Harri smiled brightly and widely, as she sat down on the train that would take her to a different world entirely, the train that would take her away from her abusive relatives and put her in a world of people like her. She ran a hand through her long, curly dark hair. She had washed it with extra care that morning, convincing Petunia that she needed to look her best for her expensive private school lest they think something untoward was happening to her.

Any cute girl should take care of her appearance, Harri believed, and she was not too falsely modest to describe herself as anything but that. In fact, given what some had said, and the fact that she'd heard one of her male teachers call her 'Miss Jailbait', she was pretty confident in her looks. Her school had a gymnastics team, and Harry had always excelled at the sport, being more flexible than any of her classmates and overall keeping excellent physical shape and form.

Thinking of her gymnastics career and the locker room she'd shared with so many other girls gave Harri a smile. She wondered if she could get some help from the teachers at school to continue her gymnastics training. She'd have to ask Professor Dumbil... dumba... what was it that Miss Hagrid had said? Oh, right. Dumbledore. She'd have to ask the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, for help about it. The woman was said to be the greatest witch since Myrddin herself, so if anyone could help, it'd be her.

She was slim and athletic, with a body that she'd heard her gymnastics coach say she'd kill for, and she wanted to stay that way.

Magic could probably achieve many amazing things, but Harri felt that she had earned her body through hard work, and wanted to keep it that way. Then again, magic could be used to help her along her training... Magic...

She was going to be learning magic!

It didn't take her long to start wiggling in place, too giddy to stay still, and then she jumped to her feet. She didn't want to wait until later, she decided to change into her school uniform right then and there.

First she pulled down her trousers, Dudley's old cast offs. She could put both legs down either of the trousers' legs and still have room for a third one. This left her in only her knickers and one of Dudley's cast off shirts, which fell roughly to mid thigh and covered her like a dress. Deciding that this will not do, she pulled it up and over her, showing off her teeny tiny bumps that passed as breasts. She didn't need a bra, per se, but she knew from her classmates at school that she should be wearing a training bra given the fact that she had breasts at all.

But her relatives would never waste money on her. It was a miracle that they'd bought her a few pairs of knickers at all, and even then, only because she'd had an early onset of puberty at ten and had actually needed to have properly fitting underwear. Until then, she'd also been wearing Dudley's cast off underwear. Disgusting, since most of those had... skidmarks, she thought they were called? Or was it pockmarked? She could never remember.

Point is, he was not known for his hygiene, but she already did the laundry and Petunia was never observant enough to notice she gave special care to her things.

Harri giggled a bit as a cold breeze came through the open window, she could almost feel it run over her nipples, hardenning them as it passed. She gave out a pleasured sigh and pulled her knickers down. She dug into her carry-along bag and fetched her Hogwarts uniform.

She had almost not believed it when she'd first seen it.

To start with, the skirt was so short, her crotch would be visible. She could feel a tingle in her crotch as she remembered walking through the magical alley, seeing so many crotches covered only by tiny thongs, so many cocks left free.

Her own little girl prick was standing proud at two inches, and she reached down to caress it a bit before pulling on the frilly and lacy knickers that came with the Hogwarts uniform. Unfortunately, they slid over her prick, though the silky feeling was, on its own, wonderful. She sighed as she began to rub her crotch over her knickers, while also grabbing her top - a simple bikini style bra, and swinging it over her neck, almost panting in disappointment when she had to use both hands to properly tie it in place.

Not long after, she put on the cloak that went over it and tied it over her breasts.

She wished she had a mirror. Unfortunately, she did not, so she couldn't see what she looked like. She pulled on the skirt, for all that it did, and sat down, beginning to caress her cock through her underwear, moaning and panting as she used her right hand to stroke her two inch prick and her left to caress the puffy lips of her pussy.

She imagined she was on her knees, back in the Alley, and that every cock she had seen was forming a line ahead of her, coming to use her mouth for their own pleasure. Cocks in all shapes and sizes, from a girl barely her elder with a penis a bit bigger than hers, to that one seven foot tall olive-skinned woman she had seen, with a floppy six inches that Harri guessed would be a full nine when she became erect, she imagined them all plundering her mouth and giving her their gooey, creamy reward for her good job. She even imagined a few gave her pats on the head and kisses on her forehead, like she imagined her mommy would after Harri finished swallowing their loads.

Groaning once more, Harri gave her cock a particularly harsh thug and she creamed her own panties, feeling her pussy gush its own love juice at the same time.

