Thanks to everyone for reading, as usual. I got writers block pretty bad starting to write this, but I want to think I finished off strong. Maybe a little fluff here and there, but I liked the final product. There's a bit of Irony going to present itself in this chapter that's not intended to be funny, but I hope you still like what I did anyway. Here is the final chapter. After almost 9 months of writing and planning, I present to you the closing chapter of the longest story that I have ever written to date. "Kidnapped."

(This chapter was edited slightly post publication)

Chapter 14

Luan was always jealous of Leni. Actually, envious would be the better word. Despite the constant reassurance of her sisters, she never thought that she was as good looking as any of them. It wasn't that she thought she looked ugly by any means, even with the braces. If anything, the fact that guys asked her out as often as they did, should have made her think higher of herself. It was just because of the fact that she had so many sisters that she thought were much better looking than she was that made her think this way. It would be like if Leni was a perfect ten by society's standards, then Luan would be closer to a six or maybe a seven. Not ugly by any means whatsoever, but to her, not as good looking as her sisters.

It was because of this that Luan, other than Lincoln, was actually the one impacted the most by it. No one had even noticed that Luan had been staying in her own room most of the time. Sure, she helped out with the party and occasionally cracked a joke at the dinner table, but the rest of the time that she wasn't at school, she was out of the way of everyone else. She even deceived them so well that no one noticed that anything was wrong with her.

Thursday went by without a hitch. Lori broke the news to everyone after dinner that night about how Leni couldn't have children anymore. Everyone else reacted somehow. Whether they were words of comfort or tears of sorrow for Leni's diagnosis. Lisa was the only one that wasn't shocked by this revelation, but even she gave Leni some comforting words. Lincoln was feeling especially bad for her, but after various different talks with Leni, whatever situation that made them talk, Lincoln had made up his mind to not beat himself up over it anymore.

Luan was the only one who had nothing specific to say. She groaned and whined with the rest of them upon hearing the bad news, just enough for them to not suspect anything, but other than that, nothing. There was no comment directed in Leni's attention, no sobbing or even slightly shed tear, not even a distasteful pun was made. She kept silent and only spoke to keep up her charade.

It was no secret that she was affected by this just like everyone else was. But she was the only one who wasn't willing to show it. Immediately after dinner was finished, she strolled up to her room and sat on her bed, watching youtube comedians for the rest of the night, hoping that it would stop the tears from streaming down her face.

"Why did it have to be Leni..." she sighed out loud. Having her headphones in, she didn't even realize that Luna had come into the room right as she said that. Luna seemed to be a bit surprised. Luan didn't seem to be acting that out of character lately, and now she was crying? Maybe the realization of what had happened to Leni finally hit her. Luna, thinking this was the case, was now determined to be there for her immediate younger sister and roommate.

"Hey dude! What's up?"

Luan jumped upon hearing Luna's voice seemingly come from out of nowhere. When did she come into the room?

"Nothing," she said, wiping the tears from her eyes before turning to face her older sister.

"Nice try. Your eyes are red, that means you've been crying." Luna didn't like being straightforward like that, but if she knew Luan as well as she thought she did, then this was the only way to approach this situation. "Now tell me. What's up?"

"What's up is that I want you to mind your own business," Luan sharply responded.

"Harsh sis..." Luna said almost sarcastically, not once changing her expression. Those words actually did cut into Luna like a knife, but if she made it seem like she didn't care, then maybe she could get something out of the young comedian. That way was more likely than letting her provoke a fight of some kind.

"Mmmgghhh..." Luan tried ignoring her and continued watching comedy skits.

Luna looked over Luan's shoulder and leaned against the wall next to her. She kept staring on with an expressionless look etched on her face, thinking about what she should say next. Then it came to her. It wasn't the best way to start it off, but it seemed like the only way to guarantee a response. "It's about Leni isn't it?"

"Yes!" she snapped. All of a sudden, everything that she was thinking burst forth out of her mouth like a dam, nearly drowning Luna in the process. "It's not fair what happened to her. She's so nice and innocent and beautiful, she didn't deserve it, any of it. Not just whatever they did to her, but the fact that she can't have kids anymore?! That's awful! She would have been a great mom too! Sure, she might be a little ditsy, but everything always goes great for her! She would have found a nice guy, had a beautiful family, and..."

