So, back to the story from Draco's perspective. And back to the morning after the night before . . . I'm kind of thinking this should be the last chapter.

Guest- sorry about the haphazardness of that last chapter. Originally, I was going to post every other chapter from each of their POV. But I thought it would be too repetitive. But I wanted to show Harry's perspective.

Thanks also to Rori Potter, Ai Neko Yokai, littlesprout, sjrodgers23, yukino76, and cassy1994 for reading and reviewing!


"Draco," Harry whispered. "Draco."

"Hmm?" Draco rolled over and stretched out his arm, hitting Harry's leg as he sat on the edge of the bed. Draco startled and sat up quickly. "What the fu–"

Harry laughed. "It's just me. I have to go to work soon. I didn't want you to wake up alone."

"Oh." Draco rubbed his eyes, then ran his hands through his hair. "I forgot where I was for a minute. What time do you have to be there?"

Harry looked at his watch. "I've got about twenty-five minutes. We could grab a quick breakfast at the cafes if you have time."

Nodding, Draco yawned. "Give me a sec."

"I brought your clothes up and I pressed them. No one will know you wore them yesterday."

"How thoughtful," Draco smirked. He dressed and smoothed his hair out.

"I wish I could wake up looking like you," Harry sighed.

"If you looked like me, we would not be dating," Draco snickered. "I may be slightly conceited, but that would going a bit too far. Besides, I'm quite content with you looking like you." He paused, giving Harry the once over. "Quite content."

They ate breakfast in Diagon Alley, which was relatively quiet for a Saturday morning. Draco noticed Harry glancing at his watch often.

"If you need to go, go. I'll sit and finish up my tea."

"Sorry. I hate working weekends but it makes the training period shorter. Will I see you tonight?"

"Um, I have plans with Blaise. I can cancel."

"No, don't. I'll probably be too knackered anyway. We're practicing restraints on the run."

Draco raised an eyebrow.

"We're taking turns as runaway criminals while the others practice casting restraining spells," Harry explained. "It's actually much harder than it looks to hit a moving target."

"Right. I suppose Aurors with proper training make it look easy." A wide smile grew on Draco's face.

"What?" Harry couldn't help smiling as well.

"I was thinking about how you'll be proficient in casting restraining spells when your training is complete."

It took Harry a moment, then he blushed at the implication.

"Thanks loads. Now I'm going to be thinking about that all day."

"Glad to be of help," joked Draco.

Harry leaned in for a lingering goodbye kiss that left Draco breathless.

"Now you'll be thinking about me all day too," he winked, then disapparated.

"As if I wasn't going to anyway," Draco said to himself.


"Draco, are you coming for lunch?" Blythe asked. "Draco."

He opened his eyes. He'd nearly fallen asleep at his desk again.

"Damn." He sat up straighter. "I'm sorry. What?"

"Are you feeling all right?"

"You do look a bit pasty," Nigel added.

"I'm fine."

"Come with us then," Blythe urged Draco.

"I'm not very hungry. I'm going to stay here and have some tea. Maybe take a short nap."

"Can we bring anything back?" asked Nigel. "Some fruit or something?"

"An orange? I might just need some vitamin C." Draco smiled but he wasn't feeling it. He was trying to be agreeable so his office mates would leave him alone.

Once they were gone, he sat down with his cup of chamomile. He tried to think of what day it was. The days lately seemed to run together. Harry had been sent to Germany along with other Auror candidates from all over the world for an intensive training session for two weeks. Draco couldn't remember exactly how long ago that was.

He'd seen Granger moping about the Ministry halls. He supposed she was missing Weasley as well. But they had been a couple for years, and friends for many more before that. And they were married. They were used to seeing each other everyday, sharing meals and a bed every might. She at least, had a reason for being so sullen. What was Draco's problem?

Ever since that night he'd slept over, Draco had justified spending the night in Harry's bed more and more frequently. Even when no sex was involved, the pair would supper together, then spend time in each other's company. It had quickly become routine. It was rare not see one another at all on any given day.

