Posted 2-19-03 Ok, this was previously posted, but for some reason it never made it up onto the board, so I'm reposting it.

Anyways, I'm writing this story cuz I want to. If you don't like it, that's too bad. Deal with it. Or flame me. I will put out the flames with my tears of rejected-ness.I feel blurry-eyed already just thinking about it.or maybe that's just from staring at the computer too long.yeah that's probably it.ANYWAY!!! I DO OWN INUYASHA!!! AND KOGA!!! ESPECIALLY KOGA!!! KOGA IS MINE!!! MINE I TELL YOU!!! Ok.I don't own them.but can I still keep Koga? Please? (Koga runs away screaming) Oh well! yells after him "YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!!!!! LOVE ALWAYS FINDS A WAY!!!!" ::Notices all the weird stares she's getting from the readers:: .um. yeah . better get on with that story then.

CHAPTER ONE El Encontro (The Meeting)

At a clearing deep in the forest
"Die, you idiot!" Inuyasha shouted as he brought down Tetsusaiga, aiming for Sesshomaru.

"You are quite pitiful, my hanyou brother. That sword shouldn't belong to you. It should be mine," Sesshomaru replied calmly as he jumped to the side, evading Inuyasha's attack.

"Argh!!!!" yelled Inuyasha in frustration.

Meanwhile, on a side of the clearing, Kagome, Miroku, Shippo, and Sango were watching the fight.

"Shouldn't we go help him or something?" asked Kagome, frustrated by the futility of Inuyasha's attacks against his full-demon brother.

"Nay, Lady Kagome," said Miroku, "this is something Inuyasha has to do for himself. He would feel insulted if a girl went and tried to help him."

"And what is wrong with girls, Miroku?" asked Sango, who was dressed up in full demon-exterminator garb and glariring quite menacingly at the young monk.

"Nothing, my dear Sango," Miroku said, "except that Inuyasha feels that women are the weaker--"

WHAM! Miroku was knocked down as an ungodly sized boomerang came down on his head with considerable force.

"But I didn't even touch you or anything!" protested Miroku.

WHAM "Be quiet, hentai-houshi," said Sango, turning back to watch the fight, which was getting more intense by the second, and therefore, by Sango's standard, much more interesting.

"Kagome?" a small voice from behind Kagome said. "Is Inuyasha gonna be ok?"

"I hope so, Shippo," replied Kagome to the small kitsune.

Shippo was worried. He knew how much his adopted mommy would be sad if Inuyasha were injured. He himself didn't care about Inuyasha's well being. Inuyasha only hurt him anyway. He was just worried about his mommy. Shippo was still thinking intently as he went back to watching the violent sibling rivalry.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were totally immersed in their fight.

'They don't notice anything around them,' thought Shippo. 'Not that tree, not that rock, not even that little thing hiding in the bushes that they're going towards.'

Shippo jerked to attention, trying desperately to see who or what was hiding in the bushes behind Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. He glanced up at the elder people around him, but they were all so intent on watching the brawl, so Shippo decided to take it upon himself to figure things out.
Heading off with a dash, he scuttled around the sides of the clearing until he got to the bush where he saw the object of his curiosity. Sitting there, frozen by fright, was a little girl, no older than he himself was.

Shippo paused, wondering what she was doing there, but then a yell of "DIE YOU SON OF A FEMALE DOG!" from Inuyasha jerked him back to reality.

"Hey! Little girl! Little girl! Come on! We gotta get out of here!," emphasized Shippo. The terrified girl still did not break out of her terrified trance the fighting dog-demons.

Back with the others, Kagome realized that Shippo was gone. "Shippo? Shippo? Where are you?," she said with increasing volume and alarmity, until she was screaming. "Shippo!!!" 'Oh Shippo, where could you have gone off to?'

It was at that point that Sango heard Shippo yelling from across the clearing.

"He's over there, Kagome!" Sango told Kagome. Kagome started out across the clearing, only to be grabbed from behind by Miroku.

Kagome stopped, startled, then turned back around to face the lecher. "MIROKU!!!! How could you be such a hentai at a time like this, you, you, BAKA!!" screamed Kagome, infuriated at the monk's brazenness.

"I'm sorry, Lady Kagome, but I can't let you go across the clearing. And you wouldn't have listened to me if I'd just told you to stop." Miroku tried to explain, but to no avail.

WHAM! "That's for being such a hentai, baka!" said Sango, who had just hit him on the head once again with the ungodly sized boomerang.

'Ah.things are back to their natural order again,' thought Miroku as he was being bashed about by the two extremely mad girls.

Shippo, unlike Miroku, was getting no attention of any sort from the seemingly paralyzed girl in front of him. He could hear Inuyasha and Sesshomaru getting closer and closer with their combat still in full gear. 'I've got to do something!' thought Shippo. Thoughts were racing through his mind as fast as Inuyasha could jump through the trees. With only seconds left until the warring swords would pulverize them, Shippo jumped at the young girl, pushing her and himself out of harm's way.

'Phew...' thought Shippo, as they tumbled away, 'That was close.'

Shippo relaxed, happy to have gotten out of the way of the two brothers. They continued tumbling away from the clearing for quite a while, as Shippo had used his full youkai strength in the tackle. Soon, they could not even hear the infuriated battle cries of the two half-brothers, who were still fighting in the clearing.

'That's a relief. I'm glad we are still safe,' thought Shippo. Unfortunately, Shippo assumed too much too soon, and as he and the girl tumbled on, they see the tree ahead of them, and they were both knocked unconscious against its trunk.


Ok, there's my first chapter! I'm so tired now.yawn.sorry the first chapter was so short and fluffy. I hope you like it anyway! Please RR (read and review) and tell me what you think.

Next chapter we will find out who this mystery girl is, and why she was there. Or at least maybe we will. It depends on where the story goes. And who knows where that will be!

Anyways, I have to go find this week's one and only love of my life forever and ever.ah! There he is! No, Koga, you're running the wrong way! I'm over HERE!! Koga! KOGA!!!!

Koga-oh gods, please don't let her get me pantpant I promise I'll be a good wolf demon! Just don't let her get me!

Hyperchica-YOOHOO!!! KOGA!!!

Koga- NOOO!!!! GO AWAY!!!!

Hyperchica- Oh look! such a cute wolf demon! chains to prisoner ball there! pokepoke ....

Remember to read and review! Thanx!!