Chapter 4:
Will and Erin quietly entered Jay's room. They heard Connor talking to Jay softly and waited for him to finish,
"We've cleaned your bullet wound and there doesn't seem to be any damage. Your lungs are going to be fine, keep sucking back that oxygen and you'll be home in no time,"
"Today?" Jay rasped, through the mask,
"Oh no my friend, definitely not today" Connor patted his leg before exiting the room. He smiled and nodded at Will on his way out,
"Beauty and the beast huh" Jay grinned through the mask,
"Don't call Erin a beast" Will teased back striding to the bed in 2 strides to engulf his brother in a big hug, "Phew, that was close Jay," Will whispered in his brother's ear, Jay's only response was to hug his brother tighter. After a few minutes, Will let Jay go and reached for his notes. Erin slipped as quickly as she could into her partner's arms. She didn't say anything and neither did he. They just stayed like that, not moving. The only sound was a gentle sob from Erin.
A gentle knock at the door and the face of Voight peering around the curtain finally separated the two. Hank took in his young detective's condition, he was pale with his arm in a sling but otherwise unharmed.
"Voight," Jay tried to sit up further in the bed, but Hank just pushed him back gently,
"Stay there." Voight pulled up a chair and got settled next to Erin. Will decided to stand at the end of the bed. Hank quickly took in the doctor and noticed how incredibly tired he was looking, "I'm going to keep this quick for today, you both need your rest." Voight said pointedly at Will, "But I need to know what happened, the quick version now and details later." Jay pulled his oxygen mask down and ignored his brothers angry glare,
"They weren't gang bangers boss," Jay said quickly, his voice still raspy.
"We know, they were shot by Police, Trudy is getting the full story now."
"I was on the ambulance…" Jay and Will retold their story, Jay's eyes widened in parts where he heard about what had happened when he was unconscious. By the time they had finished, Jay's eyes had started to droop and Will had sunk into a chair opposite them,
"Jay, I'm putting a uniform on the door." Hank said standing up,
"What? Why? It was an opportunity thing Voight, they aren't coming back for me,"
"Just sleep Jay, don't worry about it." Erin said reassuringly, "Can we take you home Will?"
Will looked up startled at hearing his name, he didn't realize he was nodding off, "No I'll stay here, just in case"
"No he won't, take him home" Jay said a little too harshly, "I'm honestly fine and just going to sleep". Rather than arguing, Will just nodded and followed Voight out,
"I'll see you later" Erin leaned in and kissed Jay on the forehead before putting his mask back on. Before she even left the room, he was asleep. The uniform was on the door and Voight was talking to him as she left,
"Make sure you check all ID's, nobody but medical staff and officers are to enter."
"Yes Sir."
"What now?" Erin asked as they exited the hospital,
"We find them."
The intelligence unit was a hive of activity when Voight and Lyndsey walked up the stairs.
"How are they?" Antonio asked, quietening the team,
"They will be fine. A uniform is on Jay's door and one at Will's apartment. What have we got?" Voight asked standing in front of the whiteboard,
"Here's what we know." Ruzek stood up and took control of the briefing, "Phillip Knap, former Navy Seal, dishonourably discharged, still waiting on the army for more details although don't hold your breathe. Him and his wife Nancy had 7 boys, the oldest is Trevor, (Ruzek pointed to the picture of the large older brother,) followed by George, Raymond, John, Marcus who is still the hospital Peter and Michael. There isn't much of a paper trail for the boys except for George who completed his service 2 years ago. There are no schooling records, no social service numbers no nothing. The only reason we know their names is because our boy John in there," Ruzek pointed to the interview room "opened up. We also know there mother died a couple of months ago from what he thinks was the flu. They were brought up in the bush and were raised there. Their father came back from the war a different man and started seeing shadows around every corner. Our two younger Knap children Marcus and Peter were apparently in town to gather supplies. They had just shoplifted from a 7/11 when local police showed up and of course they refused to surrender and pulled two concealed handguns out and started firing."
"The officers have already been cleared of the shooting, it was justified and they acted in self-defence" Trudy took over,
"From the sounds of it, this man is going to be pissed we have 2 of his kids," Voight said sitting down at the nearest desk, "Do we know where in the bush he raised them?"
"Anywhere and everywhere, they used to move all the time. They lived in caves, cabins, tents you name it."
"So we basically have nothing?" Voight asked quietly,
"Not yet boss, but Antonio and I are still working the kid, he's the best lead we have at the moment,"
"Everybody rest up. We have all been going hard at it, take a break and meet back here tonight."
The detectives all took one last look at the board before gathering their belongings.
The officer outside of Jay's room had watched every person who had gone near the room and had dutifully checked all staff ID. It was mid-morning, and there were not many people around. He was watching the cleaner going from room to room making his way down. He eventually made his way to Jay's room and silently presented his ID to the officer. The officer checked his ID, Nathan Ward and checked the man's face. He was a non-descript man, blonde with blue eyes, tall but not overly. Nodding his head, the officer waved him into the room.
