Luffy sat in the kitchen stuffing his face with Sanji's midnight snack. It annoyed Sanji that he would sometimes have to wake up in the middle of the night to cook for him, but since he could eat as well and get to cook something, he always would.

Luffy ate all the meat he made with a happy grin. He loved it when Sanji would cook for him, and it made Sanji happy seeing his captain enjoy something he made for him. When Luffy finished, he laughed... but then stopped dead and looked down at his plate, which made Sanji look up at him.

"Hey, Luffy, what's wrong?" Sanji asked. He usually would've gotten mad and accused Luffy of not liking his cooking. But this sudden mood swing was something he had never seen before.

"Thanks for the food, goodnight Sanji." Luffy said, before walking out of the room. Sanji sat there, confused but also a little concerned, he had never seen Luffy act like that, and didn't know why or how he could help.

Luffy walked into the men's sleeping area, where all the other guys were already fast asleep in their hammocks. Luffy got into his, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a wanted poster.

It wasn't just any wanted poster, it was the one that Vivi received when she was on the ship and received a small bounty. That was the only photo he had of her, and that was 2 and a half years ago when they were still on the going merry, instead of the thousand sunny.

"Vivi... I miss you, so much." Luffy sobbed quietly. He cried a little into his pillow so that he wouldn't wake the others. When he was eating, he had remembered enjoying lively meals with her and the others.

Truth be told, Luffy didn't know why he would miss her so much his heart would ache. There was a piece of him in the back of his brain that told him he loved her... but it remained unheard. He didn't know what love was and couldn't recognize it.

So... he stuffed the poster back into his pocket and fell asleep again, with thoughts of her filling his head before slipping into sleep.


The next day, Luffy was in the galley with the others during a shower of rain. They were stuck inside and thee wouldn't be another island for two days. Luffy smacked his head off the table a few times, he was overly bored.

He turned his head and looked at robin, whom was reading a book.

"What'cha reading there?" He asked her curiously. The rest of the crew stared at him, their jaws nearly dropped. Luffy wanted to read!?

"It's a history book, its about the hidden mystery shrouding the final island of the grand line, Raftel. Where the only known thing about it is the possibility is that's where the One Piece is located." Robin said with a smile, marking her page and offering the book to Luffy.

He eagerly took the book, ready to see what their end island held in store for them.

The rest of the crew, in exception for robin, stared in shock. Luffy never wanted to read! He was all about getting on his feet and doing things. He never was calm enough to sit down and read a book.

But Zoro was the only one who had the nerve to ask Luffy about what Sanji had told him. When morning came along, the cook had told Zoro of Luffy's peculiar behaviour.

"So Luffy... what was with the mood swing last night?" Zoro asked carefully, trying not to push any unnecessary buttons. Luffy stopped and lowered his head again and displayed the same bizarre behaviour he had put on the night before.

"Nothing, no reason." He said, his tone a shade grimmer, before flipping the page and began reading.

"You're a terrible liar Luffy-Chan." Robin said to him with a smirk.

"I'm only going to say it once... nothing happened. Are we clear?" Luffy said again.

"No, we are not Luffy, now you really are behaving weird... is it hormones chopper?" Usopp spoke up. Chopper walked over and felt Luffy's forehead, looked in his throat, and then did a few other basic things.

"He seems okay, is something bothering you captain? You don't have to tell us what it is, we just wanna know." Chopper said gently.

"Yes, there is... but I'm not getting into it, so unless you all stop pestering me, I'll take this book somewhere else." Luffy said sternly, looking slightly agitated. Everyone relaxed and let Luffy have some peace.

Well, everyone except Nami that is...

"So it has nothing to do with... THIS?" Nami said, holding up a rolled up piece of paper. Luffy looked up and immediately recognized it.

It was Vivi's wanted poster. She had stolen it while he wasn't looking.

"Oi! Give it back!" Luffy shouted as he dove for it, which Nami easily evaded. Nami wasn't going to return it yet...she didn't know what was on that paper and wanted to find out.

Luffy stood and was about to dive for it again... but Nami had already rolled it and slammed it on he table, face up, where the entire crew could see it. Luffy reached for it, but Nami stuck a butter knife through the middle of it, securing to the table.

Luffy boiled with rage, he was mad that she stole it and then showed to everyone. But when she stabbed and ruined the last photo he had of her... that was over line.

Zoro took the knife out and picked up page, giving Nami a disgusted look. Luffy had clearly been uncomfortable with the topic, she had no right to parade it like that, and ruin it.

He handed the photo to Luffy and turned back to Nami.

"What the hell is your problem? He clearly wasn't comfortable with the topic. Not only did you embarrass him, you re-opened old wounds by parading it to everyone, then you ruined the last memento he had of her. What kind of person does that?" He said disgustedly.

Nami's face went red with shame. Sanji was about to yell at Zoro for scolding Nami, but even he had to admit... Zoro was right, she made a big mistake.

Luffy lifted the page, there was a vertical hole on Vivi's cheek. He shook with rage, the hole was small, thin and only a couple inches long, but to him... it ruined it completely.

"Luffy... I'm sorr-" Nami tried to say. She was cut off by Luffy slamming the poster onto the table before walking out of the room. The crew had seen Luffy angry before, but this was different... this was scary. Whenever Luffy was mad, he would yell and be obnoxious, but he was so enraged by Nami's rash behaviour that he left a large crack running down the middle of he table from where he slammed the picture down.

Nami felt terrible, she didn't know that Luffy had felt that way towards her and that he would take it so personally. She looked over at Robin, whom only looked back at Nami with look of sheer disappointment. Usopp, Sanji, Franky, and even Chopper gave her the same look as Zoro shook his head before giving a disgusted sigh and walking out of the room.

Zoro went onto the deck, to find Luffy sitting on a railing in the pouring rain. When he approached him, Luffy turned and looked at Zoro with a look of such fury and rage that it actually made him step back a small bit.

But he understood why Luffy was so mad. It wasn't like their own posters, where they could be found on every inhabited island on the grand line... no, Vivi only had that bounty when she was with them two and a half years ago. That picture was irreplaceable, no matter where you looked. It also could not be fixed, as it was paper.

Luffy turned and looked away from Zoro again. The swordsman simply took the rolled up poster out of his robe and stuck it into Luffy's vest pocket before it would get soaked. Then he walked away, leaving his captain in silence.

When Zoro returned, apparently the bird that delivers the newspaper had come in the meantime and delivered through the window.

But... everyone was gathered around Nami and all looked anywhere from happy, shocked, and awe.

Zoro walked over and saw the headline, before taking it from their hands and going to find Luffy. He did that for two reasons:

1: there was a large color picture of a smiling Vivi on the front of it.


Zoro felt that the blue haired princess would soon be in their midst once more.