"Dude! Shut up!" Luan ceased immediately and her face turned to one of complete shock. Luna was now regretting not only making her go off like that, but also for snapping at her. Her face changed to one of sorrow and her shoulders drooped a little bit. "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that."

Luan looked back at her older sister, now with an understanding expression. "No, I'm sorry too. All you wanted was to talk with me, I should have known that."

Luan was never the most audible when it came to expressing her feelings, but when it did happen, it was obvious. Luna sat down on the bed next to her sister and put an arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry about it dude! I pushed you to that point, even if it didn't take much to do it."

"Yeah... So what was it you wanted to tell me?"

Luna took a deep breath in, "Well dude, you practically told me everything I needed to know already. But I'll still go ahead and ask anyway. What's wrong?"

"You probably already know what it is. I've told you this before," Luan started hesitantly. "It's about how I think I'm not that good looking compared to the rest of you, then combined with the fact that Leni got... well... you know. It just makes me feel awful..."

"Well I don't really blame you for feeling bad for Leni, we all do," Luna replied. "But despite that, you can't keep torturing yourself like this, especially now! Leni needs us right now more than ever."

"I know, I know. I just... can't get those thoughts out of my head... especially thinking about what happened to Leni..."

"You need to stop worrying about it sis... Ya keep acting like this and you'll eventually turn into Luce..."

After a brief moment of silence, Luna then followed it up with, "That would be a tragedy man..."

After that comment, they both stayed silent for quite some time. Luan leaned into Luna's shoulder after a minute and they just sat there in complete silence, to the surprise of everyone in the house. They were expecting Luna's guitar playing to drown out whatever else was going on, but there was none of that. Only quiet. The neighbors certainly appreciated it, but the rest of the Loud siblings automatically assumed something was wrong when no noise came from their room for more than three minutes.

There was a knock on the door, then Lori poked her head in. "What's going on? It's literally, eerily quiet in here..."

Luan's head popped up and jerked slightly to the side to see Lori. Luna got up from the bed and looked back at Luan. She mouthed the words, "You good fam?" When she recieved a nod Luna perked her head up and said to Lori, "Everything's fine dude. I just finished talking to her."

"Oh, okay! Well, I wanted to ask you guys something."

A quizzical look came across Luna's face. "Ask away."

"Well," Lori started. "I thought that it would be a good idea if we had a sibling sleepover tomorrow night! We haven't had one in a long time and I think after everything that's happened recently, it would be good for all of us!"

Luan and Luna looked at each other for a moment, as if asking each other what they wanted to do. "I'm down if you are Luan."

"Sounds like a great idea! I've got some pretty punny jokes I've been wanting to tell everyone. You might think they're cheesy, but I think they're pretty gouda!"

Luna and Lori chuckled as Luan lost herself laughing. Lori left the room and went to tell everyone else about the sleepover. Even Lisa agreed to join them, claiming that it would make for a good study. After all of the sisters agreed, there was just one person left. Lincoln. She strolled over to his room and knocked on the door. She heard some rustling sounds, followed by a thump, more rustling, then another thump, louder than the previous one before Lincoln finally opened the door to reveal Lori standing right there in front of him.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I've already asked everyone else and everyone wants to have a sibling sleepover tomorrow night. You in?"

Lincoln was doubtful at first, thinking that there was some ulterior motive behind Lori wanting to do this. But the more he thought about it, the better of an idea he thought it was. Not only would it give everyone a chance to hang out with each other and become closer as siblings, but after recent events, he thought that this was a perfect way to help everyone get over it better.

"Definately," he responded. "Is it gonna be in the living room?"

"Actually, I was thinking it would be in my room," she responded. "I think it would literally make it too casual if it were in the living room. I really want this one to be more personal."

"More personal?"

"Yeah, not just watching movies and making pillow blankets and all that. I was hoping that we could all just talk to each other. Not about anything specific either, just talking, just cause we can. Anyone can say anything they want to say."

