I told myself I wasn't going to start anything new, but my sister got me into Kickin' It and I'm hooked on the Kick pairing. I decided to do a slightly mature fic for the older audience, and as a present to my sister.

So y'all enjoy!

I do not own Kickin' It.

Ah, vacation. There was simply nothing more enjoyable than sitting by the waterfront, relaxing with friends, and just having a good time. Everyone loved a good vacation, and the Wasabi Warriors were no different. To celebrate Jack's twentieth birthday, they all decided to jet off to Japan, the birthplace of their martial art of choice. Everyone was pretty excited, even Kim, who had gotten to spend a year in Japan when she went to Otai.

"Alright everyone, make sure you have your tickets!" Rudy shouted before they boarded the plane.

"I can't believe we're finally going to see Japan!" Milton exclaimed, "I can't wait to see all of the ancient historical sites they have and tour some of the famous temples."

"The temples aren't as exciting as they seem. They look just like the one in Seaford," Kim stated, deflating Milton's giddiness a little.

"Who cares about temples, guys? It's my birthday, and we're going to have tons to do in the week that we're there," Jack smiled, throwing an arm around his blonde girlfriend.

Kim smiled, looking at her group of friends fondly. Jerry was munching on a candy bar and chatting up one of the airline attendants, as usual. Jack was nearly bouncing up and down with excitement, and Milton was reading a tourist's guide to Japan. It was like nothing had changed since they graduated high school, but in reality, a lot had changed.

With everyone now reaching their twenties, it should come to no surprise that they all grew up and matured in their own way. Jack still stood tall and muscular, but he had lost some of his more boyish features and was starting to develop more masculine facial features. Kim was always reminding him to shave his scruff before he started looking like a hobo. He cut his hair back to shoulder length, but still liked to keep it in a ponytail most of the time. Despite looking way more intimidating than he had three years ago, Jack was still a really friendly guy who wouldn't hurt a fly unless he had to, or unless it looked at Kim the wrong way.

Milton, having hit his major growth spurt late in high school, was a lanky six feet tall. He had developed some muscle tone over his recent years as a black belt, but nothing compared to Jerry and Jack. He lost the nerdy squeak in his voice and the majority of his boyish features and now carried himself with a confidence that reeked intelligence. Now a sophomore in college, he's been attracting more and more girls with his smarts. In spite of this, he rekindled his relationship with Julie and the two have been dating for almost two years.

Jerry changed the least, in Kim's opinion. The only difference was that he took care of himself a little better. He showered every day, shaved when necessary, and always wore clean clothes. She supposed she had university girls to thank for that. Thank god college girls had standards, or Jerry would be single forever. He still flirted with everything in sight, even her on some occasions. He was still one of her best friends though, the one who could always bring out the fun side of her.

Rudy was still the same old guy he's always been, always full of advice and wisdom and… wackiness. His hair had started to gray a little bit, but it wasn't noticeable to most. He wasn't that old, but Kim was starting to think that working with so many kids was starting to get to him. He always complained about not having enough energy to keep up with the small white belts.

"Hey Kim, I think we're boarding. Give me your bag," Jack said as he stood up.

He was right. It was finally time to board the plane. She handed him her carry on, which he took without complaint. She was glad that he didn't comment on how heavy it was, but then again with his muscles she didn't doubt it didn't compare to his daily lifts.

She sat between him and Milton on the flight over. It was a nice arrangement because when Jack inevitably fell asleep, she would be able to talk to Milton about Japan. Milton was the easiest to talk to, aside from Jack, as he didn't get annoying very quickly. Not like Jerry or Rudy did. Milton had acquired a maturity to him that definitely wasn't there before he got to college. Plus, she hadn't gotten to see him for a while. He's been away at UC Berkley with Julie while she and the others stayed in Seaford to attend the local college.

"I knew he'd fall asleep but I didn't think it would take less than an hour," Milton laughed, looking at the brunette on the other side of Kim.

She giggled. "Yeah, he always goes to sleep on flights. I can't tell if it knocks him out or if he actually takes something to make him go to sleep."

She chatted with him for a little while longer, but soon she felt her eyes start to droop a little, and Milton suggested she nap a little. She yawned a little and it seemed like a pretty good idea. She cuddled up against strong arm and dozed off.

Jack awoke with a start, and turned to see Milton nudging him slightly from the other side of Kim. Looking at the clock on the little screen in front of him, he noticed that they were already four hours into the eighteen-hour flight.

"I fell asleep for three hours?" he asked the redhead, who nodded slightly.

"I figured that, in order to prevent jetlag, you should be awake for a while longer before falling asleep again. It'll be morning in Japan when we land, and that way we'll feel the most rested," Milton explained.

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea. Should we wake Kim?" he asked, motioning towards the sleeping beauty beside him. Milton shook his head.

"I tried, but she's really grumpy when someone wakes her up. Did you want to do the honors?"

Jack shivered. Dealing with Kim's wrath when she first woke up was a fate worse than death. "I think I'll let her sleep a little longer. She's probably really tired. We were up really late last night," he said.

Milton cocked an eyebrow, seemingly amused at the lewd implications. Jack blushed beet red, "N-No, not like that! We went and saw the midnight showing of the new Zompires movie last night and that's it."

"Mmhm…" Milton hummed sarcastically. "I'm sure that's all you two were doing last night."

Jack huffed, crossing his arms and turning away from the redhead. He wasn't too keen on admitting that he and Kim hadn't progressed much physically since she returned from Otai. Here he was turning twenty, and still a virgin. He didn't really know why neither of them had taken the initiative to move things a little further, but it seemed comfortable and he didn't want to push Kim into doing anything she didn't want to do. She seemed perfectly content with where they were at in the relationship, and if she was happy, then so was he.

