Disclaimer: I do not own Godzilla or Highschool DxD!

Hey, guys! I'm back with the next chapter! I hope you all prepared your popcorn, because now begins the battle between Tokugawa and the Gremory Peerage against Raiser's group! Before we begin however, let me take this time to answer some of your questions.

GODZILLA1996- I've actually already thought about what Tokugawa's Burning Mode would look like in human form so far and thought up the scenario for when he uses it for the first time, but I'm not gonna spoil anything until it actually happens. As for Kaiju form, I'll need to think about it.

King God Ghidora- I was actually debating on whether or not he should have magic because if he didn't have it, it would make him a little more unique that way since he's not a Magician, of any supernatural race, or in possession of a Sacred Gear, yet can still do all sorts of incredible things like you've seen so far. But after some thinking, I decided to have him learn a little magic later on down the line. So don't worry, Tokugawa will have magic, just not yet.

Enku- I usually prefer my chicken well done, though I am curious how nuked would turn out.

Orochi323- Thank you for pointing that out for me. I'll go back and fix that part.

Loki's Tongue- In a later story arc. I have the scenario planned out and trust me, you WON'T be disappointed. It'll be worth the wait.

Kaiju-Mon- I was originally going to kill them off, but after reading A Demon Among Devils and seeing how the author worked them further into the story, I decided to bring them back as sort of supporting characters for a future story arch.

Also, before we begin, I just recently started working on a Wikipedia page for this story called Monsters & Devils Wiki and after finding a picture of how I imagine Tokugawa would look, I went back and made some changes to his description in the past chapters. But anyway, go check it out. I just recently started it so there isn't much there, but I'll be getting on that when I have free time from college.

Now, with all of that out of the way, LET THE BATTLE BEGIN~!



'Godzilla, Mental'

"Godzilla/Kaiju Speaking" -human speech

"(Godzilla/Kaiju Speaking)" -Kaiju speech

[Ddraig Speaking]

Chapter 10: A Dangerous Game

"Well Lord Phenex, it seems that it's come down to this." Lord Gremory clapped his longtime friend on the shoulder in a friendly manner. "Though I doubt the ending of the game will change, I do look forward to how it progresses."

"Indeed. It is a pity that their relationship will begin like this, but perhaps it's for the best. They may yet gain a healthier respect for each other." Lord Rainard Phenex appeared to be a bearded, older version of Raiser, though without the playboy attire and in formal clothing as required of the family head. Both were currently sitting front row in the VIP observation room in the Underworld, which was filled with multiple screens dedicated to observing the Rating Game in question, with a number of screens rotating as the cameras surveyed the map, while two of them displayed the two opposing Peerages.

Raiser and his group were currently lounging in the main hall of the Phenex estate as they waited for the transportation circle. Just from observing the looks on their faces as well as their body language, they seemed to already believe themselves to be the victors; well-earned pride to be sure, their record spoke for themselves, though both men frowned slightly at the rowdy behavior.

When the Rating Game had first been established, it had been intended as a way for newly reincarnated Devils to get a better understanding of the types of conflicts that would most likely occur in supernatural warfare. It was meant to be a training ground, for all intents and purposes the perfect war simulator, something that the older Devils fully understood and appreciated. However, with each passing generation, the younger Devils treated it less and less as life-or-death scenarios and more and more as a social status symbol. While it did have a place in public standing, it was one of many things that had evolved beyond elder Devil control as the new blood was caught up in the hype of victory. As such, Raiser's pre-game rituals were rather unbecoming, even to his own father.

On the other hand, Rias and her Peerage appeared rather composed in their clubhouse. Rias was sitting at her desk, her Queen standing patiently beside her. Her Knight was sitting on one of the couches, both hands resting on the pommel of a sword as he closed his eyes in a focused state. Sitting beside him, her Rook dawned a matching set of fighting gloves, each with a pink paw print on the backside. Another girl in a nun's outfit nervously fidgeted in the couch across from the Knight and Rook, clearly worried about the upcoming match, and was clutching the arm of Rias' Pawn. However, the Lords' attention was drawn to the seventh member of the Gremory team. A teenage male, tall and lithe was standing with his back against the wall behind the couch the Bishop and Pawn were sitting at, his arms crossed and a focused look in his eyes. Instead of wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform, he was dressed in casual clothes that consisted of a black, long-sleeved jacket with white trimming and a slightly high collar. Since his jacket was unbuttoned, they could see he wore a plain white dress shirt underneath and sported black pants with a brown belt, black shoes, as well as black finger-less gloves on his hands.

"Quite the odd one there," commented Lord Phenex. "He looks completely unconcerned with with upcoming fight."

"Perhaps. Though I still find it odd that a human who is about to come to blows with Devils doesn't seem worried in the slightest." Lord Gremory, suggested. He had been initially shocked when he first learned that a human was going to be participating in the game alongside his daughters Peerage, but figured that it wouldn't matter. He believed in the outcome he predicted, and that outcome suggested that regardless of what Rias tried, she would still ultimately lose.

Beside the redhead was his wife, Venelana. She too had been focused on her daughters servants and quite frankly was also concerned. Seven of them against sixteen? And so inexperienced as well? As Lady Gremory, she could not publicly object to the whole marriage affair. However, as a mother, she was worried for her daughter, and it was quite a struggle for her to keep her fears hidden from the others.

Then, as if to spare her from any further anxieties, the door opened and her only son, Sirzechs walked in. Immediately, both Lords stood up and slightly bowed to the Satan, who waved his hands in response.

"Please, don't get up on my account. I'm not here as a Devil King, but as an older brother. I wouldn't miss Rias' first Rating Game for the world." With that, the man plopped down in the chair next to his mother, who leaned over to whisper to him.

"You're not going to say anything to your sister? You know the encouragement would help her."

"Grayfia will let her know I'm watching. That's the most I can do right now."

"This is Rias' future at stake! You should at least-"

"Sit back and watch the events unfold. Don't underestimate or her servants." Sirzechs' eyes trailed to the brunette and the black-haired boy. "I believe little Rias has a surprise in store for us."

In another room separate from the VIP room, Ajuka Beelzebub sat at a large, decorated table observing several screens also displaying the battlefield. Sitting in front of him on their knees, the Elias Twins Moll and Lora also observed the screens, but mainly the one displaying the Gremory Peerage.

"That is the group you asked us to observe, correct?" Moll asked the Satan without looking away from the screen.

Ajuka nodded. "That's correct, mainly the human boy there."

"Why is it the Lord Lucifer would allow a human to partake in a Rating Game, which is only meant for Devils?" Lora inquired.

"Sirzechs loves his sister dearly, so it's highly possible he allowed it because he feels it will somehow give Rias a chance at victory." he summarized.

The two nodded before their attention went to Tokugawa. Moll glanced at her sister. 'Is it indeed him, Lora?'

'Yes Moll, it is. It would seem the goddess was correct about a human bearing his powers existing.'

The Elias' expressions became serious, their thoughts in perfect sync. 'The era of Godzilla may not be over, but it would seem a successor has already risen up to one day inherit his title.'

'It is time for a trial.'

"Haha, yes! I've got it!" Azazel cheered. "Take that Ajuka, your networks are mine!"

"You actually were able to get through?" Shemhazai asked as he came to his side. They were still at Azazel's private laboratory at Grigori headquarters where he often conducted experiments with artificial Sacred Gears, with Raynare being with them as security since her teammates were still recovering and Vali and Baraqiel were out taking care of other things.

"It was surprisingly easy! I'm honestly surprised that other pantheons haven't done this as well. But at least until Fafnir wakes up, I'll have something entertaining to keep me busy."

"Just be glad Baraqiel isn't here. He would no doubt be crying with joy if he found out his daughter was taking part of a live Rating Game." Shemhazai commented while subtly rolling his eyes.

As they both observed the Ipad showing the Gremory Peerage, the sight of a black-haired boy caught Azazel's attention. "Hmm? What have we here? Hey, Raynare! You might wanna come see this!"

Raynare did as ordered and came to his other side to see what she wanted to show him. That's when she saw them, Issei and Asia sitting together with the other Devils, and Tokugawa close behind them leaning against the wall.

"So that's the half-Kaiju that Kokabiel imprisoned?" Shemhazai wondered aloud. "I'm surprised they would let him participate."

Raynare's gaze was focused solely on Tokugawa as she stared at the expressionless, unnerved look on his face. Again, she beginning to feel her face become hot and her heart began to hammer against her ribs just by seeing him. Even though he had threatened to destroy her when they last spoke, she for some reason couldn't help but feel...excited when she saw him.

'I wonder how he'll do. I hope he does okay... Dammit! What the fuck's wrong with me?!'

As the Gremory team continued to wait for when the transportation circle would appear to take them to the battlefield, the double doors opened as Sona and her Peerage entered the room.

"Sorry if we're interrupting." Sona apologized.

"No, please come on in Sona." Rias replied with a friendly smile as she placed her cup of tea on the table.

As the Sitri Peerage entered the room, Issei and Saji both met each other's gazes before quickly looking away. Apparently there was still quite a bit of tension between the two Pawns since the dodge-ball incident.

"What brings you all here?" Tokugawa asked as he glanced at the group.

"There's a live broadcast of the Rating Game so family members can watch. Sona and her Peerage are here to help out with that." Rias answered him.

"And besides, it's her first Rating Game." Sona added. "I wouldn't miss an event like this for anything."

Rias smiled at her friends kind words. "Well, then I promise to everything in my power to make it interesting for you."

At that moment, a large white seal emerged behind the Sitri group as Grayfia appeared from it with her usual composed manner. "It's almost time. I hope you're ready for this, Ojou-sama."

"Yes, we're ready when you are." Rias replied.

"In a few moments, we'll use this magic circle to transport you and your Peerage to the battlefield." the silver-haired maid explained.

"And where exactly is the battlefield?" Issei asked.