Nathan pushed his trolley through quietly, the Detective he had been paid to watch was still in here, he knew that though. He quietly started cleaning the room while watching the detective sleep. The oxygen mask had been removed, and although a little pale he looked relatively well. His left arm was still in a sling. He quietly snapped a few photos on his phone before mopping the floors. He then made his way out of the room, giving the officer a nod, before heading to the cleaning cupboard. Once inside, with the door locked, he rang his old friend Raymond.
"Ray, it's me, that detective is still here. He looks like he's going to be discharged in the morning."
"That's great Nate, I'll text you if we need anything else." Raymond hung the phone up and looked over at his father. Phillip Knap was a formidable man, he loved his sons, they all knew that but he would never show it. He had never told any of them he loved them nor had he shown any affection in any way. Raymond idolized his father, anything his father wanted done, Raymond would do without hesitation. This had caused tension in the past with George, his only brother to leave them and fulfil service with army. George had come back to them changed, he no longer believed in their world, he no longer believed about the government tracking them, he no longer believed in their movement to rid the world of all and any government. Raymond knew one day, the war between his family and the world would start and he couldn't wait to start pulling the trigger.
"Dad that Cop Halstead is going to be discharged." Raymond pulled a beer from the fridge and took a seat next to his father, "We need to start planning how to get John back,"
"I already have started Son, and I think we need to supply ourselves up first. If we go to war with the Chicago P.D, I want to make damn sure we are all armed to the teeth." Phillip looked his son in the eye and felt pride at the fight he saw back. Raymond was a good solider, Phillip knew how much his son doted on him and he relied on that to ensure their plans were always successful. "Take Michael and get him to start getting his supplies, to succeed, we have to take down their castle first. Get your boy to bug Halsteads phone, I need to know where in the PD John is being held to ensure he doesn't get caught in the cross fire. Am I clear?"
"Roger that."
"Send Trevor in here, I have a small job for him to do first."
The following day, Erin walked into Jay's room and was surprised to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed and ready to go. Will was behind him filling in the chart throwing daggers at his brothers back.
"Erin!" Jay's face broke into a grin before pulling his partner into a hug, "Turns out I'm good for desk duty back at the precinct, let's go!" He stood up and grabbed a hold of her hand and started to pull her out of the room, his left arm was still in a sling but the rest of him looked unharmed,
"Jay!" Will said forcibly, making his brother stop in his tracks, "You are cleared but you seriously need to think about taking some time off,"
"I think I agree with Will Jay, Hank isn't expecting you back for a few weeks,"
"There ain't no way I am staying at home for a few weeks while this nutter is out, I can sit at my desk, in our warm precinct and I can type away at the computer and find some answers about things."
"As long as he does that and he remembers to take his pills, he should be fine. Just stay away from guns and stuff huh"
"Love you bro." Jay grinned tearing out of the room with Erin behind him.
"Where we at anyway?" Jay asked as Erin hopped behind the wheel,
"To be honest, we know their names and that is about it. The family are ghosts man, they have barely lived in our society and trying to find and electronic footprint for them is damn near impossible"
"Perhaps we could…..Erin watch out!" Jay screamed causing Erin to look to her right, just as she turned, a SUV drive straight into her side of the car, forcing the sedan to roll 2 times before landing on its roof. Jay stayed conscious the whole time, as the car finally settled upside down, he removed his slings and quickly reached across to Erin, she was unconscious but breathing. Movement out of the corner of his eye saw a large man exited from the SUV and stumble a few steps, without hesitation, Jay pulled Erin's weapon and quickly exited the car, bar a cut on his forehead, he was relatively unhurt,
"CPD!" Jay screamed, blood tripping down the side of his face but he trained his weapon on the back of the driver of the SUV, he had tried unsuccessfully to get up again, "Don't you move you piece of shit or I swear to God I will empty this clip in your head!" Jay held strong as he watched the man slowly find his feet, "Turn around" slowly but surely the large man turned around and he was faced with an unknown target, the large man had a nasty head wound which was causing him to be unstable on his feet, "Hands behind your back," Jay kept his gun on the man at all times, he seemed familiar but Jay was in no state to figure it out, he could hear sirens blaring and after a few minutes, heard the familiar voice of Burgess and Roman,
"Omigod Jay," Kim said running up to her friend before realizing her was pointing his weapon at a suspect,
"Cuff him fast Kim" Jay whispered, finally relaxing his arms and allowing himself to drift over to Erin, she was still unconscious but her breathing was good. "Erin…..Erin…..Erin can you hear me?" she was still seat belted in upside down but Jay got as close as he could,
"Fire is on their way Halstead," Roman called out as they loaded their suspect into the car, Erin started to moan and move her arms,
"Erin" Jay said excitedly, holding onto one of her hands, "Erin it's me, it's Jay"
"Jay?" she mumbled, "You ok?"
"Of course I'm okay, you're the one upside down" he tried to joke but reality was, he was scared beyond words. Before he knew it, Fire had arrived and had her safely out and on the ambulance. He was about to hop on with her when Kevin called out,