"Oh, okay." The concept was quite intriguing to Lincoln, even if he wasn't going to admit it. There were plenty of things he wanted to tell everyone. Well, not even everyone, just someone. Everyone has things that they want to say. Sometimes, people won't say anything for fear of being judged, being made fun of, or for other reasons.

"Do you still wanna come?"

Lincoln did have to think about it for a minute. He did want to hear everyone's juicy tales and other stories, but at the same time he didn't want to reveal his own.

"You don't have to come. I'm not gonna make you."

"I'll come," Lincoln finally responded. Even though it was probably gonna be awkward for him, he decided that it would be a good idea. Besides, he wanted some quality bonding time with his sisters. There were bound to be things that he didn't know about some of them.

Lori and Leni had spent the entire afternoon cleaning and organizing their room for the huge sibling sleepover. Both of their beds had been made, sleeping bags were rolled up and stacked against the wall just underneath their window, and they had even set up a projector so that they could watch some movies. They had drinks, sweets (specifically chocolate), and enough popcorn to feed a small army. When the time came for the sleepover to start, the two of them checked and double checked everything to make sure that everything was just right.

After the finishing touches had been made, Lori made the announcement that the sleepover had officially started. One by one, everyone piled into the room, each bringing their own supply of things they would need for the night.

There was a long awkward silence once everyone arrived. They had never done this before, so no one was entirely sure what to do. They all looked around at each other, hoping someone would break the silence, but there was nothing, not even a whisper. What was everyone waiting for?

"I like it..." Lucy stated, wearing the same indifferent look on her face as always.

"Wow. The Silence is hearesistable. I was expecting to get quiet an earful!"


"You might for that one Luan, that was awful!"

"Better than sitting here in silence, Lola. At least someone started talking."

"Fair enough."

"So, like, how is everyone! Excited?"

"Alright guys," Lori finally stated. "We've got soda, crackers, chips, popcorn, and best of all..."

"Chocolate," they all said in unison.

"I got first dibs!" Lincoln yelled.

"You gotta race me for it!"

"Oh, as far as chocolate goes, I'll beat anyone to it!"

"Are you kidding? You're looking at the fastest person in the county, maybe even the state!"

But before any of them could even reach the chocolate bars, Lana had already made her way over there and had started guzzling up the supply like a hummingbird drinks nectar.

"Hey, save some for us!"

"Dang it. I was enjoying the eerie silence."

Lana looked up at everyone else with a mouthful of chocolate, about to stuff another bar in her mouth. She dropped it immediately as soon as everyone else sans Leni, Lori, and Lily charged towards her. Lori looked on, almost appalled at their behavior. She couldn't believe it was already time for the whistle. If she was being honest with herself though, she knew this was going to happen.


"Calm down guys! There's plenty of chocolate for everyone. But if you do that again, Literally no one will get any, understood?"

Everyone nodded and they each grabbed some chocolate, keeping the chaos more organized.

"Alright guys. We totes have tons of things to do! We've got movies, board games, card games and like, dozens of things! What do we wanna do first?"

"Let's watch 'King of the Rings!'"

"Lincoln, we literally watched that last time. Besides, we don't have it in here."

Luna perked up next, "I've got an idea!"

Without any other options, Lori opened the floor to Luna's idea. "Okay. It's kind of a twist on spin the bottle..."

"But Lincoln's the only boy!"

"Yeah, that's kind of gross."

"You gotta let me finish dudes. I was about to say instead of kissing, when the bottle points at one of us, we tell everyone something that no one knows about."

Everyone Liked that idea. Lori especially did since this was what she was going for in the first place when planning this party. She went to where the snacks were and grabbed an empty soda bottle that someone had already downed, then placed it on the floor in the middle of the group.

"I'll go first since I recommended it." Luna then cleared her throat and began to speak. "I know that it seems like I only like rock music, but I actually listen to classical music when I'm studying or going to sleep."

She then spun the bottle. They all watched as it twisted around on the floor dozens of times. Finally, it came to rest pointing at Lincoln.

"Well Lincoln, what's something about you that none of us know about?"

