Okay, so let me explain why this took so long. I WROTE THIS CHAPTER LIKE 4 TIMES. And I was never happy with how any of them turned out. I still think even this one is ehhh, so I might, later on in the future, come back and re-upload it. But I couldn't leave you guys without a third chapter, so here it is. It is mostly filler, which is why it was so hard to write, but I hope you guys enjoy.

Jack watched his girlfriend leave the suite with a hesitant smile. It wasn't often that Kim chose to interact with other girls, the exception being Grace and, occasionally, Julie. He was glad that she finally seemed to find a female companion with similar interests, but he wasn't too keen on sharing much either. They had been right in the middle of what could've been an intimate moment when they were so rudely interrupted. He only hoped that Amy wouldn't take up too much of Kim's time. This trip was supposed to be their time together.

"So, what do you guys think?" Carson asked timidly from his spot next to Jerry.

Jack furrowed his brow. "About what?"

"About Amy," he got in reply, "She's my first ever serious girlfriend and I really like her. I know we're not really friends or anything, but still, what do you guys think?"

It was weird to see Carson so nervous about something. He was right in the sense that they weren't really friends. They hadn't spoken in like what, five or so years? And now he's asking their opinion on his girlfriend. Jack was beginning to wonder if Carson had many friends at all if he was seeking approval from people he hasn't been in contact with since early high school. Something had definitely changed in the older male, and it wasn't just the fact that he wasn't a huge dickbag anymore.

"Yo, your girl is hot. You guys make one good lookin' couple," Jerry said. Carson nodded his head.

"Yeah she's… beautiful… amazing…." He trailed off as he started to get a little dazed look in his eye.

Milton glanced up in interest. "Sounds like you're really serious about her, then?"

Carson didn't reply, continuing to stare off into space with that goofy smile on his face.

"Look at him. He's almost as bad as Jack," Rudy laughed, bringing Carson back down from the clouds.

"Oh yeah. How are you and Kim, Jack?" he questioned. Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"Same as we've always been, I guess. She is my world and all," he muttered.

Truth be told, he had no idea where he and Kim stood. There was the whole sex thing that neither of them chose to confront and it really needed to be talked about. She went off with Amy so that for sure wasn't happening any time soon. He kind of really wanted to talk to someone about the whole thing, but the guys? Jerry still seemed to immature (not to mention perverted) to handle that kind of thing, Rudy would definitely make it awkward, he didn't really know Carson that well, and Milton… well Milton was likely just as much a virgin as he is, also he'd be way too objective about the whole thing.

So yeah.

"Well, if you guys are just going to sit here and chat, I'm gonna go check out the resort's bar and see if there are any ladies worth chatting up," Rudy said suddenly, picking himself up from the couch and heading towards the door. "Let me know if you guys make any lunch or dinner plans,"

So then it was just the four boys in the living room of the suite, talking about life. Milton talked about life at UC Berkley, which turned out to be way more than any of them expected. The once skinny and nerdy boy Jack knew was now a full-grown college man. Milton talked about how he joined a fraternity, and not a Skull and Bones chapter. He said he enjoyed the activities he participated in with his frat and that he even joined a martial arts club.

"Julie says that the frat takes up too much of my time. I think she's mad at me for joining," the redhead sighed, leaning back in the office chair by the desk.

Jerry winced sympathetically. "That's the thing with chicks man. They're always so needy with your time," he said.

"Is that why you still don't have a steady girlfriend, Jerry?" Jack joked, sending a playful punch in the Latino's way.

Jerry laughed it off. "Nah man, just haven't found the right lady yet. You should know these things take time. After all it took you and Kim what, like three years to finally get together?"

Jack shot him an annoyed look. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. At least I managed to get a girlfriend, unlike your lonely ass."

"Hey man, not cool. I'm single by choice, yo," Jerry replied, sobering up quickly.

Jack didn't get the chance to reply with a witty comeback because Kim walked into the room again. She had Amy tailing her and the two girls were giggling like madwomen. What could possibly be so funny? Well, Kim giggled a lot and sometimes for no reason. Girls were weird like that. Jack didn't bother to open is mouth as he made eye contact with his girlfriend and looked at her curiously.

"Amy said the pool here is huge and has an awesome hot tub next to it! Are you guys in for a swim later?" the blonde questioned, looking towards the entire group of boys for an answer.