She sighed in pleasure and melted into a puddle for a few moments, before recovering and beginning to slide her underwear off her legs. Fortunately for her, it seemed that the Hogwarts underwear was somewhat impermeable, because she could see all of her cum gathered on the tiny piece of cloth, but it didn't even have a single stain on it. Thanking the designer for her luck, Harri brought her panties to her face and began licking off her cum, both from her prick and her pussy.

It was delicious, as it'd always been for her. She had long since become used to drinking her own cum, ever since her first ejaculation, which had been into her hand. After all, she could only imagine the thunderous scolding she'd receive if she left cumstains on the house. Petunia already threw a bitch fit whenever there was even the smallest reference to her... male part... in the house. At first, she'd had trouble swallowing her thick, creamy cum, but that had been months ago, and these days, she would often lay on her back and then raise her bottom into the air, masturbating while upside down, to hopefully blow her load directly into her mouth.

Once finished, Harri slid her knickers back on and groaned at the feel of the soft and silky material over her prick, still erect. She knew a single round wouldn't make her go down, but she was in a public place, she couldn't-

Her thoughts were interrupted by banging on the door. "Come in," Harri called.

At the cue, in walked a redhead. It was a girl with short hair, wearing a simple black skirt and a white blouse that had seen better days. She carried her bag with her. "Can I sit here? I was with my sisters, but, uh... I needed to get out of there fast," she admitted.

"Sure, sure," Harri said, though her enthusiasm was curbed by the fact that she had not achieved sexual satisfaction yet. She just could not understand how Petunia could go for weeks between going out to pay a male prostitute to do the job that Vernon could not.

"Thank you," she said, giving Harri a smile. "My name's Ronda, but everyone calls me Ronnie," she said, sitting down opposite Harri and putting her carry along bag on the floor next to her feet.

"My name's Harri," Harri said in return. "And uh... I guess I don't have a nickname?" she asked, more than stated. "Anyway, you said you had to get out of that room with your sisters? Aren't sibling supposed to get along?"

Ronnie snorted. "Maybe some, but mine are terrors," she said. "They know I'm scared of spiders, but they invited their friend along, and she's got a huge spider for a pet, I think she called it a Tarantula or something like that," Ronnie stated, shaking her head. "Anyway... You've already changed? We've got like, six hours to Hogwarts still."

Harri giggled. "I was just so excited! We're going to an old castle in the middle of Nowhere Scotland to learn magic, Ronnie. Actual, real magic!" she added, wiggling in her seat. "We're going to be surrounded entirely by people like us, and- and-"

"Ah, I get it. Muggleborn, right?" Ronnie asked.

"Yeah! Well, maybe. I'm an orphan, and Miss Hagrid said that my parents were witches," Harri said, shrugging. "But I was raised by my aunt and uncle and... they don't really like magic, you know?"

"No, no, I get it entirely. I have this one uncle, he's an accountant or something, he can't do magic either so he's always really angry with my mum. Not with me or my sisters, we've always sort of considered his house a home away from home, plus he gets all this muggle stuff that's really cool!" Ronnie said. "But I guess you'd be familiar with all of it already, huh? Muggles are surely interesting."

"Where I'm standing from, everything you've got is new, so you're super interesting to me, too," Harri said, giving Ronnie a very wide smile.

Ronnie flushed. "Ah, thank you," she said. "It's... you know, you're pretty much the first friend I've ever had. Uh, I hope you're not angry that I'm pre... presunt... well, that I'm not getting ahead of myself."

"No, no, I'd love to be your friend!" Harri said. "You'd be my second ever friend!"

"Who's the first?" Ronnie bluntly asked.

"Why, Miss Hagrid of course! She was really nice to me," Harri admitted.

"I feel kinda weird standing here in my casual clothes, I feel I should change to match," Ronnie admitted.

"You want me to step out for a moment?" Harri asked, tilting her head, giving Ronnie an odd impression of a bird.

"Not if you don't want to..." Ronnie muttered. "I mean, I'm not very pretty or anything, but if you want to watch..." she said, flushing.

"I'd love that," Harri said, grinning at her.

That said, Ronnie began the process of undressing. First she removed her top, revealing that unlike Harri, she was completely flat, no bumps other than her nipples. She could easily pass for a boy. Her skirt followed, revealing that her underwear was already the one that came with Hogwarts' uniform, as Harri could tell when she turned around and bent over, showing the Hogwarts logo on her right buttcheek.

As Ronnie bent over and inadvertently gave Harri a show with her ass, Harri gasped and began to caress her cock through her frilly knickers.

Unfortunately, she soon pulled herself up, with the uniform top, cloak and skirt, taken from her bag. "Help me?" she asked, turning to Harri, holding her top.

