
The dust and debris seemed to be settling and the fighting between the two powerful warriors had stopped. Cell, the monstrous android, was still floating in the air above the golden-haired fighter who, along with many of the other mysterious fighters, had seemingly dropped out of thin air at the start of the Cell Games. The fight between Cell and the unknown fighter could hardly be kept up with let alone understood. They were flying, disappearing from sight, shooting light, and making copies of themselves. Only a handful of people around the world actually knew what was going on and some of them couldn't even see the entire fight themselves. Now, the blonde was conversing with Cell, but not much of the conversation was able to be heard from a stunned group of onlookers. They were able to catch the man saying that he forfeits and were able to hear him calling over the next fighter.

"It seems like they have called in the next fighter, but I didn't quite catch his name." The KTV reporter looked over to the cameraman to ask if he heard the name of whoever the next fighter would be.

"It didn't sound like a name. He just said 'Go on.'" The cameraman replied with a shrug, not moving his camera from the view of the arena or what was left of it at that point.

"This is a battle determining the fate of the world and all he can say is go on!" The reporter shouted angrily.

Behind the news team, Mr. Satan had heard the name loud and clear. He was still stunned from the fight they had been watching that he didn't correct them mishearing the name. Gohan. The man who had said the name, who the champ had also heard called Goku by Cell, had also told Cell that he was no match for him, but this new fighter could easily wipe the floor with the grasshopper. These guys were doing all sorts of crazy things that he had once thought were all tricks and light shows, but he couldn't see any kind of equipment, there couldn't be any wires considering the wide-open space they were in, and the hit he took from Cell earlier was as real as it could be. It was one of the most painful hits he had ever felt and it was simple backhanded slap, but compared to what all he just witnessed, he knew Cell was holding back against him. Being here by this fight, he knew the abilities that he had heard about and saw pictures from the twenty first, second, and third Tenkaichi Budokais were real. They weren't tricks, light shows, or smoke and mirrors. They were real. Many of the fighters who had shown up at the games had also participated in those tournaments. Krillen, Yamcha, former champ Tenshinhan, the Demon King or reported reincarnation of him, Majunior. Then there was the man named Goku who had flown up the cliffside to talk to the next fighter. There was a Goku who was the champion before Mr. Satan and supposedly defeated Piccolo Daimao years ago. This Goku was different though. His hair and eyes were different colors and his hair was completely spiked up, but considering all of the other people who were up on that cliff; that may very well be the same Goku. Mr. Satan composed himself, as they saw the next fighter, a young boy, fly down from the cliff to face Cell.

Mr. Satan was on his knees, looking up in the sky as the strange fighters, no, heroes all flew up into the sky to take their leave. His eyes were bulging and he could hardly catch his breath at everything he just saw. A lot had happened today. He was defeated like it was nothing by Cell, he could tell he was severely outclassed by every fighter that had shown up at the games, all of the abilities he thought were fake were actually real, Cell seemingly disappeared for a short while before reappearing and overpowering everyone, two of the fighters changed their hair color to the same golden color as the two who had fought Cell, and now, after a huge explosion, the group of warriors was just leaving. He wasn't entirely sure what to do or say when the reporter came up to him asking what happened. There was no doubt in his mind that everything they just witnessed was real. He knew that the first fighter was the same Son Goku from all those years ago after seeing the two fighters with the strange armor change their hair color. To some extent, he was scared. He had insulted these people here at the Cell Games and on public television over the past year since he had won the Budokai. He had belittled their abilities and said they were nothing but tricks and they were a bunch of cheaters and magicians. Oh how wrong he was. Finally, Mr. Satan stood up and faced the tattered reporter. He thought for a moment. They had just left, he could take the credit for himself, but what if they hunted him down? He couldn't fight off any of those guys if they wanted the credit.

"Umm, Mr. Satan, are you okay? You look a little shook up." The reporter had patted the panicked champ on the arm to bring his attention back into reality.

"It was the boy. Gohan was his name. He defeated Cell." Mr. Satan finally said, rather sulkily. His pride was shot. A kid, no more than ten or eleven years ago, defeated a monster who had easily beat the champ.