"Heads up." Nigel tossed a small orange his way. He bobbled it a couple of times before palming it.


"What's wrong?" Blythe questioned. "You still look moody."

"I think I may be coming down with something," Draco told her.

She and Nigel both subconsciously leaned back.

"The tea didn't help? What are your symptoms? Do you have a fever?" Blythe appeared to be getting concerned for Draco.

He put a hand to his forehead. "I don't think so. No."

"That's good. What else?"

Draco sighed, trying to recount all the things that felt 'off'.

"I haven't been sleeping well. And my appetite is down. I don't feel nauseous but I don't feel like eating."

"Hmm." Blythe rubbed her chin. "You have seemed a bit depressed lately."

"I think I'm simply tired. I keep waking up in the middle of the night, then I have trouble falling back asleep. I can't concentrate. And even reading is a chore."

"Do you think you picked up a bug from Harry?" asked Nigel.

"No. I haven't seen him in . . . nine, no, ten days. He's off training." Draco smiled. "We floo call occasionally. I always seem to have the energy for that," he laughed. "Then I'm wiped out again."

Blythe and Nigel exchanged a glance.

"Draco, I'm pretty sure I know what's wrong with you. And a cup of tea isn't going to fix it."

"What? Is there something going around?"

"It's definitely not contagious," Blythe rolled her eyes. "You're in love. And you miss Harry something awful."

"Please, I thought you were being serious," Draco scoffed.

"I am."

Draco looked to Nigel for support.

"It does sound that way. Sorry mate," Nigel offered. "You're fucked."

"I am not in love. Harry and I have only been together a little more than a month. Besides, people who are in love act giddy and foolish. And they talk incessantly about their significant other."

Nigel and Blythe avoided eye contact with Draco.

"I do not talk incessantly about Harry." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm ill. That's what's wrong with me."

"Okay, if you say so," Nigel pulled some parchment in front of himself to get started on the second half of the day.

Draco let out a huff. "I'm going to get more tea."

He walked down the hall to the kitchenette to brew a whole pot of chamomile and ginger, certain that warm tea and bedrest was all he needed to feel right again.

By the end of the week, Draco still wasn't feeling himself. He did notice, however, that he felt significantly better while, and just after, talking to Harry over the floo network.

During their last call, Harry told him that because of all the intense training they've been doing, he and Ron had gotten the entire coming weekend free. Draco suggested they do something quiet to relax and spend some much needed time together. Harry proposed they go on a picnic in St. James's Park. The weather was warm enough not to need jackets, but not too hot to sit and soak up some sun.

The weekend couldn't arrive fast enough for either of them.


Saturday morning, Harry and Draco sat on a blanket situated to get a good view of Buckingham Palace, the Tiffany Fountain and the pelicans. The pelicans, however, were not cooperating and had all congregated on the other side of Duck Island, and mostly out of sight.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Harry asked, sighing. "It's nice just to be able to relax."

His head was nestled in Draco's lap while Draco gently smoothed out his hair. Draco appeared to be in his own world, daydreaming.

"Draco? Did you hear me?"

He looked down. "What? Sorry."

"You've been preoccupied since we got here. Is everything all right?"

Harry sat up, ensuring he had Draco's attention.

"Did something happen while I was gone?"

Draco looked Harry in the eye. "Actually, yes."

Harry swallowed, loudly enough for Draco to hear.

"What? What happened?"

"I've done some thinking." Draco took a deep breath. "I thought about how I've changed over the past few years. I thought I had changed for the better."

"You have."

"Now I'm not so certain."

"What do you mean? You work hard. You've renounced the Death Eaters. You're an honest wizard."

Draco nodded. "Yes, those things are true. But what I'm talking about is difficult to explain. While you were away, I thought about you. I wondered what you were going through. And that, whatever it was, you were going to come out of it stronger. And I thought about what you becoming an Auror would mean for us. And I realized that I'm not as strong as I used to be."