Jerry shrugged. "Middle of July, hella hot outside, refreshing swim after eighteen-hour flight? Count me in!"

"Why not? Aren't we here for some relaxation. The hot springs are closed for the morning anyways, so a hot tub sounds nice…" said Milton.

Jack was hesitant. It wasn't that he didn't want to go swimming with Kim. He's seen her in a bathing suit and… just… wow. But he had planned on doing other things with his girlfriend once they finally got everyone to leave. He guessed that now that she met Amy, she would want to spend more time with her female friend too. And here she was giving him her puppy eyes as if she needed them to get him to say yes to any of her wishes.

Swimming it was.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go swimming," he said, pulling Kim into his lap and planting a kiss on her cheek. Everyone cooed at the sight.

"Hey, should we go tell Rudy?" she asked. Milton shook his head.

"He seemed pretty set on picking up women at the bar downstairs," the redhead muttered, looking pretty grossed out at the thought. Jerry gagged on cue.

"That's… gross," Kim winced. But for real, the man was in his mid-forties now.

"So, I guess it'll just be us, then," said Carson, who now also had his girlfriend in his lap.

Amy made the excuse of the girls needing to get ready in a more private setting, so she made Kim grab her swimsuit from the bedroom and proceeded to drag the girl back upstairs to her room. She discreetly mouthed something to Carson before heading up, making sure no one else saw her. Carson's eyes widened at her, not quite knowing where she was going with this, but knowing that Jack was sure in for a surprise.

"Jack, why won't you confide in us about your issues with Kim?" Milton suddenly asked, far bolder now that he'd filled out some and was an adult.

Jack looked taken aback by the question. "Because Kim and I don't have any issues?" he spluttered, aghast.

"Ah, see on that I call bullshit," the redhead smirked.

The challenging look in his friend's eyes was starting to piss Jack off a little bit. Sure the kid had some meat on him now and he was a second degree black belt, but who the hell did he think he was? Jack could feel his fingers twitching in anger, but held it in the best he could. He couldn't fight Milton, not that it would be much of a fight, but the guy was also one of his best friends. A friend he knew would be honest with him no matter what.

"And just what do you know about mine and Kim's so-called issues?" he replied haughtily, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

Milton leaned back in his chair. "Oh, please. You could cut through the sexual tension with a spoon. Jack, you and Kim have been together far longer than any other couple I know. So I ask, what the hell is taking so long?"

Milton wanted to laugh at Jack's face, he was so red. Truthfully, he himself was a little shocked at his boldness. There was no way he'd be able to speak to Jack, who was now a bulked, experienced black belt, in the such a tone. He guessed spending so much time with the guys in his fraternity really had some sort of effect on him. Also, knowing that he'd exceeded Jack in at least one particular experience brought him a small sense of pride. He'd lost his own virginity to Julie the summer before they left for Berkley.

Jack pursed his lips, not really knowing the answer to the question himself. "I… don't know. We just haven't found the right time, I guess."

Carson looked on in interest. Not that he really gave a rat's ass about Jack's sex life, but he knew his girlfriend was the type to meddle. Should Kim feel the need to confide in the other girl, well, these next couple of days were sure to be interesting. Also, he was sure he'd be able to offer Jack some advice in that area, should the other brunette feel the need to ask for it. Guys gotta look out for their bros, after all.

"Milton's right, Jack. We know you and Kim are busy a lot, but it's been like what, three years? Almost four? You're about to be a twenty-year-old virgin, Jack. Things got to get moving between you two. Plus, I can't stand to see Kim so frustrated for much longer," Jerry chimed in. "And not to offend her or anything, but Kim's gotten a little bitchier recently. I think she really needs some lovin'"

"Wow, that was so disrespectful on so many levels, Jerry," Carson said suddenly, glaring at the other boy. "What if they wanted to wait until marriage? Would that be a problem?"

Jack sat back and grinned as Jerry and Milton got grilled by Carson, but he didn't get away with it for long. Carson soon turned an exasperated look on him.

"You gotta admit, though, Jack. Kim wants you, and you want her, so what is the hold up? Is there some underlying reason that you're not telling us? We're all guys here, you can talk to us."

