Arthur pressed a kiss on her forehead, squeezed her hand before he walked off. It was still morning, so he was probably headed to training. Training had been stepped up as they waited for Cenred's next move. Gwen lingered in the alcove for a while more, the usual surge of conflicting emotions running through her.

"Ooh, it's a pretty tight squeeze."


Even in the dim light, Gwen could see his grin.

"What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "I saw Arthur dart out and I was wondering what he was up to. Now I know."

"We were just talking."

"Yes and I'm the next King of Camelot. Come on. I want to show you something. The corridors are empty now." Merlin took her hand and tugged her from the alcove.

"I have duties -"

"Just a few minutes," said Merlin.

She followed him out, noticing somewhat belatedly that Merlin was quite wrong about the corridors being empty. A guard she recognised but didn't know the name of stood a few steps away. His eyes glanced at their clasped hands before he quickly looked away. Merlin obviously didn't notice as he continued to pull her through the corridors, until they got to his small room.

"What - oh Lancelot! I thought you would be at training."

Lancelot stood and smiled. "I should be but Merlin here insisted that there was something important that he had to talk about."

"Now, I'm very curious," said Gwen as she settled into the chair that Lancelot had vacated. "What is so important that you've gathered us all here?"

Merlin placed two hands on the table, leaning into them. "Arthur's birthday. I have a plan."

"Is it soon?" Nerves and doubts hit her. She had been part of the castle's celebration of Arthur's birthday for years, but she'd never taken note of the dates. Merlin continued to speak, outlining his plans for Arthur's birthday but all that Gwen could focus on was how little she really knew about Arthur. She and Lancelot had been little more than a fantasy, one that she was certain would never become reality. Yet somehow, she'd become thrust into something even more unrealistic - what appeared to be a relationship with the crown prince of Camelot.

"He'll love it. Say you'll help, Gwen. The kitchens aren't going to let me take food without a reason - you know what cook thinks of me. Just because I sneaked some chicken out once."

"Three times actually," said Lancelot. "And then there was that time with the duck. And -"

"I don't like your memory coming back. Gwen? Will you help?"

She blinked, dragging her attention back to Merlin. "Yes, of course."

Merlin grinned and jabbed Lancelot with his elbow. "I told you she would help us. She's in love."

"Merlin," said Gwen, frowning at his words, a little unnerved at how they made her feel.

He widened his eyes, false innocence shining from them. "I saw you in the alcove."

"Merlin. I have to get to laundry now." She smiled at the two men, before leaving the room.

Picking up the pace, she hurried to the laundry rooms. The other maidservants would probably already be there and Gwen would have to be unconscious not to have heard the whispers. They had been there when everyone thought she was betrothed to Lancelot, but then, they had been admiring. Now, the comments were less so.

"You're late, Gwen." Left unsaid was the accusation that she must have been spending time with the prince.

"I'm sorry," said Gwen, keeping her eyes averted. "I'll get started."

They worked in silence, much to Gwen's relief. Like clockwork, she scrubbed the clothes, then soaked them into the soapy water. The rhythmic splashes lulled her mind and she found herself thinking, once again, about Arthur and all the confusing feelings that came from being with him. There was little doubt that he made her stomach flip and the rest of her tingle. But it was difficult to forget that he was the crown prince.

Water splashed against her face and she looked up.

"Thinking of your prince?"

Gwen felt her cheeks heat, and she scrubbed even harder.

Arthur was late and Gwen felt a little foolish as she stood on the steps, waving to the other servants who were making their way back to the village. As the sun disappeared and the chill of the evening seeped through her, Gwen glanced back at the castle. Perhaps he was busy. Tightening her shawl, she took one step.


She stopped, biting down on her lip to stop the smile that started in her chest. "Hey. I thought you weren't coming."

Arthur took her hand and pulled her into his side. His warmth surrounded her and Gwen let herself relax.

"There was another attack today. Looks like Cenred has decided to continue with his plans, whatever they are."

"What are your plans?"

"We wait."

"And let the villages burn?" She moved from Arthur and looked up at him. The occasional torches along the road to the village illuminated his face, but not enough for her to gauge his reaction. "I suppose they don't matter."

"Gwen." He stopped walking, his fingers curled even more tightly around her hand. "My father thinks that way."

This was the source of all the unsettling emotions. That despite the attraction between them, despite how good she felt in his company, they were far too different - in status and in what they believed in.

Gwen yanked her hand from his. "I'm sorry that he feels that way. My house is near and -"

Arthur grabbed her upper arm, preventing her from turning away from him. His grip was light enough for her to shrug off but she didn't. "You need to have more trust in me. My father won't send the knights but I've asked Leon to organise more patrols in the area."

"And your father -"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him - or me," said Arthur. "Now, can I walk you the rest of the way home?"

"I'm sorry."

In response, his hand tilted her chin up, and he kissed her. It lasted barely a second but Gwen felt it all the way to her toes. She slipped her hand back into his and they walked the rest of the way back to her home. Once inside, the easy rhythm of their evenings took over. Arthur shed his cloak, draping it over a chair before settling down. Gwen made to boil some water and once she'd put the fire on, he grabbed her hand and guided her to his lap. Snuggled in his loose embrace, Gwen rested her head against his shoulder, listening to the comforting thump of his heart. It was moments like this, when Arthur's hand played with her hair that had come loose from her bun, when his other hand gently stroked her back, that made everything, even the most impossible, seem possible.

She lifted her head, angling for a kiss which Arthur obliged. He nipped at her lips first before soothing it with his tongue. Her hand slid into his hair, urging him closer.

"It's not going to be easy," he said finally, echoing her worries.

His hands were entangled with hers and his forehead leaned against hers, the weight familiar and warm.

Gwen sighed in response and Arthur gathered her tighter into his embrace. "But we'll make it work," he said firmly.

"You sound confident."

He lifted his head and smiled at her. "We're together now. We have overcome a fake betrothal, you being in love with Lancelot, Lancelot's memory loss -"

She laughed. "When I stood in front of the door to the infirmary, I didn't expect this to be the outcome."

"I like this outcome better than the one you were probably imagining in your head."

"I like it better too."

AN: And that's the end. :) I've been having a really hard time writing these few months so apologies for how long this took.