AN: I've finally got part of my story done, so I figured that I should post the ones that I've finished now. Since it's still in progress, the updates might be slow, but I promise that they will be posted when they're done. Remember for those who read my profile, that this is a revision of my "Shadow of the Hyperforce" Series, so I have to go through the entirety of the show in order to get an accurate story. Once I'm completely done with this story will I take those stories down. Until then, you can read them as much as you want and if there's something in those stories you want me to keep in this remake then review and tell me what you want to keep. I will take your reviews into account while I work on this.

Summary: A secret 7th monkey who left the Hyperforce long ago and seemed to mysteriously disappear before the team went into stasis. Now that the chosen one has appeared, the time for her to reunite with her friends is close at hand. May have some aspects of AU but I'm trying to keep it mostly within the storyline. Antauri x OC.

Disclaimer: I do not own SRMTHFG. I only own Elena and Luna.

Character Descriptions:

Antauri: Black robot monkey with yellow-green eyes with blue ghost claws. Second in command of the Hyperforce. He is the wisest of the members of the Hyperforce and a vegetarian. He's also a close friend of Elena before she left the team.

Sparx: Red robot monkey with black eyes. The pilot and self-proclaimed comedian of the team. He constantly flirts with Nova, which seems to land him in trouble with her. He acts based on his feelings instead of logic most of the time. He's also a friend of Elena before she left the Hyperforce.

Gibson: Blue robot monkey with black eyes. He is the doctor and scientist of the team. He is the smartest mind besides Otto on the team. He acts based on logic most of the time. He's also a friend of Elena before she left the Hyperforce.

Nova: Golden Robot monkey with bubble gum pink eyes. She is the third in command of the Hyperforce and is the team's fighting specialist. She has a fiery temper that no one wants to ignite. Currently, she's the only female on the team. She was Elena's best friend before she left the Hyperforce.

Otto: Green robot monkey with black eyes. He is the mechanic on the team. He has a child-like personality when he's not fixing things or making new inventions. He was friends with Elena before she left the Hyperforce.

Chiro: A thirteen year old boy with black hair and sapphire blue eyes. He discovered the Super Robot while he was on the outskirts of the city and awakened the Hyperforce. He is their current leader has a friend named Luna.

Mandarin: Orange Robot monkey with black eyes with red pupils. The former leader of the Hyperforce before his betrayal. His and Elena's personalities constantly clashed and created a problem for the team and caused her to leave the team.

Elena: Purple monkey with sea green eyes with rose pink accent on her helmet and sky blue ghost claws. She apparently left the Hyperforce because she was causing problems for the team by constantly arguing with Mandarin. She used to be the team's medical specialist before Gibson took it over after she left since he knew the most about her field.

Luna: A thirteen year old girl with purple hair and sea green eyes. She's a high school student and was Chiro's classmate before he found the Hyperforce and apparently friends with the mayor. Not much is really known about her personal life but she seems to be hiding a secret from Chiro and everyone around her.

Skeleton King: The enemy of the Hyperforce. His goal is to take over Shuggazoom City.


In the command center of the Super Robot stood a two robot monkeys. One was black with yellow-green eyes. The other one was purple with sea green eyes and pink accent on the helmet.

"Are you really leaving Elena?" The black one asked the purple one.

The purple monkey, Elena, sighed.

"You know that I have to, Antauri" Elena answered the black one. "My presence is causing problems with the team. You know that Mandarin and I are too much at odds with each other. I don't want to be the reason that our team falls apart. It's better for everyone if I leave so that the rest of the team can run smoothly."

Antauri sighed at that. He didn't want her to go but he understood her reasons.

"Have you even told Gibson or Nova that you plan to leave?" Antauri asked.

Elena nodded.

"I told them both yesterday about my plans" Elena answered. "They were sad that I'm leaving but they understood my reasons. Gibson will be taking over my position as the medical specialist as well as doing his current specialization. I've been teaching him all I can before I left so that the team wouldn't suffer because of my departure."

Antauri nodded.

"You always were one who thought of others before yourself" Antauri commented. "I won't stop you if you truly believe that this is the right choice to make."

Elena nodded.

"I'm sure I'm making the right decision" Elena said.

Antauri smiled sadly.

"Everyone here is going to miss you" Antauri said.

Elena then smiled.

"This isn't goodbye forever, Antauri" Elena said. "I promise you that, one day, we will see each other again. The Power Primate connects us all. I know that it will guide me back to you and the others one day."

Antauri nodded. As sad as he was to see her go, he knew that she had made up her mind. There was nothing that would change her mind. She had already made it up and she would stick to what she decided. That's just how she was.

Elena grabbed his paw with hers and smiled. She placed something in his hand before she let go with a small smile. He looked down to see an emerald gem one on a silver chain. He looked at her surprised. He knew exactly what that gem was used for and he saw that she had an identical one around her neck.

"It's a goodbye present from me" Elena said. "Something to remember me by. Think of it as a good luck charm."

Antauri nodded. He put it around his neck and held out a few books on science and philosophy. Elena took them curiously and looked at Antauri.

"I know that you've always enjoyed reading things like this" Antauri explained. "I was planning on giving them to you in a few days, but since you're leaving, I figured I should give them to you now."

Elena smiled.

"Thank you, Ani" Elena said happily.

Antauri smiled at the nickname.

"Your welcome, Elena" Antauri said. "I hope one day that we will meet again."

Elena nodded.

"You will, Ani" Elena said. "That is a promise."

Antauri nodded and Elena left the Super Robot and flied out using her rocket pack and disappeared in the night.