"In a neutral alternate space created just for the game." Akeno said. "Because it's not real, we have full licence to do some damage. Even burn it to the ground if we have to." She brought her hand to her cheek and giggled after that last part, earning a nervous sweat from Issei.

Sona turned back to Rias. "I'll be in the Student Council broadcast booth calling the game. We'll be cheering you on, so good luck."

Rias nodded as she watched Sona and her Peerage turned back towards the door. "Thanks a lot. Just try to keep the play-by-play fair."

"Oh, I'll keep it clean." Sona replied as she glanced back at her friend with a serious look. "Although, if I were a betting girl, I'd say you're gonna beat that scumbag seven ways from Sunday."

As the Student Council cleared the room, Ruruko turned and gave a friendly smile. "Good luck guys! Kick their butts, Tokugawa-chan!"

"Will do." he replied with an affirming nod.

With that, the Sitri group cleared the room and Grayfia turned to Rias. "Ojou-sama, there's something I forgot to tell you. I thought you'd like to know that the Great Devil Lucifer will be watching the game from the VIP room."

That earned a surprised look from Rias before it quickly turned into a deadpanned one. "Oh, brother-dearest."

Issei's eyes widened. "Hold up, did you say 'brother'? Did I not hear that right?"

"No, Buchou's older brother is the Lucifer, the leader of the Devils." Kiba replied, earning shocked looks from Issei and Asia. "After the original Four Great Satans died during the Great War, Buchou's brother Sirzechs took over the mantle of Lucifer, the Crimson Satan."

Tokugawa's eyebrows slightly rose at that and glanced at Rias. "So, your big brother's the Lucifer, huh?" he asked.

Rias nodded. "Yes, that's right. He is my older brother." She looked up at Grayfia. "Did he...say anything?"

"Only that he wishes you the best of luck." she replied as a bright red magic circle appeared on the floor beside her. "It's time everyone."

Rias stood up from her seat, a determined fire in her eyes. "Then lets go."

As one, the group moved towards the red glyph, taking their places on it. As they remained completely still and waited, the glyph then flashed brightly twice before whisking them away...

Only for them to return to the clubhouse as the circle faded.

Issei and Asia looked around, looking clearly confused. "What happened?" the Bishop asked.

"Yeah, we're still here. Did I screw it up?" Issei added.

Tokugawa looked around the room with a narrow gaze. Although it all looked exactly the same, something about the atmosphere felt off. It felt like it was the same, yet at the same time not. He shook his head. "No, something's changed. It doesn't feel like the same place."

Rias nodded at the boys keen observation. "That's right. The Rating Game field must have been modeled after Kuoh Academy. Take a look outside."

Tokugawa opened the shutters of one of the windows and he, Issei and Asia looked up to see that although the layout of the land looked the same, the sky was a bright green color and almost resembled the northern lights.

Asia gaped in awe. "The sky..."

"We're in an alternate space." Kiba explained. "It might look like it, but we're not at school anymore."

Issei continued to stare out the window in shock. "Okay, I'm totally having one of those 'I just peed my pants' moments right now."

Before Tokugawa could say anything in response to that, Grayfia's voice suddenly echoed across the skies outside.

Welcome, everyone. I am Grayfia, a servant of the House of Gremory, and today I will be the arbiter for the Rating Game between the House of Gremory and the House of Phenex. By using suggestions from both Rias-sama and Raiser-sama, we created this battlefield, which is a replica of Kuoh Academy, the school which Rias-sama attends in the human world. The locations where both teams were transported will be their "base". Rias-sama's base will be the Occult Research Club's clubhouse at the old school house. Raiser-sama's base will be the Student Council room at the new building. For the Pawns to use Promotion, please head to the enemy's base to do so. You are permitted to set enchantments before the fighting begins. The game will begin in thirty minutes, starting now.

"Since we have thirty minutes, lets go over the plan." Everyone came up to Rias' desk as she laid a map of the entire layout of the school across her desk for everyone to see. "The enemy base is just across the way. Cutting through the school grounds will be quick, but it's not an option."

"He'll see us coming a mile away." Koneko commented, earning a nod from Rias.

"Right, and we might as well be sitting ducks."

"If we go through the track field and sneak in the back, we might have the element of surprise on our side." Issei suggested.

"That's the most obvious point of entry available, and Rasier knows." Rias said as she brought her finger to the map. "My guess is he'll station a group of Knights or Rooks with strong mobility right behind the athletic clubhouse."

Akeno frowned. "That doesn't leave us with very many options then, does it."

Kiba then stepped up and pointed at another spot on the map. "First things first, I think we should secure the gymnasium before we do anything else. It's adjacent to their base and not too far from us. But most importantly, it'll serve as a diversion to the other side."

"The gym's pretty much in the very center of the battlefield." Tokugawa observed. "Whoever claims it first will definitely get an advantage for sure."

Rias nodded. "Good call. Given the options we have, that's our best chance." She then turned to the petite Rook. "Koneko, do you think you can handle getting in the gym and locking it down?"

"Got it." she replied with an affirming nod.

Asia shifted nervously. "All this talk of fighting is starting to scare me."

Issei gave her a reassuring smile. "Relax, we've got Buchou. All we have to do is trust her and everything'll be just fine."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Asia smiled at him.

"To do that, we need a defensive perimeter." Rias spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention again. "Yuuto and Koneko, I need you to take your familiars to get out there and set up some traps."

Kiba nodded as his summoned his falcon to his side. "Right."

"Lets do this, Shiro." Koneko then summoned her kitten, who crawled up her arm and perched itself on her head.

As the two left to go set up the traps. Rias turned to her Queen. "Akeno, I'm gonna need your expertise. When they're done setting the traps, I need you to set up some high-level illusions. We can't let their Pawns get in here."

"Of course." Akeno lightly bowed before leaving the room, leaving Rias, Tokugawa, Issei and Asia left.

"What about us?" Tokugawa asked. "What do you need us to do?"

Rias turned to them. "Asia's our healing support, so in order to keep her safe, she needs to stay close to base." She then walked around her desk and sat down on one of the couches. "Issei, come here."

The brunette blinked in confusion. "What for?"

"I want you to put your head on my lap."

Issei locked up and his mind almost went blank as soon as she heard those words leave Rias' mouth. "Uh...R-Really? I'm trying to focus on this game thing, and I'm pretty sure if I do that, I'll-"

"Will you get over here?" Rias asked impatiently.

Asia had her hand over mouth while Tokugawa raised a brow over the redheads request to Issei. Despite being surprised by the order, Issei obeyed and sat beside her on the couch before slowly resting the side of his head on her lap. However, as soon as he did, he felt a sudden, strange feeling spread throughout his body, surprising him.

'It's like I'm floating on a cloud made of juicy thighs and the scent of a woman.' He felt tears of happiness stream down his face. "Buchou, I just want you to know I could die happy right now. This is one of the top ten moments of my life."

Rias chuckled a little at the boy's behavior. "Why in the world are you crying?"

"Because I'm just so overwhelmed that you're actually letting me lay with my head buried in your business! This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me!"

Rias rolled her eyes with amusement. "You're such a drama queen. If you like it that much, you can do it again sometime."

"Are you serious?!"

At the same time, Tokugawa was still confused about why Rias was having Issei lye on her lap, but then glanced at Asia and immediately noticed that she was watching the display with an envious and pouting look on her face. Was she actually jealous of Rias having such a moment with Issei? Then again, Tokugawa had noticed that Asia seemed to slowly grow rather close to the brunette during the time that they all stayed together, most likely because of how Issei saved her from Raynare.

"Issei," Rias' voice brought him back to reality, "I cast a little spell on you. It's time to unlock it."

Issei's eyes opened with a look of inquiry. "Huh?"

Rias then placed her hand on Issei's head and instantly he felt something change. He felt an odd sensation surging through his chest that spread out through the rest of his body, making him slightly shudder.

"W-What happened?" he asked once he felt the feeling recede.

"When I reincarnated you, I told you I used all eight of my Pawn Pieces." Rias began. "However, what I didn't tell you was how much power you received."


"If I had unleashed everything all at once, your body wouldn't be able to take it. So I cast a spell to keep your power at bay. Because of the spell, your abilities come in small, manageable stages. What I just did was release another portion of your power."

Issei seemed to understand what she meant. "Okay, so does that explain the weird feeling I had earlier?"

She merely smiled at him. "This is merely the beginning of what you can do, Issei. But in order for your body to be able to handle your Boosted Gear on top of the full extent of your power, we had to get you in shape and make sure you were strong enough. There's a good portion in there that you're just not ready for yet."

Soon the others returned and Rias began to further lay out their plan of attack.

In another room monitoring the two teams as well as the battlefield, Sona and her Peerage observed Rias and her group going over their plan.

"It looks like Rias-sama's about to make her move." Tsubaki commented.

"Hey, Kaichou. What do you think Rias-senpai's chances are at winning?" Tomoe asked.

Sona scratched her chin as she eyed the screen. "Due to her lack of Pieces, any further action to strengthen her defense is futile. Assuming so, they'll be making swift, deft attacks."

"That could possibly end badly." Momo commented.

Reya nodded. "Given Raiser's record of Rating Game victories and his experience, who knows what kind of odds Rias-senpai has."

"There's still a chance they'll win, though!" Ruruko exclaimed. "Tokugawa-chan's half-Kaiju, isn't he? That should give them some sort of chance!"

Tsubaki thought on it for a moment before nodding. "That is true. We have yet to witness the full extent of Tokugawa-kun's power, so there is a small chance."

Sona frowned. "But still a small chance none the less. Still though, lets see what they can show us."

Once Rias finished laying out the plan to the others, a loud chime emanated from outside.

The allotted thirty minutes are up. Active combat is now permitted. Good luck to you all.

"Alright then, that concludes the plan. But before you all go..." Rias waved her hand and seven glowing red orbs appeared, with once being especially bright. "Communication spells so we can keep each other appraised of what's happening. Tokugawa, the modified one should work for you, even with your lack of magic."

