Summer 2015,

Former toy designer Susan Lawrence has now become a car designer…

Inspiration: NA

On the road to work,

She was thinking about new car designs when…


Susan- oh man…

Susan crashed a XT…

She had the same in the past…

The owner gets out of his car…

"My Baby! You crashed her!"

The owner looked familiar to Susan…

"Josh ? is that you ?"

The owner's name was Josh indeed…

Josh-Have…we…met ?

Susan also looked familiar to Josh

Josh- Susan !...

Susan- Josh ?

Josh- oh my god…

27 years ago,

Josh was a boy who wished to be an adult thanks to a machine in an amusement park,

When he became adult, he searched for a job in MacMillan Toy Company…

…and Susan had a really big crush on Josh's adult form…

Josh- it's been a long time…

Susan- we agree…

Josh- what do you do now?

Susan- I'm drawing cars…

The two friends chat before and after making the accident report…