Told you it'd be posted soon.

Father Tuners

Chapter 1 - One Year Later...

A lot has certainly happened since the incident with Sawyer and DJ and Eleanor's wedding; each of the Tuners finally got jobs to keep themselves on their wheels finically. While Eleanor continued to work as a waitress at her mother's diner, DJ would occasionally provide entertainment with his sound system, especially on karaoke nights.

With his past experience of working part-time at a senior citizens home as teenager, Boost happily took a job at Lizzie's Curios Shop since an old woman car like could barely keep her head screwed on right and clearly needed help around her shop.

Wingo somehow talked Ramone into letting him work at his body art shop; Wingo was actually planning to open his own body art and paint shop, but he and Ramone figured that would only lead a battle for customers and money between their stores.

Snot Rod was actually the only Tuner that didn't give a job, mostly because everyone who was looking to hire was terrified of his uncontrollable fiery sneezing, fearing he would burn down their whole facility. But it didn't matter because Charlotte was easily able to take care of them when she bettered her medical skills at her dad's shop; that, and Ramone made sure his daughter and her boyfriend they had enough money.

Angel not only got a little more intimate with Wingo, but she also eventually became a certified sheriff of the state when her uncle finally retired; she even got the golden and white badge like Sheriff's painted on her sides.

And Queen? Well, with the financial and mental help from Boost, the two moved in together after a while. Miraculously enough, he even asked her to marry him, and the two have(once again miraculously)remained a rather happy couple since then.

But our story takes place a year after all that, when the Johnston's were expecting a little gift of their own.

The Johnston's(obviously being DJ and Eleanor, in case that wasn't already clear)moved into a small collection of flats in Radiator Springs, and Eleanor was currently in the kitchen with two special envelopes in her tires.

"Keep starin' at 'em, you're gonna burn a while right through 'em," DJ joked as he pulled up to his three month pregnant wife, and was currently carrying twins.

"Oh, I can't help it! I want to know what they are!" Eleanor whined like a child, especially when DJ gently pulled the envelopes from her grasp.

"Ellie, I promise we'll go pick out a cake tomorrow, ok? And then after that, it's just a few more months," DJ reassured while gently starting to caress his Eleanor's sides, which were already starting to show a bit, "They haven't been too active, have they? I don't want 'em hurtin' you."

"No, they've actually been perfect little angels—unlike you," Eleanor replied with a smirk.

"What's that supposed ta mean?" DJ questioned dramatically, but couldn't help but smirk back.

"Admit it, Dear, you were always the daring one, and you're a VERY adventurous lover." Eleanor's voice was smooth like a purr, and her expression was quite lustful. She may be innocent over half the time, but she did have an evil side.

"Well, I aim to please." DJ's voice and expression suddenly turned just as playful as Eleanor's.

"Yes, you do. But I'm more in the mood for some sweet snuggling in bed. Care to join me, Dear?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Love."

Eleanor and DJ weren't the only ones with family matters…at least not yet, for it was Wingo's twenty second birthday that night, and all he wanted for his birthday was some real intimate alone time with his girlfriend.

"Hellooooo, Sheriff!" Wingo cat called while driving up the billboard Angel stationed herself behind, just like her uncle, to watch for any speeders or concentrate on listening to her new police scanner in peace.

"Well, if it isn't the birthday boy. Happy Birthday, Milo," Angel politely told her boyfriend with a slight grin.

"Y'know, if you weren't the only one who could look so sexy in 'cop', it wouldn't end well for ya for callin' me that," Wingo sighed lustfully while checking out the Lamborghini.

"It's just your first name, Wingo; you know, the name your parents signed on your birth certificate when you were born. What's wrong with that?"

"It's not as cool."

"You're relentless."

"Yeah, and I never give up." Angel couldn't help but laugh if he was actually an idiot or just joking, as Wingo pulled up very close to her right and snuggled her.

"Someone's a little lovey today," Angel chimed but didn't try to back away, knowing her boyfriend would just inch closer again.

"I gots needs, Baby—and you're the only remedy," Wingo growled into Angel's side.

"I shouldn't be surprised. Dirty innuendoes were always your ways of flirting," Angel muttered and rolled her eyes.

"I prefer 'melting the heart of a woman'—among other things."

"Oh, Wingo. Will you ever be a civilized person?"

"C'mon, don't deny it. I know you like it when I tease you."

"How would you know-aaahhhh…" As soon as Angel tried to protest, she was at a loss for words when Wingo suddenly slipped a front tire under her, teasingly rubbing at her sensitive undercarriage.

"'Cause I can turn a cop into a criminal, Baby," Wingo whispered into Angel's ear.

It is totally ironic, but not even a serious authority like Angel can resist Wingo's charm. And since it was also Wingo's birthday, Angel figured she should at least make her lover feel good.

And so, she did. She made love to the only man she ever truly loved, and vice verse. But as the lovers basked in the afterglow of their love and the cool desert night, they would never be aware of the "little surprise"…at least, not for another few weeks.

Sorry for the ridiculously short first chapter. I know I've apologized, like, a hundred other times for that, and you would know that if you've read my other stories...but anyway, I'm rambling, so I'll shut up about it. But I will point out that I honestly highly doubt this story will be longer than the first one, so sorry about that too.

Anyway, yeah, thought I'd add in some cheesy first time expecting parent moments for DJ and Eleanor('cause they're just the cutest:3), and some SLIGHT nsfw between Angel and Wingo. You're welcome;)

I will also point out that I have mentioned in the previous story that I gave the Tuners(except DJ, who's full name is Devon Montgomery Johnston lll)full names myself. Thought I'd tell you them now for fun.

Boost: Noah Perry

Wingo: Milo Winegrower

Snot Rod: Jacob Rod

Hope you like the names!

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!