"Good to know." Tokugawa took the small orb in his hand and allowed it to hover into his ear as the others did the same. He did feel a slight tingle in his ear, though his was to ignore it, but he also felt the urge to scratch it.

With everything set, the others exited the headquarters and went their separate ways. Tokugawa, Issei, and Koneko headed down the dirt path towards the main campus, Kiba headed off into the woods near the perimeter of the clubhouse, and Akeno was to remain on the roof of the clubhouse until further notice. Inside, Rias brought a hand to her ear as she activated the communication spell.

"Okay, once you're in the gym, there's no way you can avoid a confrontation. Be sure to follow our plan."

Got it. Tokugawa and his group replied in unison.

"Yuuto, are you all set?"

Ready. I'm in position now.

"Akeno, provide support when necessary. I'll be counting on you."

Got it, Buchou.

Rias smiled with newly gained determination in her eyes. "Then lets go team! Commence Operation: Phenex Ashes! Your opponent is Raiser Phenex, a gifted warrior even among the House of Phenex. Show no mercy, because none will be shown to you. Good luck, my adorable servants."

Asia clasped her hands together in a prayer. 'Good luck, guys. I'll be praying for each and every one of you.'

It didn't take long for Tokugawa, Issei and Koneko to make it to the gymnasium, and they made sure to keep their eyes peeled for enemies as they sneaked in through the back entrance. It was rather dark and they were now on the stage above the lower level, but before they could move on stage, Tokugawa brought his hand up and silently signaled them to stop.

"What is it, senpai?" Koneko asked.

Tokugawa's eyes narrowed as his sixth sense picked up on four presences just around the corner at the opposite end of the gym. Three of them felt rather weak, leaving him with no doubt that they were Pawns. The fourth one on the other hand, felt much stronger than the others, just barely as strong as Rasier's Queen Yubelluna. Perhaps a Knight or even a Rook then.

"I'm sensing four around the corner. Three Pawns and possibly one Rook or Knight." he broke down to them. At that moment, the lights in the gym suddenly came to life and shined up the lower section save for the stage.

"We know you're there, servants of Gremory." an unfamiliar female voice spoke out.

"So much for surprising them." Issei lightly complained.

"Lets go." Koneko said. The three stepped out from behind their cover and faced their opponents from center stage.

Across from them on the other side of the room stood their opponents. Tokugawa was able to quickly identify them as the younger twins (their gym uniforms now actually appropriate for the location) a Rook, the dancer-looking one in the blue-dress, and finally the Pawn he remembered as Mira, the one who attacked Issei. She seemed to recognize Tokugawa, because the moment she made eye contact with him, she locked up and had the look of a scared child.

The Rook now took charge. "So it's the Rook, the overly-excited Pawn and the human, huh?"

Tokugawa glared at them. "That's right. And who are you, if I may ask?"

"Xuelan, a Rook." the woman in blue replied.

The twins, both carrying a pink and blue sports bag, spoke up.

"Ile! I'm a Pawn!"

"Same! Name's Nel!

Mira seemed to regain her composure as she spoke. "Mira, a Pawn."

Koneko eyed Xuelan with a stoic glare. "The Rook's level is extremely high."

Tokugawa nodded. "You picked it up too, huh?"

Issei looked at them with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Based on her battle strength, I'd say she's at a Queen level." Koneko explained.

"Seriously?" Issei looked back at Xuelan with surprise before bringing his arm up and summoning his Boosted Gear. "We're at a disadvantage from the start, but we've gotta do what we've gotta do."


Koneko nodded as she adjusted her fighting gloves. "Issei-senpai and I will take care of the Pawns. Tokugawa-senpai, please take care of the Rook."

"No problem." he replied as he glared at Xuelan, who met his glare with a confident smirk.

"Alright! Lets do this!" Issei yelled as the three all jumped off the stage and into battle.

Tokugawa rolled as he landed on the floor across from the Rook, who charged at him before launching her foot forward in a sweeping arc. Tokugawa ducked under the blow before rolling under another kick, only to turn around and block a flurry of flaming kicks with his arms. Apparently Devils reincarnated into the Phenex Clan were capable of a degree of pyrokinesis. Thankfully though, his durability was able to easily endure the attacks.

He had decided before the Rating Game started that he was going to try and keep his use of his atomic power to minimum unless necessary so that way he could throw off the Phenex Peerage with the revelation of his true abilities.

Xuelan sent a flaming punch towards him, only for Tokugawa to deflect it with his arm before sending his own punch at her and striking her in the gut. The Rook grunted and staggered slightly until she regained her balance.

"To think that a human could hit hard enough to harm a Devil..." Xuelan glared at him. "Just what are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." Tokugawa suddenly jumped into the air until he was above the Rook and brought his foot down at her. Xuelan quickly jumped back as the boys foot impacted the spot where she had just been standing, hitting the floor with enough force to make the wood splinter. He followed up by launching his leg at Xuelan, forcing her to cross her arms as his foot impacted them and made her skid back from the force, her arms slightly bruised as a result.

Xuelan grunted in slight pain and frustration before she rushed forward and launched another flaming kick at Tokugawa, who shifted himself to the right to dodge as her leg missed him. He reached up and caught Xuelan by the ankle, surprising her as he suddenly swept her off her feet and slammed her against the ground back-first before he then tossed her through the air. The Rook spun in mid-air and was able to land on her feet as she glared ahead at Tokugawa, who met her glare with his own.

Meanwhile, Issei yelped in slight pain as he used his gauntlet to block a strike from Mira's staff, the force of the impact made his body rattle and his arm feel slightly numb. He slid back on his feet until he struck the wall behind him with enough force to make an impression in the wall. Issei looked up and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw Ile and Nel coming at him with large chainsaws in their hands.

""Disassembling time!""

Immediately, Issei began to run around the gym screaming as the twins chased after him with their chainsaws revved up and raised over their heads.

"Stop running!"

"Let us cut you in half!"

"Kids like you shouldn't be saying that! Or rather, I don't wanna be cut in half!" Issei yelled before he turned to see Mira thrust her staff at him. Acting on instinct, Issei managed to jump over the weapon and sailed over Mira's head, leaving her gaping in shock.



Issei grinned down at Mira, but his eyes widened with shock when he saw the twins jump after him.

""Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!""

But before the twins could swing their chainsaws at him, Koneko suddenly appeared from below and slugged them both in the gut and sent them crashing back to the ground. As she landed, the petite Rook spun around in a roundhouse kick and struck Mira in the side and sent her skidding backwards. Meanwhile, Tokugawa ducked under another flaming punch from Xuelan before he reeled his own fist back and struck her in the face, making her stumble backwards. The Phenex Rook regained her footing and gave another smirk.

"Not bad-" She was cut off when Tokugawa suddenly rushed at her and delivered a kick that struck her in the gut. Xuelan gagged as the air was knocked out of her lungs and she collapsed to the ground.

Meanwhile, the twins looked on in shock. "No way! Xuelan's getting creamed by a human!"

"Lets go cut him too!"

"Not so fast!" Issei suddenly appeared in front of them with a grin. "I won't let you interrupt Tokugawa! Besides, he's been helping me get stronger too!" He raised his gauntlet-covered arm as the gem flashed brightly. "Lets do this! Boosted Gear!"


A red aura surrounded Issei before he then rushed the twins. "You two first!" Using his normal hand, he jabbed Ile in the shoulder before spinning around Nel's chainsaw and striking her in the back. He then spun around as Mira thrust her staff at him, only Issei to grab it with his gauntlet before shattering it with his free hand, astounding her. He then struck her in the shoulder with his free hand and knocking her down.

Mira starred at the broken stub of her staff with shock. "I-I lost?"

Issei hissed in slight pain as he shook his hand to relieve the numbness before he lightly smirked. 'Now I've cleared all the conditions.'

Ile glared towards Issei. "If we lost to this guy-"

"Raiser-sama will yell at us!" Nel finished.

The twins pulled the starting handle of their chainsaws as a fiery orange energy while Mira brandished the two broken halves of her staff and surrounded them in the same energy. The trio then charged at Issei in unison with their weapons raised.

"We won't forgive you!"

""We're going to dismember you!""

"Now!" Issei summoned his Devil wings as he raised his Boosted Gear above his head, his middle finger pressed against his thumb. "Take this! My special move!"

Koneko stared at Issei, surprised by his declaration, while Xuelan and Tokugawa did the same. Issei brought his hand down as he snapped his fingers.



In just a matter of seconds, the three Pawns had their clothes completely blown away to the point that even their underwear was torn to shreds.

"N-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The three Pawns screamed in unison as they fell to their knees and tried desperately to cover themselves.

"Ahahahahaha! How's that?! This is my technique! And I call it Dress Break! I just kept on imagining a girl with no clothes on and their clothes get blown to pieces! I spent all of the talent I have in making a technique that will make all the girls naked!"



"You're the enemy of women!"

Issei clenched his fist with a look in his eye like he was about to cry tears of joy. "Thank you so much, Asia!"

"...As soon as I find out what Asia has to do with this, I'm gonna kill him." Tokugawa hissed in disgust with a look of anger and disappointment.

"I've misjudged you."

Issei felt like a knife had been stabbed in his heart as soon as he heard Koneko's insult.

Issei, Tokugawa, Koneko. Can you here me? Rias' voice came from the communication spells in their ears.

"Yeah, we're here. Everyone's fine." Tokugawa informed with a hand to his ear as he placed his foot firmly pressed on Xuelan's back to make sure she stayed down.

That's good to hear. Akeno's preparations have been completed. Kiba's currently playing hide-and-seek with three of Raiser's Pawns on our side, so once he finishes he'll meet you near the lockers. For now, proceed with the plan.

The three nodded as they made their way towards the front entrance of the gym while the Phenex Devils yelled after them.

"Are you planning on running? We've yet to finish!"

Are you running without finishing us off?!"