Harry scratched his head. "What are you trying to say?"

"I've changed. Even more in the past few weeks than I had in the years following the war. I've always thought of myself as a man in charge, in control of my emotions, as a man in command of my own destiny."

"And, now what are you?" Harry asked.

"A man in . . . love."

"With me?"

Draco chuckled. "Of course with you."

Harry bit his lip and frowned. "But you say it as though it's a bad thing."

"No, it's not a bad thing. But it makes me weak."


Draco looked away, toward the palace, as though he couldn't speak to Harry's face.

"I didn't handle your absence very well. That's an understatement," he scoffed. "I was a wreck. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't concentrate at work. All I thought about was you, and when you were coming home."

"I thought about you as well," Harry said. "That's what people do when they're in love. They want to be together all the time. They think about each other when they're apart."

Draco looked at Harry. "But how can you respect me when I can't hold myself together without you?"

"Because I love you. And because you can't hold yourself together when you're away from me, I know you love me."

"But I can't continue to act like such a . . ."

"Pussy?" Harry laughed. "Haven't we had enough of trying to hide our feelings in order to appear more manly? It nearly kept us apart. If I hadn't swallowed my pride and admitted I was wrong to judge you, and that I had a crush on you, we may have never gotten together."

Draco chuckled. "You didn't hide your feelings very well, especially when you were pissed."

"I almost wish you hadn't told me how I behaved that day," Harry blushed.

"Then you shouldn't have asked. I'm an honest man now. Remember?" Draco sighed. "So, I'm forced to admit that I need you, more than I want to. I'm weak." He looked away.

"Being in love isn't a weakness," Harry said. "There is strength in numbers. We're stronger together. Do you know how I made it through the rigorous training in Germany?"

"You're Harry Potter, saviour of the wizarding world?"

"No. I knew that I had you to come home to. That gave me the strength to endure it."

"My coworkers will tell you that my time away from you made me think I was coming down with something. I wallowed in my misery and drowned myself in tea."

Harry laughed. "Well, I suppose that's one way to deal with being apart. But perhaps next time, you could try a different strategy."

Draco gasped. "Next time? Do you have to go away again?"

"I don't know. But if I do, it's nice to know you'll miss me as much as I miss you."

"I will. More than I ever expected. I feel like I'm rolling downhill and there's nothing I can do to stop myself. And, I'm not certain I want to."

"You're not alone."

"I've never felt this way before. I love you, Harry."

Harry leaned forward, kissing Draco and pushing him onto his back. He lay on top of him, feverish with emotion.

"I love you, Draco," he whispered between kisses. "I want you so badly right now."

"Not here," Draco snickered. "I've had my fill of sex in public places."

"Let's get out of here."

"My thoughts exactly. Yours or mine?"

"I don't care. I just want to be able to get out of the park without everyone seeing how hard I am."

Draco laughed. "I don't see why. You should be quite proud of that."

They gathered up the blanket, which Harry carried in front of himself, and the basket of half-eaten goodies. Moving as quickly as possible without running, the pair ducked behind the nearest building and disapparated.


In Draco's bedroom, Harry fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

"Are we going to . . ."

"I want that more than anything right now. But if you're not ready, I'm happy just to be with you."

"Well, you said I should wait for someone special. Until I'm in love. I am in love with someone special, so I'm ready. I want you to make love to me, Draco."

Without another word, Draco began to slowly unbutton Harry's shirt. Harry stood unmoving, allowing Draco to set the pace. Neither of them were in a hurry.

Silently, Draco stripped Harry down, then did the same for himself. He took the time to put Harry at ease with soft caresses on his shoulders and down his arms. When his hands reached Harry's, he clasped them together and pulled him to the bed.

He lay Harry on his back, poised over him. He pressed his lips into the hollow of Harry's neck. Moving down a few inches, he kissed Harry's chest. He continued to move along Harry's body until he reached the tip of his cock.