The reporter was surprised to hear Mr. Satan say this. 'Did that boy really defeat Cell?' He thought to himself. It just didn't seem possible. Granted, weren't all of those things they did tricks? Could this just be some kind of hoax? Collecting his thoughts, he looked back up to Mr. Satan and voiced his question, "Champ, are you serious that the boy defeated Cell? If that is true, then is it because of all of the tricks? Could this have just been staged?"

Mr. Satan seemed to contemplate this for a second, but quickly brushed it off. "There isn't any kind of equipment or wiring around here for them to fly, boy. This is just a big open area. The only thing they could hang wiring from would be the clouds above our heads." The last bit of that was said sarcastically. He was about to speak once more when the cameraman said some of the broadcasting equipment in the truck was still working.

"I would like to speak to the public to tell them what happened." Mr. Satan said to the reporter as they began walking to the truck. He just nodded. He wasn't going to refuse the champ's plea. To be honest, he couldn't believe everything he saw either, but he knew it was all real as well. The cameraman got the equipment set up after digging the truck out from underneath the rocks. He looked over to the other two men sitting in back and gave a thumbs up before counting down.

People all over the world were sitting and waiting for something to happen. Whether it be connection to be reestablished or a report to come out saying that Cell was defeated. Many were also praying that the world didn't end. One little raven haired girl was bawling in her mother's arms, fearing that her father had been killed by Cell. Her hero. This girl was the daughter of Mr. Satan, Videl. As her mother was trying to soothe her and assure her that he would be alright and that he was strong enough to take whatever was thrown at him. It was all she could do to show that she wasn't afraid herself. Then, a voice came over the TV. It screen was still just static, but it was Mr. Satan's voice. Her father's voice. The mother and daughter pulled each other into a hug with tears of happiness hearing the man finally speak. He seemed to be getting ready to do some kind of speech alongside some reporter who could also be heard.

"Citizens all across the globe. Cell has been defeated!" As Mr. Satan made that announcement, all across the planet were cheers and chants of the name "Satan" as many believed he was the one to defeat the monster. He continued by saying, "I assume that everyone is cheering, but I would like to share what happened here at the games. I would also like to take this time to apologize to the fighters from past tournaments who I have gone on record many times saying they were liars and tricksters." Many people were probably confused by these statements, including Satan's daughter who was listening intently. "Many of those fighters were here at the games as some of you may have noticed. Former champs Tenshinhan and Son Goku, Krillen, Yamcha, and even Piccolo or Majunior as he has also called himself. These fighters were all here helping defend the world today. I called the abilities that they all possessed 'tricks' and 'magic' when in reality, it was all real. Everything that you all saw today was real. The power from these people was real. So, if any of you guys are hearing this then I'm sorry for the things that I have said about you over the past year. I would also like to say thank you to these brave warriors including the ones I have never seen before. Lastly, I did not defeat Cell. The little boy, Gohan, defeated Cell."

The world went silent at this admission. If what they were hearing was true, then that meant that a child was quite possibly the strongest person on the planet. Videl was wide eyed at the thought of the blonde boy that was on the screen earlier.

"After Cell was defeated, these heroes left shortly after and we have not seen them since. They have probably left to recuperate after a fight like that. I would just like to thank all of them again. Including Gohan. You are brave and strong beyond your years. I do not know what your life has been like, but just know that we appreciate what you have done. Thank you, Gohan!"

And with Mr. Satan's appraisal, the world began cheering and chanting for Gohan, their savior.

Hello everyone. I hoped you enjoyed this short chapter. More to come later. I'll try to get a chapter once a week until the summer. After that, I might be able to do it a bit more frequently. I'm trying to decide whether or not the next chapter will be either the Son family dealing with their celebrity status after someone tracking down Gohan (even though his family name wasn't said, it probably wouldn't be too hard to find out). It would be somewhat of a second prologue chapter I guess. Or I might go straight to high school and have the story start there. Let me know what you all thought of this. Also, "Let's Hang Out" will probably stay as a one shot. I might rewrite/edit it during the summer at some point, but not right now.