As soon as the three were able to reach a safe distance from the gym, a swirling mass of storm clouds appeared above the building before a huge bolt of lightning came crashing down on it and reduced it to rubble. Flying above the smoldering remains of the gym, Akeno, who was dressed in a red and white miko outfit, smiled with her hand raised to the sky and still crackling with static.

Three of Raiser-sama's Pawns and one of his Rooks, retired. Grayfia's voice announced through the air.

"A-Amazing." Issei muttered.

"Akeno-san's also known as the 'Priestess of Thunder.'" Koneko informed. "Her power's certainly worthy of the name."

"Priestess of Thunder, huh?" Tokugawa noticed the euphoric look on Akeno's face as she brought a hand to her flushed cheeks and sweat dropped. "She's...pretty impressive."

The Phenex's still have us outnumbered. We'll need to buy Akeno a little bit of time so she can be fully ready for a second attack. Rias informed them. Once her power's been replenished, we'll start to make preparations for our next move. Until then, stick to the plan and I promise you we'll win this game.

"So, what now?" Issei asked.

"We rendezvous with Yuuto-senpai at the track and field grounds." Koneko replied. "There, we'll wipe out all opposition."

Issei looked off towards the direction of their clubhouse. "Is Kiba...okay out there?"

Three of Raiser-sama's Pawns, retired.

"Does that answer your question?" Tokugawa asked while looking at Issei, who had a stunned expression. Tokugawa then felt someone tug at the sleeve of his jacket and looked down to that it was Koneko.

"Tokugawa-senpai, lets keep moving." she said.

The boy nodded. "Right, lets meet up with Kiba. You coming Issei?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm coming!" Issei said as he took a few steps towards them...

Just as Tokugawa and Koneko were engulfed by a large explosion that sent Issei rolling along the ground. Issei looked to see a smoking crater where his two comrades had just been standing. Akeno landed beside the brunette and stared at the scene in shock and horror.

Tokugawa! Koneko! What happened to them?! Rias' voice blared through the brunettes communication spell in a frantic tone. Issei! Akeno! Answer me!

Neither of them could answer, for they were both left speechless and powerless as Tokugawa and Koneko were engulfed in the explosion. It wasn't until then that another figure made her appearance to the group as Akeno's hands sparked with electricity and glared daggers.


The Queen of Raiser Phenex floated above the area with her staff in hand, adoring her work of eliminating her King's enemies.

"You bitch! I won't forgive you for this!" Issei shouted in anger as he summoned Boosted Gear, which immediately began to charge with power.


"Fufu... Take." the woman said with a confident tone before looking back at the fiery explosion once again. "It seems like you had you had your share of causing trouble for Raiser-sama, so I had to return the favor."

Akeno and Issei simply glared towards her with caution as they prepared themselves to fight.

"'Return the favor', huh? Well, you utterly failed at that part."

Everyone quickly turned towards the smoking crater where the explosion had occurred with startled expressions. When the smoke cleared, they saw Tokugawa standing their with his left arm wrapped protectively around Koneko while his left arm was raised over his head, most likely to protect himself when the blast hit. His clothes showed minor scorch marks, mostly because Tokugawa had asked Akeno to heat-proof his clothing before the game just in case a situation like this ever occurred. Koneko herself was unharmed, but she did have a look of surprise on her face. Apparently, she hadn't expected Tokugawa to save her at the last minute.

Yubelluna stared with shock. "B-But how? There's no way a mere human could withstand my spells! Just what on earth are you?!"

"Funny, the Rook from your team asked the same thing." Tokugawa said as he released Koneko and glared up at the Phenex Queen. "And I'll give you the same answer: Wouldn't you like to know?"

The purple-haired Queen glared back as she brought up her staff and pointed it at Tokugawa. "Lowly brats like you need to know your place! This time, I'll destroy you in one strike!"

Just as she was about to unleash another spell, a bolt of lightning struck Yubelluna's staff and deflected the spells trajectory way from the boy. The woman turned towards the source and was met with a cold glare from Akeno.

"You're opponent is me, Bomb Queen." she declared.

Yubelluna clicked her tongue before smirking. "Very well. I've always hoped to one day face you, Priestess of Thunder."

"Tokugawa, get everyone and meet with Kiba right now. I'll take her on myself." Akeno spoke as she glanced to the other three who for a moment, hesitated first but nodded at her suggestion as they all sprinted away from the scene in order to avoid the big fight between the two Queens. Issei and Koneko bid their good luck on the black-haired girl, while Tokugawa was the only one left within the group.

He was still concerned about Akeno, no matter how powerful she was, and something told him that the Phenex team had to have had something up their sleeves to make them so confident in this game. Well, it's also a given to them now that everyone knew just how durable he was, but as long as he could keep his...connections a secret, then he was fine.

"Akeno." he called out. Said girl briefly looked back at him as their eyes met each other. "Be careful. I'll be rooting for you."

"Of course I will. Now will you get going silly boy?" Akeno giggled slightly, making Tokugawa feel that she would be fine. He nodded and quickly followed after the others while Akeno faced Yubelluna again with determination written on her face.

"Shall be begin then?" Yubelluna asked, bringing up her staff.

Both lightning the fire magic surrounded the two as they began to engage each other in a giant firefight between the strongest Pieces of their respective clans.

As the three fled from the battle between the two Queens, Tokugawa and the others continued their route towards Raiser's base as they marched on the sides, trying to avoid any sort of contact with other enemies. Their mission was to meet up with Kiba since he finished dealing with the three Pawns on their side and originally they were going to bring Akeno with them, but the arrival of the Bomb Queen, they were forced to move ahead without her.

Stopping for a moment to recollect themselves from the situation, Issei panted for a moment before looking at the black-haired male of the group with an extremely curious look on his face.

"How the hell were you able to do that?" he asked as Tokugawa looked at him in slight confusion.

"Do what?"

"I mean THAT! How did you not get blown away by that explosion?!" Even Koneko, who had been saved by him, looked towards him with curiosity.

Tokugawa shrugged. "Well for one, I had Akeno heat proof my clothes before the game just in case something like what happened earlier happened. Plus, my durability was able to withstand the force of the explosion and my healing factor fixed up any major burns."

"Well, that was awesome what you did! You even saved Koneko-chan too!"

Tokugawa felt someone tugging at his sleeve again and he wasn't surprised to see that it was actually Koneko, who had a shy look on her face as she muttered something.

"...Thank you."

"Hay, we're teammates, aren't we? Besides, isn't it a senpai's duty to protect his kohai?" he had a faint, yet still visible smile on his face that seemed to ease the young girl. "Anyway, lets go meet up with Kiba so we can clear a path for Rias-san."

The two nodded in unison as they were about to continue on to the rendezvous point when-

"Hey guys." Kiba suddenly came from around the corner of one of the buildings and waved towards them.

"Where have you been?" Issei asked as the blonde Knight approached them.

Kiba smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I was busy entertaining the two Pawns in maid outfits along with the showgirl."

"Then that leaves nine more remaining on Raiser's team." Tokugawa deduced. "We just need to take out his remaining Pieces at their base and then we should be clear to take out Raiser."

Guy's, do you read me? Rias' voice came through to them again, grabbing their attention. There's been a change of plan. I'm going to launch a sneak attack on their base, together with Asia. Draw as many of the enemy away as you can, and buy us some time.

"A sneak attack?" Issei repeated with surprise.

"Buchou, what are you doing? That wasn't part of the plan!" Tokugawa exclaimed.

I'm changing the plan. The longer we delay is more time for Raiser to formulate another plan and keep us on the defensive. I'll have Asia to even the odds, then it should come down to a matter of strength between Raiser and me. Besides, I was going to give Akeno time to recover so she could blast each of his Pieces, but now that Raiser has sent his Queen against us directly...

"But Buchou, the risk of having the King leave the base is too great." Kiba argued. "We need to think about this, maybe we can-"

This is something that needs to happen, Yuuto. If I wait here for you to win the game, then I'm no better than Raiser. If I can only lead from the rear, then I'm a failure as both your King and Master. With that, Rias ended her message and no amount of questioning brought a further reply.

"Well, we have our orders." Kiba sighed. "Still, I wish we could have known a little soon."

"This is a mistake" Tokugawa growled. "There's no guarantee we'll draw out the rest of their players."

"Maybe not." Kiba agreed was he griped his sword in his hand. "But that doesn't change our objective now."

"Well, with that decided," Issei pumped his fist, "let the Occult Research Club..."

"...Go on a spree." Koneko finished in her usual monotonic voice.

The four silently traversed the short distance to stand just beside the sports grounds. Once there, Tokugawa began to sense several unique presences, at least six in total. If he had to make a guess, they were the remainder of Raiser's forces. It seemed that for once the plan was in their favor, Raiser was on his own.

"Got anything, Tokugawa-kun?" Kiba asked.

The boy nodded. "Six enemies out on the track, though judging by the looks of it, their probably hoping to ambush us."

"I'm the Knight of Raiser Phenex-sama, Karlamine! I've become bored of trying to sniff through your strategy! Knight of Gremory! I challenge you to a duel!"

They looked to see one of Raiser's Knights, the brown-haired one with the odd armor combination, standing in the middle of the grounds.

"...Okay, never mind. Guess they just want us to take them head on." Tokugawa sighed.

They all stood up and stepped forward, now fully exposed on the field. Kiba stepped towards the Knight, grabbing her attention.

"Very well, I accept your challenge. I am a Knight in the service of Rias Gremory, Kiba Yuuto. As my King's only Knight, it is my responsibility to best represent her by eliminating you quickly." Kiba swung his sword a few times before gripping it with both hands and pointing it towards her. "Shall we begin?"

"We shall!" Karlamine unsheathed her sword as the blade became engulfed in the Phenex's signature orange flames. The two Knights blitzed towards each other, both moving so fast that they were practically two blurs crashing into each other, the sounds of clashing steel ringing out as their blades struck one another in rapid flurries.