Thankfully, Milton didn't bring it up again and eventually Kim stirred from her sleep. They were nearing the fifth hour of the flight and with thirteen hours left to go, it was starting to get a little boring. Jack ordered a movie that they all could watch on the little TV's in the airplane. It was an action movie, chosen specifically to keep them awake. Being that it was a movie none of them had seen before, Jack was a little caught off guard when it cut to a scene of the protagonist having hot, passionate sex with the female lead.

He shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat. Kim didn't seem phased at all by what was going on. There was no blush, no twitch of the eyebrows, nothing that hinted at her being even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Milton didn't even look like he was watching the movie, choosing to read the tourist's guide once again. Was he the only one feeling like this?

At least it was over quickly. Jack wasn't sure he could keep up the masquerade of not caring much longer, or else his lower regions might have started stirring.

Movie ended and then there were only ten hours left of the flight. Boredom was really starting to get a hold of him now. How did Kim manage to make this flight so many times when she went to Otai? She visited Seaford like… twice! And for both of those times she was only allowed to stay in Seaford for a maximum of two days. Making two eighteen hour flights within such a short period of time sounded killer. And she did it for him, once because he asked her to (for Jerry's sake, but still) and again because Jerry asked her to.

What a girl.

At least he had friends on the flight also. He couldn't imagine having to fly eighteen hours alone.

"How did you manage to travel to and from Otai when you visited?" he asked her. She looked at him, seemingly surprised that he asked such a question.

"Honestly, it was getting to see you guys that got me through it. The flight on the way back was way harder though. I usually kept books to read on the plane," she said simply.

He smiled at her. She could be so endearing, even when she didn't try to be. "That's so sweet, Kimmy,"
he told her before swinging an arm around her shoulders and pulling her in for a sweet kiss.

Except the kiss turned from sweet to heated in a little less than five seconds when Kim cupped his jaw in her hand and nibbled his lip a bit. Now was hardly the time for a make-out session, even if Milton was starting to doze a little in the window seat. But being that they hadn't shared one of these moments in a while with both of their busy schedules, he was weak. He groaned a little as Kim began to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck, bringing him even closer and turning in her seat to get a better angle. He nipped at her bottom lip and she opened her mouth willingly for him to snake his tongue inside. They reexplored familiar territory for a bit, trying to keep their noises to a minimum less they disturb someone on the plane (or worse, wake Milton up).

Finally, Kim pulled away and smiled at him sweetly. She pulled up the armrest between them and cuddled right up to his side. Jack remained in a semi-dazed state, eyes still glazed over with lust as he tried to process what had just happened.

Kim smirked inwardly to herself as she busied herself with a loose strand of thread on Jack's shirt. She was glad she could still fluster him to some extent, but she was starting to get a little frustrated. It was taking him way too long to get the message that she wanted him. If only they had more time together, it would be easier for them to progress in their relationship. Unfortunately, they both had really busy schedules with school, Jack's karate classes, and her gymnastics schedule. They only got to see each other a few times a week, and for a majority of those times they were with other mutual friends.

Things would be different over this vacation, Kim told herself. She and Jack actually booked a room together so they would have ample alone time. She couldn't wait to have her hands all over his well-built body. She hadn't missed the way he'd bulked his muscles while she was away at Otai, and she couldn't be happier about it. The man was sex on legs now.

"I can't wait until we get to Japan. You guys are going to love it," she breathed, at peace. She felt Jack nod stiffly.

"I'm sure you're excited to show us all the cool things there are to do over there. What should we start with?" he asked.

She smirked. "Well, considering we're staying in a hot springs resort for the first night, I think we should start with those. I've never actually been in one but everyone in Japan says they're super relaxing."

She didn't mention to Jack that she'd booked a couples' suite at the resort, which was basically the equivalent of a honeymoon suite. He'd be surprised when they got there, but she was excited to see what they could make of the night. They would even have access to a private, couples' hot spring, which was about as romantic and steamy as it could get.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That'll be a good way to relax after the long flight we've had," he told her, seemingly oblivious to her suggestive undertone.

The couple traded conversation for a couple more hours, and Kim had to refrain from saying anything too suggestive lest someone else hear. The plane was pretty crowded, after all. She was surprised Jack even let her go through with the little make out session they had. She'd tried to restrain herself, she really had. But when Jack put his lips on hers, she felt like she was starving for the taste of him. It was getting a little out of hand really, and if she hadn't gotten her fill then, she would have jumped his bones before the plane even landed.

With only eight more hours left until the plane landed, Jack figured it was the perfect time to actually get some sleep. The stewardess came around and handed out pillows and blankets to everyone, and Kim woke Milton for a second to hand him his so he would be comfortable. Like always, Kim cuddled right up to his side and fell asleep against his chest. He relaxed a little. Just eight more hours and he wouldn't have to be in such close quarters with her. Her scent was absolutely intoxicating and her little stunt earlier was making it harder and harder to restrain himself.

He knew that they would be sharing a room while in Japan, and he only hoped that he could control himself while her entire body was pressed up against his. Maybe if they finally got around to having that talk, they could actually get somewhere in their relationship. Somewhere being a bed with preferably no clothing included.

He just couldn't wait until they landed, and were away from their friends. He and Kim needed to make up for their lost, but much-needed alone time. He was fine if it was just making out and remapping familiar territory. He just needed to taste her again. He grunted a little.

Eight hours just couldn't go by fast enough.