Harry was not quite aroused, and Draco took that for nerves, not lack of desire. No matter how much Harry insisted he was ready for sex, Draco knew he had to take it slowly.

"Before we go any further, I think we should explore. Accio lube. Accio condoms."

"Condoms? Plural?" Harry questioned.

"Just in case." Draco lay the packets aside and poured a bit of lube on his fingers. "I need you to relax for this part. I'll be as gentle as possible."

"I've, um, tried putting my fingers inside already, if that's what you're going to do."

"Do you like it?"

Harry blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed," Draco said. "We've all tried it. A lot of us like it."

"You do?"

"Well, it's a hell of a sight better with someone else's fingers, but, yes, I like it."

Harry bent his knees up and let his legs fall open.

"I'm ready."

Draco used his lubed fingers to trace around Harry's bollocks, which drew up slightly at his touch. Harry's cock twitched and began to plump. When Draco's fingers ran along the ridge of skin leading to Harry's hole, his virgin lover tensed up once more.

"Relax, Harry. I promise I won't hurt you. It will feel a bit strange at first. But I promise it will make you feel . . . it's difficult to describe precisely."

Harry nodded, then took a deep breath, resting his head back on the pillow behind him.

"Perhaps you would feel better about the whole thing if you could finger me first." Draco grinned. "Or at the same time. Don't move."

Picking up the bottle of lube, he grabbed Harry's hand and poured some out. He climbed over Harry on hands and knees and turned, effectively putting his arse in front of Harry's face.

"Glad I showered thoroughly this morning," he joked.

"What do I do?" Harry asked.

"Whatever you want. But I'd really like you to put your fingers in. If you're comfortable with that."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to see if I can coax more of an erection out of you." Draco widened his stance.

Harry eyed Draco's arse and the pale pink bollocks hanging below. The skin of Draco's bum was soft and supple, but firm with muscle beneath. Draco didn't flinch when Harry's finger poked at his puckered opening.

"Go ahead," Draco urged. "Put it in. You won't hurt me."

He groaned as the fist digit slid in without resistance. Draco was more than ready to accommodate whatever Harry wished to stick in there. Content to let Harry explore at will, Draco got to work on Harry's cock. He took it into his mouth, teasing, not sucking. His aim was to arouse Harry, not bring him off.

Harry's fingers stopped moving.

"It's kind of hard to concentrate while you're doing that," he said.

Snickering, Draco answered, "You need to learn how to multitask. Keep going. You're almost there."

"Almost where?"

"Don't worry about it. You'll know when you've got the right spot."

While Draco continued to lick and caress Harry's cock, Harry experimented with his hands. He tried moving his finger in and out slowly. He twisted his finger back and forth. He tried going in with his palm facing up, then facing down. Though Draco gave little moans of pleasure, Harry still hadn't found 'the right spot', as Draco put it.

Harry dared to put in another finger. When he slid them both all the way in, Draco's moans grew louder, and Harry knew he was on the right track. But when he curled his fingers forward, Draco gasped and stilled.

Harry tried it gain. The high pitched whine told he had found the place he was looking for. By then, Harry himself was hard and ready to go.

"Are you going to do that to me?" Harry asked.

"Would you like me to?"

"If it feels as good as you say, yes. Very much."

Draco withdrew himself from Harry's fingers and resumed his position between the man's spread legs. He picked up one of the condom packets, ripping it open with his teeth.

"I will gladly do that to you. Eventually. At the moment, however, I want you to top."

Draco rolled the johnny over Harry's cock and poured a little more lube on it.

"I, I thought you were a top," Harry protested. half-heartedly.

"I'm happy in either position," Draco explained. "But after that, I need your cock inside me."

"If you don't do it to me, will I still be a virgin?"

