stand back up. "Snowing, falling, and gathering, a noble heart!" I say as I make a snowball in my hands and cross my arms to make an X. The snowball explodes as I place a hand on my hip. "Super mode!"
"WHAT?!" Tiger Claw exclaims in surprise and shock.
"She transformed! So awesome!" Mikey shouts happily.
"The girl can transform?" Kavaxas asks in shock.
I fly straight to Kavaxas, sending a powerful blast to him. He crashes into the wall roughly and I gasp as I managed to actually hurt him.
I place my hands on the ground, preparing for another attack, but Kavaxas keeps his attack on the others, walking towards Raph and Mikey who are helping Donnie up from the side. They don't see him and he opens his hands for a powerful and deadly green blast.
"Duck!" April narrowly makes it and puts up a shield to protect them from the attack, surprising Kavaxas even more.
"This mortal also has gifts? And when I eat her whole, I will absorb her power and use it as I wish," he walks to April, who tries to use her powers to push him back or stop him, but it doesn't work, amusing the demon dragon.
"Why…can't I…move you?" April struggles.
'Because I am not of this reality, child," Kavaxas answers, reaching for her, only for me to jump in front of April and swing on his arm, kicking him in the gut.
"April!" Casey yells for her to move.
Kavaxas breathes fire at me and I feel nothing as it touches me. No pain or anything. Everyone gasps as I emerge from the fire, narrowing my eyes. He growls and punches at me repeatedly, but I dodge every single one with my arms. I slam my arms together, bracing myself as I close my eyes, sending off an ice blast, knocking him back.
"We have to retreat! Let's go!" Leo shouts. "Mikey!"
"Booyakabunga!" Mikey jumps in front of April and I, throwing a smoke bomb. We appear the way we came as I pull Mikey in. Kavaxas breathes fire at us from behind and I turn around, blocking it with my arms. I push the fire back, freezing it before I run after the others.
We retreat and climb up a tunnel, gasping out of breath.
"Oh, man. Kavaxas is even tougher than Super Shredder," Donnie says.
"We could barely take down three Cultists. How are we gonna take down an army plus Tiger Claw and Hot Head too?" Mikey points out.
"What now, Leo and ice princess?" Raph questions.
"Well, at least we know where their lair is. We just need a new plan of attack," Leo explains.
"Donnie, we need an upgrade," I pant as I sit down and everyone looks at me. "What?"
"Lia…your super form. You were indestructible to all of his attacks so far. Heck, you didn't even burn to a crisp!" Donnie explains.
I chuckle as I wave my hands, "Oh no-ho-ho-ho! I am NOT taking on that demon dragon by myself. I'm tired just thinking about it," I wheeze.
"Can we get our hands on like, say, two or three dozen tanks?" Casey asks and Donnie groans.
"I know where we can get some!" Jewel suggests, raising her hand.
"We're not taking tanks!" Donnie tells her sternly and she pouts.
"Aww," she whines.
"We could use some, though," Ann murmurs and Jamie nods.
"April, Ames, is this Kavaxas the new leader of the Foot?" Leo asks and we look at each other.
"We don't think so. We did sense that Tiger Claw summoned him because he's crucial to his plans, whatever they are," April answers.
"I wonder what they're really up to," Mikey murmurs. We look at each other. This new threat was definitely going to be trouble from now on…
"Well...whatever they're up to, Kavaxas cannot be allowed to roam the Earth," Koan explains and we look at him questioningly.
"Why?" Casey asks.
"Because..." Koan murmurs, "He's my cousin."
I rip out pictures of Leo in my sketchbook in my room, getting angrier by the second. Thoughts race in my mind. I get up and look at myself in the mirror. I hated the sight of myself. I wasn't anything like Jewel. I run my hands through my hair messily, blinking back tears. I suddenly lose it, screaming as I punch the mirror, letting it fall to the floor in pieces. I shake my head to snap myself out of my thoughts, but it doesn't work.
"I just don't understand," I whisper to myself as I look down at my bloody hand. "We've been together for so long and he suddenly loses all his feelings for me?"
I hear a knock on my door, frantically, I might add. I ignore it, knowing who it was.
"Ames. Please, let me in. Are you okay? I heard a crash."
I look at my door before turning back around.
"Please…I wanna talk to you."
I sigh and turn around, opening the door. Leo gently shoves pink roses in my face. I take them slowly and he gasps at my wound. I look away, hiding my hand under the flowers.
"Ames, what happened to your hand?" he whispers softly and I turn back to him. I slowly back away and he glances at the broken mirror on the floor. I close the door silently and he pulls me to my drawer, pulling out a first aid kit. He stares at me intently as he takes the bandages. I stare back, not knowing what to do or say.
"Ames…you can tell me. I won't judge you," he whispers.
I look down at my hand before squeezing my eyes shut, trying to fight the tears. "After all this time, you've stopped ignoring me?" I whisper back softly and he gives a confused look before it turns into realization.
"I've…I've been ignoring you?" he murmurs and I pull my hand away in anger.
"All you've been doing lately is praising Jewel. Jewel this, Jewel that!" I yell, tears streaming down my face. "What about me, huh? Am I just not that good enough for you anymore? So I'm not a model like she is! So I can't sing better than her! So I can't be like her! But that doesn't mean you can just spend all your time with her while I-"
He grabs my face and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. I was in the middle of chewing him out and he kisses me. While I was sort of mad at him…he was the only one who could take my breath away. I close my eyes and kiss back, feeling his thumbs wipe away my tears. I whimper at his touch and he pulls away, still holding my face. I pant as I look at him, fresh tears flowing down my face. Leo opens his eyes and brushes away my tears again.
"Ames…I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I didn't mean to ignore you, I just…got caught up with everything after we stopped Shredder. I just wanted to help Jewel with her training. I didn't realize…that I was hurting you. I didn't think about your feelings and I definitely didn't mean to mistake you with Jewel. If there was a way to take it back, I would. I want us to be the same again," he whispers, pressing his forehead to mine.
I pull him closer. "I really am sorry," he whispers in my ear.
"I forgive you…" I pull back to look at him. "And I want us to be normal again too," I smile a bit and his strong arms wrap around my waist.
"I love you," he murmurs, pecking my nose. I giggle at this.
"I love you too."
Angel: Finally done! The struggles of writing an episode you've been searching for like a week XD I don't know if I'll update this tomorrow, but the script came up this morning, so maybe tomorrow if I finish in time or Wednesday. Either way, it will be soon!
Starting here, a new theme song is shown to be associated with the fifth season title "Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."
Donatello's motion censors have faces and make sounds that resemble the popular electronic robot toy Furby.
After hearing about the Demodragon's, Michelangelo imagines what it would be like to catch one, where he's dressed up and using a Ghost Sucker, like the Ghostbusters, even calling himself a Ghoulbuster.