Harri smiled and helped her put it on, tying it behind her. It was a bit of an awkward fit, as she didn't have breasts yet, but soon enough, it was in place. Harri helped her straighten the cloak, too, and Ronnie then pulled on the skirt.

"How do I look?" Ronnie asked, giving a small twirl in place.

"You're cute," Harri said. "So cute I could eat you like a cake," she added, giggling when Ronnie flushed.

"Ah, uhm- you're cute yourself," she threw back, awkwardly and embarrased.

Harri, however, didn't drop her stride, as her eyes came down to Ronnie's crotch, where she could see the bump of her erect, one inch prick. "Hm... someone's interested," she said, bending down to get a closer look.

"W-Wha-?" Ronnie was confused. "Uhm... I'm sorry?" she asked.

"Don't be," Harri said. "You.. uh... want some help with that?" Harri asked, looking up at Ronnie.

She gulped. "W-What kind of help?" Ronnie asked.

"I'm going to be straight with you Ronnie," Harri began. "I really, REALLY want to suck your dick and drink your cum," she stated. "Can I? Please? Pretty please?" she asked, rubbing her cheek against the swell in Ronnie's knickers.

"I-" Ronnie collapsed onto the seat. "I don't know what-"

Harri, deciding not to lose any more time, brought her hands up around the waistband of Ronnie's knickers. She pulled a bit, and Ronnie automatically rose up and let her pull them down a bit, before sitting back down. Harri pulled then all the way to her ankles and then slid them off her legs entirely.

Looking up at Ronnie, Harri made a show of lifting them to her face and getting a deep sniff. She moaned at the aroma. "Your cunt smells fantastic, and what's this~?" she said, in a singsong voice as she opened the balled up cloth and showed Ronnie a large drop of precum. Harri's tongue snuck out of her mouth and collected the dollop of cockjuice, bringing it back to her mouth and sloshing it around inside, savouring it. "It's delicious~!" she cheered as she swallowed. "I can't wait for the real thing!"

Ronnie gulped, but felt her cock twitch. "I- I'm sorry it's so small!" she nearly wailed.

Harri looked at her one inch little girl prick and smiled. "Mine was like that just like a week ago, it'll grow, besides, it's cute!" Harri noted, before diving down and planting a kiss on its tip. She was a bit shocked when that was enough stimulation to cause Ronnie to burst, her hips buckling a bit as she exploded in a shower of white creamy cum that splattered all over Harri's face, forcing her to close her eyes as some of it came too close to them for comfort.

On her knees, Harri moaned as she felt the nearly scorching hot cum cover her face and splatter on her cloack and hair. She knew the shower subsided and then brought her hands to her face, to remove the cum from where it was close to her eyes and gathering it.

Ronnie was crying, muttering something about being sorry, but Harri wasn't paying attention as she began to lick the cum she'd gathered in her hands. The taste wasn't anywhere near as good as her own, she mused, but it was acceptable, and she soon found herself finishing off what was in her hands and grabbing more from wherever she could. Disappointingly, she didn't find much more, the majority had splattered on her face. She looked up at Ronnie, giving her a cumstained smile. "That was delicious darling," she said, "Uhm... why are you crying though?"

Sniffing, Ronnie looked down at her. "I- I came too fast!" she wailed. "I'm a quickshot! It's the worst!"

"But darling," Harri said, "Look at your cock! It didn't even flag one bit!" she said. "See? It doesn't matter that you shot so quick," she added, "since you can still go! In fact," Harri said, licking her lips, "I like that! Lets me get my treat so much quicker! And you like cumming, don't you?" Harri asked.

"I- I- yes! I love it! Do you... do you really not mind?" Ronnie asked.

"Of course not, darling," Harri muttered. "Now let me suck your cock~!"

Ronnie sniffed once more, but nodded, relaxing a bit and letting her hips stick out a bit more so that Harri had better access.

Once more, Harri came down and, instead of kissing the tip, engulfed the whole thing with her mouth. It was a very small prick, so it fit in its entirety, and she could caress all of it with her tongue while sucking at the same time. She paid special attention to the head, as her hands began to make the trip up Ronnie's legs, caressing them as she did.

Ronnie was making obscene and lewd moans and groans, her sniffing and crying long forgotten but for the stains on her face. Harri felt Ronnie tense and knew what was coming, so she sealed her lips around the small head of her prick and gave a big suck. Ronnie once more exploded into a white avalanche, but this time, Harri was ready and was not going to let even a single drop of her cum out of her mouth.