Lincoln took a deep breath. This was something he really wanted to tell someone, just for the sake of telling someone, but he knew that the opportunity would never present itself. Now he had an excuse to not just tell one of them, but all of them. "Well guys, you know how I really like Ace Savvy?" They all nodded. "Well, I've been doing some Ace Savvy Fanfiction."

Lincoln reeled back as he expected them to all laugh at him, but what he instead heard were words of encouragement.

"Cool bro."

"At least it's not princess pony." Lucy was secretly blushing at Luna's comment.

"Can you write other things too? Can you write me a princess story!?"

"I wanna read some of the stuff you write!"

"I also would like to inquire gazing upon your literary works, even if they are merely works inspired by fictitious universes, code name: fanfics."

"I have a better idea," Lincoln said, still reeling in the fact that his sisters were so supportive of him. "Let's finish this game first." He then took his turn spinning the bottle.

They continued playing for several hours, each person revealing more secrets about themselves each time the bottle was pointed in their direction. So many secrets were shared in less than a few hours by everyone. From Lucy telling everyone that she actually liked princess pony (Luna cringed a little, thinking about the comment she made earlier), to Luna admitting that she had gotten drunk before, then swearing that she would never do it again. But the entire time that this was happening, not once did anyone laugh or criticize, not wrongfully anyway. Nobody said anything that was intended to be harmful. Nobody made fun of anyone else. They all accepted all of the others little nuances that they had, and eventually, it got to the point where everyone ran out of things to say. There were no longer any secrets between siblings. Even Leni ended up telling the little kids that she was adopted. It was met with mixed reactions, and of course Lisa had already known about it, but it was now out there. Everything that all of them had been hiding was now out there.

No more secrets.

After this they had all agreed to watch one of the family's favorite movies of all time. It was one that they could all agree on. It wasn't the best movie in the world by any means, but it meant the world to them as a family. As Lori popped in the dvd, Luan turned the projector on. Lori and Leni had set up a surround sound system in their room so that they could watch their favorite movies or shows in the privacy of their own room. Now it was being used to watch one of their favorite movies of all time. They turned the lights off and on the corner of the projector screen was a blue icon with the words "video paused" in the center of it. Lori then pressed the play button, and before the screen even showed anything, everyone sat up in their seats, wherever they were sitting, each of them sporting a huge smile on their faces. Even the elder siblings couldn't help but show their delight from watching this movie.

"Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba

Sithi uhm ingonyama"

As the first word was held out, the sun rising on the African Savannah could be made out. Immediately, everyone in the room, even Lisa, became covered with goosebumps. As the song progressed, each of their feelings became more intensified. This movie wasn't any of their favorites. Their favorites all ranged from "King of the Rings" to "The Princess Bride" even to "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." They didn't all agree on many things, especially when it came to their favorite movies. But if there was one thing that they agreed on, even if they never agreed on anything else, ever, then it would that "The Lion King" was one of the best movies ever made.

"From the day we arrive on the planet

And blinking, step into the sun

There's more to see than can ever be seen

More to do than can ever be done."

All of the Loud children remained completely silent as the song played out. Each of them nearly holding their breaths watching the magnificent intro to an amazing film. They could all barely contain their excitement as the intro chugged along. Rita and Lynn Sr could hear the movie playing upstairs from their room and even they got goosebumps just listening to it.

"There's far too much to take in here

More to find than can ever be found

But the sun rolling high

Through the sapphire sky

Keeps great and small on the endless round

It's the circle of Life!"

As the main part of the song played, everyone's goosebumps that had nearly subsided returned to them almost instantly. And then again as the words repeated themselves after a brief instrumental break, the goosebumps returned even stronger. As the song came to a close, everyone was jumping up and down in their seats they were so excited. Then the title screen appeared with a percussive hit and the story itself began.

There were many more moving moments for them during this movie. All of them sang along to "I just can't wait to be king" and "Hakuna Matata." The scene with the stampede made them all tense up, as they knew what was coming next. When Simba came up to his dad trying to wake him up, all of them with the exception of Lucy and Lisa cried. But even they weren't resistant from feeling nothing. Every time that any of them were watching this movie, when they got to that specific scene, they always hoped that Mufasa would wake up, but he never did.

