Omg - I love you guys so much! Thank you all so so so much for reviewing! You are all the best reviewers ever! I am still baffled by such the big response from this lil ficcy (please continue ^_^)! Well... without further ado... here's my lil obsession...


Harry was lying on his bed face toward the wall. A certain blonde boy was also facing the wall. During the night (which both boys slept through quite peacefully), Draco had turned over facing Harry. His arms were tightly wrapped around Harry's waist and his forehead was resting on the back of Harry's neck. Harry was nestled in tightly to the other boy. He had a tight hold of Draco's arms on his. Both boys lay peacefully and slept on for quite some time until the sun had slowly started to rise.

Harry started to stir in the tiny bed. "Mmmm Draco," he whispered. He had had the strangest dream that Draco Malfoy, his worst school enemy, wanted to share his bed and he hadn't minded.

"Ten more minutes," Draco mumbled into Harry's ear.

As soon as the warm breath hit his neck, Harry's eyes snapped wide open. He realized it wasn't a dream, at least not the 'Draco begging to share a bed' part. Of course, he immediately pushed the rest of the dream out of his mind. Everything from the day before came flooding back into his mind. Draco squeezed Harry tighter as he tried to hold onto the dream world keeping his eyes shut tight. "Draco! Get off of me!" Harry yelled.

"Huh? What?" Draco slowly opened his eyes and was as equally shocked as Harry to find himself intertwined with the raven haired boy. He looked down to find his arms wrapped around Harry.


Draco looked down and tried to release his hands, "You have to let go of *me* first!"

Harry blushed as he realized he was holding onto Draco just as tightly as Draco was holding onto him. Draco noticed Harry's neck turn bright red. He smirked. Harry let go and immediately Draco snapped his arms back and rolled over on the bed. He inched as far away as he could from Potter, but on that tiny bed it wasn't much. Their legs still brushed against each other. Draco blushed now, as he crossed his arm and stared intently at the ceiling.

//Why was I holding onto him? Wait, maybe I don't want to know...// Draco was greatly disturbed by the whole scenario. //It's not that big of a deal! So I noticed his chest yesterday... perfectly normal - I just wanted to see how much he had trained for Quidditch this summer.// But deep down Draco knew that wasn't the truth. //And his tight abs... and that he smells like strawberries and-// Draco looked at Harry who was still facing the wall. He then glanced down at his black boxers, which had somehow gotten tighter in the last seconds. "Shit," He mumbled as quickly stood up and made for the bathroom to take care of his 'problem'.

Harry, still facing the wall, felt Draco get up from the bed. He turned over and saw the door shut behind him. Harry turned to lie on his back and let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding in. *What the fuck was that about?* That was the best nights sleep Harry had gotten in a long time.

"ARGH!" Harry grunted. He pulled the pillow out from under his head and slammed it down into his face. *This is *NOT* happening!* Harry laid there for a while, pillow into his face. He listened to the running water and the silence of the house. Harry calmed down as he realized it was still early and no one else was awake.

*Oh kay, lets just think about this logically. Alright, so I was dreaming and I woke up holding Dra - er - Malfoy. Alright, perfectly logical explanation here. I was dreaming about a girl? Yes, of course I was! I just thought Draco was the girl. Simple as that.* The truth was, however, that Harry remembered exactly what he dreamt about - and it sure wasn't a girl. Although he wouldn't admit to it. Harry heard the water stop.

*This is not good. Not good.* He heard the door open as Draco walked into the room. Harry could hear him shuffle through his bag . He slowly lifted the pillow from his face and chanced a glare over at Malfoy.

He was kneeling over his bag. He had a light blue towel wrapped around his lithe frame. His hair looked even more silver blonde and was neatly slicked back, still wet. Harry sat up in the tiny bed, feeling a bit more courageous. Draco had grabbed his clothes that he was going to wear for the day and slowly turned toward Harry. He quickly glanced away and blushed crimson, as did Harry.

"I... erm... I'll um let you change," Harry stood up quickly and scampered out the door off to the bathroom.