"Awesome!" Issei said with amazement."

"It would be best we leave that one to Yuuto-senpai." Koneko advised.

Tokugawa nodded. "Yeah, good thinking."

"That's not necessarily true." A new voice called out to them and they turned around to the punk-looking Rook with the half-mask standing several feet away with her arms crossed under her bust.

"Karlamine's head is filled with nothing but swords, swords, swords!" Another girl, the blonde Bishop with the twintails in drill-like curls, complained as she stepped forward, with the punk Rook as well as Raiser's remaining Pieces appeared and began to circle them. "She turned a glum face towards sacrificing those three Pawns, too. Geez, could anyone be more unrefined. And just when I thought I had found a cute boy, he turns out to be a sword freak too. This just isn't my lucky day."

Koneko's gaze narrowed as she looked around them. "They're committing all of their remaining Pieces."

"Which means that since they're all here, Raiser's all alone." Tokugawa said as he glared around him. "Looks like Rias-senpai's prediction was right after all."

The blonde Bishop stared at Issei as she scratched her chin in thought. "I have to say, though, Rias-sama must have poor taste in boys."

"HUH?!" Issei yelled as he glared at her.

She then turned to Tokugawa. "Although, I've gotta say, this one seems like he's not too bad. At least better than the slob next to him."

Tokugawa gave a deadpanned expression. "A cute girl with a sharp tongue, huh? That stereotype is so overplayed now."

"Booted Gear!" Issei yelled as he summoned his gauntlet and pointed it towards the girl.


However, she merely laughed and waved her hand in dismissal. "Oh, I beg your pardon. I won't be fighting. Isabela."

The buxom Rook approached the trio. "I am Isabela, a Rook in the service of Raiser-sama. In my masters name, I will defeat you, Rias Gremory's servants!" She lunged forward and swung a fist at Issei, only for it to be blocked by Tokugawa's forearm as the force of the impact created a small gust of air.

"Sorry, but you'll be facing me." he said with a glare.

Isabela looked slightly surprised, but it quickly changed into one of excitement. "Well, this'll be interesting. After seeing how you stood up to my master and even stopped Mira, I was hoping I would face you."

"Noted." Tokugawa shoved her back before the two began to slug it out like two boxers in a fighting cage, both delivering hard-hitting strikes that were meant to knock each other down. Isabela delivered a one-two to Tokugawa's ribs before rolling to the side as he brought a fist hammering down to impact upon her location. She struck again and he grunted at the impact before bringing his forearm to slam into her shoulder. She winced and took two steps back, favoring her bruised appendage.

"Damn, you're good for a human." she complimented. "I've gotta ask, where did you get so strong?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." he replied.

"Is that so? Well then, I'll just have to beat it out of you then!"

As the two continued to go at it, Issei turned towards the blonde Bishop, who was flanked by the Knight with the zweihander as well as the Neko-twins and the kimono-wearing Bishop.

"Hey! What's with you?!" he demanded while pointing at her. "What did you mean you're not fighting?!"

"She's taking part in this as a Bishop." the Knight answered. "But she's mostly a spectator."

"The lady is Ravel Phenex." Isabela said as she continued to slug it out with Tokugawa. "She is one of the households Devils, but she is also Raiser-sama's younger sister."

Issei turned towards Ravel with a shocked expression, while said girl merely waved with a smile. "His sister?!"

'So I was right, they were connected somehow.' Tokugawa thought as he dodged a swing from Isabela before smashing his fist into her gut and sending her reeling.

"Ni and Li, take care of the Pawn and the Rook." Ravel began to order, addressing the twins before turning to the kimono-wearing Bishop. "Mihae, make sure you keep them supported. Siris, remain on standby until Isabela needs help against that boy."

The Knight nodded. "Understood."

As Kiba tried to block a blow from Karlamine's fire-sword with his Holy Eraser, the blade shattered like glass in his hands, much to his surprise.

"Unfortunately for you, that kind of attack won't work against me." Karlamine said.

Kiba smirked. "In that case, how about this?! Freeze!" He swung the handle of his broken sword as a block of ice grew from it before it shattered, revealing a brand new blade and surprising Karlamine.

"You have two Sacred Gears?!" She lunged at him as the two clashed blades again, only this time when her sword made contact with his, it turned to ice and shattered. Undeterred by the lose of her weapon, Karlamine threw away the broken hilt of her sword and whipped out a dagger. "No matter! We, the household of the proud House of Phenex, control flame, wind, and life! You won't best us!"

She jumped into the air as she raised her dagger over her head with both hands, the weapon becoming surrounded by Phenex flames. She swung it down as Kiba raised his sword, the dagger cutting through it and shattering it once again.

However, Kiba continued to smile like it wasn't a problem. Swinging the broken hilt, another sword once again appeared, this one having an odd blade tip that appeared to have a miniature black hole, shocking Karlamine. Kiba gave a swing of his new sword as the black hole began to suck in the flames surrounding the Phenex Knight's dagger.

"Just how many Sacred Gears do you have?!" she exclaimed over the howling wind.

"It's not that I possess multiple Sacred Gears. I simply made them. The magic sword-creator, Sword Birth. In other words..." Kiba swung his sword at Karlamine, forcing her to jump back to avoid. "...I can create magic swords at will."

He knelt down and placed his hand on the ground as a large blue magic circle appeared. Suddenly, Multiple swords shot up out of the ground beneath the opposing Knights feet, forcing her to jump again and narrowly avoided it.

"What the...?" she muttered in shock.

"Awesome!" Issei exclaimed. "He has that kind of power?"

"Hey! Eyes up!" Issei looked back just as he was struck in the face by one of the cat-twins, sending him falling in his back. He sat up with a grunt and saw the other twin coming at him, only for Koneko to ram her shoulder into her side and sending her skidding along the ground.

"Pay attention, Issei-senpai." the petite Rook said.

Issei nodded as he got back up. "R-Right! Thanks for the save, Koneko-chan!"

As the fighting continued, Ravel noticed something atop the roof of the new school building and turned to Issei. "You there, foot soldier. I wonder, do you know what that is?"

Issei and the others looked up at where she was pointing and the Gremory group were stunned to see Rias floating above the building with her Devil wings out and with Asia in her arms.

"Buchou?!" the brunette exclaimed.

Tokugawa gritted his teeth. "It's too early to be going at him directly! We haven't even finished up here!"

Kiba's eyes narrowed. "He anticipated our move, did he?"

As she landed on the roof, Rias smirked as she retracted her Devil wings with Asia hiding behind her. "You were aware that I was coming, weren't you?"

Standing across from her, Raiser smirked back in a lazy manner. "A virgin mustn't underestimate one who is experienced, Rias."

Rias glared at him without losing her smirk. "I see you're as vulgar as ever."

Back down below, Ravel smirked. "Ruin Princess, Twilight Healing, Priestess of Thunder, Sword Birth, and Boosted Gear. Such grand sounding names, all aligned together. But we are Phoenix's, immortal birds! Immortals!" She swiped her arm as the twins prepared to attack again. "Do you understand just how hopeless the situation is for you?"


'Not there yet! Just a little more...' Issei thought as he avoided a swing from the red-haired twin, while the blue-haired one was trying to attack Koneko, who merely ducked under her attack before sending an upward kick to the chin and sending her back.

Tokugawa blocked another blow as Isabela managed to hit him in the face, but he merely shook off the pain as he delivered an equally powerful punch back. The buxom Rook wiped her face with a lighthearted smirk. "I gotta say, you really hit like a truck. Most guys wouldn't dare hit a girl like how you just did."

"If they're my enemy, then I won't hesitate to fight back with brute force, whether they're a guy or a girl." Tokugawa replied.

Isabela nodded in understanding. "I see, that's good. You're the kind of fighter who doesn't let anything hold him back. I like that!" She came in for another attack, but just as he was about to block, Kiba's voice called out to him, startling both of them.

"Tokugawa-kun! Behind you!"

"Huh-argh!" Unnoticed to them, Siris had flashed behind them with a burst of speed that only an equally fast Knight could track. As she decelerated to reappear, she swung her large zweihander upwards, the edge of which cut a long tear into the back of Tokugawa's jacket as the tip sliced through the surface of his skin, just barely missing his vertebra. Not only that, but it ended up catching his upraised arm and wrenched it into an unnaturally odd angle, dislocating it at the shoulder with a crack. Tokugawa grunted as he grasped his shoulder and collapsed onto one knee, biting back the pain.

"Tokugawa!" Issei exclaimed.

Isabela was just as shocked before she turned to the Knight with a glare. "Siris, what the hell?! He was mine!"

"Bite me, you were taking too damn long and I got bored." Siris said as she shouldered her heavy weapon. "Besides, it gets us results."

"You know I hate being interrupted in the middle of a fight. How is it fair now?"

"Oh, don't worry." Tokugawa deadpanned. "Two on one is still fair enough for me."

Seeing him rise to his feet, both girls grew visibly nervous. "What the hell?" Siris gasped. "I put enough power into that swing to cripple someone for life and you're getting back up?"

"See, that's the funny thing. You think a little pain is enough to keep someone down and prevent them from fighting. Not me though. See, I spent nine years of my childhood as a prisoner of Fallen Angels, where they performed all kinds of agonizing experiments and methods of torture." Tokugawa reached across his chest with his free hand to grasp his limp upper arm. Holding his arm in place, he gave a dark smirk at the dawning horror that the girls showed. "Pain is something I've long learned to live with."

With that chilling statement, Tokugawa pressed down on where he knew his humerus was. With a sickening crunch, the bone ground back into its socket as his healing factor got to work repairing the damage. At the same time, those who were watching nearby noticed that the gaping scar in Tokugawa's back was already beginning to close up before it disappeared like it never happened. Rolling his shoulder a few times to alleviate any lasting discomfort, Tokugawa was rewarded with several observations. The first of which were the Rook and Knight preparing to now attack in tandem, clearly still unnerved by his casual self-care. Kiba and Karlamine had paused their dual, both breathing hard, but still equally astonished.

