Before we're finished with this series, I just want to thank each and every one of you who have taken the time out of your lives to read these one-shots that were crap half the time. Again, if i ever have an idea spring up in the future that I think would make a great one-shot, I'll definitely get it down for you all. Remember, this finale part is a little "subject sensitive" and I made this finale part a little longer than usual for you all. Don't worry, this isn't goodbye for Alex. She lives on in my other Supernatural fic. So, with that said, I hope you enjoy. Happy reading. x

All rights go to the owners of Supernatural, except for my original character.

No Light at the End of the Tunnel: Part II

Warning: Alcohol and drug usage

Proceed with caution

"1873 W Bronco St." the text message read.

It was eleven o'clock at night and Alex, despite her instincts telling her not to go through with the uncharted plans, decided to give it a chance. She had showered, put on regular clothes that she would normally wear, put on a little more makeup than usual and made her hair look decent. Alex got into the Impala and started to drive down the dark roads. The house was only a short, fifteen-minute drive from her motel. When she pulled up outside the house, there were cars everywhere and people littered the front yard. This was never really her sort of scene, but every now and again in college, she would go out and make some-let's just say she wasn't proud of all her life choices.

Alex decided to be safe and park the car down the road, just in case things got crazy. She had to walk back to the venue for a couple of minutes. The chilly air was seeping through her clothing, but didn't bother her nonetheless. Approaching the house, Alex felt a tinge of anxiety course through her. Even though she had convinced herself that she felt nothing anymore, it didn't mean her common sense was impaired. The people who were standing outside side-eyed her as she walked up the steps, Alex ignored them. The girl was confident that if anybody caused her trouble, she could easily put them on their ass…or in the ground.

The house was drastically dimmed when she entered. White and colored Christmas lights were strung about as mediocre decorations and empty cups were all over the floor. The atmosphere was hot due to all of the bodies and the smell didn't make it any more pleasant. Nirvana was blasting through the house, Smells Like Teen Spirit, one of Alex's favorite songs. While maneuvering her way through the crowd, Alex was pulled by her elbow into a small room. It caught her off guard and her first instinct was to fight back, but she saw Dylan had been the person pulling her. The room was just as dark as the outside, except the music wasn't as loud.

"You made it!" he yelled.

Alex nodded, mustering up a fake smile. "Yeah, I did, didn't I?"

He motioned for her to follow him, which she did. Dylan led her over to a couch where some other people were sitting. Alex and Dylan stood in front of the three people, two males and one female. If that didn't send a red flag, what else would? Regardless, Alex stayed put, some of her curiosity getting the best of her.

"This is Lindsay, Evan, and G." Dylan told Alex, pointing to each of them as he did. "Guys, this is Lexie."

Alex nodded to his friends in acknowledgement, while the others lifted their chins in regard. The girl Lindsay, was obviously wasted and if it wasn't alcohol, Alex was sure she was on something. Even, looked the least intimidating. He had a boyish look to him and his hair was a shaggy, blonde mess. Then, there was G. What it stood for, Alex didn't know and she didn't want to ask. The guy was obviously some sort of douchy "alpha" male. His eyes gave Alex a once-over, which Alex didn't miss.

"You can sit you know." G informed, his voice sounding mellow, not fitting his bravado whatsoever.

Alex accepted, ironically taking an open seat right next to G. She gave a half-hearted grin to the guy, who didn't offer one back.

"You want a drink?" he asked Alex.

"I don't see why not." Alex responded, not even thinking twice about it.

G motioned with his hand towards Dylan, who left the short-lived conversation. He left the room, leaving Alex with his buddies. Alex's green eyes wandered the room. She saw drinking, heavy make-out sessions and what looked like three people getting busy on the opposite side of the room.

"What're you doing in town?" G questioned, making Alex forget about her bizarre surroundings.

"Visiting family. It's uh, been a while." she lied.

Then, Evan poked his head around, catching Alex's eye. "You hate 'em or something?"

Alex laughed a little and shook her head. "No, it's just that…it's complicated."

"We're all complicated." Lindsay slurred as she layed over Evan's lap.

"You got daddy issues, then?" G pushed, no joking tone in his voice.

"Thankfully, no."

"So, what is it?"

Alex knew she couldn't tell complete strangers about her job as a hunter of the supernatural. Then, she said something that she would later regret. "I just lost my brother. It's been rough." Alex laughed to herself softly, feeling sorry for herself. "It's been really rough." she admitted.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry, Lexie." Lindsay apologized, hiccupping as she spoke.

Nobody said anything else, because Dylan came back with their drinks. He handed one to Alex, who accepted and instantly drank from the bottle of beer. The other beverages went to G, Evan and Lindsay.

Dylan kneeled down in front of G, trying to be somewhat slick. He fished for something in his pocket. "Derek said to give this to you, said he owed you." He handed G two, small bags, filled with what powder. G nodded his head in approval as he collected the drugs, clapping Dylan on his shoulder.