Draco laughed, then apologized. "The rules aren't different for gay men. Putting your cock into another person whether you're gay or straight is losing your virginity. I'll strip you of your bottom virginity soon enough. Don't worry."

Draco crawled up Harry's body to position himself over Harry's penis. He glided down, sheathing him in one motion.

Leaning forward, he kissed Harry, then whispered, "Cherry, officially popped."

They snogged hungrily for a few minutes. Draco pulled away, raising himself, then lowering again, resting his hands on Harry's chest for leverage. Instinctively, Harry pushed his hips up to meet Draco's as they came down.

The pair moved like a piston, gaining speed and force with every thrust. The sounds of grunts and moans, and the creaking bedsprings filled the air like an odd sort of melody. Their bodies were soon covered in a thin film of sweat.

Draco sat up straighter, leaning back slightly. Resting his hands on Harry's thighs to brace himself, he bounced up and down. His cock bobbed and swung, slapping against Harry's belly. He watched Harry watch him, open-mouthed and panting.

The slight change in position was enough to get Harry's cock to press against his sensitive gland just right. Draco whined and moaned with all the spectacle of a porn star. Except it was real. Harry was fucking those sounds out of him, and it was glorious.

Harry barely had the presence of mind to run his hands over Draco's chest the way he liked. Moment after, Draco came with a cry of Harry's name.

Cum flew in all directions while Harry watched, wide-eyed. He drew a finger through a small puddle and brought it to his lips. In the meantime, Draco had stopped moving and leaned forward to kiss him.

"That was intense," Draco whispered. "You're a perfect fit for me."

"You came without being wanked," Harry observed. "I didn't know that could happen."

"Of course you did. Haven't you ever had a wet dream?"

"Oh, yeah. I guess."

"Good sex is as much about using your head as it is using your dick. If you really let yourself get turned on enough, you could probably have an orgasm without touching at all. But of course, you were touching me. It was simply from the inside."

Draco lifted himself off and lay next to Harry.

"Now finish fucking me. I want to see your face when you cum."

Harry easily slid back inside and began thrusting and pulling back. He pushed Draco's legs forward so he could reach his mouth with his own. While they moved at a slower pace, they could keep their lips in contact. As Harry came closer to climax, his hip movement became more frantic and was forced to break away.

"Fuck me Harry. Fuck me as hard as you need."

"This feels so incredible, I want it to last forever. But I can't hold out anymore."

"Then cum for me, love."

Harry didn't hold back. He slammed into Draco a few more times, then moaned as he pulled Draco's hips tightly against his own. His eyes fluttered shut and his mouth fell open as he took in a long, quiet gasp.

"Beautiful," whispered Draco.

Harry rested his forehead on Draco's collarbone. "I love you, Draco."

Draco squeezed him in response.

After disposing of the condom and casting a Scourgify on themselves and the bedclothes, they lay in each other's arms, fully sated.

"I feel like someone cast a jelly-legs jinx on me," Draco chuckled. "You wore me out. So, how was your first time?"

"Spectacular." Harry gazed into his eyes. "I suppose it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for you though."

"On the contrary. That was . . . the first time I made love with someone. It was definitely different."

"Different? Not quite a glowing review."

"But I feel like I'm glowing. Sex can be good or not so good. You can at least count on getting an orgasm out of it. But making love is using your whole body and soul." Draco sighed. "You make me feel . . . I sound like a complete berk."

Harry didn't think so.

"You were right. I needed to do that with someone special. But I was right as well. I needed to do that with you. And if you sound like a berk, then so do I. Because I can barely contain my emotions. I love you so much, it almost hurts."

Draco smoothed the hair away from Harry's forehead, revealing his scar. He ran a finger over the purple mark that he had made fun of when they were children.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm sorry for so much, I can't even begin to make up for it all. I'm going to try though. I'm going to try and deserve your love. And I'm going to do everything I can to show you how much I love you."

Harry sighed heavily and closed his eyes.

"Don't fall asleep yet Potter. We still have one more condom."