J K Rowling owns all the rights to the books and the amazing characters she created. I write only to satisfy my imagination and use my creativity and make no money from my writings.

Chapter 1 – A False Sense of Security

Harry Potter knew – he always had. Unfortunately it had all been arranged so that there was nothing he could do about anything concerning his life, especially to live it as a human child should be able to such as to grow, learn, feel worthwhile, and…be loved.

But the "Devil" had beckoned with the promise of freedom and although something inside him fought against it (like it always did) he had made his decision during his trial before the assembled Wizengamot.

He had saved himself and his cousin Dudley from Dementors and had immediately been sent letters saying he had been expelled for the use of underage magic in front of a Muggle. The fact that he had been saving his life, or rather soul, and that of his cousin who knew about magic since he lived with Harry, apparently didn't matter. He was once again being railroaded by the Magical World and – surprise, surprise – at the very last possible minute when all hope had been lost and he was about to face his doom, in comes Dumbledore in all of his badly dressed, twinkling glory to "save the day" once again.

At least that was the drill and usual modus operandi. It didn't matter that Dumbledore had been responsible somehow and in some way unseen and unknowable by all (especially supposedly Harry) for whatever predicament Harry found himself in, the fact that he was publically seen to be saving the day once again served to keep his "legend" intact and growing.

But Harry knew everything was staged, he just didn't know for what particular reason as Dumbledore kept his secrets and was more silent than an Egyptian tomb. But what else was new!

His mind was already 75% made up but between the save-the-day entrance and his first sight and sound of the pink clad "toad woman" and then Fudge's obvious actions, the other 25% was added and as he was led back to the prison that was Grimmauld Place, his soul had been irretrievably sold.

All he had to do now was survive the stomach turning drama, the annoying platitudes and refrain from viciously and violently ax murdering all of the current inhabitants of this new hellhole until he could reach Hogwarts and the "fun" could begin in earnest.

He also had to figure out how to cause harm to himself without people finding out he had done it but not enough to be permanently damaged or incapacitated. He knew that Draco Malfoy would attempt to claim credit for the injuries which would be happening or at least until he also became a victim.

It had not been easy to control himself especially after – surprise, surprise – Ron was made the Prefect for the Gryffindor fifth year boys. Naturally Hermione was made a Prefect also but she was really the only suitable candidate. However, she probably thought that it was a reward for "services rendered" to Dumbledore.

Although an "imp" had told him Ron was going to be made Prefect, Harry knew it was only logical that Ron would get the honor and not him. If it hadn't been Harry then it definitely should have been Neville not only because Neville was an honorable, hardworking and conscientious individual but because he was a Pureblood and despite all of the trashed talked by Dumbledore, Purebloods were usually made Prefects. The only time a Muggleborn became a Prefect was if the rest of their peers were soooo, verrrryyyy baaddd and the Muggleborn was so very good, or, like Hermione, they had made a deal with the Devil - er Dumbledore.

But any fool (and there were many in the Order) could see by both Mrs. Weasley's and Ron's actions and behaviors that it was a set up. Harry even noticed that McGonagall, who as his Head of House made the decision, sat tight lipped at the table silently but noticeably angry during the party thrown to celebrate Ron – oh and Hermione – receiving the honor.

Molly kept directing very smug and self-satisfied looks at the clearly irate Head of House. Remus Lupin kept giving Harry very sad looks and once even squeezed Harry's hand while looking at him in an attempt to convey his sympathy at the unfairness of it all. Harry just ignored him.

Sirius and the Twins had shown their "sympathy" by making jokes about it mostly saying that being a Prefect cramped a prankster's style and only people like Percy actually wanted the job, etc.

Ron was lording it over Harry just to rub it into his face that he Ron Weasley was much better than Harry or whatever jealous, backstabbing and petty opinions Ron held. Whereas Harry didn't show any jealousy and had warmly congratulated Ron on getting the honor, Ron knew – HE JUST KNEW – that inside Potter was crying his heart out because the totally awesome and more worthy Ron Weasley had gotten something that was rightfully Harry's and Harry couldn't do anything about it because Dumbledore had arranged it all.

Harry really didn't care because he knew what he was going to do to Ron Weasley just as soon as they got to Hogwarts and he couldn't wait to do it. So he watched Ron enjoy the last fruits of his treachery and betrayal – while trying not to kill him now.

Harry had always been a very good actor as he had to be to survive not only the Dursleys but his time at Hogwarts. Now he had to prepare himself for some BAFTA and Academy Award winning performances if his plans were to succeed.