Alex watched the whole thing. Her heart was telling her to run, but her mind didn't give a damn. She sipped on her beer, watching others in the room. That room was still dark, the only light source being a few lamps throughout the room. Before she knew it, her legs were being pulled closer as the table she had her feet on was being brought forward. Alex took her feet down, drinking her beer at a fast rate. She finished it, placing the bottle down on the floor.

"Dylan, get her another beer, man." G instructed.

Dylan simply nodded and complied with the order. Clearly, he was G's bitch, not his own person. G put one bag of drugs on the table, stuffing the other in his pocket and pulling out a glass tube. He placed it on the table, taking the bag of coke and pouring it onto the table top. He glanced over at Lindsay and Evan, who were oblivious since they were eating the other's face. G looked over a Alex next, giving her a smirk. He dug into his pocket again, this time pulling out a card. The powder was being separated into small sections. Rows and rows being formed and Alex couldn't help but watch.

When he was finished, G took his glass tube and instantly snorted one line of coke through the tube. He put his head up, itching away at his nose afterward. He laughed a deep laugh, doing another line. Dylan came back in with more drinks, handing them out to Alex and G.

Alex nodded her thanks and drank straight away.

"You still look rough as hell, Lex." Dylan told her, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Alex.

Alex shrugged, as she honestly couldn't care less about how she looked at a house party, filled with people she'll never see again. Suddenly, a large hand was in front her view, holding a glass tube. She looked in the direction of the extended hand, seeing G offering her the tube. "Oh, uh…"

"You said your brother died, right?" G questioned, his face giving no emotion.

"…yeah." Alex confirmed. Her voice was soft and her eyes searched the other's for clues as to why he was bringing up a painful memory.

"And you're sad, aren't you?"

Was this going where she thought it was? Never in her life had Alexandra Winchester done drugs. She stayed away from such things, never even being curious about them. Yet, here she was, practically being offered a free trial. "You're sad, aren't you?" Hell, Alex was more than sad, she was fraught and dismal and everything she never used to be. Her will power was strong, but in times of distress, her judgments weren't always the best. "Yes." she simply answered G's pressuring question.

"Nothing better to take the edge off, make you forget for a while." G claimed, gulping down his beer.

"…make you forget for a while."

Was it even possible to somehow forget everything she had been through in the last few years? Every single bad thing that had happened to her, to her family, to her brother. This was a night where Alex didn't wonder if she would lay in the dark, staring at the ceiling and think about all the things she didn't want to think about. She could practically feel a war insider of herself, one half saying get the hell out of there, but she could swear the other half was whispering dangerous, little nothings into her ear. Then, her mind went where it hated to go.


What would he think? If he saw her in this situation, she would never hear the end of it. Alex was voluntarily placing herself in a dangerous situation and she wasn't doing anything about it. Dean would lecture her, threaten to handcuff her to him so that she would stray. He would watch out for her, but he couldn't. He couldn't do that for her, because he was dead.

Dean was dead.

Alex grabbed the glass tube from G's offering hand. She twirled it in her fingers, glancing at Dylan and then at G. "Is that a promise?" she asked, a rush and hint of desperation in her voice.

G smiled at the girl and leaned close to her. "I wouldn't lie to you, sweetheart."

Then, all at once, in one sweeping motion, there was one less white line on the table.

Alex threw her head back, rubbing at her nose. Her face was scrunched up and she was sniffling.

G and Dylan laughed. Dylan leaned down to her ear, moving her hair away from her neck. "It's going to take a lot more than that to take care of ya', Lex."

Shivers ran up and down Alex's spine. She looked back over at G, who motioned with his hand towards the table. Alex's eyes met with the product, looking at it with revolt, but also seeing it as a temporary getaway. She moved closer to the middle of the couch, leg touching with G's. Another swift motion across the table top and Alex had another line in her system. She ran her fingers under her nose, handing the glass tube back to G. He shook his head, digging in his pocket and pulling out another tube.

"Enjoy. We got more where that came from." G stated, doing another line himself.

A hell disguised as a heaven.

That was how she described it to herself. She could feel the blood pumping through her veins and the music around her echoed deep into her bones. The lights in the room shined brighter and closer. Her heart felt like it was going a thousand-miles-a-minute as she was doing nothing, absolutely nothing but laying on a couch with fellow party goers.

The sadness was gone and so was any feeling she might've had left in her body. Fake and impermanent happiness consumed her instead. Alex wouldn't be surprised if her soul had crumbled inside her body. The pain of remembering, of simply thinking, it was nonexistent. If she hadn't of already reached rock bottom, she sure as hell crashed head on into the pit, now. Alex had lost count of how many times that glass tube was in her nose. The wretched girl lost track of how many beer bottles her mouth came into contact with. Her high was more important than the stats of her partying

In the midst of it all, Alex shot up from the couch, surprising the other four around her. She stumbled to the middle of the room and spun around in a circle, her arms wild in the air. Her long, brown hair flew everywhere and her red flannel was falling off of her shoulders. She danced around in circles by herself, seeming not to have a care in the world. The music fueled her fire, her intense euphoria. For the first time in a long time, Alex didn't feel like grabbing everything in sight and destroying it. She didn't feel the need to rip everything from the walls and smash any glass that showed her reflection. The girl didn't want to cry herself to sleep or kick and scream. She wasn't burdened with the haunting question of why she was still alive.