It proved a challenge, Ronnie came enough to fill her mouth and force her to swallow twice. Once Ronnie was done cumming, Harri pulled back and opened her mouth, showing Ronnie that it was full of her spunk, using her tongue to slosh it around a bit before closing her mouth and climbing up, straddling Ronnie with her legs. She brought her lips to the dazed Ronnie's and pecked her on the lips first, then used her tongue to force the redhead's lips open. From there, it was not too difficult to feed the redhead her own cum.

She swallowed it eagerly, clearly in a bit of a daze but enthusiastic nonetheless.

Harri smiled and sat down. "Did you like that baby?" Harri asked.

"Yeah, that was bloody awesome!" Ronnie said, groaning a bit as Harri began to grind her panty clad bum against the redhead's still erect prick. "Ooh, that feels good..." she muttered.

Harri giggled, before climbing off and kneeling before Ronnie once more. "Hm... we've given your prick plenty of attention, but I think your pussy needs some service too~" Harri said, before placing her hands on Ronnie's knees. The redhead allowed them to part and spread her legs, Harri pushing her until she was spread at a full one eighty, to admire the redhead's bare pussy.

She hadn't even begun to grow hair. How wonderful, Harri mused, that she got to see a virginal, prepubescent pussy like this. Then again, Harri mused, it was wonderful to get to see any pussy not her own. She let her hands slide down Ronnie's smooth, thin legs until they rested on the part of her thighs that was just a finger's breadth away from her buttocks, and applied a bit of strengt to lift her legs until Ronnie had her knees on her shoulders, her face framed by her legs.

"Thank you for the meal, Ï'm gonna eat you up now~!" Harri said, as she once more dove down, this time assaulting Ronnie's pussy.

Harri attacked with fearless abandon, first giving Ronnie a big lick from just above her butthole to the base of her prick, scooping up pussy juice as she went, before she opened her mouth fully and planted an open kiss on Ronnie's cunt, her tongue going as deep as it could and running all over Ronnie's pussy searching for more sweet honey.

Ronnie exploded into moans when Harri's pussyhound tongue found a particular bundle of nerves on the upper parts of her cunt, and Harri giggled, causing her tongue to vibrate inside Ronnie. It didn't take long for the redhead's cock to explode in a celebratory shower of white as she came, but that didn't get Harri to stop servicing her newest friend. If anything, she redoubled her efforts, releasing Ronnie's legs and instead lifting her butt, so she was with her shoulders and head on the cushions, while Harri looked down on her from above.

Ronnie seemed to wake up a bit, and looked a little nervous about the position, but she shouted in pleasure as Harri decided to erase any sort of conscious thought by sealing her lips around Ronnie's clit and sucking it very hard. One of Harri's hands managed to sneak around Ronnie's leg and grab firmly onto her cock, though Harri had to use only her thumb and pointer to encircle it, and began wanking her, while the other caressed her butt first and then dipped one finger into Ronnie's honeypot.

Like this, it didn't take long for the redhead to cum.

Indeed, it didn't take her long at all to cum again, and again, and again, until she was covered in white and her body simply could not produce any more semen, and her cock, though erect, was red and clearly begging for the attention to stop.

Ronnie groaned and Harri laid her down on the couch, before swooping down and laying kisses all over her body, licking up semen as she went, until she reached Ronnie's face and began outright lapping it up like a dog.

Ronnie was, however, unconscious. "Thank you for the treat, darling~" Harri said, once she'd cleaned off Ronnie's face. She planted a peck on her forehead and a final, more involved kiss on her mouth, almost surprised when Ronnie's tongue instinctively responded, licking at the invader into its domain.

Harr pulled back and giggled, standing up and ignoring the cum-covered surfaces of the compartment. "Well, that was fun, don't you think so darlings~?" she asked, turning to the compartment's open door and giving a smile and a cock of her hips to the three girls that stood there. All three of them already had the uniform on. Two of them caught Harri's attention first, tall and broad shouldered as they were. She looked down on each and saw that they both sported sizable erections, larget han hers, and she already smiled. They were not what you would call pretty and cute, instead, they were closer to handsome, with strong jawlines and a build closer to that of a man's than a woman. Not exactly an amazionian, well muscled beauty, but they had a charm all of their own, in Harri's eyes.

Meanwhile, the girl between them was rather short one, very petite indeed as she was shorter than the already short Harri. She was platinum blonde, and Harri did think that her hair eclipsed any precious material in how beautiful it was, almost white, long and looking so smooth that she wondered if semen would slide right off. Her eyes were gray, her face was red with a flush, and she was panting through open, luscious lips. She had no breasts to speak off, and her buttcheeks, from what Harri could see, were barely swells. She looked like she was the youngest there by a long shot, and her penis was comparable to Ronnie's.

Harri licked her lips. "Do you want to play too~?"