"That... that..." Ravel was too shocked for words. In her strategic mind, she believed that Tokugawa would have surely fallen if struck even once by Siris' blade. And yet, despite that belief, he had completely shattered his expectations by revealing a self-restoring healing ability that was on par with her brothers. Shaking with fury at her own failure to comprehend what was going on, she let her anger out on the one she perceived to be the source of all the commotion.


"That so?" Tokugawa ducked under a singing blade and punched away the offending Knight. "No one ever told me that."

"You... you're lying!" Ravel's arm began to shake, the boys self-confidence supporting his downright callous claims. "How...how?"

"You really wanna know?" Tokugawa asked as he caught Siris out of the corner of his eye as she came at him again with her zweihander raised over her head for a downward swing. "Then I'll show you."

Just as Siris' blade was about to come into contact with him, Tokugawa brought his hand up and caught the blade before crushing it into shards of broken steel, shocking her.

"H-How...?" she gasped

Suddenly, Tokugawa brought his other hand back, sending it forward and grabbing her by the face as his blue eyes briefly turned yellow.

"Atomic Grip Strike!" An explosion of blue fire erupted from his hand and engulfed the Knight before her body instantly disappeared into blue sparkles.

One of Raiser-sama's Knights, retired.

Now Ravel was left gobsmacked as she saw Tokugawa's arm before surrounded in blue flames that flickered like made as the boy looked at her with an expectant look.

"Believe me now?"

"I...I..." Ravel stuttered

"I think Tokugawa-senpai broke the Yakitori." Koneko commented.

The astonished silence was cut off as an explosion rang out atop the new school building, the source being Raiser sending a blast of flames towards Rias and Asia, the forming conjuring up a defensive glyph to block the attack.

"Buchou-san...!" Asia squeaked in worry.

"I wish you would make this a little more entertaining." Raiser said. "This is our 'premarital intercourse', after all."

"Who, me?!" Rias let loose a blast of her Power of Destruction at Raiser, who responded by lazily bringing his hand up and sending another torrent of orange flames that intercepted it and created another large explosion.

"Buchou!" Issei yelled as he brought his hand to his ear to activate the communication spell.

I'm all right. Forget me, concern yourself with the battle at hand.


"I believe in you, Issei!" Rias said as she charged through the smoke from the last attack before jumping up and appearing above Raiser, preparing a magic circle. "Show them the power that a servant of Rias Gremory possesses!"

'That's right!' Issei thought as he and Koneko continued to fight back against the remaining Pawns. 'I am Buchou's servant!'

He raised his Boosted Gear. "We'll take you all down for Buchou's sake alone! Red Dragon Emperor, if you can hear me, then respond! Lend me your power!"

[Dragon Booster!]

"More! Respond to my feelings even more! Boosted Gear!"

[Dragon Booster Second Liberation!]

Suddenly, a pillar of emerald green fire surrounded Issei, releasing a hot gale of wind that forced the others to cover up. Inside the pillar, Issei's gauntlet shattered as it suddenly became larger, covering his entire arm, and covered with golden spikes while a second green gem was seen located near the elbow region of the gauntlet.

[So, you've finally awoken to Second Liberation, huh?] To Issei's shock, a voice came from the gem as it pulsed each time it spoke. Not only that, but he remembered it.

"Wait a minute, you're..."

[That's right, we spoke before. I had been trying to communicate with you, but it seemed you were too weak at the time to hear me. Until now, that is.]

"Who are you?" Issei asked. In response, the gem shined brightly once again.

[I am the Welsh Dragon! The Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig! I live inside your left hand!]

Issei was left slack jawed by the revelation until the pillar of fire around him dissipated, allowing everyone to see the change that had occurred to his Boosted Gear with shock and awe.

Meanwhile, a visible distance away from the fight near the new building, Yubelluna yelped in pain as she was slammed into the tennis court with enough force to create an imprint in the ground. Grunting, she looked up to see Akeno flying above her, her miko costume torn around the sleeves and parts of the skirt while also covered with multiple bruises and scares from the fight.

"I-I never imagined the Priestess of Thunder would be this strong..." Yubelluna looked up at Akeno with a small smirk. "But by now, your magic has been..."

"Not to worry." Akeno interrupted her. "After a little rest, I'll recover."

The Bomb Queen scoffed as she reached into her cleavage. "Hmph, I'm not sure you have the time."

The raven-haired Queen looked on with wide eyes as Yubelluna pulled something out. "What's that?"

The Phenex Queen held up a small red and gold vile between her thumb and her index finger. "You've fallen for this."

Issei was still left in awe over his gauntlets new look and the power he felt flowing from it. "So this is my...new power...!" Seeing the gem flash briefly, he nodded to himself before turning around.

"Kiba! Unleash your Sacred Gear!"

The blonde Knight blinked with surprise. "Unleash?"

"Just do it!" Issei yelled. Kiba seemed to quickly understand what he meant and nodded with a smile as he stabbed his sword into the ground with a cry.

"Sword Birth!"

A large array of swords appeared out of the ground in a path towards Issei, who raised his Boosted Gear before swing it down into the blades. "Boosted Gear Gift!"


At the command of the voice in the gauntlet, an even larger amount of swords came out of the ground and spread across the entire track field. Ravel cried out as she quickly summoned her fire wings and flew into the air, just barely avoiding getting hit, while Karlamine, Mihae, Ni, and Li were stabbed by the blades and instantly vanished into light.

At the same time, Tokugawa came at Isabela with his flaming fist reeled back, leaving her shocked, but then giving a genuine smile of accepted defeat.

"Atomic Fist!" Tokugawa smashed into the Rook and sent her crashing into the ground with such for that the ground quaked upon impact. Isabela was now lying in a small crater in the track while Tokugawa stood over her.

"So, I lost...huh?" She gave a small smirk. "I guess I should have expected that from you... By the way, where...did you get that power...?"

"This was the result of those experiments the Fallen Angels did to me." Tokugawa said as he looked down at her. "I was forced to accept this power in order to survive and used it to escape."

Isabela nodded in understanding. "I see... To think the Fallen would go so low as to do something like that to kids. It's barbaric..." Again, she smiled up at the boy. "I've lost today, but I hope we can fight each other again someday. I wish you the best of luck against Raiser-sama." With that, Isabela vanished as well.

Tokugawa nodded back, a small smile on his face. "...Thank you."

One of Raiser-sama's Knights, one of his Rooks, one of his Bishops, and two of his Pawns, retired

"What the hell was that?!" Saji exclaimed in shock. "What did Hyoudou just do?!"

"It looked like he enhanced the Knights ability through his Boosted Gear." Tsubaki deduced.

Sona nodded. "A new power, granted to him by the Red Dragon Emperor."

"Alright!" Issei cheered as the others gathered around. "We did it!"

"That was pretty impressive, Issei-kun." Kiba complimented. "Using that new ability to defeat all those Pieces by powering up my Sword Birth was pretty smart."

Koneko nodded. "Tokugawa-senpai was strong too."

"Thanks, Koneko-san." Tokugawa said before his expression became serious. "But we're not done yet. There's three more left including Raiser. Hopefully Akeno will finish up the Phenex Queen and-"


A loud explosion caught there attention and they all turned towards the source. Much to their shock and horror, they saw Akeno falling from the sky after being consumed by an explosion before she disappeared into light.

Rias-sama's one Queen, retired.

"Akeno-san...!" Issei was left shocked beyond words, as were Kiba and Koneko, who stared with wide eyes and gaped expressions.

Rias, who was currently being healed by Asia, was astonished that her Queen and best friend was defeated, but those feelings quickly turned to anger as she glared at Raiser.

"Akeno-san has been..." Asia was speechless and couldn't bring herself to finish.

"Looks life you've lost your vaulted right-hand lady." Raiser mocked with a snicker.

"I still have my other servants!" Rias yelled as she got up and swiped her arm.

However, Raiser continued to smirk arrogantly. "You wish you did."

Tokugawa's hands balled into fists, clenching them so tight that his knuckles turned white. He was in disbelief that Akeno lost, but he was also enraged. He was angry that she lost and that he couldn't have done something to stop it. She promised that she would win, so how? How could she have lost?!

Suddenly, he was snapped out of his thoughts when another explosion rang out. Tokugawa turned and saw both Kiba and Koneko had been hit and were both falling to the ground.

"Kiba! Koneko-chan!" Issei rushed to try and help them, but they vanished into light just before he could get to them.

One of Rias-sama's Rooks and one of her Knights, retired.

"Take." Both boys looked up to see Yubelluna hovering in the air before them.

"You again?!" Tokugawa yelled.

Rias' eyes widened with both shock and fear when she heard Grayfia's announcement. "Yuuto and Koneko too?!"

Raiser smirked as he pointed his hand towards her. "Just resign already, Rias."

"Never!" She sent another blast of her Power of Destruction at him, striking him clean in the face and sending him reeling. Rias panted as exhaustion was starting to take over, but then Raiser suddenly stood back up as flames flickered off of his face, revealing that he wasn't damaged at all.

"Don't you get it yet? Your Bishop there, your dear Pawn, and that lowly human will only get hurt if you don't." Raiser said as the flames dissipated from his face.

Back down below, Ravel flew to Yubelluna's side with a relieved expression. "You took long enough, Yubelluna."

"There Queen was as strong as we'd heard." Yubelluna said as she held up the vile from before. "Sure enough, I had to use the power of these."

Ravel smirked. "A win is a win. You're still the one we can most depend on."

"Very well." Yubelluna flew off into the sky somewhere as Issei yelled out to Ravel.

"What's in that bottle?!"

Ravel smiled proudly as she held up her own vile. "Tears of the Phoenix. They're our family's secret formula that can completely heal any injury instantly."

Tokugawa's eyes widened. 'So they DID have something up their sleeve! Dammit! How did we not sense it sooner?!'