They all laughed and cried as the movie progressed, holding onto each other and shoving each other away in some cases. More goosebumps came and left as each scene played out, especially the "Remember who you are" scene.

There was one scene at the very end that they had all nearly forgotten about. After Simba had finished fighting Scar, his triumphant return to pride rock left them all with even more goosebumps. The combination of the dramatic music playing along with the flawlessly executed animation going all the way up to the end of the movie left all of the Loud children with shivers running down their spines. As they all settled back into place and Lori flipped the lights back on, each one of them started talking amongst themselves. Lori gathered their attention before too long, telling them that Leni had something to say.

"Guys," she started. Leni's brain was busy thinking and going through all of the different scenarios that could play out. "I know that this past week hasn't exactly been like, pleasant for any of us..." the mood soured pretty quickly, recalling what had happened just at the beginning of that week. "But I don't think any of us should be feeling sad or gloomy. I know that what happened was like..." Leni paused, searching for the right words, "not good, but, like the monkey said, 'it doesn't matter, it's in the past.' Even if it still hurts, we don't have to run from it. Lola, you won't quit doing beauty pageants just because you get second, right?"

Lola scoffed, "Of course not!'

"Luna, you won't quit playing music if you do a bad show, will you?"

"No way dude!"

"Exactly. And I don't think we should quit being happy just because something terrible happened, right?" Everyone nodded their heads. "Great! I'm so glad you guys agree."

Leni went back and sat down on her bed. Lincoln, who was sitting on the floor next to it, decided to come up and sit with her. "Okay everyone, what do you want to do next?"

"Let's play Uno!"

"HAHA, YES! I'm sooooo gonna win!"

Everyone sighed, "Whose idea was it to even bring games? Lynn's just going to win like she always does!"

"Hey! I'm trying to be a better sport now. I don't even have to go outside anymore to celebrate my victories."

"Let's give it a shot guys. Besides, if we team up against her, maybe she won't win."

"Aww, c'mon, that's not fair."

"Taking into account the style of game Uno is, combined with the fact that you have a win percentage of 99.9%, it would be safe to assume that teaming up against you would not only prove fruitless, but is utterly pointless. We would all be better off trying to beat you by ourselves."

"Way to ruin the moment Lisa... I thought it was a good idea bro..."

"I don't really want to play Uno. I wanna watch the Lion King again!"

"Yeah me too!"

"Me three!"

"Okay, listen up!" Lori exclaimed. "I'll put the movie on again, and anyone who wants to play Uno can play that while the rest of us are watching the movie."

Half of them began a game of Uno while Lori put the movie back on. The ones participating in the card game only ended up playing one round before switching back to watching the movie. They just couldn't resist watching their favorite family movie when it came on. This time around, nearly everyone had fallen asleep before the end of it. Lori was the only one who didn't. So once the movie ended, she took it upon herself to shut everything down for the night and turn the lights off. It was quite the task walking back to her own bed in the dark without stepping on anyone, but she successfully made it without waking anyone else up.

That night ended up being one of the best night of each of their lives. All of the troubles they had gone through the past week had faded away. And while some of the effects would remain with them for the rest of their lives, not a soul had any problems. They all loved each other, and that was all that mattered to any of them at that moment. Nothing Else.

"Remember who you are..."

We are the Louds.

- The End -

Thanks for reading guys. I really hope you enjoyed this story. I know that this last chapter was not the most exciting, but I was kind of expecting it to be honest. My whole purpose for this chapter was for all of the characters to not want to feel bad for Leni anymore, and I think I successfully did that. I know that I could have done more with it, but there was already a lot of fluff in here and I felt like I would only be adding even more fluff if I did decide to go further. I really enjoyed writing this story as a whole and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

My next story is going to be a simple one shot, heavily involving the fact that Leni is adopted and that's all I'm going to say about it. No spoilers! I hope you guys go read it!

As usual I ask that you leave a review and tell me what you thought of the story whether you have critique for me or not. I always ask that if you do have critique, that you would give me something to improve on and not just bash the story. Thanks again to everyone for reading my story.

rctperson85, signing off till the next one!