She felt free.

Then, she felt someone behind her. It was G, of course. He was dancing behind her, on her, and she did nothing to stop it. They danced in the middle of the room with other people. In the moment, Alex was old enough to know better, but too young to care. She was being naïve and simpleminded. The girl danced away, feeling herself give into the drugs and alcohol.

Then, she dragged G back over to the couch. She reached her hand across his legs, fishing out the other bag of coke that she remembered he had. She opened it, spilling some onto the table. G watched with a smile on his face, petting her hair as she went town on the powder.

Where was her willpower, now?

Waking up, Alex felt like death. She actually knew what death felt like, so, yes, she was allowed to compare death to how she was feeling when her eyes opened. Alex didn't make one noise. Laying there on the dirty floor, Alex stared at the ceiling. Her mind went directly to the events of the night before.



The drugs

She rubbed her eyes hard with her palms and sat up quickly, which was a bad idea. Her head was pounding and she wouldn't be surprised if her brain had melted into soup. Alex sat on the floor, rubbing her head for a couple more moments. Her bloodshot eyes wandered the dark room, People were sleeping wherever they could fit, trash littered the floor, music was still playing and there was white powder reside on the table next to her.

She wanted to throw up.

Quietly, she stood on her feet, careful not to wake anyone. She looked down, seeing Lindsay sprawled out on the dirty couch. While observing the girl, Alex noticed that Lindsay was holding one of her boots. Alex glanced down, seeing one of her boots missing from her feet. She shook her head and leaned down next to Lindsay. With slow movement, Alex gently pried the girl's fingers from her boot. Luckily, she didn't wake up. Alex pushed her shoe back on and winced in disgust as she looked at the couch. She didn't even want to think about what might've happened. Dylan, G, and Evan were nowhere in sight. Alex assumed that was a good thing. So, slowly, she made her way through the wave of bodies on the hard floor. Her hand grabbed the door knob, hesitant to pull it open. When she did, she was thankful there wasn't any sound to signal her self-dismissal.

Alex tip-toed out of the room, immediately being met with a house that looked like a tornado had blown through. The floor creaked as she passed over it, careful not to trip on anyone as she passed over them. Eventually, after stepping over several blackout people blocking her path, she reached the front door. No hesitation came when she yanked the door open, dashing to the outside. The sun was barely rising in the sky, but the brightness still took its toll on Alex. Suddenly, she started patting herself down. Her hands felt her jean pockets first, relieved that the car keys were still ticked in there. Then, she realized that her keys weren't accompanied by her cellphone. Her hands frantically roamed her body again, reaching her chest. Feeling a hard piece in her bra, Alex pulled out her cellphone. A sigh left her mouth and she began her short trek back to the Impala.

Her heart filled with shame as she approached the beautiful car. She didn't deserve to have this car, not after her selfish tactics the night before. Coming to a stop at the driver's side door, Alex hunched over, arms wrapping around her stomach. A stream of vomit left her body as she heaved for the all the contents to come up. Her hair was getting caught in the mess, but that was the least of her worries. Finally, she didn't feel the need to throw up her organs anymore and she unlocked the car, getting inside. Alex positioned the review mirror to her face and her own reflection made her feel despicable, low, unworthy and everything in between. Her eyes sported some serious bags and they were black due to her mascara, her nose was red around the edges and all in all, she was a complete wreck. Tears began to escape her eyes and roll down her face. She couldn't help it, she felt appalled by herself.

As if on que, her mind went back to the one place she had tried to break free from. She thought about how disappointed her brother would be and how he would scold her until her last breath. Her forehead landed on the steering wheel and her hands scrunched her hair in anger. Alex didn't want to be this person. This wasn't her, it never would be. Trying to escape reality, even for a night, made her hate herself even more. There was nobody to blame for her behaviors, only herself.

Alex sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. The tears were still falling, but she sat yp anyway, attempting to compose herself. She pulled her cellphone from her pocket and began scrolling through her contacts. The damaged girl froze as she saw her brother's name next to the name she was searching for. Her finger hovered over his name, like she was unaware that there wouldn't be another voice on the other end of the call. Snapping out of it, Alex dialed the correct contact, waiting for the call to pick up. It rang and rang and rang. Finally, a voice came though.


Alex started to unleash more tears. She looked out the window, not saying anything, except letting her cries fill the silence.

"Alex? Hey, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" the voice pressed, concern surrounding their words.

Alex shook her head, as if the other person could see her. "No." she admitted. "I-I'm so sorry." Her voice cracked as she offered the deserved apology. She inhaled and exhaled a deep breath and finally said, "Bobby, I need help."

Thank you for reading and please remember to review. I would really appreciate it.