Draco quickly changed into his black pants and black T-shirt. He dried his hair with the towel and slicked it back again. He walked over to his bag again and found some cologne. He splashed some on. //ARGH! What am I doing? Do I really need to smell nice for Potter? This is ridiculous! Alright, so even if Potter is nice, and kind, and generous, and unlike anyone I know... HE'S A GUY! And he's *POTTER*! A celebrity for doing what exactly? NOTHING! He lived! Nothing more then anyone else here has done! Although it is really sad how they treat him here-// Draco frowned. //Not that I care or anything!//

Draco saw Harry walk in through the door, holding his towel up at his waist. Harry walked over to his closet and shuffled through it.

Draco raised his eyebrows, //Wow, his body is better toned then I thought it was//.

Harry felt Draco's gaze on his back as he shuffled through his closet for something to wear for the day. *Why is he staring at me? Should I turn around? Maybe I'm just imagining this-* Harry grabbed some clothes, he didn't want to turn around and face Malfoy. *This is stupid.* Harry gathered his courage again as he turned around to see Draco sitting on his bed. Just as he thought, he was watching him. Harry saw him blush (as he was sure he was doing) and advert his gaze to his pants, picking nervously at imaginary lint.

"Um, Draco?" Harry said hoarsely. Draco looked up at him. "Um, about before, er, you know," Harry motioned something in the air with his hands.

Draco looked down, "Yeah, sorry, I um, must have been dreaming about something and-"

"Yeah me too!" Harry interrupted. "Let's just forget about the whole thing ok?"

Draco let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

Harry sat down next to Draco on his bed, still holding onto his towel and clutching his clothes in his other hand. "So... are we back to, er, normal?" Harry stuttered.

Draco nodded, trying desperately not to stare at Harry. His focus reverted back to his pants and the nonexistent lint. Draco couldn't find his voice as Harry suddenly noticed how nice Draco smelled. Like rosemary and peppermint. *Wow, he smells nice. I wonder why he keeps picking at his pants. Nothing is there.*

Harry reached over and grabbed Draco's arm from pulling at his pant leg. Draco looked up at Harry. They locked eyes. Draco couldn't help but notice the overwhelming smell of strawberries as Harry slowly leaned closer to him. Harry's wet hair dripped water onto his pile of fresh clothes in hand, as Draco slowly leaned in closer to Harry. Like a magnetic attraction pulling them both in, they inched closer to one another. Harry's eyes fluttered shut as-

"HARRY! ARE YOU AWAKE YET!?" Both boys jumped as they heard a screaming voice from out side Harry's bedroom. Harry jumped off the bed as he heard Dudley's knock, nearly dropping his towel as he did. Draco snapped his eyes shut not wanting to see anything as he stood up also.

Harry tightened his grip on the towel as he ran over to the door, "Uh, yeah Dudley." Harry opened the door and walked out his face reverted to the bright red tint as he left Draco standing in the middle of the room with eyes clasped shut. Harry pulled the door shut and began talking to Dudley, "I was just going to go change."

Draco opened his eyes and fell back onto the bed, "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" He repetitively started slamming his hand into his head.

//I don't care how good Potter smells! This is Potter here!// "Argh!" Frustrated, he laid back down on the bed. //Why was he looking at me like that? I don't even want to think about what would have happened if his cousin hadn't knocked on his door!// Draco shuddered. //Well nothing would have happened right? I mean, we were just sitting here.// Draco tried convincing himself that the strange occurrence that had happened between them was purely innocent and nothing would have happend. //He *WASN'T* going to *KISS* me!//

"Draco?" Harry interrupted. Draco blushed and quickly sat up on the bed and watched the raven haired boy. "We, um... well if you're hungry, breakfast is ready."

Draco nodded as his blush deepened. He stood up and walked out the door of Harry's bed room, //This is going to be an interesting day.//



Alrighty kiddies! That's chapter 4! I hope you liked it! Again I apologize for this chapter being up so late. I have had a busy month with the New Found Glory/Good Charollette/Less Than Jake concert I went to, and ACT's and my birthday. April was a busy month - I know this is no excuse, and now my promise mean nothing to you, but I do feel guilty for having this out so late! I am truly sorry! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the many more to come! Thank you so much for reading!