A.N: I am really sorry for not updating for 4 months, I didn't have a way to type it up.
It has been a year now since the whole 'Harry getting kidnapped.' Severus is giving his dad Tobias a second chance but no more after that. Harry is now 5 years old. Harry and Draco made 7 new friends.
Night had come to 37 Maple Steet, and everyone was sound asleep. That was until Severus woke up to his son shaking him, sniffling. He looked at the clock and groaned. It was half-past two in the morning.
"What's wrong, mate?"
Harry just mumbled something incoherent, that Severus wasn't able to make out.
Not having the foggiest as two what his son had said, Severus just replied, "Harry, lad what's wrong?"
"I don't feel good, Daddy," Harry said in between sniffles, which seemed to get worse. Soon he was full on crying.
Severus quickly got up, trying to soothe his son, and get him to stop crying.
Once Harry had calmed down enough, he took Harry to Saint Mungo's.
Once there, Harry was quickly taken into a room, and a couple tests were done. They now just had to wait for the results. Severus figured it was nothing serious, but with young children, you never really know. He wanted to err on the safe side.
It didn't take long at all to get the results; merely a few minutes, if that.
"What does it say, Dadd?" a small voice asked while Severus glanced over the results, with the attending physician.
"It means that it's not a magical sickness, lad," said Severus, looking at his son. "You have the Muggle flu."
"I don't want it," Harry said with a pout.
"Being sick is never fun, is it, lad?" the attending physician said.
Harry shook his head enthusiastically, showing he full-heartedly agreed with that assessment.
It would have perhaps been better if it had been a wizarding flu or the like, but it honestly wasn't that uncommon for Wizarding Children to get quite sick when in contact with the Muggle world due to lack of frequent contact. And vice versa. Many young Muggle-borns had a very interesting first year at Hogwarts, being newly exposed to Dragon Pocks and the like.
In any case, it was just the flu. He was in for a few long days, but nothing too serious.
With that thought, Severus quickly set up a Muggle Doctor's Appointment for later that day, and they headed home. He gave Harry a little something to help soothe his stomach and sent the young boy back to bed, Severus quickly following suit, trying to catch as much sleep as possible.
He did manage to catch a few hours, but by quarter past seven, Severus could already be found at the kitchen table, reading the Daily Prophet. Nothing too terribly interesting in the paper this morning. Just the usual stuff. Although, some bloke named Lockheart had apparently made the front page.
The photo of the so-called Defence Master was screaming arrogance. And Severus could swear the man was wearing makeup for his little photo shoot.
Ah, well... Hmmm... wasn't he that annoying kid who kept trying to change water to rum at that Ravenclaw table?
In either case... Severus had no intentions of ever seeking the man's so-called advice. People thought Lucius Malfoy was bad...
That thought was interrupted when the doorbell rang.
Not bothering to get up, and just called and asked who it was. He then told the two visitors that they could come in.
James and Sirius came into the house. James quickly noted that Harry wasn't out with Severus.
James then turned to Sirius and said, "Padfoot, Harry isn't out here."
Sirius looked at James like 'what is wrong with you?', then Sirius spoke up, "James, Harry is never up this early."
Severus who had been listening to James being stupid like normal and listening to Sirius' response spoke up and said, "Harry is sick, he has the muggle flu."
James being himself then asked, "What's the muggle flu?"
Severus then rolled his eyes and said, "It's like the wizard flu, but it lasts longer than the wizard flu."
James looked confused at first but then his expression changed to the look that Severus had long called the "actually using his brain" look. James was far from stupid, he just never thought before opening his mouth.
"Harry has a muggle doctors appointment at half past nine today in Surrey."
"Did you need anything?" Sirius asked.
"Actually, I need one of you or both of you to take him because my father is a muggle and cannot apparate." There was still a lot of tension on the word father when spoken, something nearly of his friends missed.
"We can both take Harry," James said without hesitation.
"That would be much appreciated."
Then the fireplace flared with green flames signalling that someone has flooed to their Manor and Draco stepped out.
"Draco," said Severus with a curt nod.
"Uncle Sev, father says your watching me today."
Severus sighed, pinching his nose.
"Dragon, I have to go to work today. Your mother and father don't work."
Why did the Malfoys seem to think he had all the free time in the world?
Draco then said, "father got a new job at the Ministry and mother is with her cousin Molly today."
Sirius and James were both listening to Draco and Severus talk then Sirius and James started whispering.
"Severus, we can watch both boys if you need," Serius said after a moment.
"You have no idea how much I appreciate this."
Nine hours later the doctor's appointment had come and gone. Harry was upstairs in his bedroom, resting.
Severus just got off of work and was expected home in any minute. Sirius and Remus were making Draco something to eat when all the sudden they heard a loud crack.
Curious as to what the noise was, they walk into the living room and saw someone they hadn't seen in over 14 years.
James was so surprised and shocked that he didn't and couldn't say anything.
Sirius, on the other hand, had no problem with formulating words so he spoke up, "Petunia, what are you doing here?, how did you get here?, you live in Little Whinging? We live in London. How did you get Severus' address?"
Petunia just shook her head at James then looked at Sirius.
"Lily gave me a locket that would transport me from my house to here and she set it up to repeat," the older Evans sister explained. "She gave it to me when Harry was three years old, in case I ever change my mind about your lot."
"And have you?" James asked.
"I have," she said with a curt nod.
Severus just walked in and saw his sister-in-law. He was shocked and didn't know what to say.
Authors note: If you have any ideas you CAN pm me or post it in a review