"How is that fair?!" Issei shouted in anger.

"Oh, we're allowed to use them at least twice per game." Ravel explained with a giggle. "Besides, you yourselves have a Bishop that uses Twilight Healing, don't you? These can only be produced by our family, so they fetch a handsome price. Tears and immortality, from the time the Rating Game first began, the House of Phenex has had an advantage."

As Ravel started laughing to herself, Tokugawa grabbed Issei by his shoulder to get his attention. "Come on, we can't waste our time with her. Buchou and Asia need us."

"Right!" The two quickly began to run towards the new school building, leaving Ravel shocked.

"W-Wait! Are you ignoring me?!" she screamed after them.

As soon as the two made it inside, they quickly ran as fast as they could up the multiple stairs to get to the roof where Rias and Asia were fighting Raiser. Rias summoned a glyph and blocked another blast of Phoenix flames, but she was quickly beginning to feel strain as she tried to protect herself and Asia.

"Buchou! Asia!" The two turned to see Issei and Tokugawa exiting a window on the top floor. "Don't worry, we're here to help!"

The two smiled with relief upon seeing their the two boys appear to their aid. At that moment, Yubelluna appeared and hovered down beside her King.

"I can handle the Pawn boy and the Bishop girl. I'll even take care of that human." she offered.

However, Raiser shook his head. "No, I'll take them all on together. That will be more persuasive."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Rias shouted. "You'll have to defeat me first!" She sent another blast of her Power of Destruction that struck his right arm, completely destroying it.

Raiser simply laughed as fire emerged from the stub and completely restored his arm back to normal, along with the sleeve of his suit. "Resign, Rias! You're about to be mated! I anticipated that you would move like this. Checkmate."

"You be quiet, Raiser! About to be mated? Anticipated my moves? Don't make me laugh. I, the King, am still alive and well!"

Raiser sighed with mock resignation. "Then you leave me little choice." He turned to Yubelluna. "Do it."

"Right." Yubelluna hovered back into the air.

Issei soon felt a gentle warmth flow through his back and looked over to see Asia healing him with tears stinging her eyes. "Asia..."

"As hard as you two fought, you and Tokugawa-san still came all the way up here..."

Tokugawa smiled as he patted her on the head. "Hey, we promised, didn't we?"

"Yes." she replied with a content smile as she finished healing the brunette.

Issei turned back towards Raiser. "Thank you. Asia, you're our lifeline. So stand back and let us handle this."

Suddenly, a dark purple magic circle came down on Asia, surprising the remaining Gremory group members as they looked up to see Yubelluna smirking darkly down at them.



An explosion engulfed the two boys as well as Asia, the gale from the attack forcing Rias to cover up. "Asia! Issei! Tokugawa!"

When the smoke cleared, Issei and Tokugawa were bother holding onto Asia in a protective manner, but the attack seemed to have caused Asia to lose consciousness.

"Are you alright?!" Rias asked as she rushed over and knelt down to their side.

"Yeah, we're fine." Tokugawa grunted. "But Asia..."

After looking over the girl, Rias smiled with relief. "She's unharmed. She probably just got knocked out from the shock."

"I'm sorry." Yubelluna apologized to her master as she landed beside him. "I didn't expect those boys to take it physically."

"It's fine. The Pawn must've Promoted to Queen in order to take the attack. The other boy, however, is a mystery." Rasier shrugged. "Well, no matter. You've managed to stop Twilight Healing."

Issei glared at Raiser while holding Asia in his arms. "Buchou! The battle continues, right?!"

"That's right."

"I'm an idiot, so I don't know about anticipating moves, or mating, but I can still fight!" Issei declared. "As long as I can keep my fist clenched, I'll fight!"

Tokugawa couldn't help but smile a little at Issei's determination. Even though he was a dumb, shameless pervert, when it came to protecting his friends, he gave it one hundred percent. And that he greatly admired about him.

Rias nodded. "Well said, Issei." They turned back towards the Phenex heir. "Lets defeat Raiser together!"

Issei gently put Asia down as he activated his Boosted Gear once again. "Don't worry Asia. We'll win, then we'll all go home together." He faced Raiser before charging towards him. "Boosted Gear!"


"One more time!"




Raiser simply watched with a smirk as Issei reeled his fist back and prepared to strike, only for his gauntlets gem to go dim.


Issei suddenly slipped on the edge upon feeling all of the power he had gained suddenly leave him and tumbled down the roof before landing on a lower section of the school roof.

"Issei!" Rias and Tokugawa yelled in unison.

"What just happened?" Tomoe asked.

"Boosted Gear has a way of taxing its host's physical strength in a way that is incomparable to any other Sacred Gear." Tsubaki explained.

Sona folded her hands in front of her as she continued after her Queen. "In fact, the fact that he was able to fight, after enchanting himself as many times as he did, is itself nearly miraculous. His magic power was almost completely used up, when he took a direct hit from Yubelluna. His body is already past its limits."

"Does that mean Rias-sama's going to lose?" Reya inquired with slight worry.

Ruruko clenched her hands together tightly as she focused her attention on the shocked look of Tokugawa on one of the screens.

'Come on, Tokugawa-chan. Show those Phenex's how strong you are!'

Issei struggle to get back up after his tumble, but he had become so battered up that he ended up coughing up a large amount of blood and collapsing again from pain and extreme exhaustion.

"Get up Issei!" Tokugawa yelled out to him.

"Issei!" Rias called.

Raiser smirked victoriously. "Hmph, it's over."

"NEVER!" Rias sent out two blasts of her Power of Destruction, completely blowing away both of Raiser's arms this time.

"Rias! You only have so much magic power left, yourself." Raiser said as his arms healed again. "Admit your defeat, already. Why don't you hurry up and resign?"

"That's right, Rias-sama." Ravel said as she hovered above her brother beside Yubelluna. "All of your Pieces have either been defeated or are incapable to continue fighting. Why won't you just accept that Onii-sama has bested you."

"Why you..."

"It's alright, Buchou..." Issei's voice grabbed their attention and they looked down to see the brunette getting back to his feet rather shakily and tried to climb back up to them. "No matter what it takes, I will win..." He coughed up another large amount of blood, but continued to move. "I'm going to be the mightiest Pawn...That's what I promised you, Buchou... You gave me your training, after all..."

Raiser glared down at him as he summoned his fire wings and flew towards him. "You don't know when to die!"

Issei stood up, glaring ahead as Raiser closed in. "I can still fight... I will keep my promise to you!"

Raiser came in and rammed his knee into Issei's stomach before he began to beat on the injured Pawn, who stubbornly refused to fall.

"ISSEI!" Rias screamed in fear.

"Get out of there Issei!" Tokugawa yelled.

"No... I will fight...! I'm your Pawn, after all...! I can still fight...! I will win!" As Issei said all of that, Raiser continued to beat on him, kicking him and kneeing him to try and make him stay down.

"Issei, get back! Get back!" Rias shouted, her voice becoming pleading. "Issei! Why won't you obey my order?!"

Raiser kicked Issei in the chin, making his head snap back and revealing his battered face and his dazed expression, like he was on the verge of collapse.

"I...Buchou, for your smile..."

Rias' eyes widened, but so did Tokugawa, as he suddenly felt his heartbeat begin drastically increase in speed. Issei's words had triggered something that reminded him of that day. The worst day in his life.

The city was a war zone. Buildings were toppled over like dominoes. Smoke blanketed the sky and blotted out the moon. Fire lit up the city for miles. And giant crystal spikes jutted from the earth and made the city look like a hellish crystal empire.

This was the day. The day SpaceGodzilla destroyed Fukuoka.

In one of the desolated streets, a five year old boy was frantically shoving away chucks of building rubble that had piled into a small mound in the middle of the street. The amount of smoke in the air made it unbearable for the boy to breath, but he didn't care. He had to save his brother.

"Akira! Akira!" the boy managed to push away larger chunk of ruble and saw the upper body of a teenage boy of around 19 years old lying there. His clothing was ripped and torn to shreds and the left side of his forehead had a gaping gash in it that leaked blood. The boy dropped to his knees, holding the teen up by his upper body with every last bit of strength he had.

"Akira! Akira!"

Akira blinked slowly before he moved his gaze up towards the boy, a smile stretching on his face. "Tokugawa... You're okay..."

"Don't talk, Akira! I'll find help! You're gonna be okay!"

"I'm...sorry Toku. But I think...its too late for me." Akira apologized.

"Don't say that! I don't wanna be left alone! I already lost mom and dad! I don't wanna lose you too! Akira!"

Akira brought his hand up and cupped the side of Tokugawa's face, gently caressing it. "My little brother...You won't be alone. Always remember me, and I promise...I'll always be by your side..."


The teen continued to smile as his gaze became hazy. "I...want to keep...seeing your smile..."

Akira's hand went completely limb and fell to the ground, his eyes closing, and his smile never fading from his face.

"A-Akira?" Tokugawa lightly shook the boy, hoping he was still awake. "C'mon, Akira. This isn't funny... Please, get up! Akira!


"I'm pissed off!" Raiser yelled in annoyance as he grabbed Issei by his hair and held him up. "A lowly servant like yourself dares to defy me, the Devil, Raiser Phenex?!" He brought his free hand back as a large, swirling orb of fire appeared in it.

"Raiser, what are you doing?!" Rias gasped with horrifying realization.

"Oh, I'm just taking this boy's feelings to account, and burning him up!" Raiser said with a twisted grin. "Enough so that treating him would be meaningless."

Ravel's eyes went wide after hearing that. "W-Wait, Onii-sama! That's too much! What if you-"

"It doesn't matter, Ravel." Raiser interrupted. "We both no that deaths that happen within the Rating Game are automatically recognized as accidents."

He then noticed that one of Issei's eyes opened half-way, and he could still see the conflict in them, making glare with shock and anger.

"Why, you... WHY YOU!" The fire in Rasier's hand grew larger and brighter as he prepared to kill Issei.