Jack released a roar of frustration. Honestly, the more these guys talked, the more pissed off he got. "Look, you guys really want to know?! Things were literally about to happen right before all of you barged in an hour ago. I was hoping Kim and I would actually get some alone time on this trip…"

Jack pressed his palms over his face, already noticing how hot his face felt. He was really hoping it wouldn't come to him yelling at his friends, but it's hard not to do when they kept nagging. Now all the guys were quiet, and Jack hoped that they all got the message and would leave him and his girlfriend to their own devices during the trip. And that they would stop pestering him about his, as of yet, nonexistent sex life.

Suddenly, loud giggling could be heard in the hallway, and Jack got up to check what all the commotion was about. As he cracked the door open, he nearly fell back from the force of the door being shoved open. And judging by the places he automatically felt up in the last three seconds, she was wearing nothing but a bikini. He pulled away to get a decent look at her and almost drooled. She was wearing his favorite little number, white with yellow polka dots.

"Oopsie, sorry baby," she cooed, swaying a little on her feet. She shuffled to the side a bit, allowing Amy to scoot inside the room.

The pink-haired girl hopped in on cue, clad in a bright blue one-piece with a low dip in the front. She scanned the room for her boyfriend, finding him sitting in the same spot she'd left him in, and plopping down in the spot Jack had been sitting, right next to her boyfriend.

"What did you do?" Carson whispered fiercely in his girlfriend's ear. She only grinned cheekily and kissed his cheek.

"I just gave her some liquid courage, babe. Things should be getting interesting soon…" the girl drawled, motioning to the door where Kim and Jack stood.

Jack ushered his swaying girlfriend in on cue, blushing fiercely as she nuzzled his neck and nipped at his collarbone. She didn't say anything, didn't even look up at the sound of Jerry's wolf-whistling, just continued her assault on her boyfriend's neck. Jack pried her off of him slowly, embarrassed of her making a show in front of all of their friends. She could not continue with this or there would be a problem in his pants. There was a time and a place for these sorts of things, and right in front of Jerry, Milton, and Carson was definitely not the place. Kim pouted against his chest when he pulled away. He was annoyed when she would not look up to meet his eyes, turning completely away from him instead.

"I'm cold," she said simply, wrapping her arms around her small person.

Kim scanned the room slowly. All the actual seats were taken and she didn't want to sit on the floor. Jack obviously wasn't into her right now and she was embarrassed that she even tried to jump him in front of all their friends. She couldn't look at him after that! Damn Amy and her so-called liquid courage. Alcohol was the last thing she'd planned on doing this vacation! She didn't even want to have drunk sex with her boyfriend, especially when it'd be their first time. But when he opened the door and she caught a glimpse of him in that form fitting t-shirt, she couldn't control herself. She silently berated herself while she tried to figure out where she wanted to sit.

She wasn't too keen on sitting on the cold tile and it wasn't like Jack was sitting down so she couldn't just plop down in his lap like she normally would. She was left with the options of Jerry's lap or Milton's lap. It wasn't much of a decision, Jerry was notorious for being extra perverted around her. She untangled herself from Jack and made a beeline for the unsuspecting redhead relaxing in the office chair.

"K-Kim!" he stuttered as she perched herself in his lap. His hands immediately went to her waist to steady her and he easily redistributed her uneven weight.

Milton could feel Jack's eyes on him as Kim settled down in his lap sideways. He hadn't expected to become her seat so suddenly, so he readjusted her so she wouldn't fall off. Kim let out a huge sigh and rested her head on his shoulder. Her breath reeked of alcohol. How did Jack not notice how drunk she was?

"Jesus, Kim. How much have you had to drink? You were gone for like twenty minutes," he told, watching Jack's expression as he mentioned her drinking.

The brunette black belt's eyes widened in surprise. He'd felt a flash of jealousy when Kim stumbled over to Milton and sat in his lap, but it all made sense now. She was drunk, or at least a little tipsy. That explained her little lapse in self-control.

Oh, it was going to be one hell of an afternoon…

I know it wasn't at all the best way to end this chapter, but I figured we'd have more fun experiencing drunk Kim in the next chapter.

P.S. - So in this story, since all the characters are older, I want everyone to know that I based Milton's glo-ed up appearance on KJ Apa's character in Riverdale. That is all.