"ISSEI~!" Rias screamed.



Suddenly, a fist covered in blue flames struck Raiser with such force that it created a ripple in the air around the area he was standing and lose his grip on Issei's hair as he was sent propelling off the roof and down to the ground a few feet away from the building, creating a wide crater beneath him.

Grunting, he got up just as a figure fell from the roof and crashed to the ground several feet away from him, it's body completely surrounded in a blaze of blue fire. Raiser gave a wide glare as the figure revealed itself to be Tokugawa, his eyes shadowed by his black hair.

"You..." the Phenex glared ahead. "So you finally decided to join that useless Pawn in death?"


"Nothing, huh? Well, silence won't save you human." Raiser gather flames in both hands and smirked. "I am the master of flame, wind, and life! I am immortal! No matter what you do, you cannot harm me!"

"...I know."

Raiser raised a brow. "Hmm?"

"That's why..." Tokugawa looked up at Raiser, revealing his blue eyes were now yellow and reptilian-like with a monstrous expression. "That's why...I'm gonna break you."

Raiser took a step back in shock, surprised by the terrifying gaze he was receiving before attempting to school his features. "You think you can do that? I already told you, I carry the power of the Phoenix, the immortal bird! You can't do shit to me!"

"That's funny." Tokugawa said, his expression not changing at all. "Because the last time I checked, Kaiju were so much stronger than puny little Phoenix's. And I think the King of the Monsters would be more than happy to agree with me.

Raiser paled at the mention of that last title. "W-what did you say?!"

Tokugawa slightly raised his head, taking a short breath in before letting loose a loud, air-shaking roar that made the land quake.


As soon as the that sound left his throat, there was absolute silence from all of those watching, from the Student Council, to the Gremory and Phenex heads, to Azazel and his group, and even Sirzechs, who had a wide eyed expression.

"K-Kaichou..." Tsubaki stuttered as she turned to Sona. "W-Was that...?"

Sona was silent as stared at the screen with Tokugawa on it with a look of utter shock and even slight fear. "So...Rias was right about him all along."

Over in the Grigori headquarters, Shemhazai and Raynare were literally shaking after hearing Tokugawa release that blaring roar, their faces sweating bullets and their eyes as wide as possible. Azazel was just as shocked, but he also had on a slight look of excitement for some reason.

Lord Gremory and Lord Phenex were practically glued to their seats as soon as the roar was unleashed, as if they were both frozen in both fear and even awe, while even Venelana was slightly shaking in awe. But most of all, Sirzechs actually stood up from his seat, his eyes glued to the screen and his mouth slightly gaped. That sound he had just heard...it was a sound no man, woman, or child could ever possibly forget.

For how could anyone possibly forget the roar of a mighty King.

The Elias stared ahead without any sort of reaction, but their gazes became expectant. '"The land howls. The Prince of the Monsters will rise. That breath is a storm, that rage is thunder. With his heart as his guide, he commands the power of destruction."

BGM: Monster (Skillet)

Tokugawa suddenly blitzed forward, smashing his fist into Raiser's face with bone-shattering force that sent him shooting backwards and sailing through the air before he struck the ground, skidding along and creating a trench with his body. He struggled to get up, but he then looked up to see Tokugawa was already in the air with his fist reeled back and swirling with a large amount of atomic fire. Raiser summoned his fire wings and jumped back as Tokugawa's fist struck the ground, creating a bright blue explosion that made the alternate space shake.

Raiser looked down at the explosion created and saw Tokugawa suddenly fly up from within and strike him in the chin, sending him higher into the air. Tokugawa gathered atomic fire beneath his feet and flew after him until he was above him, then kicked him right in the skull and sending him crashing back towards the earth and kicking up a large amount of dust from the impact. Tokugawa activated his makeshift boosters and shot back down towards where the Phenex landed.

Raiser appeared from the rubble with his Phoenix healing kicking in and sent a volley of flames towards Tokugawa, but the boy dodged by weaving around each one before he appeared in Raiser's face, striking him in the face with a ferocious headbutt that sent him reeling and sent him back to the ground. He got up with a hiss of pain before he fired even more flames, but Tokugawa landed and simply jumped over them before landing in front and smashing his fist into the Phenex's gut, sending shooting back again until this time he impacted a building.

Tokugawa let out another roar as he reared his head back before unleashing a colossal beam of neon blue that raced through the air towards the area where Rasier landed. Recovering from his sling, Raiser looked up and his eyes widened when he saw the beam approaching and quickly rose into the air as the beam completely blasted apart the makeshift building he was in earlier. Tokugawa wouldn't let him get away so easily and fire another beam into the air after him. Raiser looked back with shock and fear as he was consumed by the blast, crashing back to earth in a blazing blue fireball. Tokugawa approached the area where Raiser had landed with his expression not changing in the slightest.

As he got close, however, a blast of fire struck Tokugawa in the face as Raiser emerged from the smoke, his clothing slightly damaged and his body covered in slight burns. The Phenex glared ahead at the boy.

"How is that even possible?! How could you possible possess HIS power?! HOW?!" Raiser demanded.

"Simple. He saved my life." Tokugawa emerged from the smoke, his face completely undamaged by Raiser's last attack. "'Rulers of flame, wind, and life?' Clearly you can throw the 'life' part out the window. Especially after how you were just about to murder my friend back there."

"He's nothing more than low-class scum! I am a high-class Devil! I was born with more power and privileges than those sacks of trash! I am the heir of Phenex! I won't be beaten!"

Tokugawa glared up at him. "It's people like you that are the reason I chose to accept this power of mine. Just because you were practically born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you can just look down on commoners and push around the weak. I spent half of my life in a living Hell because of people like you!" He suddenly blitzed in front of Raiser again and struck him in and uppercut, sending skyward again.


He shot up after Raiser before wailing blow after blow onto the Phenex, a serious of detonations punctuating each blow and occurred so fast. Tokugawa brought his hands together and gathered atomic energy around them before bringing them up over his head and smashing them down onto the back of his neck. Raiser gagged as he was sent shooting down into the roof another replica building, smashing through several floors before landing at the bottom in a pile of splintered floorboards.

Grunting in pain, Raiser looked up to see Tokugawa free falling towards him, completely surrounded in atomic fire and looking almost like a living meteor. The Phenex quickly got up and summoned his fire wings again before flying down one of the halls just as Tokugawa impacted the spot where Raiser had just been. With a growl of anger and annoyance, Tokugawa decided to not waste time chasing him and to just go for option.

Hunching over, Tokugawa closed his eyes as his body began to glow and the nuclear fire surrounded him almost looked to be getting sucked inside of him, the glow becoming brighter and brighter with every passing second.

Then, his eyes snapped open and the next thing that everyone saw was the building suddenly explode and disintegrate in a massive shockwave of blue and white that gradually spread. The explosion was so powerful that the alternate space that contained the replica of the school began to destabilize, the skies beginning to crack from the immense power being given off and the ground began to quake violently.

Raiser was sent skidding along the ground before crashing into the tennis court where Akeno had been defeated earlier. Groaning in pain that even his Phoenix healing was having a hard time getting rid of, he tried to get up only for a foot to smash into his face and back into the ground. Tokugawa stood over Raiser's injured form as the Phenex groaned below him.

"This is your last chance Raiser." Tokugawa warned. "Since you were so insistent on having Rias-senpai resign, I'll offer you the same. Resign now, or we can just keep this up until your injured enough to retire."

Raiser groaned again before glaring up at the boy, his face seething with anger. "Go...to...hell."

Tokugawa glared back before he brought his hand up, gathering nuclear energy into it. "I've already been there. And let me tell you, it probably makes your Hell look like paradise."

Quickly, Rias, Asia and Issei, with the two girls supporting Issei, along with Ravel and Yubelluna appeared on the scene and saw Tokugawa preparing his attack.

"Tokugawa! That's enough!" Rias yelled, trying to call him off. Tokugawa ignored her however, and kept his attention on Raiser.

"Wait! Please don't hurt Onii-sama!" Ravel begged as well.

Again, Tokugawa paid no heed and readied his charged attack. "You insulted us, you threatened to turn my friends into your toys of entertainment. But worst of all..." His glare became menacing. "...You even threatened to kill one of those friends right in front of me! That is beyond unforgivable!. Accept it, you brought this upon yourself!

He brought his hand back and was about to strike when suddenly the skies above them shattered open. Fragments of the replicated world fell like broke glass as a bright yellow magic circle that resembled a sun with a large cross in the middle appeared above Tokugawa. The boy suddenly felt all of his strength leave him as the attack died in his hand and was instantly knocked out cold. He nearly collapsed to the ground until a golden light surrounded him and seemed to make him levitate off the ground.

Above his floating form, two small women riding a bird-sized, multi-colored moth appeared and spoke in perfect unison. ""The battle has been officially terminated. We strongly advise that you all leave this place at once.""

Ravel rushed to her brothers side and helped him up with Yubelluna's aid while Rias, Issei and Asia stared at the two women hovering over Tokugawa. It was then that the green gem of Issei's gauntlet lit as a small gasp was heard.

[Moll? Lora?]

Hearing the familiar voice, the two women turned towards the brunette and his Sacred Gear with gentle smiles.

""It has been a long time, Ddraig.""

And that's a wrap! This is officially the LONGEST chapter I've written for this story so far (over 16,000 words) and honestly, I had A LOT of fun writing it, especially the last part with Tokugawa pretty much curb-stomping Raiser and the Elias interfering. As I'm sure some of you might know, I'm going back to college so my updates will be delayed, and also once I finish updating my Persona 3 x Senran Kagura story, I'll be taking some time to try and get my Persona x Avengers story up and running when I'm not busy with college and work.

So until I can get back to this story, please be patient and I'll see you all next chapter. Don't forget to comment and post any questions if you have any, because I would be more than happy to answer them.

Until then, this is Godzilla Boy signing off!

Next Time: Kaiju & Dragon vs. Phoenix